Resolution-PC 91-73~ ~ ~ •'~• . . . ' ,i (~ a RESOLUTIOPI NO. Pc:91-73 A RHSOI~UTTON OF 'i:iE ANAHEIM CITY PLANN:CNG COMMISSTON THA'P PETITI0~1 FpR VARIANCE Na. 4~30 BE GRANTEf~ WHi;l2EAS~ the Ana;zeim City Planning Cait:~.ni~sian did receivp a ver:ried L'e::ii:ic~n for Variance for ce.rtai.n real property situated in the City of A-~aheim, Count;r of Ora.ng~, State of Cali:Eornia de~cri~ed as: Ti3E NORTNWT ~T QU1~R'^~:i2 OF THL N~ORTHEAST l,~UARTER OF' TF1F NOkTHEA5'.I QU:~RTER C~F SEL"PION 21, TOWNSHIP 4 SpU'1'H, ftANGE 1G WEST, IN 2F?E RANCHO SAN JUAN GA.70N Dr, STaNTA ANA, IN TfiE CITY O~' ANntIEIM, COUNTY OF QRANGE, S'.CAT~ OF CALIFOR.N2A, AS SHOWN 0~1:: NRP RECORilED IN ROOK 51, PAGE 1~ UF MLSCELLANEOUS MAP5, IN Ti-IG OPFICE OF ~rhr COUNTY RECORC:ER pF SAID CO~J~I~~y, ~Y.C:EYTIfdG TH.E~tE,.~ROM THL NOI2TF•I 36a.00 FEET OI' TI-Ir, WLS~' 4Q7. UO F~r^.'P. WHEREAS, the City planning Commiasion did hcld a pub.lic hearing at the C' ic Centcr .in the C:ity of A:-aheim on Jur.r~ 3, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearinn havi.ng been duly given aa required by Ia:~ and in acc~i-dance with the prc~vi3ior« of tiie Anaheim Muriiripal CodE, Ch~pter 18.03, to hear ~-ind consi.der evidenc~~ for and aga.inok ~aid proposer.i variance ar-d to .investigate and make f~.ndingo and rtcomme-idationa in connection therewi.th; and WHrRLAS, aaid <;om.ri;ision, after due in~pection, inve3tigation and sti,dy made by itself un~ ~n it~ b~half, and after due~ consideration of al~. evidFnce and r~poi-t~ ofier-ad at 3aid 1~ear.iilg, does find and d.etermine the follr~wing factti: 1. That rhe petitioner propc>c;e~ waivers of i:he fol.'o~vi.nq to permik a 5 lot co~ldomit~i.u.~n ,yubdivisiori: A• ,?F:CTION_ 1a.01.130 - Itec~ui~r~d 1ot front~e. (A-~1 lors requir~d to sbut a public s~r•eet; 4 ~ots not abutting a public ~rrEet} II. S[.C'PIUt7 .18. ~}8.083. 030 - 1?e uired structural netback. (minimum ].0 _foct wide ~etbar.k required a.long ,s1J. int~rior loi: lines; none proposed) 2. Tliai: t.he above-m~n~ioned waivera are hereby granted on the basis th.it th~re ~re speciul cirCUmotances appl.icabl!: to the propErty such a» size, sha.pe, topoc~rapray, location and sur.rr~unding~ which c~o not a~ply to other identica).)y zaned E,roperty i;~ thE ~ame vicinity; and that strict applicat.ion of the Zonirig C~de deprivea the propert;y of privilegea enjoyed 'uy other properties in the id;~ntical zori~ ~snd clasa.if icat- ion in ttie vicinity. CR1197MP -1- PC91-73 ~. That therc~ a~-e c~xr.ept~_onzl c~r ex~raor.dinAry cir.cam~tancae or cancli.t ion~ nppl i.ccib.le to thu prupe.rty involved nr to tho int•encled uso of ths ~ropF~rty that do not ~pply gen~rall.y to ~hc~ property ~r cla9s of ueo in the ~ame vir.inity and zone. 4. That Y.tie r~,quc~atocl varianc~ .Lfl n~,c.aeoary L•or th•~ prea~rvatton t~rid enjoymant of ~7 oub~tantial propc~rty right poeeean~d by nttier propor.ty in t:lte uam~ v.icinity ~~n<: zone, and C]13f11Ar,~ to the prc~porty .in qu~dtion. 5. 7'hat thc~ reque~tted variancr~ wil.l not bo materially delri.mer,r.al ko thr: public welfare ar injuriaus tA Y.he proper.ty or im~rovamente in ~uch vicinit:y and zran~ in wh.ich the property i~ locat~d. b. ~tiaL- one concerned r.itizen indicated her pr.PC~Qnce at said public hearinc~; and Lhat no correaponcience waa r.eceiv~d Ln oppoe.I.tion to a~ibject pc,tition. C~LIFC~fiNZA ENVIROC7MF;NTAia UAI,ITY ACZ FIND~NG: That the Anaheim -.52._~____ ~i~,y Planr-ing Commiaaion haa reviewed the prop~~al for waivera of requirQd lok frontage and re,{;iired structuc•al aetback to p~~rmit suhcii.vi~ion on ~-n irreyul.-rly-~ha ac{ ~{ 5 lot condomi~~i4m ~•'~ 1~~~H I~avir.c fi roximate franta~EQel ofrland conoiating of. ap,proximat:e.ly 3 ~r g of 2.,3 ~eet- on the onutt. ~ide of B411 Road and 294 Leet on th~~ aac~t sicie of Walnut StreEt, having a maxlmum depth of a~~proximately G~~9 :e~t and further dencribec; ae 1240 South 'Aalnut Street; and cloe6 hertby apE~cuve t.h~ Negsr_ive Ueclaratie~n upon finding that :Lt has cc~nsiderecl the N~galive Declaration tc~qether wiL•h any c~m:nenta received during the public reviP~„ j~roce:~~ and further finding on the ba;,is that the initiai study ar.c! any rommcn;:n recn_i.vpd that ther~ in r~u uubatar:+~ia~. evLdenco L-h~t th~ pi'c~ject will have a nignificant effect on t.he env.ir.onmer,`. NUW, THrR~P't~RF', BE T'C RESUf~V?~;D that ~he Anahei.m City Plann!.nq Commiosion CIOP.A hereby c~r;inl ~ubject: Petitior~ for Variance, upon r.he fulluwing conditions which are h~~•eby found Lo be a r,e~ess;~ry prereq~i~.ite to the prapc~ed use of. thc~ :aui~ject proE~~rty in order to prc~ac~r•; ~.~ the at~iety and yener.al welfar.e of r,he Citi:.enc~ nf the City of Anah<~im: l. • 1'hat a roiniinum ~lisCan~~r Fh~~ll he m3Lntainc>.d 1.i. ~~~e~i~ t:he eaet praperty lJ.no anc.i the bu~ldi.nq ta be lc~carec: r_n Lot Vo4, 3 and ~3 for.• pu~pcE;e~ of fir.e LL'i1C1( ladder accea~, ae rc•quiT•~d by the F.ir4 ~epactmer,C. %• 'That a;~~bject property nhail be deveio~f•cl ,~ubetantially in accordance with PL~+~~L' an~i 9[)(!C1C1.Cat10f;3 ~:~bmit:ted to the Cit.y ot Anahetm by tha pet_i.tioner and whi::h p,anc~ ar~~ on file wit:i r.he Ylanniny DcpartmFSnt marked F:xhihit Nc,n. 1 ~.hrou~h J. 3. .h.at p~ioi- r~o i.c~oiianc-c c,f a building permit, Cor.Jiti.on t~o. 1, above- in~nticned, ehall be compli?d ~.,:! n. F,xr.en~ion~s for. f.urthe~• timQ to cotnpleCe naicJ r_ondi.tic~n~i may be yrant~d .;~ acrorcl7nr_~~ with Section 1t3.03.09p of t:hf~ Anahc:irn Hunicip:.il Coc~e, -i- F'C~)1-7.i , ... , ,~r;;~, 4. *'Phat ,~ppr.~v~zl of thia ~ppli.r.at~.on car-atituteo apprava~. af the propo~od r~:yues': only to khe extont that it ccmpliaa with tho ~'~naheim Municipal Zoninc Codp ancl any othar z-pplicabl~ City, State r~nd F'oderal regulatione. l~ppro•~nl doQn na~ include any action or iindinge aW tc~ c~mpliancc~ or apE~rova.l of t:r,e roquest rey~rdiny any othor applicable ordfnance, rogulatiuc~ ~r. reqtiir_empnt. Conditi~na marked w.tth an aoterislc (*) are req~iired by t?E~tic~bl.l.shed lawa, codeo, r~gul~--ti~nH and r~grQementa and are, t.here£ore, not nubject tc~ negotiation. IIR IT FURTriCR RE5oLVGD that tho Anaheim City Plr~nn.ing CommiAaion doee har:eby i~nd and dtt:~rm!-te L•k:~1t adoptic~n c~f L•hid RPeolution J.e expreesly pzedicat«~ci upon ~pplic~-nt'a <:ompliance with aach and all. of the con.c3it.iona hkreinabove ~et fc~rth. S2:o~~ld ariy euch cond.itl.ons, ar any part therQOf, be declared invt-lid or unenforc~able by the finul ~udgment of any court of competen~ iuriediction, then t.hirs Rea~lution, aiid any approval~ her~in contained, 9ha11 be deem~d iiull and void. TH~: F4REGOiNG E2ESOLUTIOP! kae tidopted at thE Planning Cun~nii~eion meering of June 3, 199.1. ,~~ i ~ /L `J( , ~/% i y1 (/~ ~~ /-' Jf~, ~,• .l f,C.~l / . ~ -.-•" CA `~ -i. '`~ V .'`.~ ' ~t. i. -' CHAIRWQ AK, ANAHFIM CI3'Y PLAPINING COM:dTSSTON A'?'TF'S'f : ~~G.r i~/r!~. '~~i ~ ~ ) . ... ~ ~ . . __,__. ~ _.;.,t_~. ~ r~.~.....-__'-~~. 5E~RETARY, AN~iIiF.~IM CI'PY PLAP7NTNG COMMISSIOfJ S'I'ATE OP' CAT.TC'ORNIA ) COUN'PY OF ORAPICE ~ st~. CI'PY O!' ANAEiIsIM ) I, ,7ar~e~t T. Jen:~en, Se~cretar.y of the AnahPim City Planning Corru~i~si.on, do her~b}• r_•ertify I:I18t the fo~-eyoiny reonlutio was I~auaed and a~lor~Led at :~ meeting of ttie Anal:eim City Planniny Commi~s;on hc~ld r~n JUt1E? 3~ 1991, by the followinq vote of t:he member~ thcreof: l1YLS: CON,N.[SSIONERS: E3UYDS'I':1N, f30UAS, 1~ELDHAUS, HF.LLYER, EIENNINGFR, Mr SSF:, Pt.RA'LA NUTS: COttMISSIOhERS: HUNE AE3STNT: COMtdISSI~P+ERS: PlOP1E 'Lti WI'1'N~SS WHEREQF', I have hcreuntr'., [~e~~ my hand Lh.ie _:~f~.^ _/_._ day r 1991. ~~ f. -'k.'_'~-= '.:-+--_..~~_ r ~;. -:..!_.:~ C ~ - -------` =.--~=-~--- - - __.__ _--_.______ ;J~:CRF'fARY, AtiAEiEIM CITY PI.AP:NINt; COMt•.:;SION -3- ?C91-73