Resolution-PC 91-586~ ~~ RESOLUTIUN NO __P~:'91-58 A RESOLUTION OI' THG ANAHEI~F! CTTY PLANNfCVG COMMISSTON TEiAT Y~TITTON F~R CONL~ITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3387 SE D~NIEB WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion did receive a ver.iFi9d Petition for Canditinnal U~se P~rmit f~r r,er~ain real property oituatad i~~ the City ~f AnzhRim, Caunty ~f Oa-ange, State oP California, dPSCZihed as: L~O'PS 3 ANll 4 OI' TFACT NC~. 255 OF THE FAST AI~AHEIM S[1BDIVTSION, CI'PY ~F ANAtiETM, COLThTY QF 012ANGE, STATE Ob' CALTFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECG2tAE;D IN BOUK 14, PAt.E: 7.5 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN `fflE OFk'ICE OF TH~ COUNT~ RECORDER TO SAJD CnUNTY. WHEREAS, the r.ity Plarin.ing Commteoi~n did h~ld a public hearing at th~ ~ivic Conter in the City of Anaheim on February 25, 1991 at ].:30 p.m,, n~i:ice ~i eaid public hearing hav.ing been dul,y given a~ required by .taw and in ac;cordanr.e with tho provieiona of thc Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter .18.Q3, to he~zr and conaidQr evidence for and ag,~i.nat s~ai3 propoaed cociaitional use parm`.t and to ia~~c~atigate and make finding~s and recomm~ndati~ne in ca~nection tt~srPwith; and that oai~ publir. }~earing wae continued to th~ March 25 and May 6, 1991, Planning Commieoion rt~eetings; and WfIER~AS, said Commiaa.iGn, after due inap~ction, investigatian and etudy made by i~self and in i~e behalf, and aftez duo coneicleration nf all evidence and rep~rt~ offc~red ar, Aai~ haar.ing, does find and determine th~ followiny facts: 1. That the propoaed ueo f~ praPe.rly one for which a conditional uso per~t~it i~ authoriz~d by AnahP.im Municipul Code Section 18.41.d50.200 to permit a cel.lul~r tel~phone facility incl.udiny a 60-foot high R~onopole wl.th waiver~ of the following: (A) SECTIONS 16_06.05J.0212 - Minimt~m number of parki~.s aces. 1f~.06.Ot10 (29 required; _?.7 propoHed) ar~d 18.41.06b.0~0 (H) SE;CTION - Re,c~uirec~ yat:i ~etblek. (minlmum 1Q f.eet required from inteziar properly linea; nane propoar~d) ~. Th~t thP propoaed uae io hereby d~niad. 3. That the requaated wa.ivors (A) and (e) are hereby :Ieriied b~cause subject uso3 permit waa denled. 4. Thar tiio r.eai.dentia2 land u~ee and is propoead to bg locat•ed. proposed uae will. adversely affect the adj~ining the growth and dPVelo~men:: of the area irz ;~-hich it CR.1167MP -1- PC91-53 ~ '~ 5. That tho ei~o and ahape of the ait~, proposed for the uae ±g not adequRtQ tu a11ow tha full develo.pmont of the propueed uoe in a manner nat detrimental to th~ particular area nor to L•he pAace, health, t~afety and general wel£a.r~a aE the Citizc~na of the City of Anaheim. 6. That the arantiny of the Conditionz]. Uea Per:mit will b~s detrimental to the pPace, health, ~~~~ety and goneral welfare ~f the Citiz~n~ of th~ City of Anaheim. 7• That r_c~ one in:iicatod their prQ4enc:e At eaid public hearing in ogpoeit.ion; and t;iat no c:orre~p~nder~ce was x•ece.ived in oppueition to the eubject patition. CAI~IFORNII4 GNVIRONMENTAL QUt1T,T~PY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planninq Comm,tsdion ha~ reviewod the prcpoea.t to permit a cellular teleptiune f.acility including a 6Q-foot }ii_gh manupole with waivere of minimum number ~f. parki.nq c~pacea and requirec~ yar.d setback on an irregular.ly-aha~ed parcel of land consietirig of approximately 0.51 acre located orx the nortltaaet rorner of C~nter Stroet an~.i CofFm~n Street, tiaving approximate frontage~ ~f 67 feet ~n the north ai.de ~f ~enter Street and 190 fe~t on the east si.de of Coffman Street and further doscribod ss 1901 Eaet Center Str~et; and doee kiereby approve thQ tl~rative Aeclaration upon finding that i.t hae cc~neiderec tho Negative lle,claration tog~ther with any co:nmente raceived during ~he public rev.ieco pr~cess and further finding on the baei.s that the initial otudy and any comments received that thera is n~, subetai~t~.al evidence that the project will have a eignifiaant efiect on the envi.r.ociment. NOW, THEitFFORE, BE IT RESOLVED r.hat the Anahelm City Planning Commie~sion doQa tiQreby deny aub~ect Petition for Conditional Ur~e Permit, on the baeiE~ o£ thQ aforem~ntioncd findinge. THE FOREGUING R~SULUTIC>N was ado~ted r~t tho Planninq Commission m~~oting o~ May 6, ]991. ,~ -~ , ~ , , // / / i J .~' ~-~~ . E::l:~.<, /~- ~,~.~:...i CHAIRWO N, ANAHEIN CT'PY 1dLANNING CO'KMISSION A'PTES'I': 'r ~..; _~~' /, _ E ~.~ .~' .Y-~~ `~/ '""; I ~'t. , t ,. .. SF.CRETAI2Y, t1NAHEIM CITY PL' }1N:JING COMMISSTON -2- PCyI-5$ i~. f rt4~~ rl ~~MAkry r ` STATE OF CALIFGRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORFING~ ) ~tg. CITY OF ANAHE:I.i ) I, Edith L. Harrie, ~ecr~tax•y of the Anaheim Cit~r Planning ~ommiopion, do hereby certify that the faregoing resolution wae paesed and aclopted at a me~t~.ng of the Anaheim City P].anning Cornmiedion tield on May 6, 1991, by the following vote of th~ membAra thereof: ;:.; AYES: COMMISSIONER°: F~LDHAUS, HELLYEF2, HEIJPJIN(~,ER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSTONF.RS: BOYDSTUN ABST?~INED: COMMISSI~NERS: BOUAS l,BSENT: COMMISSTONERS: NONE I;1 WITNESS WHI;FtEOF, I have hereuntu set my ha.nd tt~is ~~-~ ~=~~~ day of 1" , 1991. ___ (1 ____ __._ ~ ~ _ ,~ v • ~.~~~_!~ `' 1~ ~L.~c.~-~-Y , SECR~TARY, A,NAHEIM ~ITY PI~ANNING GOMMISSTON ' ~ ~ .'." ~ .,,.,~.'~1h':l~,, t•^ -3- PCa1-58 , ~,