Resolution-PC 91-57~`-. '~a RESOLUTTON N~ _, PC91--57 A RESUL~fJ'l'ION GF TH~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANN2NG COMMI~STON THAT YET:LTTON FOR C~NUITIbNAL USE PEFtMIT IQI~. 3402 BL GRANTED, :LN PART WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commia~ion did receive a verified Petition for Canditional Use Permit ~or ceri:ain real pruparty situated. in ~he City of Anaheim, County af Arange, 3tate of CaliPocnia, descriAed ae: Tli~3'r PpRTION OF LOTS W ANll Y f~F THE VA1V GRR.AF TRACT, IIv TH~ CIT1 UF l~NAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOF RECOFiDED IN BJOK 4, pAGE q4~, MISCE7~LANEOUS R~COFt~S OF LQS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, D~SCAIBED AS FOL'LOWS: CUMMEt1CIN~ AT A POII~T 17.77. CFiF1INS WEST C~F THF SOUTfi~AST CORNER OE' I.,ANll CONVEYEA TO AF2'pFiU32 H. .S'MALI, BY DEEL UATED OC7'OBE~t 31, 1911 AND RECORDED NOVEDIAER 8, 1917. IN 8CX7K 190, PAGE ~•~2 ~~' DEEDS; TH~.NCE NORTH P.T.UNG TI-TE EA~T LINE OF SAID LANU SO CONVEYEA TO SMALL, 17.114 CHAINS TO THE CE2VTER OF 'rHE SOUTH~R21 PACI~ TC RAILROAD; T:iENCE EASTEitI,Y ALt7NG THL CENTER OF SA.TD RAILROAD 30.67 CHAiNS TO J. PUINT 17.71 CHAINS WEST OF TH.F EAST LIN~ OF SAID LOT 4J; THENCW 50:1TH ;.7,9'1 CHAINS TO THE POIt~T OF FiEGINNING. EXCEPT~KG THEREI'ROM THE FOLLOWING: THAZ` PORTION OI' SAID LOT G~1 UF TFiE VP.N D~ GRAAF TRACT DESCRIHED AS FOLLOL~S: BEGINNII~TG AT A PO?IV'.C IN THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT W, UISTANT TEI~;R~dN 17.71 ~.HAINS F~20M TIiF SOUTf3EAST CURNER OF SAID Lp~ :, SAIU F~UIN'T OE' 23EGINNING HEING THE SOUTFiEAST COR,'dER OF THL LAND CONVE'YER TO C. C, BENNE?'T AND WIFE, Bt DE~n R~CORDED APFtIL 250 1939 IN EOOK 989, PAGE 484, OFF.~ICIAL R~CORDS; RUNNING THENG~ FRUM SAID POIfiT C~F BE.GTNNING WESTEFtI,I' ALUNG SAID SOUTH LINE TO T'I'S It1TERSFCTION WITH TEIE EASTERLY LINE OF TEiF#T CERTAIN 550 FEET IN F7ID'TH RIGH'T OF WAY GRANTEtt BY ~1RTHUi2 H. ~ kiAY~I, AND WIFE Tp J. R. POFtTER, T~2USTEE, ~Y A DEED RECORDED D;sCEM6GR 11, 1417 IN BOOK 316, nAGE 239 OI' D.~',FDS; 'fHFNC~ NnF2THEAST~RLY A'LONG SA7D EP,STERLY LI~iE TO ITS INTF:RS~C7.'I~N ~'+ITH THE EAST LINE; OF SAID LAND CONVEYED TO C. C, BENNE7'T AP7D WIFE HEREINA3UVE REI'EEtRED ~O~ T~IENCE SOUTHERLY ALrJNG a^AID EAST I~INF TO THF; POINT OF BEGII3NING B~ING ALI~ THAT POI2TIUN OF TH~ SAI:D LAND CONVEXED TO C. C. BENNFTT ~ND WIFE BY SAID DEED, I,YING EASTERLY QF TH~ 55Q FEET IN SqIBTH RIGH'C OL' WAY FiEREINABUVE MENTIONED. CR11ti6MP -1- PC91-57 .`` ~, ~ a~ DEaTPJt~IN~ A~' A PnIN2 IN T[~E SOU~PHL••RT,Y LINE OF S#1ID LOT W, DJSTANT WLS'PERI,X ?.3f37.56 I~EET FROM THE SOU~'HEASTERLY CORNER Ur^ SAID LOT W, SAI[) POINT Ori' BEGINNING $EZNC AT` TFiE 50UTHWEST~RLY CORNCR nF TNE 'PRAC~` OF LAND D}sSCRI6ED IN THE DrED EXk:CUTED BY C. C. HENNGTT AND WIFE TO ORANCiE COpNTY FLi10D CONTROL DISTR7CT, DATEA JANUARY 3J., 1944 AND RECORD~;D IN Bt~K 12~3, PAGE 553, OFF:[CIAL RECURDSJ THENCH' NORTEi 21° 19' 2~" EAST ALONG THE NORTFIWESTERLY LI'NE OF SAID ORANf;E COUNTY FLUOD CONTROI, DISTRICT TRACT OE' LJ\ND 605.20 FEET 7'U A I~2NE PAF2ALI.EL 'AITH 'PH~ EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LQT W ANp DISxANT WGSTF,RLY .116A.f36 F'E~T TEIF.REFROM; THENCF NORTH 0° 07' 50" EA5T ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE ~ 2U.43 FFET TO THE CENTERLINE GF TEiE RIGHT OF WAX OF 7'klE S, JTHERN PACI?'IC RXIILROAG COMpANY; THENCE SUUTH 89° 45' 50" WEST AI.ONG SAID CENTF.k LINE t~12.11 l~EET; THENCE SOUTH 18° 09' S0" WE;ST 1231.t37 FF:~T TO A POINT IN SATL' SOUTFiEAL~Y LINH; OF' LOT W WHICFi IS DISTANT WESTER.GY TEiEROl7 S)75,30 FEE:T :'ROM THE POINT OF BEGItJNING; 'PFIENCE SdUTH fi9° ~~' 10" .EA3T AIONG :~AID SQUTHF.RLY LINE 975.30 I'EET TO THE POINT OF BECTNN7NG. ALaU ~XCEPTI[vG TfiERGFROM TFiAZ' F~ORT.ION Ob' L01' Y OF THE VAN GftAAF TR111':T, AS SN.OWP1 ON A N.}1p THLREOF RECpRDED IIV gp()K 4, PAGIs 4~30, MISCELI.AtJEOUS REC7URL'S OF L115 ANGELE5 COUNTY, CAi.IC•URNIA, MURL PAI~tTICJLARLY DESCR~pED AS FOLLAW3: BEGINN2i~G AT h POItIT IN THE C$NI'ER LINE OF DaUGI.AS STREET, SAID 2~OINT [iEING ~374.00 FBET NURTH UF THE INTERSECTIOt. O? SAID CENxER LINE OF SAID DOUGLAS STRr;ET WITFi TEiF. SOUTEi LINE OF LOT Y OF SAID VAN DE CF2)1Ak` TApCTj RUNNING TFIENCE NORTH ALONG SAIL CENTFR LIN~ OF DOUGI,AS STREET ~45 FEET; THENCE ~:ASTc^RLY PARHLL£L TO TNE SAID SOUTFI LIP1E OF LOT Y, 195.00 E'F.ET; THFNCE SOUTHERLY 145.OQ E'EET PARALLEL TO TIiG SAID CEY2'FR LiNF. OF DUUGLAS STREET; THC17:,E WESTERLY 195. UO FEE'f PAFt11LI.EL TO Tt~E SOUTH LINE OF I.OT Y TO THE POIN:' OF H£CZt7NING, ALSO EX~'F.f'TINC THEREFROM 'PHE NORTHER7 Y 25 FEE'I' TfiFREUF INCLIIDEU 7N SAID RAILROA') f2IGHT OF' WAX. WNERFAS, the Citr Planninq Commi.osion did hold a publLc hearing at the Civtc CentPr in tha City of Fnah~im on Apri), g, l.yyl, at 1:3Q p.m., notice cf naid public hearing having b~en duly given ne requ.ired by .law and in accord~3nce i~ith t~ie proviatona oi tha Anahe:m Munic~.pal Code, Chapter 18.03, r° h~AZ a~c~ ~~nct :~er ~vfdt~rtrc3 f~r ai~d aqa.inet satd pr.opoaed conditional uea permit Mnd to in~~~ti.qate anci make findir:ge and recommendationn in connection therewi.th; anr'. that eaici p:,blic hc~ari.ng :~ac~ cor.*_inued to :.he `1ay 6, 1991 Pl.anniny Comr,iidai_~n m~Qtin~; and •7.- PC:~.1--57 ~ r ~"';:t';ry;;: ,. . :d ,: ~::.6~i WHF;REAS, said Com-nisei~n, aft~x due in:~pection, .Lnvest,igaf:inn arid etudy made by iteolf und in ite bEhalf, and after ~.iuA coneideratlon of ai.l nvid~nc~ ar~~a roporte offered at eai~ hearing, daoe find at~d dAtermine the following facts: l. Thah tt~o ~r.opoead uee ig properly one for whiah a conditional use permit i~ authorizQd by Anahc~im Municipal Code Secxion 1A.21.050.210 to rotain an oxi~ting 236 apACe mobilc~home ~ark with wuiver of the fo.ilow.tny: (A) SECTIOt7 - ini um fzo~t vard ac~tbac:k. (25 feet required; lti fee,t exiating) {8) SECTI4IJ J.8.11.063.U?.Q - I~ir~imum eide vard a~tback. (ZO feQt rc~quired; 3 fa~t exi3ting) (C) 5ECTION 18.2'1~3.030 - Minimum rear vard eetback. (7.5 feet reqiiired; 3 feet existing) (D) SECTIONS 18.06.0~=014 ~nd 18.p6.OBU (~} SECTIANS 18.04.04;.101 ~nd 18.21.06~.~90 - Mi~imum number oi parkina; Aa4ao. (531 requfred; 512 ~.xiating) - Maxi.mum fence he.iaht. (3 eQt permitted in front sQtback; fi fePt exietinq) (fi) Council Pol cv No~542 -• Required eou,~~d attenu~tton for _re~ai~3entiul oro ects. 2. That the requpsted w~ivera (A), (A), i:} and (E;) are herQby granted on the ba4~.s thar there are o~ecial circ:umetsnc~•~ applicable tn the property esuch as nize, ehape, topography, location and au-r.aundings which c9c rot apply to o'_her idanticall.y zoned property in t'~e name vic:inity; and thxt otricc application of thQ 7.oi~iny Code deprives thcs pr~perty af privilgqes enj~yed by other proNer.tied in the identicnl zor~e and c:J.aenification in the ~~icinir_y. 3. That: thP CRC~UP.Ot~CI waiver (C) ~o hereby granted ~n the b3eis ~hat ~hQ ~aikiny wai.vor will not cauee an ir.rreaee in traffic congeetion in the imme~l.fate vici.nity nor adveraely affect any ndjoinin~~ land ueee and grantinq of the ~arki.ny waiver under tha condit;one im~sed, if any, will not bc~ detrimental to the peace, hQal.th, -~r~fety and genera? welfare of the c.ltizene of tr~e Clty of Anahetm. 4. That the reosc~~3ted waiver (H) ie her.eby denied Qn trie baeio tFat it haa been detnr:nined that council Pclicy No. 542 eppliea to prc~npe~d reei.cl~ntial clavolopmente. 5. Tha* th~ propogsd ue~ will r~oC adveroely affoct the ndjoinina land Use~ ancl thQ gcowth an~ ~evQlopment of tha area in whfch it ie pro~o~aQd to be located. '3' PC91-57 ~ ~ G. 'Phat ~he ni.ze and ghape o~ the aite proponed foz the uae ie ad~quate to all~w ~hc~ full davc~lopment of the pr.opaoed u~e in a manner r~at detrimE~nt~~tL to th~3 particu~ar area nor to the peac9, health, eafety and general wnl~;.~re af the Citi.zc~nn of the City of Anahni.m. 7. Thar. tho qrc~iiti.ng of the Conditional Uae Permit undc~r tho conclitione impo~ed wi).1 tiot bo d~tr~mt~ntal ta the peaca, h~alth, a~afety and y~ener.al welf•ar~ of the ~iti.zono of the City uf ~\nahaiin. 8. That the traffic ~enoratc~d by tha proposed uee will not impoae an undue burd~n upon thc~ ~~zdc~ta and h.ighways d3eigned and improved to carry L•ho traffic in th~ are3. 9. That no o~iQ indir.~tec] thoir praaenr,e at eai.d ~ublic hear.iny in oppoaiti~n; ancl thar_ r.u correepandence was roceived S.n oppoeit:i.on to th~: aubject p~~iti~~n. CALIFORNIA ENVIRnNMENZJ~L SiJAI,TTY i~CT FINDING: The Plannirn~ Director or hio authorized reprPaentati.ve hao determined that tkie ~roposod praject Palls within the de[i~iit.ton of Catngorir.al E;xemption SQCtion 15061(b)3, aa defined i.n Lhe State EIR GuidelineA a~xd io, therc~fore, cateyorically exempt from the require~nent to pr.opare ar~ rIR. PIOW, '1'HEREIFORE, Fi~: I'I' F2F.SOLVF:D thaL th~s AnahQim City Planning Gornm:iaaion docra l~ereby grant aub ject Petition for C~nditional TJse Permit, in purt, upon the following r-c~r~~iti.ana crhich are hareby found to bQ a nar,eeear,y prerpqui.oite to the proposed uae of tiie oubject• property in or~er tn praserve the safety and general welfare of the Citi.zeas o` thQ City of Anaheim: 1. ~ That stre~t lightiT3g fac;iitiea along Douyl~3ae Road shall be inetalled aa required by r_he utilit.tQa Ceneral Manac,~3r in accordance with specifications on f.ils in the Of.'fi.co oP the ()tilities General Manager; oL ~hat aecur.ity in the form of a boncl, certifics.te of depoeit, le~ter o= credit, or caeh, in an amount and :orm ea2is.factory to the City of Anah~in, flhall !~e pvnted with khe City to guarant~e the satiefactory compl~tion of the above-mentioned i.mprovementa. Saic9 eecurlty ehall be poeted witt~ th~ City of Anahc~im within tk~irty (30) daya from the dste nf appraval of thia resolution to guarante~ inatall.at;ion. 2. * lhat traoh etorago areaa ahall b~ prcvided ~nd malntained in a l.ocation acceptablc to the Strc~~t Ma:ritenancc~ and Sanitr~tion DivLsion and in accordance witti apnrovod plann a7 fi1Q with sda.d ~ivieion. 3. That within nLnety (90) dayc~ ftcm thu datp of apnroval of this reealution, a solid waata cnan.~~emer.t plan, with recycling capabilities, shall be approvad by the SL•roet Malntenance ~~nd S~-ni.tation Divielon. 4. That eubjact property r~hal). be dc•welopQd in accordance witli epeeific plans and r~peclficationg aubmi.tted to Che City of AnahQim by the ~titiooet an8 whir,h plana are on file with the Pl.rnning Aapartmont marked Exhi.bit N~. 1. '~' PC91-57 ~~~~~~ ~~~~ 5. ~ Tha~ a~proval uf thia applicution r_~natituteo approval oF th~ propoegd roqueet only to the axtent thaL it co,mplies with ~he Anahaim Municipal 'L~ning Code And any ~ther c~ppllcablQ City, Stat~ and Feddral regulationa. Approval d~efl not include any action ~r findinge ae to com~liance or approval of thQ requoot r~garding any other applicab].e ordinance, zeg~ilati~~n or r3c~u.iromerit. condltione mazkQd wiL•h an aeter.iak (*) are requi.red by estzbli.ahed 1awt~, codes, regulationb and ngreement~ and are, theref~re, not•. eubject to negotiati.~n. BE IT FUkTHER RGSOLVEU th~t tho An~.haiin City Planning Commiegl.on cloee h~reby find ar.d dPtermine that ~doptiun of thia ReaUli~ti~n is expresaly predicated upon applir,ant's c~mpliance wi}h each and a].1 of the co,tdi.tions hereinabove aet; forth. Should any fluch condit:ion, or any part thazoof, be declared i.nvnlid or unenfozcQabl~ by the final judgment o~ any court of competent~ ~uriedir.tion, th~n thia RQSfllut±on, and any ap~rov~ls herein contalned, ohall bA dr3aned riull and void. ~I~Fi~ FUftCCOING RESOLUi'TON was adagted at thQ Flanninq Conunieaion rneeting of May 6, 1991. ~ ~ / ~~ / /i[/,' . ~ /~ .~ ~~~L fii~~~ ' ~J~,.y /,~i1~'~~ .' - ~ CFi.ATRW MP,N, ANA{•iEIt4 C'!TY PLANPrTNG COMMISSION ATTE5T: ~~ /i /~ ~ ~' . . .____~~-fi~, - • ` ~I;~.~_-:.~ _._._ SECR~TARY, ANAFiEIM I:ITY PLANNING CO:iMI55ION STATF OF CALII'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF O~2ANG~ ) a~ , CITY ~F ANt~HEIM ) z, Edith L. Flarri-~, Secretary of. the Anaheim CLi:y Planning Commi.ssion, do her~by certify that the foregoi-~g re~+olut.tun was paseed anci adoptod at a m~eti-~g of thQ Ar,aheim City Plannir.g c:ommissior~ held on May 6, 1991, by tiie fc+llowing votP of the r~embers thereof : AYCS: COMMISSIONEi2S: IIOUAS, EiOYDSTUAI, F~LUEIAUS, EI~LLYGR, HEI~NINGER, MESSG, PERP.iA NOES: COHMiSSTONGRS: NONE ABSE:NT: rp,{MI~SIUDlERS: t(OC1E IN WITNESS WHEEtEGE', I have h~~.r.~unto ar~t my han~, this ~o [~~- dgy of __~~'~.".L~1~y , 1991. ~ i I^ ~ ; ~ ~~ i l ,.~..1i/_ ~ . ~~! ~'l~1 rt , ._..__ SECRF.TARY, ANAHGZM CITX PLANPiIIYG COMMISSION "5- PC9.1-57