Resolution-PC 91-63~ ~~~OL-IT~ON NO. P ~ ~.~~. A RESULU'1^tON OI' TFiF W~IAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG CC)MMTSSTON TEiAT PL7'ImION FOR CQNDITIONAL U5E FE,tMZ'a' NU. 3a,10 EtE GI2F,NTE~ WFiEREAS, !~.hG An~hc~im ~ity Planning c;ommiesion did reaoive a verifi.ed Pot.ition for r.onciitior.a' UBe i~ermit £or ccar.tain real proper~y o.iL•uaiced in .*_he Citiy of Ar,aheim, County of Ozang~, .-:at~ of Calit~r.nl.a, deacri.br~d ao: PARCEL 3 UF PARCEL taAl~ 87-446, IN THE Cz l'Y OF APIAHEIM, rOUNTY OF Qr,~1NGE, STATE OF' CALIFORNTA, A3 PER MAP NILED IN HOOK 253, PAGES 41, 42 AND 43 C)~' F~ARCEL MAPS, TN THG OI'I'T4E OP TEiF CO['YTY RECOTtDEk OP SATD COUNTY. wHERE:AS, tho City Pla~~niny CoRUnisslon did hnld a public h9ari.ng at tho Ci~ir_ Contdr. in the City of An~lieim on May 6, 1991, at I:30 p.m., notice ~f eaid public h~arin~ havinc~ b~en duly yivon ao requi.rQd by law and in a4cordance wzth tt~e provieiona ~f tho Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapf.er 18.03, to hear anci consider evidence for and agui.nst eaid gropo9od conditional :~oe pezmit and to ir~vaotigate and make f.indinga and recommen~atione in connt~ction ;..;.ar.ewith; ~nd 'AHEREAS, e~ic CommL~eian, ~zfter due inepection, .i»~~F~dtiyatio:~ and otudy made by itself and in it~ beh.zlf, and aftc~r due coneideration of all evider.ce an~i rP~.,rra AFF(3L'"c'~ ar. ~aid hearing, doen find and d~termi.ns the fvllo;ring fact:s; 1. That th~ propoaad uoe i~ properly ono for tvtiir,h a conditional uae permit io auth~r.izQd by Sectior: 1F3.7~.020-18.73.100 of the AnahQim Muni.cipal Coda and Sect~on VI.2.F'.1.d.i7 of Specffir. Plan No. 88-3 (adopted by Reaolution Noe. 8~3R-59 xnd 89R-60) pert~ir~iny to Devcl~pment Area 2 of ~he Santa Fe Pacifi.c Plaza S~ecLflr Plan to oecmit a 1,587 eq.ft, Chineac~ renY_aur.ant with on•-sale beer. an~ win~. 2. 'Phal t;ic p~o[~uflnci i~oe wi L 1 not a~+.versely af fer~,; the ad joining la;~d usea and thQ grcwth ~nd cleveloprnent af. thc~ area Ln whi^t~ .tC La propo[sed to be l~c~ited. 3. Ttiat thrt eLze and shape of the site propoaed for the use ie adeqti~t~ r.o all~~w thc~ full devolopment: cf the propo~ed uae in t~ manner noL• detrimental to tne particular c11'@[I nor t~~ t~~~> pcace, hPaith, safety and general we.ifure ot zhe ::itizeno of t:ie Cs_ty of Anahei~r. 4. Thar_ the granting of thc r'cndizional Ur~n Permi.r. ur~d8r the cunditio:~~ impcned wi11 not bo detrimenr.~11 tu th~ peace, ttoalth, eafety and yoneral welf~re of thc~ Citizenc~ of th~ City of R.n:~heim, 5. Ti~a*. the tr.affic qenernted by thF pro~ooerJ uee will riot lmpose ~n undur, burderi upon the atrentq a~i~i h t~h±.~~~ ~-~~;,;,y~~~~ ~r„~ lmp;.qved to carry che z.raffic in th~s arc~a. 6. 'Thz!. nu ori~ indL~:ated their preaencr~ at c~ai.d publ',c hQaring in appoeitl.on; and c:har no rorreop~~ndence w~7o r.ecefved in opp~aition to the subjQCt p~,:iti.on. CR].1~2M~ -1- pr,91-63 ~ ~ C~~,~,ORNZ}~ F,NVIRONbtENTAL QUALI.TY AC FI pINQ; That the Anaheim City ~la~ning C~mmisotori has reviewod the prapoeal tio permi.t a 1,587 eq.ft. Chiz~eoe r,oat,nuranC with on-enlo boor ~xnd wino on an irr.ogularly-~haped parcel af land cone~.gting of approxtmat;~ly 26 ttcres Iocat~d. at the nouthwaat cornAr of L~a Palrna Avanue an~+ Tuntin Avenuc~, having approximaL•Q £rnntagee of 659 fae~ on thc e~uth b~i.c~o c~f. La Palma Avenuo ana 1,214 fH~t on the weet side o~ Tuettn Avonue and i'u.^th~r c]aacrihp~~ as the S1nta Fe PaciP.i.c Plazaj and does hereby npprov~a the Ne~at.ivo UeelaratioTi u~aon t~ndin7 that it has coneiderod ti~e N~gativ~ Doc;ldt:al:t~r~ L•ogothor with r+n~~ c~mmentp r.scf~ivod ~3urin~ the public r.ovie~r proceRe and further findiny on rhe baeio th~t khe tnit:ial ~t~~ly and any ca-nme;ll:f3 recei.v~d that there i~ no subatantial ~videncz th~t th~ grojec~ will hsve a eignifi.cant e.~fect on thc~ environmont. I10W, THF.REFGRE, BE ~.~r RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plani~ing Comm:.s~-3i~r- doer~ horQby grant eub~oct: Petition foz Cor ~.i.tional Uoe Pc~rmit, upon the following conditiona which are hRrc~by fauna to be r~ iiecnsn,sry prc~requ.~.site to t:he propooed uoe of the subjcct proporty in arder to pree~rve tl~o aaf~ty and genecal welfare ~f t.h~~ Cirizens of ~h~ City of Anaheirc~: 1. ~ Tt:a~ prioc ta 13suance of ra building permit, th~ aAprop.riate traffic eigna.l aeoesom~nt fee, ehall be paid to tk~e City of Ariaheim in an amaunt aa establiehed ;~y City Cr~uncil Re~olution No. 90P.-198. 2. * That traoh etor.aye ~3reae ahall be pX.~vi.d~d and maintained in a J.or.ation ar.r~,ptab:e t~ tlie S~rc~ot tda.intenance and S~nitatioti niviaion and i.n accnrdanr.ca N!th apptoved p.lans on file wlth eaid divieiun. Such information ehal.l bo epFic.•ifically ehowii on ~he pl.ane submitted ~ar buil~inq parmite, 3. That Pri~r to iaa~aar.cc of a butlding permit, a e~lia waete managFmont pl.an o~ith recyclirig capabilities shal.l be appruvec9 by the Street Malntenance and Sanitation Ui~•teiun. Upon acr_upancy o_*' the prQject, said plan $hal.l CuttUt1E311CE ar,,3 rf,ail r~~udin ~n full effc~ct as rQquir~~a b,y eaid piviaion. ~3. T:~at no alcoholic bevrr.age~a except beer an~l wi.n~ ~hall be sold or consumsd on ~:i~ Z~remiaon of. the nub jQCt rea~aurai~t. 5. *'t'har tre propcoal rji~zll comply wi.th all ~igning requ.tremenL•g of the Secti.on VI.2.F.l.b!1) uf SPt38-3 unlese a variance ALlowing oign waivere ie approved by the City Council, Plann~:.y Commi~afon or Zonir.y l~dminietzator. G. That aubject property shall be dc-voloped eubetantially in ncc~~rdar.~•e with plann ~nd apecifi: at:ione aubmilt:ed to tt~e City of Anaheim by the ~c~titioner ar~d whict~ plana are an ff.le with the Planning Department ma~ked Exhibft Noe. 1, 2 and 3. %. That prior- to Lfleuar.cc c,f a building per:nit or wittiin a i~eric!d of one (1) year from ~~he date of thia reaolution, wfiichever occura fir.ot, Condition Noa. J., 2 and 3, abovr~-mQntionc~d, shall ba cc~mplied with. Extenefonr~ for further t-i.me t.o completa ea.id conciition~ may be r.~rant~d in ~ccordance rlith Sect.Lon ic~.03.C30 n.f tha Anaheim Munici~nl Code. ~ ~~ Pc91-63 ~ i ~('•i'.~y~ ~:•"''.4i ~• That prir~ to final building and :ont,ng inepectiond, Condition No. G, above-mQnti~nad, ~hall bo compliod wiL•h. pproval of th~ gr.oposed 9. k requeo~ppunlyl tof thc~i~ex,tenticthatn.ii:~cumtlieeQO a Zalitng Code and any other applicabl~ City~ Statei~ndtr^Qdor~.lerequlation~l Approval doep nat in~lud~ xny action cr findinge ae tu complianca or ap~rov7], of th~ requaet rr•garding any other app].ic~able qrdinance, regu7.ation ar requfre,morit. Conditiong marked wlth an aateriak * roquired by eatabl3.ehad laws, cod~-~, ragulatione and agroemente and?nree t.herefore, not eubjact to neqoti~~tion. gE I'C F'URTHER RESOTVED that tt~~ Anaheim City P).anning Commieaion doeo hereby find and dEt~ermi~~e that adoption o~' thia Rea~luti~n is expresely prQdicated upon aPplicun~'a complia~:cQ with each arid all of th~ e~nditione hProinah~ve e~t forth. Shculd any auct~ condition, or. any part thezeof, be doclar.e4 invalid or u~ienforcaablo by the tinal ud ment• of. compet~nt juriediction, then this Reaaluti.on, and ~,3n ~ RIlY cqurt of contain~d, eha11 be doemed null and void, Y pFr.ovals hexein THE Fc7R~COING FtESOLUTION waF~ adopC~d at the P.lanning Commissicn mQetinq of May 6, 1991. ;' - ~ t .~ ~~ ~:;~,, -~`"J ~,. ..l' ~~-~=- --~~:..~I _ --~ ~;~-,.-,~1~-~..~, CffAIRWG AN, RIvAf1EIM CITY P" LANNING COMMISSIpN ATTES:I : ~' ~ , ~~ ' ~ ~~'" ~ -=~---~(,~ ~/~~ ~t---a. SECRETAR~, ANAHETM CITY PLANNINC COM.MISSIi::I STATF; OF CALIFORNtA ) COUNT:' OF ORANGE 1 nA, CI'PY OF ANAHEItQ ) 7, F;dith L. Harris, Secret~ry of. the Ar~atieim Ci,ty planning C:ommiseion, do heieby c~rtify that• tlie fcregoinq reo~lution wae paeaed and adopteci aL• a meetiny of th~ Anahe~.rn City Planninq Commi.as:~n held on May 6, 1991, by thP following votp of thv membere there~~f: AYES: COMi~(.iSSIUNERS: BO(IAS, t30YDSTUN, FELD[iAUS, HELI~YER MESSE, P~p~lp ~ HENNItJGER, NORS: CAMMISSIONF.RS: N~NE ABSEiVT: COMMZSSIONER^a: NONE zN WITtJ~SS W[iF,RLOI', I have her2unto set my han.~`i thi~ .~~,t~il~-• ~~ __ `~y ~. ._, 1992. _ __ daY ~ __r _,`~~ ~~;~. ~ / % ~ . .---__ ~-~.,~ ~1 ~..t„_„~ 3ECRETAe2Y, Ap7AFiEIM CT.TY PLANNZNG COMMISSION -3- PC91--63