Resolution-PC 91-78rr'r~„', RFSOLUTTQN N0. PC91-7~3 ,~'_'"r~ A RrSOLUTI:ON OF THL A.NAF1ES24 CITY PLHNNING COM.MISSlON ~1MEND7NG CERTAI:V CONDITIONS OF AYPROVAL OF' CUNDITTONAL, USE I~ERMJT NU. 3318 WHGRET.EJ, on July 3U, 1990, the Panning Comniiesion approvad Condiliunal Use Purmit No. 3318 under Reaoltiition No. PC9U-196 to permit a commerciul uae (beauty aa.lon) in a residential stz:ucture on property located at L•he norttiwe~st corner of Rall Road ~nQ W~ete:cn Avenue, having a~pr~ximate frontag~s cif 87 £ec:t on the north si~.~e of E3a11 Road and 109 feet. on the weat side ok Western Avenue, and furCher degcribed as :i203 Weat Ball ~toa y. WEIEREAS, Recolutiun IVo. PC9U-~.76 include~ t:he following candition: "9. That t.h.ia Cc~nd.icional Us~ Permit eh~-11 be li.mitsd ko a bpauty ~tal.c~n only. " WHERF:AS, t11e petiL•ionEr I1a~ requectrd amendment t•~ said Condi.tion r~o. 9 pertainir:g to limi.ca~ion of ~aoes L•o permit a real eai:ate of.ficc in r.onjunct:ion with a beauty 3c31011. WtiEREr1S, L•hi~ CiYy Planning ComrriisHi~n ~]id h~ld a public heari.ng at the Ci.vic Center Ln ttie Cir.y ~f Anaheim un .TUnE• 3, :~991, at 1:30 p.m., noticc~ of ~ai.d public near.inr having been d~ily given a~, required by law and in accar.dance wiY.h the proviniaris oE ttie A;~aheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, l-.~~ t•~c~ar and con~icier eviciHnce for ai~d again~t said propo~ed canclitional use X~ermit and to investiyate and niakc>. findings and reca~nmene.iatioiZS in connection therewitn; and W[-iFRF.A5, :,aid ~onuni~~+ian, after. due insp~ction, inre~kiq~tion and c~ludy R11dr_~ by it.~elf and in ita behalf, and after due cori~+iderati.~ii of all e~~ic~ence and rep~~rts oLf.erc~~l at said h~aring, does tind ~nd determine the following facta: 1. 'I'hat cornmercial u:~ag~:.~ of a residen~ial. s~:ructure ~vaa aFproved under Conditional U~E~ Permit N~. 331II and ~he pr.opo~+ecl rea'1 ee*_at:e of.fi.ce ie an a~~propriate ci~mmerr.ial u~~e wi.thin a converted resi~lent.ial atruc;ture, as specif'_ed in 5ection uf the Anaheim Municipal Code. 2. 'That no one ;r,di~atecl their. preaence nt• ea.id put.tic !iearing in opYoc3ik.ian; aud ttiat no cor.respr~nctence waa recei.v~~d in ~~ppo:~it:irri t:n the cubject F~eL-i.tion. CAL.IEOI?NCA I)JVIROPIMF.NTIII. QUAI.I'fY ACT i'INDINr,; That the Anahein~ City F'lann.ing Commi~ei.on na~ reviewed the propooal to amend Candi.tior. No. 9 of. Fte~aluL•ion N~. E~~JO-196 p~rtaininq to limitation of commercial ueea t~ permit a reaJ. estate office in ~:onjunction with a b~auL-y ealon i-: a residential structure i.n th~ RS•-A-43,000 .".one and duc:n h~reby find that the tteyative Declarar,ion I~reviously a~,~roved in connection wi_th ~c~ndi.tional Us~~ Permit No. J31fJ Lii ~7C~t3Cjt1alfB CO BBYV` ilfS t:~l£ CE'C~U1L'CC~ Fsnvironme~;cal documer,ta~ion 1[1 con:i~±ctiort with thirs r~:Ruec~~. C.R12U2MP -1•- PC91-')~ ~~~ NOW, THL...:,N^ARE;, Fl~ IT RE50LVED that ~ Anaholm Ci~y Planning Commission doc~s hereby amend rQndiEion No. 9 of R~solution No, PC9Q-196 to read ae fal~ow~: ~; ;i~ ~ , ;~~, ~ s "9. That: tYii~ condit'~onal uee permit eh.111 be limited to a b~auty ealon and rea~. e~tate offica only, pzovldod the ~quare foutaga af botFi usen camb.ined tthall not E+xceod twelva hundred (1200) aquarQ f.e~t. ~~ :,~. ~ ~ ~. +~'.; i ir: ? r<< i THE FGF?FGOTNG RESOi,UTTUN was adupted ai: thc~ Planning Commianion mFQting of Juii~ 3, 1991. .'' - ~ ~ /~ / . ,/~ /"' r j}'''"'_ r---~ 1~., ,C1 ~~,,~ ~, '- , -;Z. _r--~L,QX' ! .r,t~ CHAIRWhMAN, ANAHEIM CTTY' PLA~iNING COMMISSTON ATTEST: _ c L~ ~. f~ -: L~.~..E~;e_.u:~e~...- --- St~CRETARY, ANAHF,.IM CITY PLANNING CC~ASMISSION , :i`PfiTE OF CALIF'C)RNIA ) COUN2'X rJF ORANGL ) ~sr. CI'1'Y OF ANAHEIM } I, Janet L. Jen~en, Secr~tary of Y.he Anaheim Gity Planning Commi.~sion, do h~reby certiFy that i:he foregoing resoluti~n wass gaesed and adopt:ed at a m~.eti:ig of the Anaheim City Flai,ning Commission held oc~ J'une 3, 1991, Y~y ttie fol lowiriq vot-e of the memti~ero thezeof : ~1YES: C0:IMTSSIONERS: BOUAS, f30YDSTUN, FELDHAUS, HELLYER, HGNNINGFIR, FfESSE NOFS : CnMN,ISS IONEl2S : NUNE 11IiSFNT: COr1MI.°,STONERS: P(:RA~A IN WITNLSS WI~iEREOH , I h~,v~~ hereunto s~t my I~ancl th.i.s ~` d~ day o t : ;,;;_~_i_•~:-~~<:r _._. _, 19 91. ---~"-~-K- ., _ . : , ~ - ; . ; _ • ~ " " ~t - ' - ' ~ 1 ~ '`' , - -- 3H~CRETARY, ANAHEI~}- GfTY, PLANNIN~ C~JMMISSTON -?. - PC91-78 ~ ~, ~; ~