Resolution-PC 91-85RESOLUTION Nn. PG91-85 ~ A RESULUTION UF' 'rHE ANAHEIM CITY I~LIINNJNG C,OMyISSION AMENDING CONDITTONAL US~ PERMTT NO. 336z1 WHFREA5, on llecember 3, 199Q, the Planning Commiasion granted Cond.i.tional Uee Perm.it No. 336~ unde.r R~salution No. Ft"~ /3 to perm.it a chui-ch faci.lity with o~aiver af mi.nimuin r~umb~r of parking sF~aces and permitted l:c~ure c~f operatiun on p:aperty l.oeated on the ~~uth side of La Paima Avenue, having a maximum depth of appr.oximately 761 feet, being located approximately 1~}1 feet weot of the centerline of Brasher Street and further dascribed an 5300-534~ East La Pa1ma Avenue. WtiFREA~, the petitioner }ias re:questpd amendment to Conditional Use Perm~t- *:c. 3363 to perrnit a~chool use in additioTi to a previou3ly approved church, to include a t.hird waiver, as foll~ws, and to amen~ the conditions vf approval pErtaining to i:ime li.mitati onJ on c:hurch~~ i.n tY~e Cany~n Inclu~trial Area: (C) SLCTION5_18.05.050.0212 - I,iinimum numk~er of ~aa-lcin spac~a. 18.06.05C1.0256 (2,334 r:ecluired; 1~152 propon~d) 1f3.OG.050.131 18.06.80 and 18.61.Q66.05U WHERF,AS, the City Plannin~ Comrni3sion did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City oP Anaheim on JunE 17, 19~31, at 1:30 p.m., rotiae of sa~.d public lzeari.ng having been dul.y given as requirec] by law and in accordance wi.th ~he provisiona of the Ariahei.m Municipal Code, Chapter 1II.03, to hear and cun~i~aer evidence for and ag~inst said propo~ed condition~tl uQE~ permit and to inveat.Lgat•e and malte findinga and recommendatione ~n connection ther.ewith; and WH~REAS, aaid Conunission, after due insper.ti_on, investigai:ion and study made by itseif and in it3 beh~lf, ard after due considerai:ian of all evidence and repurto o~ferecl rit ~ai<i hearing, doea Fi.nd arid dek~r.min~ thP following facts: 1. 'fhat thc petiL•ioner pzopases to entablish a 243,836 sq. ft~ (previously 221,OG9 sq. ft. ; ctiur.ch coith acce~eary uses and fac:i.lities iri two existing ir~du~atrial buildinys. 2. Thut the zequested waiver i.s her~by gran;:ed on the ba~is tha~ the parki.ng waiver will nc~t cau~e an increase in traffi~ conyestion in the immec:iate vic.inity nor adversely afiec*. aciy adjoining land us~s and granting of the parking waiver under the canditions imposed, if any, will not be d~trimPntal to t;h~ p~ace, health, aafety anr~ gener~l welfare of the citizens of 1:he c~ry of Anaheim. thE basis no~ification. 3. That the rc:quested uFe to percni.t a sck~ool ie hereby denied on tha~c th~~ appJ.i.cant withdrew aubjecL• request following public cni2~.2MP •-i- pc9~-ss 4. That~he proposed amQndment to ~ele~a refer.ence to a ~-Year time perLod from Coridition No. 11 uf Rasolution No. PC90-273 is r..onsistent with rec~ntly adapted Ordi.nance No. 5224 Wr~i.Gr~ amencled S~cri~n of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 5. That the propos~d u~F, ae granted, would b~ compatible w.i.th surrounding land uses and that the parking pravided is adequate to support the church and r.elated uaee. 6. That the i:raffic gener~ted by th~ pr~posed uae, as granted, will not irnpose an undue burdect upon the ~treel:s and hi9Yiways designed and i.mprov~d to ca.rry the i.raffic in the ai-ea. ? That no one indicated their presenc:e at 5ai.d public hearing in oppo~.ttion;' and that no corresp~ndence wae receivod in opposition to the subject ~~etitiori. CALIrORi3IA ENVTP,ONMEN=P7~L QUA_LITY ACT F"1'NDTNG: That the Anahc:im Cxty Planrii.ng Commissi~r, has r.eviewed the proposal to amend Conciitional Uee p~rmit No. 3363 to permit a scY~oo1 use in addiL•ion to a previouc~ly approved church with an additi~nal waivr~r of minimum number of purki.ng apacea ar-d i;.o amend the conditi.one of approva~ ~.~eLtain.ing to time limitations ~or cliurches in the Canyon Industrial Area azid doea hereby find that the Negative Declaraci~n previously approved in conciectiari w.ith Conditio»a1 Use Permii: No. 3363 ie adequate to serve a3 the requir.ed environmental documentation in connection with thiR request. NOW, THEF2EFOR~, BE IT RE~OLVFn that the Ar~aheim City Planning Comminr~ion doea hereb,y granL- subject P~tition to pFrmit a church facility with ~hE fcllowing addil:ional waiver: fC) SECTIONS -- Mi_~imurn number of pazkinq s~~ac_s. 1f3.06.050.02G6 (2,334 reauired; i,_15i proposed) 1F3.06.00 and 18.61.066.U50 BF. IT rURTF'rR FtESOLV~D th~t the :ullowing specif.ic conditiona of 3pproval shall b~ amended to read: (. 'That when the St~te of Ca.lifornia Warr.anta for a tratfic signal ar~ mFft, the cenl:erline of thp Eagterly d~-`_vPwuy at 5340 Fa~t La Palma AvenuF stiiall be a.lignedremoved ~an~icent~P~a~~a °Withdetandarciecurb,Tguttergtsi.dewalkeand sha1J. be landacaping. 7. That M hen the Si:ate of Califar.nia Warr.ants for a traf£ic eignal are met, a Lr~tfic eiqnal aha?.1 bc~ inatalled at the int~i•section of brasher S+~ree~ and the new eaeterly driveway at 534U East La l~alma Avenue. 14. Tl~at aubject prc~p~rtY shal~. be developed subatantiaLly in accordance ~•rith pl.ans and ~pecifications ~uhmi.tted to the City of Anahei:n by thp p~titioner and which plana a.re on file w.ith the Planriing Departmant marked Rev~ieion No. ]. of Exhibit Nos• 1 titrough 4. -2- PC'~ 1-85 ~;<f~ ;;~`;::;~,~ ~. ~~~ 15. That prior to isr~uanee at: a building permit oL within a period of one (1) year from the date of this reaalution, whichever accuxa fir~t, Condltian Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 12, ak~ovo-mentioi~ed, ahall be co[nplied with. Extensions for fur.th,er time to complete said conditiona may be grant~d in accordance ~vith Section 18.03.090 ~i the Anaheim Mun~.cipal Code. 1~, That prior to iinal building and zoning i.nspectians, Condition Nos. 1, 2, S, 8, 9, 10 and 14, above-~mentionEd, shall be complied aiith, AND, B~ :'P FURTHER RFSOL'VCD t.hat Conditi.on 1Vo. .~1 shall be deleted ir~ its entirety. Except for i:he amende3 condition~ herein, a11 o*_her condition of ResoluL-i.~~n No. PC90-273 shaZ.1 remairi in fu11 f'orce and effeci:. 3E T°' FURTHER R~SOLVLD tha~ the Anaheim City Pla.nni.ng Cor,unissi.on does hereby find and determir,e tl-~at adoption of thie Ftesolution is expressl~• prEdicated upon applicant' ~ cornplian~e !~i.th ~ach and a1L of tYie aonditiona hPreinabove set for.th. Should any such cc~nditi.un, or an;~ part thereof, be d~clared invali_~a or uner.fo~_ce;able ny the final ~udgment of any court of competeni: jur`~adictian, ~.hen thia Resol~x~.ioa, and any apprc,valr~ herein coiitained, sha].1 be de~med ~YUll and voi~. THE FOREGOING RESQL[~TION wae adopted at tha Plarinir-r Commisai.on meetiny of June: 17, 1991. ~I ,, ~ ~ ~~ ,.~~~: ~l% /~ ;1~i•~ i,-~~l-~Lr_•c ~ f _ ~HAIR OW~MAN, ANAHE'IM CIT. P~,ANIVING CO2~SISSION ATTEST: ~ ,~-~~ ~_,,(' ~~ ~~ ~~'=~--•-~v-rr_l.~-='. ~ gE •E'I'AFtY, ANAH~,I~ CITY PLANNIIQC COMMCSSION ~.- `~~~ STA:I'E !~F CALIFQRNIA COUNTY Ur CP?!NG~ ) t~s. CITY OF ANAfiRIM ) I, Janet L. JpnsEn, Secreta.ry of the Anaheim City Planning Gommi.sai.on, d•~ hereby certify t;hat the Foregoing resolution was pasePd und ad~pted at a meeting oi the Anaheim .^.ity Planning Commicaion held on June 17, 1991., by the f.~llowing vote of the membere thezeaf: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: $UUAS, BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, HELLXER, FIENNINGEP,, MES6E, PERAZA AIOES : COMMZSSIONEI2S : NONE ABSENT: CUA3MISSlONFRS: NONE IN WITNESS WF?EREOI', I have F~~reunto 3~~t my hand l:his f~~~ day ~ f ~..~~~ ~ 19 91. ~ ~ C~ ~ ~~ _ ,`7 y. ^ -~ 7 ~i~ ~ ' i S~ ETP.RY, F.NAHEIM~" ITY PLANNING CGDL`QISSION i._ ~ -3- PG9I-85