Resolution-PC 91-56~ FESOLUTT~N NO. PCS'.-56 ~ A.RLSOLUTJQN OI' THE ANAHEIIK CrTY PLANNING COEIMISSION THAT 'PETIT:CON rOR CONDITIONAL i7SE PEFtMIT NO. 3353 BL~ GRANTL~D, IN PART WHEREAS, th~ Anatieim City Planning Commiaeior~ did receive a verified Petition far Conc~ii:ional Usa Permit far certain real pro~»Qrty eituated in the City oF AnahQim, CourAty Uf Urange, State c~f California, described t~s: PARCEL A: PARCELS 2 AND 3 OF YARCEI, MAP NO. 86-234, T1~T THF. CITY OF ANAFiEIM, COUtVTY OF ORANGE, BTATE OF GALIFORNSA~ AS SHOWN ON A MAP FII,~p IN BWK 216 PA~ES 1 RND 2 OF P1~RCr.L MT~E~S, IN Z'HE OP'Fl::E UF THE GUUNTY RECORDI:R OF SAID CnU~1TY. PA22CEL B: PARCE~, 6 O.E F~ARC:EL MAP NO. $3-255, IN THE CTTY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIF'ORNIA, AS SHOWN 013 A MF~P F ILEll IN B~OK 187 PAGES 20 TO 'L4 TAiCLUSIVE OF PARCEL rSRP~, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORllER Ob' SAID COUTITY . WHEREAS, the City Planni.ng Commiseioa dxd nold a public hearing a~ the Civir Center in the City of Anaheim on November 5, 1990 at 1:30 ~,m., notice of. said, public heari.ng haviny been duly y.tvpn as r~qu.Lred by law and in accordance witti the pr~ovieione of t}ie Anaheiin Municipal Code, Chaptc~.r 18.03, ~o hear and conaic9er evir,~oncg for and againet eaid prapoeed cnnditianal us~ permit and ta invea•tigate an~: make finrlingn and re~conmendati.one in connaction therewith; anci that aubject petition wae readvertised for a public hearing at the May 6, t991, Plai~ning rommisoion me~ting; ar.d 4~~~EREAS, eaid Comnii~sion, aftc~r ~iue i.napec4ioii, iavestigation and study mad~ b~r its~lf and i:i its bet-a.lf, and a~ter due aoneideration of all evidenc~ and reports of.fered at said heariny, does find and determine thQ follawi.ng facta: 1. That the proposed uge .i~ progerly ono for wh.tch a conditional uoe permit ia auttioriced by Anaheim Aiunicipal Code Sectiona, 18.~}4.050.010, 1f3.44.0.50.G30, 18.44.05~.1?.0, 18,44.050.260,, 1f3.44.A50.2d0, 18.4~.OS0.300 and].0 to permit f: German social club (Phoenix Club) including a reetauran~ with on-premi~~ aal~ and coneumpti.oi~ of alcoholic bevorages, a dance an3 aeeembly hall, a picnic area, an air r.ifle and archery eho~ting area, a;naiiager's Ziving quar*ezs (including mueic3.an living qsartere), a priyate school, amuaemant ri_des, a beer aarden area, a eocce.r fiel.c.9, a gift ehop ar.ea, a 50 foot hiqh maypole and 5 etoraqo c~ntainers, with waiver of the fol.lawing on the northerly 8.~.5 acreA (Particn B) o£ subjc~ct: ~roperty: (A) SECTTONS 18.06.050Y0251 ° Mini~num nuinber of narkinc7 ~naceB. 18.06.08~) and s ~ ,' w CR1165MP -1-- PC91-56 ,,:w,~, ~ (B) SLCTZONS 18.04.04,3.102 ~ M~ximum f~nc,e hPii~cti•L• and t8^,h4. 068 ( 6 feet permi.tted alot~g i.nterior pzoperty 1i.nes; 12 _teet propok~ed) 2. That ~`.ha requec~ted wa.iv~r (A) in tiert~l~y deniad ota the basia that it was deleted based on the ~indings indic:ated in the p~xr.king etud~• eubmittod and £ollowing public notificata.on and prior to the public heariny. 3. That the reguested waiver (A) iy horeby qr.tnted on thu basis that therp are special cir.cumstances applicablz to tho prope~ro~harcidentic~llg$zoned topographY~ location and surr~und~.ngs which do not apply property ix~ tho oame vicinity; and that etr.ict application of the Zonin9 Code deprivee the ~roperty of privileyee en~joyed by ottier pro~:erties in the ya~ntical zone and claasi.fication ir. the vir.inity. 4. That th~: pr.opoaed use will not adveraely affec.t the adjoi.ning land usea and the growth and develo~ment of the area iz which it ia propoeed ~o ba J.UC3tEC1. ~ That the eize and ahapc~ af the site proposed for the uae ie adequate ta a11ow the full. development of the propceed uB~~f~~ aandngener~l detrimental to the g~articular area nor to the pPace, heal~h, Y welfare of the Citizene of th~ City of 'r+.naheia~. 6, That the granting of the Ccnditional Uee Permit ur~dor thQ conditions impoeed wi11 not b~ detrimental to th~ peace, heali:ho safety and general welfar.e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 'T. That t.he traf•fic generata~ by the propused u~e wiLl not impoee an l~ndue burden upon the streeto and highways deaigned and improve.d to carry ~hQ t.ra.f f ic in thc~ area. 3. That no on~ indicated their preaence at sai~; public heari.ng in ~ppatait'on; and that~ nu correspondpnce was received in oppaFiti.an to tt~e aubject pet itiott. CALII'ORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL CLUALI~'7 ACT FINDING: That the Analieim City Planning Commiesion has reviewed the proposal to reclagai:~y subject Prop~rty from the ML (Induotrial, Limited; Zone to the CL (CCmmercial, Limited) ar a lea~ intenas z~ne to pQrmit a German social club (phoenix Club~ inc].uding a regtaurant with on-premiee sale and c:on~ump~fon ~f alcoholic bever.agee, a~ar-cQ and ac~semblya~~Q~e a picnic area, an air rifle and arcYiery stioo~iV3*Qrech ol~aamuBement~ri~3ee,~a beer (including mu~tician living quartera), 1 P ole and S atorage gardan area, a eoccer field, a gift shop area, a 50 fooi: high mayp containnrc~ on the north~aeterly 8.15 acres of auUject 14.54 acrea with waivers of minimum nuniber of gar.king epaces and ma:cimum fence height on an irregularly-shaped parcel. af land coneietin~ of approximately 14.54, acres haviny a frontage of approximately 360 feet on t:he ~out~z side of Sanderaon Avenue, havfng a maximum depth of ap~roximaL-ely 75Q feet, and beir.g l~cat•ed approximately 400 fee} south and We~t of the centerline of Auto Centor Dri.ve; and dces l:ereby approve x mitigated NegativF neclaration and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Program purauant to Section 2108'.6 of the Publ.ic kesouz~cAa Cndo on the baais that the P.lanning Commieeian ha» con~idered the pro~~oaal with the mitigatc+d Negatlve Declaration together with any comment~ reccived during 'che p~ablic review proces~ and fur.ther Finding, un tl•~e bsata oF th~ Ini.l:ia1 Study, that there ia no substantial ev.~donce that the praject will have significant effeci: on the environment. -2- PC 91-56 :,,,,~ . ..,.~ +, , ',; h NOW, TI3FI2EFORE, BI: IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plann~.ng Commi:~: doee hereby grant aubject Peti.tion for Conditi,onal Use pormi.t, in ~'~~'~~ ~ ii the following condi':fans a~ad mitig~tion maasures identified ao Conditi s Nos, 5 6 prerec ~ite to the prop~sed/ur~ehofhthersubjectbproperty ~.n~orcier torpr.es~.rv~ t:hE ` -~ty and gen~ral welfare of the Citiz~iis of the C,i.ty oE Anaheim: 1• * That prior to .isauance of a buildiny permit, the a e+iynal asaeaament fee aha11 be paid to the City of Anaheimrintantamount as eetablishpd by City CUUncil resolution. 2• * That plana ~ha11 be submitted L-o thF Ci~y Trazfic and '1"ranepoztHtion Manager foz hie review .-~nd approva.l shc~ring c~n£ormance wi~h ttip latest revision of Engineering Sl:andarcl Plan No~-, q3E~ f,Q2 and 605 partaining to park~ng atandard~s. Subject Prdperty ehall thereupon be deveJ.oped and maintained i.n cen£armance with ~aid ~~iane. 3• 'I'hat a11 dzivewaye can Sanderson Avenus sha11 r,e conAtructed wi.th fifteQn (15 ) foot radius curb retu1 n~ -+Q reqLi~ ::,; by t}i~, Cit ~ eonformanee witii Engineeri.nq S~.andarcia. Y n4xneer in 4~ 'That pr.i~r to isnuance of a hu~.ldxng permit, the Phc;~izix Club ohall record a reciprocnl parking agr.~ement with t}~e Orange Counr~•,~ecorder, agre~ing to provicie ~ minimum af one hundred (1nq~ ad~.~tional parking dpaces ~n an adjacerii: property af•ter 6 p,m, weekdayg and all day on weEkand~a. A copy af the agre:nent ~hall. be submittQ~ to and ap~roved by the City Attorney grior to recordatinr.. A copy o~ ;:he xecorded document shall b~ submitted to the Z~ning Divieion. 5• That t1~~ project sha11 incorporate Best Management Px•actices ~a~ps~ to min.imize urban polZvt~nts i.n water runoff. Thos~ meas;rxes include but az'e not limitea ~o: e.resion conti-oZ measures during r_onstruction; infiltration trench designv for median strzpg and 9rltin Zot per.imoters; Fili:ar. stXips .in 1,~ndsca ,zn ~' 9 i~.iets to storm drxins; sFr.inklez main~enanc~1 roU~needrainecZeaningY parkinq 1ot sweepin_q anri treish control. Works-Engineering shaJ1 specify ~ZZ required rneasnrnap~r.ioxntopg~pr~~A1 of the grau~ing p1~1~, ~, That upon w~r.itten i•eqaest by tl~e SouthErn Ca.I~fornia .~'d.;:son Co. (SCE) to energize ~1~Q 66kv line on-si~o, thE~ City retaine l:ho s•ight tu revi~+co the cqnd.itionr~Z uae permit for recrFationc~l use~ propnse3 on-site in the immedia.te v,icinity of the SCE easemont. Tl~e Directar of l~Zanrixng sha11 ~pecifl any additional ni.ti~at.ion mea~ures which are required with,in thirty (3Q) days there~~ter, based on recomm~~ndetions by thP Cit.y Pub1~;c Utilities Aepartmont. ~• That a pz•ofe~sional cZCOflBtirdj e.~~ of the aound systern for tho mus.tc pavillion8and~that~theed ~urZr~~ ~es.ign b~ c:~nstr~~ted to conform wii:h C.ity of Anah~im CouncilpPo.licypNnsh542 Qnd with Noise Insulation Standards ypecifi~d in Californi3 AdministraLive Code, Tit1e 25, 8• That rxo outdoor storage areae shail be pc~rmitt.ed. q• That subjpct property ahall be eerved by undergzouild utilities. -3- PC91-56 ~~`,~~ ~ 10. * That traeh atorage ar~as nhall be provided and m~intained in a location acceptable ta ~he ~traet Maintenance and Sanitation Divi~sipn and in acaardance with approved plans on file with anid divieion. Such infor.mation ahall be specifically shown on the ~.~lar~s submitted for building ~drm':.o. 11. * That prior ~p iseuance of b~ai?ding permit$, the appropriat~ ~` du~ for prima.ry water mains and fire protQCtion ~erviae sha7.1 b~: paid to the Water ~ngineering Divtaion in accordance with Rulee 15A stnd 20 c~f the Wat~r. U1:ili.ty Hates, 12ulec~ and Regu.lations. 12. * That subject facility ahall be in ~onformanr,a with Anaheim Municipal Code Section 6.32,01]0 requiring City Cocxncil appr~val of wea~ions usage. 13. That subject property shall be dtvel.cped subatantially :~n a.:cordai'~ce with plane ar.~ specification,~ submitt~d to the Cit~ of 1~r~r,heim hy the petitinner and wliich plans are on f.ile with the Planni:ig Dopar~ment r~arked Revieioil No. 1 of ~xhibit Noa. 1 thr.ough 19. 14. That the devel~per ahall be reeponeible fo.r any direct coet6 aesociated with the manitorf.ng and~'or reporting r.equired ae set forth by Sect;on 21081.6 of the public Re~.~o~arc~ct Code to enaure imPlcmpntation of tho~e mit:.gation mea~urea identiiied in the Mitigatpd Negat:ive Declaratinn i:hat have be~n .incorporated a,~ cond.~.tiona of approval for ~ub;}ect property. 15. xhat prior to iaeuanr,e of a l~uilc~ing permit or wi~~hin a pcriod of one (1) year from the date oP thxg rpsolution, whic:h~ve:~ occurs first, Conditioix Nos• 1, 2, 4, 10 and 11~ abcave-cnez~tianed, shall be comp].ied wit:h. ~xtenyione tor further t:.me to complete said canditicns may be g.ranteu in accor.~tance wi.th Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Manicipal G•ode. t6. That t~rior to fa.nal bu.tlding and zor.in~3 inspe~~~i~ne, Condition Nos. 3, and ].3, abov~-mentione@, ~hall be cumplied with. 17. * Th:~t appro~al of thi~, applicatian consti.tutee approval oi the praposed r.equer~t only to the ~xtent that i.t compliea with i:ne Anaheim t4unicipal. Zoning Code and any otllor applicahla ~.ity, S~:ate and Fad~ral regulations. ~lpproval d~as not includs any acti:on ~r fi.ndiiigs aa to compli.~ince ~z approval ~f +:tie request reqa.rding any othQr a~~plicable ardinanc~, regulation or requirement. ~onditians marked with an asterisY. (~') ara required b~ establioYied laws, codes, regulationa and agreement~ ano are, therefore, not subject t~~ negotiation. BI; IT FURTHER Rr:SOLVEU t11at t~~Q Anaheim City Planning Commis~eion does hereby fitid and det~rmine thar adopt~on of thia Resolut~.on is expres~sly p~edic~.tod upori applicant's complianc~ wi.ch rach and all oi the conditions hereinabove aet for.th. Should any euct~ condi.ti.on, or any part thereof, be doclared invalid or i.~•~enforceable by the final judgment of aray c~urt of competen~ juriad.Lctinn, ~hen this Reeoluti.on, ond any agnro~t+,.le !;:er~in contained, ohall be deemed ~ull and void. -4- PCy"1-56 „ , ~~~ , ~ k<-~ ~~,y~ THE FORFGOING RESOLUTION was a~opted at the Planning Commi~reion meeting of May F, ~,99~, ~ ~ f '?~/ ~ /', ~ CHAIRW M71N, ANAH ,IM CI PLANNING COMMISSION' ATTE S'P : 1 ~ ~~ ,. C CC~c~t.,- ~ '+ SLCRETARY, ANAHEIM CI'~Y PLANNTNG C~MM:LSS.T.ON ,d STATE OF G'1~LtFORNIiA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE y s~, CITY OF ANAFIEIM ) T, ~clith L. Har.ri.s, Sec.retary af tha Ar.aheim City Planning Con~miesion, do hereb~r certify that the foregoir~g resolucion wae paened and adopted at a meeting oE the Anaheim City Planning Commiesion held en May 6, :i991, Y,y the following votp of the meml~er~ th~reo~; AYES: COMMTSSIONERS: $piJAS, BOYDSTUPI, F~LDHAUS, HELLYER, HENNINGEk, MESSE, PERAZA ~` NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE e~fiSENT: COMMISSION~FtS: NONE l~y~ IN WITNESS ~~7HEREOF, I have hEreunto set my h:~nd L-hie ~~v_ day o f _--1..' `._.~~___ ~ 19 91. 1 . ~' ~ .. ~UL~..~-'Gc.~ ~/ /~~tit,~.- SECRF~TARY, ANAI3EIM CITY FLANNSNG COMMISSIQN '',''" 1;'t':,~ ' -5- PC91-56 , .~ ~ ~