Resolution-PC 91-65 ~~ RF~SOLUTION Nn. PC91 _65 '~~ A 1;LSOLU'110N UF TfIE ANAH~IM C:CTY PI~ANNING COMhiTSSIGN THAT PLTTTION FOR ~'OND'ITIONRL USIs' PrF21d IT NU. 3411 CiF GR~1NTFs'IJ ~ WHLRLAS, the ~ nahei.m Czt.y P].~nninc7 Cnmmiseion did receive a vr•,rified Pet.'ttio:i fo.r Conditionul U:;~ Permit fur ccz•tairi rea.l prop~rty ait~zat.ed ~n the Ci.t~ of Anahc~im, County of Or~ng::, State of California, d~scr. ibc:d as: LOT 31 ~F TItAi:T 1353 AS PF.R MAP THER~OF RECOI:DED !N E300K 1U5, "r'11GT~:S 23 'Ib 26 TNCLU5IVE; UF MTSCI;LLANF.OUS MA P:i . ~•, WEiFREAS, t~h~ City V:~~inning CommiSaion dicl ho].d a public h~3.ring at the ~iv i.e ~'~~n'cE:r in thc~ City of. Ar~aheim on May 20, ;991, at 1:30 n.m. , nc,ti.ce ~f said publ.ic hc~ari.ng havii7g bc~en duiy givc~n a~ required by l~w an~! in accurd,~nce wi.th thc:~ provis.ion3 of the Anaheim Municipal Cod~:, ChapLer 18.03, to hear anc? c:onsi.dc~r evidence for and ~~~~air~a~ :;aici pr.aposed conditional use permit and t~ inve~t i.~,:~te and mal;e f. inaings arid recomme;~dat.Lo:::3 in connection tti~~rewittt; and Wi?EREAS, ~z~.:.~ Conunissi.on, afY.er due inE;pECticn, .inve3tigation and ~t:ud~; madc~ b}~ itaclf and in it~ behalf, anci aft;er due consid~ratian of all ~vidence and f•eF~ort:~ r;E~er~d at :3aiil hear_ ing, doe: fin~l and detarmin~ the fo?.lowiny fzcL~: l. Th~it the ~~ropo~~d vse i:; pr~p~:rly ~ne f.or which a ~.or.ditional u~c permit i.s auti~~~rized by Ca.lifc~rnia Government Code Section 65852.1 to ret~7in an exie;Lii~y C~JO ~q. ft. "qranny" un:.t. 2. 'Phat the r~ropo:~ed use w.ill ~:o~ advercely af~e~:#: L-}ie adjoining i<.nr] u,e~r~ and the c3ro~•:t:h e~n~l d~vel.op~r~ent of khc area in tvhich it is ~aropo~ed tc~ be~ i~~~:ate~l. 3• ~I~11c1i; t:rlE' 61.ZE: il[:(:~ 81'l~pf~ <~1 tflE? E31t~ ~.YO~GSet: f~7Y the L:B~ i~3 adequatca to allow the ful.l. developrocant oi Lhe prc,po~ed UBr? _n a:nanner not detY.l.Il1[?Iltdl to the p~rLi.cu.lar. area n~z• to the ~~,ac.~, hErrilth, ~afety anci yeneral welfar~~ of t}:e Citizen3 of Lhe City ~~f Anal~Fiim. 4. 'i'haL- the gLAR~~IICJ Uf the Cunditio~~al Use Permzt unde.r ~hs r_onditi~n:~ im~o~ecl will nnt be d~trimr-ntal L-o the peace, health, Hafety an~ cJenFrr.n1 otelfar.e of t~c~ Citizens af the ['ity of Anahein:. 5. Tt;;~t- the traf [ic c~enerated by the prop~se,: use •NZII net imprsE~ an undu~ bur~]en ul~u~: the :;treet: , an,-' h~ryhways desiyned and improved L•u carry ti~c~ ti.;~f£'_c in L-hr-~ ar~r_~. 6. That one (1) co~icErrnacl citizcn inc~icarc~d he~r ~,resance ut s~ii.d publ i.c: hearinc~; an~l Lh<it nc~ corr:nB~~~~~~~pc~ ~~a~ r.a~i~ezi~•r~ci in opno~ition to t;h~ eub~jec*, peti!:ion. ' 1 CR1181tdP _.1_ PC91-65 '; rt~llr,: . . ~ ~. .~. . . ., ~ . ~ . , , ~:y7;;fu,IS~!~^'r ~.i! t ;;~tk~ CALiF01'tNIA ~NVIRONb1k;N7'AI.~ UALTTY AC7~ F.iNDING: The Ylar~ning DirQCtor or hia r.urhor.ized re ree~ ~'!"'-'~'~'"• P ni:ative ha~ determ.i.necl th~t thQ proposed project falls witlii.n tho definit?.on of Categoric3l ~xemptiono, C1aAH .11, as defined in the Si:ate EIR Gu.i.deline~ and is, therefox.•e, cat~gor.ically exempt from tr,e requir~~mPnt to preparF 1n FIR. NpW~ THER~,F'ORF., LiE IT RESO.LVED tlzat ~he Anaheim Cit,y Planning COI[U11.L;S~J1dR does hFre~y c~rant aubject petition for Condi~iona.l Use per.mit, upon the fol.lawing c~nditions which are hr_r~y~y found to bc a necessary prQrPquis~te to ~che ~roposeci u;~e of the ~ubjact ~LOperty in orcler to preyerve the saL•ety and gc~neral welf:~re cf thc Citizer.a oP the City of. Anaht+im: 1• * Thst the ap~ropL.iate park and recreation i.n-•l.i.eu ftea s}iall b~ oaid to the City of. Anaheim in an amount a3 es~ablished by City C,aunc~l resolution. 2• *'I'Yiat the ap~.~ropr.iate traffic signal asa~~;~R,ent fee ~hall be p~id t~ tha~ ~~~Y oi Anahei.m in ara amount ay establ.i~hed 5y C.ity Caunc;il Resolui:iori No. 9UR-198. 3• *'Ihat ~~lan:~ ;;hall b~ submitted to th~ ~iuil6ing UivJ_sion showing c~mpliance with tne ininimum stanciard.~ oE the City ol Anahrint~ including thP Uniform E3uildinc~, P.Lumbi.i~g, Isl~ctri.cal, Hous.inq, Mechanica.l and. Fire Codes ss adopced by ~he City of Anaheim. The appr~~,r.iate permit~ ;~ha11 bE~ nbtained for any ilE'C:~Si3i7I"Y IJUL'IC. 4• * Tn~~ tZle lec~al owner ~r subj~ct pr.opert.y ~ha11 re~t.ri.ct th~ accupancy vf tt~ae grariny uni~ to on~ (1) or ~wc> (2) adult~, both of whom are r~ir.~y two (62~ YEar~ ~f r~ge or older, aild ~haJ.l epecify *_hat no rental fee shall be charclEd for or,cupancy ~f thc gr.anny uni.*_ and, furthermore, shall record an unsubar•dinated covenant again~t the •~~roperty so-r.e~trictir~g the occupanc,y of ~aid unit, :~~aid covenarit sha11 be submittcd ta ~the 7.oriing Divisi~rA for rransmitta.l to the C.ity p~torney~s officF for review ~ind approval prior to :'ccor:]ation. A cop.Y o; l•he re~~orded covenant s}iall be aubmi~t~d to the ~oni.ng Division. 5. Th,~t ~ubin~t prop:,rt,~ s}~al.l. k~r.. dev~loped ~ub~l-antia7.ly .in accurdance tiaith ~1ans and spec~ifir.aitions aubmitted to t:he C' pei:itiorier and which p.lans are o~i f.i.1e wit.h the Pla ~ning DApar.tment~mark.ed ~7Ct'Ilb.Lt NO:;. ], ~~I~~j 2. ~. That Conc9Ltion No~, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, above-mention~ci, &ha].1 be completed w.ithi.n a period vf i iet~y~ ;90) daya fi~om the date r~f ihis rr~~o:lutio~~. IL these cnnditi~~ns are nor. c~mF,l.ied w.iL•h wi.thin the ~,eriod af ntrlety (9p~ days, t:Fia conditional uae permit sh~ill t:Frminate, 7. * That approval of- this applicat:ion con~L.tutes approval of the prop~sed reque:~t ori.ly to thE~ extent that it cosnpli.~a with the Anahei!n Municipal Zonir,g Code and any othe~• appl.icahle City, ~tate and Federal regulations. Approval docas r~ot :.,~c].u~le any acti.on or :iriciin9e~ as to comn.liance or approval. of the r.equest reqarding any othez applicable ordinance, r~gula~tion or rc-r.~~,iLemr~Y. Concti~LOI78 marked with an asteria;c * requi.r~d by c~~r.1} ~_i.~hed la•~os, codc:-~, rtyulatione z~nd agreemerite and,arc e ti~c~,Ff~re, not: .,ubjt~ct to negotiatio~i. -~- PC91-65 .. . , . -a,:;; Ji!V3~~ /i`~t~1S BE TT HURq~H~R RE50LVED Lhat t.he Anah~i.m City Plarininy Cocnmigsion does heroby fi.nd and determine that aaoption c~f thir~ Resolution i.s Qxpresaly prcdicatad upon applir.ant'r~ compliance with each and all of the condition~ hereinabove set for~h. Should any ~u;h conditian, or any part L•hsreoP, be c.ieclared invalid or unenforcRable bv i:he fina'1 judgment of an}~ cour.t of c~mpetent jurisdiction, then thi~ Res~lutii.~n~ ~ind any appzoval~ h~rein contained~ ~hal.l be dee-ned null and voici. Tf•IE FOREGOxNG RESOT~UTIpN cva~ Zdupi:ec.i ai: the ~.lanni.ng C~mmi~sion r~~~et.ing of May 2~), lgy1, ~ ~~ ~ /,~ ~,. --,~-~-'~~-` -~~'~ ,'~~~"._-.1~. G-~_-~Et....r.~~ CHAIHWUMAN, ANAH M CI'!'Y ~AF'L NNINV COMMZSuION ATTES'.C : .__/~ / . ~_,,~.. fi ._ ti~~.%~'~~_.~~~. ' 5~,~ RL;TARy, ANAH~Iki"~ CITY FLATINIPIC CC~MMISSION . G; ~ STATE OF' CA1,TrOHtVip j CUUN'I'X UJ•' OF.ANGE ) s,y , CIZ'X OF ANAIiEIM ~ T, Jan~t L, Jensen, S~cretary of l-he Ana};eim Ci,iy P.Lanning Commissio:l, do hereby certify thrit the foregoing r.esolul:ion was passed and adoptec3 at a meeting of Y.he Aniheim City planni.ng Commis~ion h~ld on May 20, 1991, by thP fa].iowing vole of thc membere theieof; ~YES~ CO6iMTSSSONk:FtS: BOi.1AS, BOYDS'I'[IN, MEJJE, ~~Lxt~LA NONE E'GI,llHACiS, HELT,YER, rro~s: cot3rirssiorr~r~s: ABSF:NT• COMMISSTONERS: IN WITNTSS o f ,_ ~~'1- :L~~.~___._ ~]. 9 9 J. . ~.. ' HrNNINGER WHEREOF, I ha~;~ hc~reur,i:o set rny hand this _~.L da , Y ~'~'~~G 'f ^ '' --,-.~-~._._.. ~' .. y~~lt..- , ( SE E'PARY, ANALiEIM CZTY pLAN[1ING COMMISSION !%•' -3- PC91-b5 ~