Resolution-PC 91-48t~ ?•I ~h~'i n - alo~1~ RESqLUTION IdO. PC9i-4b ADQPTING AIQD R~COMML~NDING TO THE CITX COU~IGTL ADOPTiON QF GENERAL PLAT~1 AMENDMENT NO. 319 PERTAIr7ING TO THE I,AND USE ELRME;NT WHERE;AS, the Ctt}~ Council ot' the City of Anah~i.m did ad~pt thc~ Anahoim G~nera7. Plan by Reaolution No. 69R--:;44, ahowiny the general d9sazip~ion aitd extent af poasible futuro development wii:t~in the rtL-y; and WHEREAS, Planning CommiRaion ~irec~ed etaff. ta initiat~e an amendm~nt to the Land Use Elemen•t of the General Flan ta redQSignate ~he eae~erly ~.1.6-ac~•~ port~.on of subject prcparty from the General Induetrial doaignaL-ion ~to i;he Ger.eral Co-tunercz3.1 deeignaL•ion on an irrac~ularly-shaped pareel of ].and con~i~ting of approximately 14.74 acrea located north and east of tho northeaet corner of Cerritoe Avenue an~ Anahe_m Boulevarci, having approximate fr~ntr~gee of 725 feet on the north eide of Cerri.toe Avenue and 49~ feet on the east eide o~ Anahaim Boule~ard and ~urt:tiei- deacri.bed as 1~40 Sauth Anahpim B~ulc~vard; WHEREAS, the Analieim City Planning Camm;asion did hold a}?ubl.ic hearing at the Anaheim Civic Center, Council Chamber, 200 South Anaheim Eioulevard, on April 27., ;991, at 1:30 p.m., notir.e of eaid public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordanre with the proviaions of the Anah~im Muni.cipal Co~e, t~ hear an~i consider ~evidence i~~r an3 ag~sinst oaid General Plan Amendment and ~o inveatigate a~id make .findings and recommendatione in connection therewith; and +JHEI;EAS, said Conunias~.on, af~er du~ c~nsiderati_an, inapection, investigation and r~tudy made by itse.l~, and after due c~neideratian of a.~.l evidence and ~~eporta ofEe~:~~d at: Aaid hearing, DOE~ H~REBY FTMll: 1. '.Chat the F~vide.nce presa_nted ~ubdtantiates the nr~ed for an amendma;it to the Anahrsim i;enei-al Plan and ttiat, therefore, Exhibi•t A ehould be adopted r.edQSignating ~tubjec~t area for Gener.al Commerci.a], land uiies. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTP,L ~UALITY ACT FTNPING: That the AnahQim City Planni.ng Commi.seion hao ravieWea the propo~sal to ~mend Che Land Uso Element of the GeneraZ Plan to chanye the current land uee designatiorls from the General Induatr.ial deoi.gnation to the Genaral Commercial dc~sfgnatian on the eaeter].y 11.6-acre portion of an irr.equ.larly-~haped parcel of land consisting of approximatel.y 14.74 acres locatE~d north and eaet af ~he r~rtheast carner of Cerritoe F~;renue and Anaheim Baulevard, having ap~roximato frc~c~tagea of 725 feet on the north side of Cerriton Avenue and 490 feet on the east eide of Anaheim Boule~rard and furL•her described ao '1~b40 Soutti Anaheim Boulevard; and doee hereby approve a mitigated Negative Declaration and adopt the Mitigation Monitor.ing Program p~~r.s~ant t~ Section 21081.6 af the Public ResourcQe Cod~ an th~ basis that the PZanning Conuniesion hae considered the pr.opnsal with the mitigated Negativs Declaration anr~ accomoanying Monitoring Program, together with any commants received during the public review procc~c~e and f~rthEr finding, on the baeis of th~ Initial Study, ti~at there ic~ no sube~antial evieience that tl~e project wlll have aignificant effecL- on i:he environment. CR1156MP _1_ PC91-48 l~~N~~t ~ 'i r ~ ~~ V ~~ } eC~~r:. . . . ~ . . . . .'! ~ . . ~. ~. ' . ~. ~ ~ , . . ~~ . . , . ~ - .ws}..~71Id~~~;Y r ~!:;t'i~ ~' ~ ~ ~ NOW, TElEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED, that pur.suar-t to the ab~+ve f~.ndinge, the Anaheim City Planning Conunise ~n d~e~ hor~by udopt and recommend to ~he City Gouncil oE the City oF Anaheim adaption ~f Gener_~1 Plan Amendmant No. 319 pertai.ning i:o the Land i)~a El.ement, Exh.'~bit A, to red~eignate the otudy aroa from the Goneral Industr~ial tn the Gener.al Commercial land uae de~signation. THE FOREC;OING R~SALUTTON wae adopted at the ~lanni.ng Conunlseion meetiny of April ?.2, '1991. /'J, i ~ ~~ ; i ' ,~~..~~-`~~:.~i-Z~ .~ _ _ ,_,_ CHAIR OMAN, }iN1iH~IM CI Y PLADiNING COMMISSTON ATTES'.P: - /' - ~ J U • ~ ~f~• M. SECFtE1' Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLF~NNING COMAfISS:IUN STA'fE OF CALTFdI2NIA ) COTJNTY OF ORANGE ) se. CTTY OF ANAHE:Ct3 ) Z, Cdith L. Harr.ie, SQCretary of the ~,nalieim City Plannirig Commigsion~ do hereby certify ~hat th~ faregoing rec~oluti.on was passed and adopted at a meet.ing of the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commiseion held on April 22, 1991, by the followi.nR vote of the memb~+re thor~oP: AYE5: COMMISSIQNF.Ru: AOYD$TUN, $OUAS, FELDHAUS, HELLYER., HENNLN~F~F., MESSE, PERIAZA NOF.S: COXSM?SSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMM1SSIONERS: NONE ZN WTTNLSS W,HEREOF, I have h~reunt:o eet my hand thi.a ,:~7 ~~ day of. ~~'~ , 1991. , ~, ` _..__. ~~,GE'~, ~ ~ ~.~ S~Cft~'fARY. , AIdAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION -2- ~c91~4a