Resolution-PC 91-81', ~;~~ ~'s!i7'~ 'RESOLCITION NO. PC91-ti1 ~~ A R~SOLUTTON OF THE ANAEiEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION R~COMMENDTNG AMf:NllMENTS TO SrCTION 18.U70.030 OE THE ANAH~TM M[JNIC'iPAL CODE ~ran TO URDINANCE NO. 4861, PER'PA~NING TO SPECIF:iC PLF.N DTO. F37-~1 (THE HIGHI~ANDS Af ANAH~TM HILLS) ~i~~; ~~r~ ~~4~ 1 WEi::REAS, the City Counr,i l appraved S~a_cific P1an P1o. £i7-1 (SP87-1) ('~h~ Highlaiids at Anahe:Lm t~illsl on Jtine 23, 1987 and subsequentcly adopted Urdinar~ce No. 4550 (establishing Chapter 18.70 which implements SP87°1 Zoni.ng and Development Stand~~rda) and nrdinance No. 4861 (impl~menti~:y L-he SP$%-1 'Lone} on Auguat 25, 19t37. SPa7-1 is i_ntended to provid~ for the do•~elopmc~nt of a total of. 816 acre~s including a maximum of 2,147 rPeidential units, 8 acres o~ comm~rcial usF s, a i~ark site, an 0-acre elementary echool. si.te and appro~imately 292 acres o~ open sp~c~; and WHEREAS, t;~e petitioner, Presley of S~uther.n California, has requeeted amendments to secti.on 18.70.~30 to permit administrative review and approval of cu3tom homes w ithi.n Development Area 1(T.ract Ma~ Nos. 12689, 12090 and 12691~ and to allc~w processir~g of parcel mage prior to site plan a.pproval £or Developm~nt AY~?3a i and 11; and WHEREAS, the peti.t-ioner aleo r~q~eaLed amendment Condition Nea. 3 and 5 of Ordin;~cice CIo. 4861 ta change th~ t.iming of s.ite pZan appr.oval rel~tive to parcel map approval.. WE~EkEAS, Subaections 1II.'l0.030.010 and 1A.70.030.020 of Section 18. "70.030 currently r.ead: "1£3. ; 0~03C1.010 IMPLEMENTATI~N. The 5~~cit•ic Pla.n eizall be impJ.Empnted t.hrough th~ ~L'OCE?981I1CJ c~f site plans in c~~njur~c:tion wiL•h resident.ial tract maps and parcel maps and pri.ox to the i.sHUai~ce of build.ing permite f~r the c~nmerciaL deve~opment ~rea (Developm~nt Area 8). 'Che site plar.o may be prepared separately Pr.om the tentative eubdivieion maps oz~ may t~e sub~ittad on the same docu~nFnt prcvided the m~3p(e} auhmittPd ar~ in sufficler~t dQt•ail to dc~termine conf.ormance with the ~peci.Lic i~lan." "1£3.7Q.030.020 SITF PLArt APPftOV1~7.,, The :~ii:e plan(s) for a particular develop~n~nt area, nr. pari:ion thereof, tthal]. be reviecaed at a duly noticed public hearin~ by the Plannic~g C~mmission for conc~ist~ncy wi.~h the Specific Ftan anci this chapter.. Notic~ of hE:aringe for reaidential site plana aha1J. be give:z at the eame ti.me a~d i.n the eame manner as s~ecified fur hea.ringe for tentative kxact map~ in th~ Municipal Cude. Notice of site plana for the r.~mm~rcial development area (Deve'lopment Area 8) ehall be gi.ven in the same ~r,anner r~ spe cified for hearings for tentative tract; maps .tn the Municipal Co~e. 5ub;i~ct to minor bour~dary variations ae au~tiorized by Sectian 18.70.U20.040 of this cha~ter, and dc~nsity tran~sf.ere as authorized 'oy Soction CR~208MP -1- PC91-81 ,~ a~+~~i~h, .;;<'i;;;~~ 8.70.02~.050 af thi.o c;hdpt~r, it L-ne ~ite plan i~ found to be c~naistent with the Specif i c Plan and this chapter, the P1a~nir.g Commissian ehall appr.•ove th~ a:ite ~lan ~nd dtrect t}lat the Zaning Map of t5e cii:y be amended wh~n nece~sa:y, The deaiaian of the ~lanning Com:nission etiall be final t~ubject to a~,pe31 or zeview by the City Counci!. in the samo time snd mar~uer as pravided for. a~peal £rom decision~ ~~.f. the adv~.e~r.y agency on tentltive tr.~~ct mapa 4~ aet for`h in th~ Muni~~~p~,l C~cle." WHERI;AS, Conciitian Nos. 3 and 5 ~f Ordinance No. 4861 currently r.~ead: "3. Tkiaz in cenjurir.t.ian with thP submittal of all resideritial tent•at?ve ~ract or parcel maps ana prior to the approval of a11. cUminercial. eite plans, the follo~ving information and/rr plans shall be ~ubmitted to the Plannj.ng Departinent for Pl.anning Commisai~n rpviFw and approval in conformance with Cod~ Sect;iun lE3,tf5.06G of the ?lnaheim Munieipal Cade: (a) Lo::ation ma.p - d.rawn to the aame scale as the mapo in Exh.ibit A (Specific Plan) anci re?ating the trdcL• to tbe ove~:all Highlanda pro ject. (b) Topographic map. {c) Lot d.irnensions a~cl pad sizes -- of alI lata auf.[ioient ~to indicate the r.elationship of the prop~sal to t;~e na*ure ar.d. extent of thP cu~ and fill oarthwork. involved, (~) Vehicular cirr.ulation and pa.rking plan - indicating ~he natur.e and extent ~F. public anc; priva.te atreets, alleys and othe_ ~ublir acce~eway~ f~r• vetiicular circulation, off-str~et parki.ng, anri vehicular 3torag~. ( f) Fence and wa11 plans - indicating the z~~pe c~f fencing along any lot line uf : ai.L•e abutL-ing a street:, cref•k, lake ar open et~rm drain. The ep~cific f~nce er wa11 loca~ion skial~. be ahown ir_ ad.di.~io-i t~ the cal.or., materi3l aiid height. Any fencing located in a manne.r which may obatruct L-he view frum a public r.ig}it-of-way Rha11 c~nsi.st o` dcco.rc~tive apen-wurl~ materiale. (g) Signing plans - indicating the prapoeed signing program and including, but nar li.mi~ed to, any ideiitificai;ion, huoi~ie~se or other ~ir~na; and epecifyiny the aixe, }ieight, locatian, coloz, material and ~ir,l~~in~ pf auch signe. Development area identific~tion signe shall be constructed in compliance with th~ Anaheim Highlande 5~~c.iflc Plan. Ihe developer ehall provid~ ~igns to idQntify the Eastern 'Pransportatian Corridor Area within one-half (1/2) mile of the car~idor. In additic,n, r~igne shall be providQd to identify propc,eod future laild iaees, such as the comrnercial ~ite, future flchool/park si.te~ rpc~idential land uces, etc. Al.l signage ~hall be sub j ect t~ the review and approval ~f tF-e City Traf f ic EncJineer for vehicular and pedestr~.an visibili.*y and the Planning Department f~r Specifi.c F~lan conformance." -2- PC91-81 "5. TI131: p.rior to r~aidenCi~l tentatfve trac` or parcel map approval and prior tu the appr~va~. of all commorc.tal r~itQ plans, the patl.tionnr ahall eubmit ~~LQ).iminary eite plane, £loor plano and building eleva~ione to the Plar~ni.:iy Commie~yion for r.QViow and apprnva.l; eaici planr~ nltall include buildir.y .nateriala and colorN. Final ~iY.Q plsno, floor. Pl~no a.;d bui.lding c~levati~~no ulti.mar.aly arprovod by tt~e CiMy ohnll be ln ~ubetant.tal conEormance with E~aid preliminary plailo." ~~'fiLREAS, Tt~act Map No. 12G89 (t~ eet:abliah a 70 z'F?eidentfal-lot~ 1 open :3pace lot and 3 pr;vate ti3treet-lot., detachecl single~•family residential ~i~l~di.vi~ion) and Uitf~ plan wer.~ appr~ovad by the Planning Com.~~iaQicin on Jan~~ary ~~~ 1y9~~•. tiaicl tr~ct maE, waa F;ubo~quently r~coc•ded on Sept~mber 28, 19y0; and WHF:REA:i~ Trar.t: Map :IO. 12590 (t~ eatahlieh a 79 r.esidential-lot und 3 ~.rivate sL•rec~~-lot:, detac;~ed ningle-fami.l~ QubdAvLei.on) .~r~d eite plan were appr.oved by the F~l.anning Comniiaflion on ~anu~rX 2y, .1990. S~id tracr_ map was :~u~s~quently recrrded on Auqu~t 1~, .1990; and WHF.I2EAS, Tract Map No. 12691 (to Qetablish a 57 re~id~nt.tal-lot, 1 o~,Qn ap~c~e lot and 3 private street-lot, detache~ ainylo-family r~c~ident.ial :,ubdit~is:an) a,id a:t:e plan wf~rc approved by the Planning Commiesion or, Jamtary .t5, 1990. Sa.id tract map wa:,° dubfequently recorded on April 9, 1990; and WHERFAS, r.;~c• CiLy pl~nnir,q C~mmiA~slon di:1 tio.id a publJ.c hearing at the Civir_ Center in th~ r.ity ~f Anaheim on May 20, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., notice oP ~aicl pul,li.c h~aring havinc~ bF~en dul.y given an requir.ed by law and .in uccordance wit•Fi the provisi.one of the T.natieim Munic.i~al Code, Chapt^±r 18.03, to kiear and con~ici~±r eviden~e tar and agair.,et nai.d prnpoeed cunditional us~e permit and to investigate and make finding3 and r-ecommendations in connect.{on therawith; and that aaid public heariny w~is cr~ntir~ued to Che June 17, 1991 Planning CommS.oe.ian ir,~eCi.ng; and 47HEREAS, a~~id r•omm:sel.o:i, axter due ins~ocrion, invsstiyation and ctuQy made by ~t~elf and `n ita behalf, and after due cor.eider.ation of all evidc~nce and repc~rt~ ~f fered at r,ai.d hf+ari.ng, doee find and dHtQrmine thP f~:,llo~inq facts: 1. That ti~e sa:e ~E custom lotd a i~j the conr~trucr,ion of cuetom homes in Development Arpa 1 will no~ be der.rime:~tal Co ttir aurrounding area if the arcnitEactural ~r.yle anc! integ~ity of t.he eurroundinq area ie enforr.ed through ~~i~e plan approval whlch ir.cludes dQaign revi~w; and ,`.hat thp use of covenants, c~.nciitiono and r~rcri.:tio~.r~ (CC & R'o) as wcll ae staff revieu of ull. propoeed reridencc~~ will maintain th~ dQn.ign elements of the Hiqhlan~a at Anaheim Eiillo :~pecific Plan. 2• 'Tnat the pr.oponn~~ amEndmer.te per.tairting tn tho ~rcceesiny oE ::~r.t~tive parcei mapr~ and tract map~ wit•hin Develdpment Areas 7 and :1 will not b~' ci!~iri~i~nr_al r_o thE~ :7enaral ara,~ due to L•t,ca f~rt ti~~t ~ubjer_~t empndments will n~t ch~ ~gn t;tie c3caiznate<i u~spe of th~ae DeveloFxnQnt Areae as er~t~bliahed in SPf37-1. FurttiQr, if eithnr Develo~xnent Arc~a ta 3old to ,3n outeide in!ereat, th~3 Pl~~nrino c:~n~;nioNl~~n ret:a:.,iR l•t~• rf,yht tu revS.ew thE• prHCSgQ plane aC a rtoritn~,1 Fub~ ic hr_aring prto-.• ~c ~Keu~nce of buildinr~ nQrmit~s. ~ ~ e~C91-81 ai~ ~~ 3. ~That thQ propc~sed am~ndraent•a are cnn~ietent wlth th~ goalo ~:u obj~ctive;~ of the iiit~hlandu at Anaheim F•iilld Spc~cific P:lan (SPA.^ •1) and the Anah~im Gr_nQ,~al Pl~zn. ENVZROIJrSGN_,fAL TMPAC'f _ANF~LYS.~~: That Fnvi ronmontal ImpacL• Ropart No. 273 f.or Specific Plsn tf%-] ~::,, cer~~ fiod by l.hr~ Cfty c;ounc;il on June 23, :987 and addrec~aQS t.he ~n,•:~rorimental :Lmpact:a and mitigation muac~ur.ea ae~~ciat9~l with rhe c;levelopm~r~t of 'I'he Higt~~l~n~is .it Anahefm Eii11n and, ther.c~~ore, EIR No. 2'13 irs adc~quat~ to o~:rve aej th~ required f?(1V.lT(~illllf?i1Cc'll CjOCU[ilOfi~3t.LUtl for eubj~r.t ,-nque5t . NOW, TNL•RLP'ORE, BE T'P k~SOI,vFD t.hat the Anaheirn City Planning Ca;nm.i~3 ion claes here~~y rec:omrnend am~?ndment: to Suboe~et i one . U] 0 and . vitl of 5r.ctian 18.70.~30, t~ read a~ fi>liow (the added text ia underlined): "1fl.7U.Q3Q.010 IMPLEDtENTATION. Ttie Sper.itic P1an ahall. bQ irnplem2ntecl .'~rcur3:l the procesiaing ~f ei.te plane in c~n~j~~nction with reeidenL•ial tract; maps an~j parceJ. maps and prior to ttye i.sauance of building parmitH fur Che commercial develapment area (Developmc:~nt Area S) znd Dev_n.~nmant~lreaH 7 a~ tl._ The site plar~~ may be prepared ceparately from thQ tont~tive eubdivision m..ip:~ ar m~7y be 3ubmitte.', o-i the eame docu~ient pr~vided tht~ niap(s) ~ubmitt.ed are in ~~:ffir.ient deLai.l to determin~ cantc~r.n~,,nce with tY~e Specif.ic Ylan." "1II.70.03U.020 SIT~ PI.AN ?1PPROVAL. Tne ~it~~ plan(a) for a partir.ular developmcrnt area, or portion thereof, ~hall b~ reviewed at a duly notieed p~;bl ic hr~aring by L-hN Planr,ing Conuni.fleion for c~naidtency with the Specific Plan and th~s chapr!~r. Notice of. hearinge for. resid~ntial ~it~~ ~:lana shnll be given at the aame time ~nd in the AamE manner as apeaifted for hearinga for tent:-t.ive tract m~pfl i.n thc~ Mur~icipal Code. iaowF~~er, reeident,tal t_r3:.•t_maps or ~~rcel.___g~ii~s for. Deve1~~ ,ment Areae_7 and 11 ma~; bP_proceQaed prior to aite alan r~v_iew_ and a~proval h~_ the_ F~1<inr,in~ Ccrtunioa; c„~~~rovided that the Planning Commi_sr!Lc>n Hhall_ r~v_iew and apQrovA t~~e ait~_plane Eor DQVelotment Areas 7 and 1 t__at__a ~d~~~ nct• i_c~~d _p~ibl ic haaring~zi.or to th~~ i.c~su~-ice of a building pc~r.mit•. Site Pl1n;~ for i_ndividualiy develo~nc~ cu~tom ].ots within DavelOp~nent 7+rc~a___1_~Tract !ta~,_ No3_.. 126ft9~__17.690 and 12691_)__i~~. be revi.ewPd a.r.d ar.proved b~ th~~ __ Pl~nnin~~lDLr~ccor or F11Ci__(IQP1~~^_ 9Uk~ er.•t to ~ach nru~er~ owner elemon~rrar_.ti,~~con~tatnn~~ with *_he q_oa]_R and obiecLivee oE_the Staecif.ic P1an ~~nd__ r_ho~e sta1nd:irds._oet __f~rth _in Code Section I8.74.O~U.010. P.nv devic~i r trom 4 5ectfon 18.70_060._~10 ahall be sub~ect t~ V~ri~nce pr~cRed~.nqs__, a~ t~~tabi i~h~d in _Code Sect ion 18. 03~U!10. , xh~ciE~is o,p of t~t ~ Flan~nc~ D:r~+~:t~r ~r _hia deo.iqnee m~_ be ap~eal ce1 r.c Y~e Plarinir:-~__COm~.~.es Qn w thin_l~ ~i;~~i~~f hi.~__~leci~tun__ ~nd ronoidered_~3 dul~ nok,~~F~d put~lir hearin~c . N~ticR of eitQ plan~ for the commercial develupment are~- (pevelup~ent Ace~a 8) ~ncl reai~ent al ~site_`rlane f~r Dc~ve.;~ment Areas 7 and 1~l ehall be gLven in the same mannEr ae ~~;eci.fiE~d for hParings Eor tentar.ive t.rar.t mape in the Muiliclpal Cadz. Subject to nin,~i~ boundt,ry variation a3 aut:horized by 5~scti.on 18.70.~20.0~0 of th,i.n ct:apter, and den,ity trar~sfers an auth~rized b;~ Section ~Ei.70.Q2~1.U50 ut this chaF~te:-, if the ~it~ pl~ ~ ia found to be con~lor.ant with th~ Sper,ific 1~Ian and thi~ chat:tc~r, ~he Pl.ann'ny Conu7i~9ion ehall ~~ppr~~•e thp eite ~lan and direct t:h~t th~> 'lc~ninq Map af ti~e city 'or, amen~e~ when neceeaary. The d~-cLnfon of the I~lanninc~ ::omrr~i.nc~ion ohall bF+ final nub;ect t~ eppeal or review by the City Council in the E~artie tir~u~ .~nd manner. ae pruvided for ap~eal from dQCiutone af the advi~,c,r.y ayency on tenL•acive trar.t: m:.ipu ao ~Qt forth in the Munie~paZ (,Si•:jQ . .. --~3 - PC91-~ = ~~A 8~ IT FUitTH~P. RESOT.VED, th~C ~he Anaheim Cit:y Plnn~7ing Cummieaion doee hereby recorimend am~ndment to Coriditi.on Noe. 3 and 5 of Oi~dlnance No. A861 to re<<d a~ folloke (thc~ addE 1 text ie und~rlined): "3. That in c~njunct.ion with the gubmittal of a11 r~eidantial tontative tract or p~rcF,l mapc~ (wft~i, t]~y axc:e~tion of t ooe within pevelogr~ant Areas 7 and 111 ancl prior to th~ approvttl. of al]. c~mmorcial eite plune .~inclu~i. g r~sid~~ritial eita p).ana within L`eveloomant_Ar,one 7 ar,cl 111, the fo.llowing i.nforn~at ion and or pl.ang e1~a11 bo ~ubmit~ed to the Planni.nc~ Dopurtma3nt for. Plarviing Comrr.i.aaion r.evi~w and a~proval in conf.ormanca with Sa3cki.on 18.85.06U ~f t:he Anahei.m Municipal Code: ( a) I.ocation map - drAwn t~ thc~ aa;ne eca1Q ae i~~ mape irt Exhibit A (Sp~ciFic Plan) a~id ~elating the tract ta ~h~ averall Highiands pr~,jc~at. (~) T~~~or,raphic r~ap. (c) L,ot dimer.~ions ~nd ~~ad eizes - of. all loCe aufficiant to indicate the rclationehip of the propo~al ta t-he nature and e~;tent of the cut and iill earthworJc involved. (e) vehicular circulati.on an~ p~rking glan - indicating the nak:ura ar.d extent of public and private otreetc~, alleya arid ather publtc ar.ce~sway~ for vehicular circulation, off-etreet parking, and vehicular atorayo. (f) Fance and wa:1L plane - ihdicatinq the ty~a of fencing along an,y l.ot line of a o.ite abuttiny a stzQet, creek, lake or open stor.m dral~n. The ~pecific fence or. wall locatfon ~shal.l be t~hnwn in addit:ion to the color, material and hsaiqht. Any f~ncing .lacaCed i~i a manner which may obotruct the view £r~m a~ublic r.iqtit-of-way ehall consiflt of decorative open-work matorials. (r,) Signiny plans - indicat?ng the propor3Qd siqning program ~nd incl~iding, but no~ limited to, ~ny i.~lentificati.on, bueinese or othar. ~igne; and egecifying the eize, heiqht, location, color, mater,ial and ligntiny of s;ich signo. n~-,.:lopment ar~a iden~ific~tion eigns atial.l be conetructvd in r,omgliance with the Anaheim Hiqhlande Specific Plari. 'Tt~e devPloper etiall providR s~.,no to identify the ~astern Tranepoz•tation Corrldor Area wit.hii~ one-half (1J2) mile uf thQ cor~•idoc~. In additior., siqne ahsl.l i~e prnvlded to idenhify propuaed EUturc land ~ec~a, ~uch an the commeccial eite, futura flchool/~af•k ait•e, reaidential land ueQe, etc. All aignagc Bhall be subject r.o tha revi.ew and appr.oval of thN City Traffic and Tx•zn~porta::t.on Manay~.r for vehic~~lar and pedestrian viriaility and th~~ I~lanr;i,;~3 i)epartment for SpFSCific Pl.~n conformanre.~' 1 -5- PC91-81 ~~,~ :~:~, ~~ "5. Tht~t prior to r.esidontial tEntative tract or parcel map approval (~i,ti. the exCQption of ,thoea wi.thi.n AQVelanrrent t ae 7 and 11) and pri~r to the ~tppzaval. of all commercial eite plane, (~.ncludinq r•eei.d_gnt~i ~eite pl~ns wi*~l~in Developm~rit Areas 7 and 11), the petition~t~ ahall eupmit preliminary site plan3, floor plane and bu{.lding el~vati.ons to the I~lanning Comnzi~seiz~n ~or r.FView and appr~va.l; eHid plane ahall incl~~de buildi.ng matQrials ~nd cc~lors. Fin~l eite plrj.ne, floor pla~-s and buildin~ elevat,i.one ultimatoly appr.ovc~d by thd City ehall be in eubatantial conformance with said prolimtnary plana." TFiF FOREGOING RESOI:U'PIUN was adopted at the Pl~nning Com~nls~+ian mc~eting oE June 17, 1991. , /'~ ~ ' ~., //i , /f": : ! `C . ~t,~.~' ~f/ ; : ~ c. c+~,~ '~c.,~(.~ C(•IA?RFlO AN, ANAHEIM CIT PLANNING COMMISSION ATPES't: . / -' ~^f~/ ~ 1 ! ~ ~=-+--_~.=Y_F<;~} /JO.N~i ~ S RRTARY, ANAF}L~f-~f CITX PLANNING COMt~ISSION ~~_._~ („i STATE OF CALI~URNIA ) COUNTY QF ORANGE ) fle,. CITY UF ANAEiEIM j I, ;1~net L. Jen~en, Se~re~ary of the Anaheim City °lanning Commissi~n, do hereby c~rtify that th~ foregoing reeoli~tion was naaeed and adc~pted at a meetinc, of the Anahei.m City Planning Commis~.ion held on June '17, 1~91, by th~ follo~oing vote o£ the mRmbere L-h~reof: AYES: CUMMiSSTONERS: BOUAS, 130YDSTUN, FEGDHAUS, HE;LIYER, HFNNINGER, ME~SE, P3sRA'LA NOES: ~OMMISSIONERS: NUNr AIiSL[dT: COMM:SSIOtiEZS: t10NF. It7 WI'CNESS 47H~RfsOF, I havF• hereUnto aet my hand thio ~~~-~'~ day o f _~;,,(,~~i , ] 9 91 . ~ x ~_.~._ / ~ ~~ ,// . 11-'Qr y~, ' ~ - ~~„ '~.i '%. ECRETP.RY, A3AFI$IM CITY PLANNING COI~SMISSTON ~/ _h- PC91-81