Resolution-PC 91-51,,*~o RESOLUTION NOs PG91_„5J, ~ A RE30LUTIdN QP' Z'HE AN.T~IiEIM CITY FLAN;IING COMidI5SIGN THAT FE'rITION FOF2 CONDIT7:ONAi U5E P~R2~SI7' NO. 3401 BE GRANTED WHEREA5, the Anaheim City Planning Cominieaion d.id r~ceive Gi veri£ied Petition tor CondiY.ional Ude ~ermit f~r curtain r~al proper.ty situatQd in the Ci.ty of Anahaim, County of Uranqe, State ot Califoznxa, C88CL~ibed ae: PAFtCEL 1: UNT2'S ]. THRU 7, 9 THFtU 12, Z5 THRU 2Q AND 22 TFiRU 29 INCLUSIVE, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CRLIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A CbNDOMINIUM PI,AN RECORD~D MARCii ?C, J.982, AS INSTRUMENT NO. F~2-109581, OFFIC:CFIL RECORDS OF ORANGF~ CQUNTY, CAL'IFORNIA. PARCEL 2~ E~AIZCEL 3 ANU PA22C~T,S 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL M}1P NO. 82-251, TN Z`HE CI'PY OF ANAHEIlZ, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATF O~ ~ALi~'ORNIA, AS uHOWN bN A MAP FILEU YN BOUK 17~' PAGES 24 THRU 26 INCLUSTV~, bF P?1RCEL MAPu, IN THE OFFICE OF THE (:OIJNTY RECQR~ER OF SAID COUAITY. FXC5PT7NG FI20Di FARCEL 2, UNIT5 1'!'O 29 TNCLUSIVE, AS SHOWN ON A CONQQMINIUM PLAN RECORDED MARCH 20, 1992, AS INSTRtTMENT NO. 82-109581, OFrII.'TAL RECORDS Or SATU COCiNTY . WHEREAS, the Ci.ty Planning Commi.ssion did hold a public hear.fng at th~ ~ivic Center in the City of Anaheim ori April 72, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public h~aring having beer- duly gi~~en as requi~ed by law and i.n ac.cordance with th~ pr~visions of the Anahei.m MunicipaZ Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear a~td consider ~evidence f~r and againFt said propa~ed canditi.onal use permit and to iciveetiga~e and make findinga and rec~imm~r.dationo iit connection the~cwith; and WHEREAS, ~aid Commiosior.~ after c:u~~ i.nep~ction, inv~atigation and atudy made by itself and in itn behalf, ~,ir~~~ ~fter due oonsideration o~ a].1 evidence and repo•rt•s offered ~t gaid hearing, doss fin~ and detexmine the toLl.owing facta: 1. That the propoeed uAe ie properly one for which a ronditfonal use permit ia suthorized by Anaheim Municipal Cade Section to pArmit a church with accee~ory echuol use in an exiating induatrial bui.lding. 2. That the ~ropo~ed use ia hereby granted for m pc~riod of three (3) ysars ro ~xpire on April 22, 1994, unlser~ time extPrsions are requesteti and granted for a maximum ef two additional 3-year period~. 3. ':hat the pYOposed uoe wil..l nat adversely af~ect th~ a3joining land use~s and the yrowth ar,d de~~elopment of the area in which ic is propoesd t!; be located. CR1 ].59MP -1- PC41-51 ~: ~ !' ~C M '~ ~t!" ~ ~..~. ~f+SY'~ 4. That the aize and shapc~ of the si+:e prQpoeed £ox the use is adequa~+;e to a11ow the fu~.l. development o£ ~h~ propoeed uee in a mannez not detrimental to tho particular r~rea noz• to Lh~ peace, hoal~h, eafety and c~oneral welfare of the Citizerie o:E i~he City of Anaheim. 5. That tlie gr.anting o~ the Conditional Uae Permit uiider tho conditioiye impused will not be dptrimnntal to th~ peace, hea.lth, r~afety and general welfarR of the Citi.zene ~f the City of Anaheim. G. Tha•t the traffic ganer.at2d by the propoeed use wilY not impose an undue burden upon the stz~eete and highwayd designed ~na improved to carry •Che ~raf'fic in the area. 7. Th.:~t no one indicat~d the.~r pr~aet~ce at said public hearing in oppueition; and tha~ no correopondence was received in opp~ai~ion to the subjeck. pet.ition. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONI~k;NTAL QUAI.ITY ACT FTNDING: Th~t the Anaheim City Pldnning Commioaiori haa ze•~iewed the ~roposal to permic a church w.i.th acceseory school usQ in an exieting induRtrial buildiag on an irregularly-shaped par.cel of land conc:istiny of approximately 9.5 3CL'E?8~ having appz•cximate frantages af 388 f.Et.t or. the ~out.hwoat eide cF Tustin Avenue and 280 feet on ihe north side of Grove Stre~:t, having a maximum dopth of ~ approximately ~03A f.eet, b~ing located appr~ximately 1£i0 feet eouth of the centerl.ine o.E t~iraloma Aveaue a.nd futtyer ~legcribed ae l.231 N~rth Tuat;.n Hvenue; and does hereby approve i:he Negative neclaz~ation upan f.inding that it t,ae caneidered th~ Negativ~ Declaration togFhher with any comments receiv$d during tne public review proceas and further find:inq or, thF baais that the initial stuc~y and any com;nents ~-eceived tha~c there is no ~ubstantial evidence ~hat the projeci: will have a significant effect an th~ envizonment. NOW, Z'H~R~FORE, BE I~' R~SOLVED that the Anah~ir~ Citp Pl~nning Commi.~aion door~ hQreby grant eubject Petition £or ConditioiZal UBe Fermit, upon the following conditione whi<;h ar.e her.aby found to be a neceesary prerequiaite to the proposed use of the aubjQCt prorertx i.n crder L•o pret~er.ve the safety and general welfar~ of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That subject prop~rty ahall be devel~ped eubatantially in accordaricr: wi~ki ~lan~ and apecificationa submi.tted to tl~e City o.i Ana}ieim b:r the p~titioner and which p7.ane are on file with the Planning D~partment marked Exhilait Noe. '1 and ~. 2. That prior L•o final buildir~c~ and r.oninc~ inepectione, or prior t~ commencement uf the activity authori_zQd by this zeaolution, or within n p~riad of one (1) year frocn the date of this resolution, whi.chsver oocurs firs~, Condi*_ion No. 1, abovo-mentioned, ~hall b$ ccmplied with. Exterisions for further time to r.onzpletp ~aid cond.itiona may be granted in accordance with Section 18.03.09U of the Anaheim MuniciPal Code. 3. That this conditional use permit i~s granted for a period of. thr~a (,~~ yeara and QF~all tarmic~ato on April 22, 1994, unlese time exten~ione are requeBtecl and granted pursuant tc~ Code se~tian -2- PC91-51 ~ i r~~ "~ ,~~`~ I''I 4. Tha~ approval of thi.e application conetituL•es approval o~ L•ho pr~~r~sed requesi: o;~].y to the extAnt that it c~mpllea with the Anah~icn Munic3.pal 'Loning c;ode and uny otlisr applicak~le Ctty, Stata and Federal regulati.ons. Appr.oval doeg not include any action or findings ~B ~~ oompJ.ianco or approva'1 af the requsot regardine~ any other appli.cable ordinance, zequla•ti4n or •requiz•em~nt. BE TT E'URTIiER ~tESOLVED that the An~hpim City planning Commisaion does hereby Eind and determine that adoption aE thie Reeolution is expre~sl.y predicated upon apFlicant~e cUmpliance wit•h each and a11 of the conditions , hereix~ahove eeh: forth. Should any such conditian, or any part t!~ereoP, be , declared inval.id or t:r.ien:EorcQable by ~ha final judgment of any caurt of competQnt jurisdiction, then this Ro~solution, and any approvaJ.e herein contatned, sha11 be deerned nu].1 and void. THG FOREGqIIYG RESOLUTInN waa a~opted at the Plannis~g Commiasion me~~ing of April 22, 1991. ~ ~i ~(%~; ,~~~ GP -~-- ~~ CHAIF2W MAN, ANAH.EIM CTT PL:aNPJ?NG CQMMISSTON A7'TES'T. '~ ~~ ~ ~ '" ; i l ~-~ ~ . - ' ' ~ -.f~_ i t- CC, ~~ ~_,. SF~7RETA~'tY, AATAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSIUN STATE OF CALIFORNTA ) COU,NTY OF ORlNGE ) pe, CTT't UF ANAHFIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, SecrEtary of th~ Anaheim City Planning Comniiseion, do hez•eby certify tha~. the f~reg~ing reso).ut~.on was passed and adopted at a mQeting of the Anaheim City Planning Conunisaion held on April 22, 199i,, by the fal.lpwing vote o~ the membAra therPOf: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: HOUAS, BQYDSTL'N, IiELLY~R, HENNIhGER, MESSE;, PERAZA NOES: C(1MMIS5IONERS: NONE ABSEN'.P: COMMZSSIONERS: FELDHAUu ~j y~ IN WTTNESS WHEREQF', T hav~ hereunto set my hand this »''T~-~~'~ of _-.=C~...~~ ~, 1991. ,. , ~. aay l~ ~-~r;. ~ ~ ~~; - ~ ~ ~--____ r---'~,.. ~ ~._~`l_~ _ _,t, _ :'ECRET {tY, AhAHEIM CITY PLANNIIYf; C0.4MI~S ION -3 PC~1~51