Resolution-PC 91-76~ y.: ,: .. ~ °~t~jry'.,~ ~ :; , RFSOLU'rION NO._PC~1,76 y~r;i,:`d~ A RESOI.U'I'ION C~F TEI~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMTSSION THA'P PETITTOI7 rOR COND7:TIC~NAL USi: PERMIT NO. 3418 BE GRANT~U WEI~REAS, the Ar~ahc~i.m City ~lanning Commission did recei.ve a veri.f.iecl Pet:ition far Conditional Use Permit Lur certain rea.L pr.aperty situatFd in the City of Anakieim, Courity of Orange, State of. Cal.ifornia~ described as: LOT A OF TRACT NO. 131'l9, ]:N THr CITY OF ANAElE7M, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS ~'r~R MAP FtFC.OFtD3~D IIQ BOOK 6].2, PAGLS 32 AND 33 OF !SISCELl~I1N~0US MAPS, IN THE OFc^ICE: OP' TkI~ COUNTY R~CU22DER OF SAID COUNTY . WHEkEAS, ttie City Plan~iing Car~misr~i.on did hold a public hearing at the Civic Cei~ter in the City ui AnaYieim ort Jucie 3, 1991, at 1:30 p.m. , iioL-ice of ~aid publ.ic hearing ha~.i.ng b~en duly yiven as requi.red by law and in accordance with tl~e provi5ions of the Anaheim Municipal Gode, Chapter 18.03, to hear ancl consid.er ~viderice f~r and against aiid propoae:] cenditional us~ per.mit atid to inveatiqatc~ and malce findirigy and r.ecoitunendatioria in connec;tion there~~~ith; and WfiLREAS, ~aid Commi~oion, after due inepect.i~n, .investigation and study made by itself and in its beh~•lf, and aft~r due conaideration af all evidence and repart~ offered at Ezaid hc.aring, doos find and determine the following facts: 1. That the pr'opo~ed u~+~ ie ~ropErly one fo1: ~ahich a conditional use permi~. ia authorized by Anaheim Muttir.ip31 Code S~ctian 1E3.90.05U.020 tu per.mit a dwell:ing in ~lie Floodp:.ain Overlay 2on~• 2. That Lhe pr.oposed u~~ will n~t adversely af£ect t:he 2djolning lan~] use~ and the growth and dev~lopment oL- the area iii which il is prop~~ed to be :Locatec?. 3. That t•hQ size and ahap~ of the site propo~ed for the use is ad~~quate to allow thP £~i11 devralopment of. ~i1~ proposerl use in 3 mani~er not det~-imcnt~l to thc particula~- area nor to tk~e peace, hc~alth, safety and general welfare of tlie Cif:lzcne of the City u[ Anaheim. 4. That the grantiitg of thE~ Conditional Use Permit under tha cond~.ti.ons in:posc:d will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safeL•y and _yeneral welfar~ of tlte Citi.zF~ns of the C.ity of Anaheim. ~. That tt~e traffi.c gcner~ited by the proposed uae wt11 not impcse an und~e burden upon the streets arid highways designe3 and icnprov~d to carrl the tra€fic .in the area. 6. That the proposed pro ject, alc~ne or i.n cc+mb.inat.icn with any existing c!evelopment.s, will not endanger life, will not sigai.ficantly .reatrict the c3rrying capacity ot the regulatory floodway, will not increase f1o~d r.; h~igtite and will. not increase the velocity of floodwaters. ~~. I CR1200MY -•1- PC51-76 , ~ r.f~~~'~~ 7. That no one in~ic,ted tholr prer~~r,.ee at said public: haaring in opposition; arid that no c~,rreFp~~ndence was reaaived in ~}~position to the subject petitiori. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL_,_QiJALITY AC~'P I'TNDI:NG: 'Ptiat the Anah~.im City Planning Commidsion haR re~iewed ~he p.ro~osa.l t~ reclar~aiFy the uoutkierly approxi.matEly 2,250 squar.e feet of subject properY,y from the RS-A-43,000(O)(FP) (Re3.ide:~tial, Agricultural-•Oit Pradurtion ancl I'lood Plain Overlay) 7one to the RS-•5000(O)(Fp) (Resident.ial, Single-Fami.ly-Oi.l Pr.oduct:ion and Flood Plain Overlay) and to permit ~ dwelling in a deoignatecl Floodplain Overlay Zone on an .irregu].ar.ly-ahap~d parcel of lanci consistir~g of apprc~ximately 0.142 act:e, ha~iny apr._~ximate front:age of 150 feet on the west side of Bubach s*ree~, hzving a maximum depth of 150 feet and he~nc~ located 730 feci: north c;f the c~nter.line of Orang$thorp~ Avenue; a-id doe~ hereby appr.ove the Negati~re Dc~r,laxation upon finding that it has considpred the Negative Declaration tagether wi.th any commente rc~ceived during the public review procPSS and further finding on •th~ baraia that th~ initial study and any a~mmenta r.eceived that thez•e i.s no suh~tantial evidence tha.t the project will have a aignificant effecC on the environment. N06J, TFiEREFORE, BE I'1 RESOLV~D that the Ariaheim City Planning Comaiissian does t»reby grant subject Petilic;il for Conditional Uoe Permit, upon tkie Pollow.ing condi.tiona which are he~:eby found to be a neceseary Prereguisite to the pr~posed use oi the suUject property .in ocder to preserve the aafety and general welfare of th~: Citi.zEns of the City of Ana2~eim: 1. * That tYie developmt~nt authorized by this resoluti~n ~hall confor„i ro Chcipter 17.?_Ei "Flood Hazard £teduct.ion" ~f the Anaheim Municipal Code. 2. * That prior to i~euance of a building permit, t}ie a~'~propria~e traffic sigt~al a~sea~ment fee st~all be pa9.d to the City af Anah~im in an amount as eatablieh~d. by City Council Resolution No. 90R-~198. ,,. Tha.t a parce~l rnap to re.c~rd the divieion of subject property 3ha11 be submitted ta anci approvecl hy the City of Hnaheim a~d sha11 then be recorded .in tlie Off.ice of the~ Granqe County Recos-der. 4. * That this Cor.ditioi~al Use Permit ia granted subject to aduption of a zoning ordinance in connection wi.th Fteclac~sification No. 90-91-~27, now pending. 5. * ThaL prior tn ie~uanc~ of a building permit, Lh~ appropriate fees due Eor primary water mains anall be ~,aic3 to the Water EY~gine~~ring Di~~ision, in accordance with Rule~ i5A and '7.U of che Water Utility Rate~, R~itea and Fegulat.ions. 6. * lhat f.ir.e spr.inklers ~tiall be inst~ll.ed aE required by t:he Fire Dc:partment. 7. k That subjec;t proper.ty cahall be ~erve~l by underground ur.ilit:ies. B. * Tha.t ~lie legal owner of ~ubjec~ property ~hall pay f.ees for electri~al ~ervice as cutlii~ed in L-he City of. Anaheim Rates, Ru?.e~ and Regulations. -2- P~::91-76 L.~ ~ , ~;:~ ,, . . 'a~ , ,::~;.. ~ 9• T.hat an ar~a for trash ~st:orag~~, acreened from public view, for twn (2) automated t.rash c~llec~i on barrel.~ eha11 be provic]ed and m~iintained in ~'onjunctien with the residEnce. 10. * T.~at a fee fcr Atreet tz•ee purpoaea eha11 be paid to the City of Anahei bzsed m on the lengL-h af ~tree~ front~ge along Bubach Street and Lakeview Rvanue i n an arnount as eatablished by Cit,y Council resolution. 11. k That all air canditioning faci.lities ~li1d cther roof a,nd grourid mo t 3 e i -• un e qu pment ehall be properay ahielde~'. from vS.ew anct the sound buffered From adjac:~nt t res dential pr.oQerties. Such infar.matinn shall be sp~cifica:lly sYiown on th e plans Hubrnii:ted ~or building ~.~ermits. 1?.. ~ ThaL- prior t~ ~.ac~uance of a?-~uildinc.J per•mit, ~ot.iafactory evidence shail be preaenl:ed to the Bui.lciiriy Division showing that the ~roposed project i~ in confor m~nce with Co~.incil Policy Number. 542 "Sound Attenvation iri Reaidential Projects" and with Noiee Ineulation Standard-i specified in the Cali£ornia Admir~istrative Code Ti l , t e 25. 13• Thai: all block watiR located at ur near the prop~.rty lines sha11 y~e planted and maintain d e with clincJing vine~ to elimina~e graff..iti opportunities. 14. Thut ~ub;ject p.o~ez-ty shall be develc,ped substanti~.lly in accordance wi+h P~.~1nr~ and ~pecif.i.cai:ions ~ubmitted to the City of Anaheim by the Petitioricr and which p1an~ are on file with the Planning Departrr,eitt ~aarked 6:xhibit No~. 1 through 3. 15. * Tnat pri~-~r to i~~ualice oL-' a buil~ing permit, apprapriar.e parlc anc rer.reation in•-1ie~.i fzc3 stiall be pa:;.d to the City of Anaheim in an amount as establiaY~ed by ~ity Counc.il r~solution. 16. 'I'hat prior t~ iss~aance of a building permit oz within a period ~f one (1) y~ar from tt~e d~~t~ of thio resolution, wliichev~r occur~ first, Condition N°s• 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, t3, 10, ?1, ].'l at~d 15, above-mentioned, shal.l be c~mpliEd with. L;r.tensione foz• further tirne to complei:e saici conditions m~iy be grar.t~d in ac:cardanr_e wit}i SE:C~LOIl 18.U9.09Q of the Anahei~n Munic.ip~l C_•ode. 17. '1`ha~ prior to f.inal b.iiluing anQ zoning i.nspectiona, Condition Noe. 6, 7, 9, 13 and l~l, ab~ve-ment-ioned, c~ha].1 b~ romplied with. 1f3. ~'Chat ap~~roval o£ this appli_cation constit~at~a appraval of the pr.opos~d rpquest on.ly ta the extent that it cumpl.ies ~• th the Anaheim Municipal Zoninc~ Code and aay other app1icabl~ ::ity, Sr.~te and FederaZ r~=gulati.ona, Approv~l da~s r.ot includ~ any acti~n c.~r f.indings as to compliance o~ apprr.,val oL• the request recJarding any othez ap~licable o.rdinance, regulatiori or requirEment. Concliti.uns marked with an agterisk (*) are requtrPd by e~tablished laws, codPS, regulations an~~i agr~ements and are, therefor~, nut :~ub ject to nec7otiation. ~ _3_. PC91-76 DI. IT [~URTE{ER RGSUI.Vts~U Ct~at the Anaheim f:i.ty P.lanning Commieol.on d~~s hor~by f ind ~~nd deterrni.n~ that adopt i~n af th lo ReE,~lutJ un ia ex~resaly pr~dic~tod ul~on ~applicant:~e compliance ~NiL•h ~acti and al.i of the corditiong h~-ereinribovF~ sst f.orth. 5hou.ld sny auch condition, ar an,y part. thereof, be aeclnred 1.nva!.id or unenforconble bv the fl~~ul. jude~ment. oI Rnf court of compntent juri~dicti~,n, thcn thi~ RE~oalutl.on, and any approvale hereii~ ront~3ined, shall bc~ duemed null. and void. TFiP i bkE;GC~ING R[:SUT.UTION was rido~t:nd ~~ thc~ Plann.ing Commipdion ~n~!eting vt J~me 3, 19~J1. i, ~ // -,j ~ j~''' .`_.R~._' %.'. i//~~ ~ .._~_ . ~ ~ ,~~--~'_ - `-tr:'~ ~(.{.~_~.c_..; CHAI}2WCSMAN, HIJAfiF.lM C.T.7'Y~ PI,ANNTNG COMMISSION A7"i'I:5'P : 3ECRETAF2Y, ANAHETM CIZ'Y :"~LANN;NG ~'OMMISSION =".'A'IC OF CAI.IFc~RNIA } C'OUtJ'I'Y UF' OI2ANGE ) :~~~, ~ C I'C [ Ok' ANAHE i:I ) I, J~~nF~t L. ,TFt~oen, Secrt~tc~ry of thE~ A:~at~eim L'ity .t~;.anning Commi.~~c~ion, do hereby cc~rtif; Lhat r,}~e foregoing regoluti~~n was pansQd and adopte~l :~t ;- m~eti.ng of the ~lnaheim City P.laniting Commission helr3 on .7una 3, 1991, by the following vote of tt,e membera thet~of; AYPS: CnAtMISSLON[:RS: ROUAS, E30Y;1S'CUN, 'r'E:,UI{AUS, EfELLYEf?, HBNNINGGR, MESSF NOES: ~AMMI5SIONGRS: ?~orir AE3Sr.:JT: COMMZSSIONERS: PERA7,A T_N wI'T'C~E5S WFiFRf:VF, I h~ve her.~unto r,eC niy hand thi~ _~`:'/ d~y rc '` 1~)1. U ---~~`^'! -±'"'------~ ~ j , ~ -_1.~-~L.~% W.~-~..~...~-~...-.~:... .....-.c~_~.._.~'..___~~..~..~~.~ ~ S4~~RETARY, ANAN~IM CI'I': PI~ANNISJC C,QMMISSIO« ~'~ •- F~C 9 .l - 7 C,