Resolution-PC 91-94~-''':, w+:'iti:1 ~soLU~r:ro__N No~,__rc 91-9a ~ru4i1! A RFSOLUTIOtJ OF THE ANAHEIM CTTY PLANIVTNG COMMTSSIpN RE;CON,M~NUING CIZ'y COLiNCIL APpRQV11L OF ZUNING 11ND D~VH LOPMENT ST.t~NDARDS IN COPIN~CTION WITH SPECIFIC PLAN N0. 90-4 DESIGN ALTFRNATIVE ' "nUNTA:CN PARK) WFI~:REAS, on April 29, 1~~ City C,~unci.l of ~he Cit~y of Anaheim zdopted nrdinance No. 4'709 to eetablish unif~rm proceduree tor tYie adoptlon and implementation of Sp~cific Plan9 for the coordination of fu+~ure development within the City, and "Zoning and Aevelopment Standarda" where the Specific Pl~n includea zoning regulat.i.nne and development standarde to be subetitutpd for exi~t-ing zoning urider t~he Zoning Codo cvhict~ sha11 be ad~pted by ridina:icP independent of the rFSt of the S~~ecifi.r. Plan; anci WFiFREAS, pureuant to Chaptor ].8.93 of the AnahEim Municipal Code~ the Anaheict~ City Planninq Gommi.egi;~n did recaiv~ a zequeaL from the Trvirie Company fo.r apprvva'1 of the Mauntain Park Specific Plan No. 90-4 Dasign Alt.einativz (including a Publ.ic F'aciliY.i~~a ~lan and Zoning and Jevelopment Stanc]ards), to serve as pre-annexation zonir,g arici aubseqt:en~ly r~gulate ~he developmQnt of the nit~e fox up to 7,966 reoidential dwel.ling unite, 179 acr~s of commercial uses, interim sand and gravel mineral extraction, thrQe elementa.ry schoola, a middle ~chool., a high echool, a City maintenance yard ~rid faciZif:y, thre~ neighborhood parks, two community parks, a community c~nter ancl open r~pace; and a potenti.al. fire atation eite and an electrical aub-atat.ton site which are currently proposed ta be located in the adjacent property (Coal Canyonj purauant to the Proposed Cypreae Canyon Sper;ific Plan; howe~er~ if Yhe Cypresa Canyvn ,project is not appruved, annexed or developEr~ ~n~ ~ti~e~ facilitieR are nPeded to eerve the Mountain Park ~roject, t}ien they will be constructed on-~i~e in locationa acceptable t~ the F'ire ~nd Utilitiea Departments; and WFiER~AS, the M~~untaf.n Park project ie pr~poE;ed on th~ 3, 179-~cre ~fpsum Canyon prooer.ty, which is unincorporated lancl located withi~~ the County ~f Orange in the City of 7~naheim's ephere-of-influence and ia generally b~rdered on the north by t:he Riverside Fr.eeway (SR-91) and the Gypeum Canyon Road interchange, on the weot by T.he S~ir,unit of Anahei.-n Hills and Syc3mor~ Cariyon deve'lopments in the Cir,y of Anahaim, on tt~e c~rut}i by unincorporated Property wi.~hin the County of Or.ange in the City of Orange~s ephere-of~ influence, aiid on the ea~t by uninrprporated pro~erty w.ithin the City of Anaheim's a~herE-of-influencE~ (tha proposed Cypreaa Canyon Sp~:cir".ic Pla:i clevelorment); and the .l~gal d~scrirition ifl ah~wn in Attactiment A of thia resolution. WFICREAS, the Pltlnning Department deemed Lt appr~pxiatp, Z~ureuant to tho proviaiocis c~f th~ California Env.irr~nmental Quality Act, to prc~are Envitonmental Impac~ F.eport No. 3U2, for the Mountain Par.lc Spacific Plan No. 90-4 De~i.Gn Alt~rnative; and WIi~;REAS, the Analieim C.ity Planning Comm,ission did holci a public heaiing at tt~e Civic Center in the City of Anahtim on iday 20, i991, at 6:00 p.m., nolice of aaS.d public ;~earing having been duly given as zequired by 1~-w ari i.n accordance w3.th ~h~: provi.r~i.ons of the Anat~Qim Municipal Cocle, Chapter 18.03, to hea.r and r,oneidsr evidance for and agninet said proposed Specific Ylan ( tncluding 7,or.in~j and Ut~v~lopment S~andarde and Public Faciliti~s Plun), ~R3275EH PC91-94 . ;.; ~ ,;~ ~.,:,-;~, .ln cotl junction ~+ith General Ylar- Amendmont tdo. 318; and to inveetigate and make firidi.ngg and recommendations in connectian thorew±th; and aaid publi.c hearing was c~ntinued to Lho meati.ng a£ Jun~ 3 and closed, artd the mAeting waa contirAUOd to June 17, 1991, and then udjourn~d to a epecial meeting on June 24, 1991; 1nd WHEREAS, satd CommiASion, aiter due Lnspection, inveetigation and etudy made by iteelf and in ite behalf, and after due conaideratian of all evidence and rppor.te off~red at said haaring, AUES HER.ESY FIND: 1. Thai: as authorized in Chapter. 18.93 of Title 18 of the Anaheim Muni.c5.pa1 Code, a Specifir, Plan may ~rovide for a difforent eet of zoning anc~ development atandards ae part of the Specific Plan text in lieu rt exiating zoning and deve].apment et3ndardr~. Tt~eae staridarde eha11 be patterned aftex the ;:or~e districto found in Chapter 18 of r.he City of Anaheim Zoni.ng Code and contain tt~e same cate~ories of standarde and reegulations ae t:he underlying zone diatri.ct either by incorpo.ration i~y reference of existi.ng aection~, or by whole text. Unlas~ otherwise provi.ded in the Specific Plan, a Speci.fic Plan Zone shall be stxbject to exi.sting Overlay 7ones. Tho Specific Plan Zoninq and Development S*_andards ahatl., upon adoption by ordinance, su~ercede any zani.ng previously established for. that area. 2. That the petitioner hxs propoaed zoning a~d dr~velo~~m~nt atandarda iri Sectio,~ III of th~ Sp~3cific Plan doc:ument (Exhi.bit A), whict~ tugstne_ with the amendme:~te eet forth in thP ,7une 3 and ~7une 24, 1991, etaff repor.ts to the Planniny CoRUnisei~n, an3 tho ather changed adopter~ by the Plannin.g Commieaion liated below, aet forth minimum parking and eigr~age standard~ and minimum atandard~ an:i procedures for ~he development af four r~oid~ntial dietricte (RS-7200, RS-450Q, RS-40~U and RM-2400), the I~imitod C~mmercial (CL) distriot, the Open Space (OS} diatric~, the 3cenic Cor.ridar (SC) Overlay district and the t3igh School site. uecticn 38. .020 ('.enetal Provinionn .O~IU Muximum Numbet .~f Dwellinq IInit~s D~r~.linq L)nit Tr.ansfer 'I'h~ maximum numbAL of dw~lling unite ~ermitzeri by t2~is Specific ~lan is 7,966. The rnaximum number ~f srtached and multi-family dweY.ling unite allc,aable within the Mountain Parlc Speci.fi.c Pla.n aroa is 5,337. Any proposecl attached a:id multi-famiiy unita may be conetructed as single-family unite, pursuan~ to rhe applicable zoning designt~tion :or that developma•rit area. The appr.oximatc numbEr of dweilzng uni~ts within each reoider-tial development azea ie ehown on th~ D~valnpment Plan atatiatical Summary (Table 1 oE the Specifir, Plan documet~t). The appzoxima~:e numbEr ~f dwelling unir.r~ within each residential zonir:g district ie shawn on the Distribiition ~f Dw~lling Unit Typee (Table lA o.f the Specific PJ.~~n document). Dwelling unit.s in reaidential development areas as yh~~wn i.n the Developmerit Plan Statistical Summzry and Distribution of Uwollina Unit Types (Tabl~ Z~nd Iable lA in the Specifir plan d~~cument) may be t.rana£erred to ~ther development aLeaR in accor.d~nce with S9ction ~g.r,050. OCherwiee, any such tran~fer ahall be carried out L•hrough an ~mendmont to thc~ Specific P:.an. _2_ PC91-94 d•,;:;;~' ~,w,:~y t Transfers of dwo].].ing units between rosidential develapmEn~ areae ehall be de~med consietent with thc~ GenQral Plan, provided all c~f the fallowing requiremente are met: + The ovarall maximum of 7,966 dwelling ur~ite ie not exceedect; • The qeneial location ~f develo~ment aLeaa ia ae ehown on tYiA 5pocific Plan; • Th~ cumulativc~ total of single-family ~tta^~ied and multi-family dwelling uni~s doos nut exceed 5,3~7; • ThQ al.l.owabZe G~neral ?ian clenaity for eacti develupm~nt area ie not excr~adad; • 'C}» cumu~ati.vo total uf dwelling unite .in the RS-4000 zoning aistrict eic~e~ not exc:eed 49A; • Tr,~~ cumulati.ve total af lflts under 5,Q~0 aquare feFt in the R5••4500 z~ning di~trict do~a not exceed 870; • A rni..ntmum of 301 c;wel].i.nc1 urii.te in the RS-'7200 zonin~~ diatri.ct ic~ ma:.ntainect; an3 • ThQ cumulative numbE3r of• aWei1~~,~ un.;.ts trannferr~d shall i:ot axceeci ton (10) pdreent of ttiQ t~tal numbeL of unite i.n the Specoifi~, Plan (7,966 dw~lling units; . ~ection ta. .030 D~~initions A~:ren, Gr.ossc Tt~~ overall acreage of: ar. ar~a w~'~ich includes all roe~ds, oxcegt tl~p arterial lz:.ghw«yr~, ~oajor ~treets and tran~portation coz;:idoro depict~rl on th~ C:Lrculai:ion Ylan (Exhibit 11 in the Specific Plan docurnent). Archft~~ctural Prniection~: ArehitQCtural ~r~3ectione are etructural P].ementg euch as b~~.y windowa wi~h windaw :saatr~, potshelves, cornices, enclU~ed eaves, ei11s, buttressEe, balconic~s and patioe (open and e~mi-enclo6ed) projectiny from t~tie main bui3.ding wa11. (Semi-•enclueed patinA ehall be at ltaactt fiPty percQnt open.) ~ Arterim.l Road: Scenic~ expreeewaye, l~illside primary, hilleide sec~ndary, mcdified hitlside ~:ollec:tor and hilleide calZector roads as def~ned in Sectton IT B.2 and I:xhibits 11-14 of the Specific Plan ~ocument. Buildina SYta Area~: The overall building area, inaluding all in~erior roads, and ar.y r~squirea landr~cap~d areae as deffned in thia Saction ~xcepL for rond rights•-of-way. Also includiny one or more lot~ as definQd her~ein, wheyn used in cc;nbination for. ~ permitted group ~~f builr~ings ar,d whAn Qo cr_~mbined as a single bui~.ding sitQ, ~he common :line dividing .any two or more contiguoue lote may be exempt from th~= p~ovieion requiring eidc~ yard wi.th roapect thereto. -3- PC91-?4 ~'~~! ,hhu~~ ~we113.nq,~Multi-Fami1 : An attached rer~idential buiJ.ding deai,gned for occupancy by ~hree (3) nr morp familiea living inde~endently of f~ACYI other and inr_lucling condominiums, rr~ntal conc9ominiuma, atock cooperatives, townhome~, townhuusea/etacked flats, r.ow houses, atacked flara and ather typea of clusrered dwelling snite. Multi-family dwel].ing tinits ehall be d~~igned .for occupanc:y by a eing.le housekeeging unit and designed, i~ii:ended and legally capabl.e of ~eparate ownerehip. Tnter.ior li.oad or nter:i~r Str.eet: Flill~ide i.nterior ~trests, pri.vate ~---_.,_~. _, atr~eeta, and private lan~e as defir~ed in Sect.ion 7I.B.,3 an~3 ~xhibits 11 and 15-17 of the Specific F~J.an document. bot ArEa: The total horizontal area within th~ boundary lines of a 1ut. For tlle purpose af dc~termining 1.ot area in the case of an irregular, triangular a:r gore-ahaped lot, a linP ten (10) fe~t wittiin the ].ot and far~hest recnoved fram ~he front lot line and at right angle~ ~o the line c,amprisi.ng thd depth of ~uch lu~ shal? be used as the rear lot line. Lot CoveraQe; SuiLding coverage on the :~et (the lot shsll include aciy "landecaped areae" us defined in thia Section except tor. r.oad righto-of-way.) Unencl~~::;Ed poat-oupported roofa ~~er patios and walkways, unenclosed puat-ouppo.rtcd eave overhanga, patios, arivewzye, architect~ral PY.U~P.C:t].O!lII~ swicn~ning poola arid recreational buildingr~ and facilitiEe ~hall nc~t c~no~ituL-~ buildi.ngs £~r the purpose of thia d~finition. sea~ion 18._ .040 l4c~tt~.od~ and Proceduren far Specific Plan 3mpl~nl:ation .020 D~~ve~c~pment Area ~lans ThF Development Area Planr~ for Deveiopment Areas 3, 4, 6, 19, and 20 ohall be re~•iewed a~• a cluly-notir,ed Public hea•r.ing bX ttae ~lanning Commi.~sion pxior to or concurrent with tt;e approval oF th~ firsc tentative tract map or. parc~l map wi~hin the Developmont Area for corieist~ncy with t•he Specific Plan and thie Chapter. N~tice of said hearinc~o ahall be c:;.ven tn the same manner aa ap~,cified for teiitative tract map hear.ings in the Munic~pal Code. If the Dev~elopment Axea P1an ie f~und tc~ be con~iqtent witt~ the Speci.fic Plan and this Cha~,ter, the 1~lanning Commission ehal? approve th~ Devalopn~ent Ar•~a Plan. The Planning Commi~c~ion~s deciaion stiall be ti :at, suhject t:o ap~,eal or review ~y the City Council in the aamp t.i.me and manner as provided for appeal of. deciaiona from the advie~ry ayeiicy or~ tent-ativ~ tract mags ~s set forth in the Municipa.L Code. Tt~e Devel~pment Area Plan ahall coneic~t of a 1~~=500' d~agram of the Devalopment Area. The f~l.tuwing informaticn shall be shs~wn on the plan: arterial highwaXs aa ahc,wn an the Mountain Park SFecifi.c Plan; eize and location of any public schnol; aize and location of any pub3ic park gitea; ~:~ze and location of any recreational clubs and ~ncillary ~.~se$; eize and loc~tion of rer~idential acreagP subjecL• to the Spacific P.Lan RS-7200, RS-4500, RS-4000 anc~/or RH-?400 zoning d.istzict9 tugether with the number oi single-family detached, at~ached and m~:lti-family unitg in eact: zone; and a 5tauietical Summary. ~Note: RequixQd Unite Par Z~ning Diatrict Table - Fteplaced with the Distributi.on of borellirig Unit 'Py~e~s (Table lA o: th~ Specific Plan document, ~xhibit A)] -~' PC91-94 ~~:~~n~~ , . ~,.4;;;~ Section 1.8. .t~5U Dwelling Unit Trannfer Procedpre$ -fllQ Ad pravidod in Section 18. ~020.C40 of thie Chapter, thH Plannl.ng Director ma,y approve tranafera c~f dwelling units between rasidential development areae prnvided that ttie cumulativa number of dwell~.ng unit tranafare c~hall not exr.e~d t~n (].0) peicent of the total number of units in the Specifi.c Plan (7,966 dwel:ling units; and/or ton (10) percent af the unita in each ~e•relopment ar.ea, An,y single applicatian for a ~ranefer o£ ciwell.i.ng units which excesda 1:en (10) parcent of the unitr~ in a development area may bP approva~ by the Pl~nning CommisPion in the~ oame manner as provided for devel~pment area glanr~, as set fortli in Section 18._~.040.020. In addi.tion to and eeparate from the ten (10} percent limitatior, on dwelling unit tranefers described abave, the F'~anning Director may approv~ dwelling unit tranefere among Development Areae 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 13, and 14 neceasitated by the preciee alignmente of the Ear~tern Transpartation Corridor (Erc) and its int~rchanges, designed And planned by the Orange fiounty Transportation Corridor Agency ~,iruvided that saio tranefera do not increaee the cumi.~lati.ve total number r~f uni.ts within alI of s3id Dev~lopre,ent Areas. Applicatione shall be eubmitted to the Ylanniny Dir~ctar and eigned by botl~ ttia ownera of the proper.ty from wt~ich the units wi11 be tranaf.~rred as we.ll ae the awnera oi the praperty to whom the units wi~.1 be tr.ansEerred. Applicat.ionp aha11 be accom~,anie~ by an exh.ibit ehowing the 1ora~ione of the dwelli.ng unit changes, a reviaed Development Plan Sta~tietical Summary (Table 1 in tlze Specific P].an document), a reviaed D.t~t.ribul-ion oE nwelling tlnit Typos (Table YA in tlie Srecific: Plan documentj, and euch othQr information as deemed neceaeary by tho Planning Airector. Sec~aon 18._a~.6gp R~~xa~nt.ial Develo}xa~nt St;~~dar.de .030 DevElopment: Areas 3, 4, 19 and 20: RS-4500 (SC), RS-4000 (SC) and RM-2400 (SC} Zoning Dist•ricts, Det~ched. anr] Attdched Single-I'amily and Multi-Family Eiour~ing. •~~~ Developmenc Areas 5, '7, L~, 9, 11 through 18, 21 and 22; I25-4500 (SC), RS-~000 (SC) and RM-2400 (SC:) Znning Diatricte~ Detached and Attached Singla-Family and Multi-Family EInuaing. •~IQ llevelcspment Ares~a 1 and 2: F.S-4~U0 (SCy ~on~ng I2istri.ct,, IIetached Simql~-Famciily Houtsing. 8. Fermitted Acceeaory Uses anci Structureo %. Storage of ~~etrol~um produats and/or not mcrQ th~n twenty {~U) pounds of Class "C" explosivea; provided any c~uch storage shall comply with thP Uniform Fire Code - bET~ETED -5 PC91-94 , ,,•~r~ D. Conditional Uses and ~tractures 1. Itecreation c].ubs and ancillary ueoe oubject to tho regulationr~ oF the L:Lmited Ccmmercial Distr.ict in Section ~8. `.100, except tk~at the maximum building height shall be thirt,y-two (32) feot and that eignage shall be l.imit~~d to one wall eign and one mbnument eign to be submi~:tea for review ancl approval in connection wit.h the CUP. 6. Park and Ride facilities in nevelopment Area 1 only with diract acc~sa tu 5an~a Ana C3nyon Road. If r~~idential and park and ride facility access are both propor~ed oEf of Santa Ana Canyon Road, all ten;.ative tra.ct ~r parcel maps foz Development A.rea 1 shall be ~r.oceas~d concurrontcly. '7. Solar collectar parielo and related ~~uipment. G. Buildinq ~ite RFguir.Pmenta 2. F3uiLdina SiCe Wid~h TvAe af Lot Convesii~:ional Lota Lots With Side-Entry Garagea Cul-de-r~ac and Knuclcle Lots Minimum Huilding_SitE Width forty-five (45) feet fifty (50) feet forty (4U) fee~ Build'~ng site width ahaJ.l be m8a~sured at ttie minimum bu.ilding aetback line of ten (10) feet for conventional lote and t'iftepn (15) f~eic far cul-d~-eac and knucklP lots except v:2~~re the building is located further back th~n the required minimum ae.tback line, the width shall thcn be meaeured at L-he actual setback lin~ pravi.ded. A site plan sha11 be required to del.ineate acLU~l building location when the width ie r~eaoured farther back than tlie requir~d minimum setback line. No site plan eha11 bp requi.r~d when the r~idth ie meaaured at the minimum setback lin~, A mauimum of te.n (10) pc~rcent of ±:he total lots creaL-ed in tt~e RS-9500 zoning di.atrict within a Uevelopment Area n~ay have i:he widtih measurEd at the actual s~tback 1ine. There c~1ia11 bo no more than two (2) driveways and/ar ctirb cuts in accordance with Standard Detail No. 112 allowed per lot and eubject t~ the rtview and 3gproval. of the City Tr~ffic Engineer. The dimenaions be±:woon tha bottom o~ the curb cuts shall bF ten (10) feet f.or a single car ~arage, sixteen (16; feet for a two car garaga and twenty-six (26~ feei: for a three car yarag~. Tk~o minimum lc~t front~ge/width af flag lots at the right-of-way shall be twenty (20) feet. A maximum of ten (lU) pFrcei~t af ~che total numbor a.f lot~s created within a Development A~-ea may bc "flag" deeigned. -6- PC91-94 : , ~; Ei. Structural Heiqht and Area I~imitat,iona ~ . t3ei~c. ht Lxce~tioris . b. ArchiL•ectural featureo (c~xcpp* chimrieys), subjeat to thF review and approval o~ the Planning Cammiesion in corinec~i~n witl'~ Site Plans, provided any horizontal roof doea r~ot excaed ten (i0) feet in ].pr~gth nor ten (10) percpnt ~f the combined tatal length of all horizontal roof ridgelinee on the r~tructure, whichever !s lese, may exceed thd app.tirable %~eiqht limi~.atior:s of thia eection pioWided: (1) The maximum height of any sucn embellishmeaf ahall not e::ceed thirty-aoven (37) feet; and (2) 9'he combi.neQ tUtr~l horizontal are~ of alI such embe].liahments exceeding ~he thi.rty-two (32) foot hoight limitat.i.on aha11 not exceecl ten (10) perceni: of the total roof aroa. I. Strur,ttiral Setbacks and Yard Iteauiremer~~td b. Side~On Garacree: A mi.ilimum n` te.n ( 10) fe~',-. ~hall Le ~rovided as measiar.ed from the property line with a•two (2j foot allowahle encroachment for architectural prajections. All cirivewayr~ for ~side~-c~n garaqag shall k~e a mintmum of twenty (2U} feet as measurecl at the ceiiterline ~f L•he drivewuy. J. Permitted Encra3c'hments Tnto 13uild. ina Setbacka ~nci R~cruired Yardo 3. Cover.ed n•r 13ttice pallos, pools and apaa, subject to minimum setba~ks from the pt~opQrty ].ine, as eet forth in the Uniform Bui.lding Code, pr.avided that such eancroachmer~ts into aide yarda are allowed only on lo~s where adjac~nt structures do not have any habi~able roemo with v~indows fao±ng the lot i.n question. 12. Po~la ~snd r~pae, subject to minim~im r~etbaclc~ a~s set forl:h in the Uniform Bui~ding C.ode - Tncorporatec: into J(3) above. M. Recruired Site Screeninq 1. r1 ~olid decorative ty~e wall, l~ndecaped ear.th~n berm, or any combination ttiereof, t~~aling not less than six (5) feet in height, shall be provided along che boundary adjacent to m~iltiple-fami.ly developmontc~ and, unles~ sound attex~uation studies ~show that a wall ie not needed, along the boundaries of laridscapQd areas abutti,ny arterial h' ,ho•aye. 'Phe height of ariy auch wall and/or berm ~ha11 be as mea~ured From the ti~gheet fir~i~hed grad~ l~vol of the buil.dinq pad of the dwelling units located nearest any a~~ch abutting boundary. Any feaci.ng lur:ated in a manner which may obstruct ncenic views from a public right-of-way ohall consiet of decorativ~e open-work materials. All fsncing plane ehall be evbject to the approval. of the Plar,ning Commiasion. '~- PC91-94 A ~ s~ ~;,~. rt . Fteau.~od.~t~r3'~~on-I,ei~u.~o (~~~Ae E~r Aflch dwall.ing unit eubject to ~h~so regula~ioiis on lote l.e~e than S,OOC Aqu~rca feet, thore ah~ll be pr~vided a minimum of 125 equare ~:ec~t c~f common recroationgl-leieuzo ar~a witt~in cloo~ proxi.mity to tho reeidQntial building oite conta.tning ouch unito. Common rc~crentional-leieure ~rea dha11 be a ml.nimum of onH--third of an acre and may include amanitide such aa, buL- not limited t~, a awimming paol, rc~et room4, toL lot4, recreati~n buildinya; or, if the pet• lot re~uirom~nt equaL•os to loae than one-third ~t an acre, th~n the cnmmon recroalional-l.ei.flure area c~hull be a mini.mum of 1, 500 c~quare feer dnd contain a rot lot or eim~lar r3rreation f~cil..iL•ic:A. Cornmon recrsatianal-leiour.o areae ~ay be aggregated to c~orve u:ore than one reaid~~ntial building eite if ~pprovod in conjunctia~ wit:~ a tanr.ative tract map for nn entir~ Dav~lopment Ar~a. Theoe common recrQational-1Qjaure areao stiall have no mLnimum langtli or widtt~ c~imenoiona. . .U20 R. D. AQg~laaenent• A.r~a 6: RS-4500 (SC11_R35•-720G~~cL~nci I2K-2400 13C~ Zon~ng_Dietricte~Detached an~! _RL-tachcad Sirglc3-pamLly and lSult -Fnmi.ly Hoasi~q: -'-' Pezmitted ArcesA~ry_Uepo an~1 StrUCturee E3. Storage of petrol~um praducts and/a_ not more than tw~nty (2~) pounde of C'.a3s "C" euplceiveo; pr.ovided any euch ~torage ehall romply w.ti:h the Uni~orm Fire Code - DF,LIsTEU Condit:ional U~ea anc~ Structur~s The following usQe may be pormitted in this zonQ oubjQC~ to .~ Conditional tlse Permit and eut~j~ct to all conc3itione and requireJ ehow.inga oL•' Section 18.03.030 "Condition:~l Uos Pe~•miY.s --- General" af the Anshe:m MunicLpal Cade. The dite d~vel.opment etandarde of thi~ Chapter ~hall apply, excep± as ~therwiae provided Tierein, ~r ae epecifLcally appravQd in conj~~nction with said permits. 1. Recreation clube and ancillary uaae subject to the regulations ot' ttie Lii~..i.ted Commorcial. di:;trict in S~ct.ion 1H. .100, except that the maximum b~~ilding hetqht 9ha11 be thirty-two (32y fQet and that nl.gnage c~hall be limited ;:o ~ne wall g.ign and one mom~mQnt nfgn ta be Nubmitted for c•eview ~nd appr~val i.n c~nnec~ian wlth thK CUP. 5. 5olar collector p~7e;.E- and rel~~.ted e:~uipmenr_. c;. Fluf_ ld~n2.5~t? R~auixemchta ?.. 3~,v_i1,~Lq :Lto Wic~rh ~'y~e ~,~LQt Convrznt~.r,n~l L~ta ~:ul-dET-'idC 3lld 'f(Y11~CiSIf? i.U~U -8- M:ni~,~~ri_9uildCng_S~.te W dr~1 SQV~?nty (7U~ f.eQt r'orty~five (45) tt±et; PC91~ •94 ^ , ~;:~ .. Auilding site a~idtb ahall b~ meaeured at ttie minimum bui.lding aetba~k line uf t~-n (10) faet .E~r convant.i.onal lc~~e and fi.Eteen (15 ) feet for cu.I.-•de--eac and knucklo l~ts except~ wheres the building i~ .L~cated it:r.thc~r back than the requirod minimum setT~ack line, the r!idtti ahall then ba meav~u.red ~t ~he actual ~otbt~ck ].ine provi.ded. A aii:e plan ef~all k~e requi.red t~ dQlinem~e actuRl building l~cat.ton whc~n the width ic~ meaeured fazth~r b~ak thzn the roqulrRd minim~~m c~etback linA. No eite plan shall be r.equfred wh~~n the width .L~ meaeured at the minimum fletback line. Thore~ r~hall ba no moro than two (2) drive4~~yo and/or curb ~ute allowed por lUt in accord~n~:e with St~nda:d nptali No. 1J.2 and eubject ~o the review and a~proval of the City ~nginerar. Thp dimQriai.ons bc~tween the bot4o~n of the curb cute ~thall be ten (10) teet for o uingle car qazaae, sixteen (16) t~~at for a two car garage anci twenty-eix (26) fc~ot for a thzee car ~~arage. TF~e minimum lot frantage/width for flag iot~ at th~ right-of-way aha.ll be tw~rity I?.0) feet. A maximum of ten (10) percent oT the total nu:nbei~ ~f iots cr~ated by any division of land may bQ "flag" deeigned. H I. Struc~ura~~ FiPiait~ and Area Limit•~tione 2. Heia}it F.xce~tior.s. b. ArchitQCtural features (excapt chimneya), subject to th~ review and appr~val of the Planning Com~ri3eion in connection with Site Plane, pravided any horizonLal ro~f ridgeline does n~t excaed ten (20) fpet 1.n length nor t~en ( 20 ) percenl• of Lhe combined +,ot:al 2.enc;th c.~f, al.l horizontal rn~f ridR~l!.nea un the atructuro, wtiichever ia les+e, may exc~ed L-he appllcat~le heighk lim.ttatione ot thLs section provi~ed: {1) T;ie maximum hei~ht ~~f any such embellfehmant anall not exceed thirty-eeven (37) feot; ar.d (2) 'Phe combliied tat~l. t~ori.zontal ar~a ~L• all euch embc~l;. idhm~ntc~ ~:xr.eeding the thirty-two ( 32 ) foot hei.ght limitati.on nhall not excFad ten (10) gerc~ent of the total roof arcea. 3. Coveraae_and Open sr~ace ~e~~~uiremRnte. The maximum lot coverage ehall be forty (d0} percrnt with n~ additional oper. epace requiremenk. S,.ruct: ri al. Setbr~r ca and Yar RNguir~manta. 1. Ga,r~ge setback9 from intNrior public or pz•ivate ~tr.eete: b. $~.~Or~~,~xaage. A minimum o*. ten (10) feot shall b~s pt~ovided ae meaeurQd from t.he property line, with a two (Z) foot a:low.~ble encroachment for architectur..zl projectione. All drivgwayu for c~ide-on qarages shail be a minimum of twenty (20) fec~t aE, mQSgured nt t:he centozllne of the drivewey. -9- E'C91-94 ~ . ,. ~~` J. Per.mitt.e Encr~achment~s Into ~uildina S~tbaak_ e and ~acruizod~ardg l. Cove.red or ].attice patioe, aubject to eet.backs from pruperty lines, aE aot f~rth in th~ Unif.or.m Huilding Cada •- UFLET`ED, Alr.eady provided for. ?n the foll~cviny SQCtion ~. 3. Additiong to oxiating dwellinge i»to the required rdar ya.rd area; providod such additiane ahall not Qxtond claper than ten (10} faet to the rear lot line, nor claeer than five (5) fee~ to any aido lnt line, ~nd st~a.ll not exceed maximum lut or reAr yard cav~raga ae preECribed in thi~ C1-apter. M. ReQUired Sito screening 1. A sol.id decorative type wall, landeicaped oarthen b~rm, or any combination thereof, totaling noc lees than aix (6) fe~rt in heigyt, atiall ~e provided a:ong th~ boundery adjar.c:nt to multiple-family developmenta and, unl~sa aound ~tt~nuation er.udiee ehow that a wall ie n~t needed, along thQ bour.dari.ga of landecaped areas abutti.ng arterial hi~ho~ay~. The hQight of any such wa11 And/or berm ahall be as measured from the higheet finiahed gra~le lc~vel of the building pad of tl~e dwPlling units located nearedt aciy euch abutking boundary. Any fQncing located in a manner which may obstruct t~cenic vi.ewa from +~ publ.ic r.ight-of-wuy ahalt conoi.et cf dQrorative ~pen-wnrk materfala. Al) f'~ncing plans et-all be subject to thc~ appr.oval of the Planning Commiseion. RM-2400 tSC1 9.oning ~i.atric:t A. Permitted Primarv Use3 and Structuic~ 3. Publ.ic SchUOlr~ - AEI~FTED D. ronditional Ueeo snd Structuree 1. Ro~reation clube anc! an•-i.llarv us~g ~ubject to the regulati~~s of thQ Limited Cor.vner..^.i.al ~i..crict in Section 18. .10U, except tliat tt~~ maximum Uuildit~g hei ght ahall be thirty-twc, ( 32 ) fee*_ r~nd that signage ohxi: b~ 11.mited t~ one wall eig;~ and onc~ monument si.gn tn be auhmitrr~d f.or r.eview and approval in cunnectfon witt~ tt•.~ CUP. 8. solar collsctor pan~le and relo*.ed equipment. G. E3u~.lding_Sito Reguiremente 1. Minimur,~Buildin~c S~~Area pex QwP~inq Gni~. The mtnimum buildir.g aitQ axea per dwelling unit. shall bo L•wo L'I7U~iBAf1C~ four hundrHd (2,400) square fe3t, oxcept that the ttitnimum buildiny eite areaa pec eacn einqle-family attached "p~.ired t~ome" uni~ gh~ll be r.hreo tliouBand (3,000) o~uarF~ feet. -10- PC91-94 . ;, , , N. 5tr.ucCural Heiaht ar~d 1~r~~x L~Z~tiono 2. tj,ei9t~t ~'.,~ceptinnA. b. Architoctural features (except chimneye), Aubject to tho rQViow ~nd agproval ot th~ Planninq Commiaeion in r.onnec~ion with S?.t~ P]anr~, provided any hoxizontal roof riclgeline doee not exceed ten (ln) fget in length nor ten (10) porcent af the combined total lanyth of ~zll horizontal roof ridgelin~a on the etructure, whi.chever is leea, may exce~d the ap~licable height li--iitations of thie aectton providede (1) ThR maximum height of ~ny auch embellieh,nent ehall not e:cceed fozty-threA (43) feQt; and (2) The combino~t ~otal horizontal area of all such embelliahments ~xceed.ing the thirty-eight {39) foot heigt-t ].imitation shall not exceed ten ;lU) percent of the total rnof +ir.ea. 3. Maximum Lot Cov~rac~~,. The maximum lat coverage ahall be forty (40) percent, axcapt for. sinqle-.fam.i'ly attached "paired home" units which shall have a maximi~m r,overac~e of forty•fivQ (45) perc~nt. I. Structura~___:c~~tba~:.~ and Yard Ft~s u.irement:; 1. Gar~.~ye eetback,~ ae meaoured from the ~~ro~ert,~ line oi• etreat e-3~~ment line: Garaue aetback9 beLweon riinE: ( 9) feet anci twenly ( 20 ) feet eP,all not be per.mitted. a. Front-On Garagee on PrivatQ Laneo: F'ive (S) ;wet minimum with two (2) feet al?owable encroachment fo: architectural projaction~. b. :'ront-On Garages on Public St~eeto: 7'werity (20) feet minimum with a roll-up c~arage cioor and twenty-five (25) feet wi~hout a zoll-~~~ garagQ daor with two (2) f~et ~llowable ~ncroacr~ment fvr architectural projection~s. c. Side~On Garages: Ten (10) feet minimum. ?.. Buildiny eetbacko fram ~;~terLor~,public roadways i.n the Deve].opment Area ae measured_ ~za:n the~ropert•y_l.ine or atreet_ easement line:, ~ifteen (15) feet minimum. 3. Euildinq getbac)ss from interior nrivate streets aa measur~d fzom ~he_ pY.Opertv line ar et~eet eabem~n_~ine: F. First fltory: Ten (10) fe~t mf.nimum a~i"h two (2) foot allowable enc:roachmant for archi.tectural pr~~jRCtions. Encroachmenta oubjecL to tha roview of the City Traffic and Traneportation Manay~sr f.or line-~f.-sight raquiremente. b. Second ntory: Ten (10) feet minimum with two (2) feet allownble ~ri~roachment foz arch.~tQCtural projoctione. c. Second etory abo~~e garagee: Five (S) reet minimum with two (2) feet allowable oncroachment :or archiCcctura: praje~•tt~no. °~1- PC91-94 ~ , ,, ,i. ~tia , 4. $uildi.r~a F~~tbackn ~dia_c___ent ta ~ rQ~orty lino abuttina other res_.~Qntial build~nq eites, - - a• Primary and Secondary Wa11~: riftee„ (15) fe4t minimum. ~• B1ank Wa].1: Toz~ (10) fer.~t minimum. ~• Notwith~tandtng a. and b. above, a lxndscaped building setback arQa not 1aKa than tw~nty (2p) feet in width, ahall be p.rovidQd along ,-_he entire longth of any interiar eite boundary line abutt.i.ng any singlo-fHmily reaidential zone boundary. Within 150 fFet f.r~m a aingle-family zone boundary, thc~ maximum height ~f a etructura shxJ.l be one etory unleas detailc~d drawings are eubmii:~ed tr~ g~a approved by tliQ Planning Commieeion ehowing that no pxopoeed builclings gre~Ler than one-qtory in haight vx~ually intrud~ on any al~utting or adjacent single-family dwollinc~; in no event, huwever, ahai). an,y such bufl.ding be locatod le~a than f? fty (50) f.eet fro~n any such ainyle-family residential zane. RequirQd prooF that ther~ wi..ll be no vieual intrusion shall consit~t of a phyaical ecreening of viei.on fram thQ prnposeci bu~.lding including, but not neca_ssarily limit9d to; terrain di.FferQntials; gaxageo or sinyle-Rt~ry ~tructures locatec3 in a mannor to preclude vieual intruaion; bl~inl~ building walln w~thout windowa; and orientation of windowo and balco~ni~R ± n a way wh.ich wil]. n~t ovarlook aingle-f.amily dwellings or. visually intrude on the privacy of euch dwellings. 5• Puildincr setbar.ke ad acPnt to baildinas loc;Zted on tha _$a~~ buildinq si.te s al.l be in accordance with tho followfnp_ rovieiono• a• For the nurnoee of setback and yard regulationB, attached or semi-attached singlc~-family dwell.ings, two-famil.y and multiple-fzmily dwellings w.ith common walls aha11 be conetdpred as one (1) bu.tldi.nc~. 1~• For. the purp~so of ~eL-back and yard regtilation~, setbacka ohali be determined in r~lation to thp oriontati.on Qf building ~valls. A~~primary Wa11" ;s defined ao that oide of the bail.ding whic.h has rooms eu~h aa living rooma, family rooma, kitchena, etc. ~nd which i.s orignted to primary privatc~ out:~oor patioA, aacks or yarda. 1~ "Sec~~ti~dary Wall" i» defined as that aide of the buildiny with secondary roome suclz as secondary bedroomA, k~athrooma and dens which may or may not be ori.pnted *_o a egcandary outdoor area. A"B1ank Wall~' in defitied as having nc~ dooro or windows. Pr.imary Se~ondary t3lank Wa11 Wall Wall »ri.mary Wall 3Q ft. 30 Et. S~condary 47a1.1 30 ft. 25 ft. Bl~~nk Wall 20 tt. 20 ft. 25 ft. 20 ft. 15 xt. ~12- Pc`91-94 Ji*, i 6. Reguir~d Irt~rovomQnt Bufldinq Setbac Areap. All yards and setback arear~ ahall be landecaQec] w.ith lawn, ~rees, ohruba or other plant materiala and ~ahall be permanentily maintainod ici a nuaL- and orderly manner ae a conditlon to ua~. PedeRtrinn walks and vehicula.r accesnwaya muy be permi~tted i.n eaid ~reaa. 'Sn addition, the £oll~wing decoratf.ve elomerite are permitited. where they are intogrsl partr~ oF a landc~r.apo scheme comprised primarily of ple~nt materiale: a. I'ountaing, ponds, rsculpturao and nlant~:rs. b. Fonce~, walle and hedges conforming ~o tl:e prorisions uf Sectton 18.04.0~13 of the Anahaim Municipal Code. 7. Required Recreatianal-Leisure Areas. There Qhall bo a m~.nimum of' eevgn hundred fifty (75d) aquarE feet of rNareatiarial-1e.isure aroa provideci for each a3nyle•-tamily attached ar multi-famil,y dwelling un.it ea~c~pt "paireci homea". There sliall b~ a r~inirc~um of geven hundr.ed (%00) equarQ f.eet o£ recreational-•l~i~ure area or~-eito f•or each Aingle~family atL-ached "paired home" uni.t. Recreational-lei.gur.e area may be provid~d by private r.ecreat;ional-leisure areae and/or ctimmon recreational-lei.sure ar.eas. a, coinmori Recreatio:~al-I,efoure Arear3 are any area~ v~hi.ch are available for the uae and enjo,yment of all dwellin~ units on the building site and niay bc c:ompoaed nf activa or paosive reare~tioTi facilitiee. Ttie cammon recreational- loisurQ area~ for eingl.e-farnily attached "paired home" unite may incorporate any requi.xed yard ~r setback csreas excZuding the '~ront setback area. ThQ common recreational-lei~sure zY~a~s for all. other eingle-family attached ~r multi•-fami.ly unita may incorporate any required ya.rd or ~etbaclc areae otti~r tk~an fzont aQ~back areas. RecreaL•ion leia~~re aroas shall not include ~r i.ncorpora•cr~ any drivowaya or parking areae, trauh pickup oz etorage areaa, or utility facilitiee. In n~ event sha17. any common rQCreational-leir~urc area have a minimum dimenaion of lees than ten (10) feet. C~mm:~n zecreational-leisure areas may be combined to ~t~rve rnore than nne building oite if approv~d in conjunctian with a tract msp for un eatire develorimant area. Common recr.eational-leisurQ areas maX be aeparated on a build~.ny eite. 7. B>>:_].dinq Location. Att~cl~ed and rental condomini~i~n buildirxgo may ~'front-on," "aide-on," or "rear-on" open epace lota witihin ~andecaped area~ ~~ de£ir~ed in 5ection 18._.1"s0. -1~_ PC91-94 ,~:~v,;, ~,ss,~.s, L. Of.f-Stree~. Parkinc,LReaui_r._e~,ents 1. The minimum parki.ng requirements are ac~ fpllowe: ~'otal Unit TypP. C~v~red Op@n SnacPa B~.chel.or 1 .25 7..25 Jr. 1 Bedroom 1 .75 1.7~ 1 Hedroom 1 1.00 2.00 2 Bedroom ~. 1.50 2.5U 3 Bedroom 'l 1.25 3.25 4+• Bedroom 2 1.50 3.50 2'ot 31 Unic '~vpe Garaqe Dri_vewa~y S~pac~s Paired Home 2 2.00 9.00 2. The number of e~pacc~e eet for4h in 1. abo~~e ma}• be reduced aubject to the ~ppr~val of e~ Cit}~wide code ~cnenclmQnt Lo reduce the numbc~r of requiied m~.:ltiple-family parking spaces or aubject to the City Traffic and Transp~rtation Manager and Plann=ng Commifl sion approval of a parking clemand study prepared by an independent traffic gnginner licensed by the State of Californi.a, or Ruch other atudy ae appr~ved by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager and p;^ovided tc~ the City by th~ applicant ut the applicant's solE~ expenaQ. Said par:kinc; demand atudy r~hall be reviewPd and considered by the Planiiing Commisc~ion in the eame mannez 3c~ c:onsiderati~n of a Site Pian prior to or in connoction with the first multiple-family ~ite Flan in the project arES. Approva? of the ~Jtudy ahall be based upon the fol.l~wing findinqs: a. That a raduction in parking ~pacee will no~ caaae an increaae in t~affic congestion ir, the immedial:e vicinity nar advere~ly affec~ any adjoini.ng ~and uses. b. That the approval of the p~rking demand atudy wi11 not be cletrimental to the peace, tiealth, ~afety or general welfare of the citizens of tha City of Anahpim. ., 3. Two (2) parking epaces in front cf the crnrage doc~r may count tocaards the requirement so lony ~e there 's a m.inimum af t~aen~y (20) feot fror~~ 3 roll-up yarac~e door and twenty-fiv~ (25) feet from a~ilt-up garagc door to the back uf the r~idewalk, ar thz curb if there is no a~idewalk. Park.fng along privatc~ ~treetK shall b~ inc.luded to meet open parking reqUirQmente. --14- PC91-94 i: ~ ~ ,,,'.^",,, N. ke,g,_uired Site Sc,~e@na.ng 1, A a~lid decorat.ivo type wall, landaczped earthen berm, or any con~bination thereot, totaling n~'t ].ec~9 tlzan six (6) feet i:i height, ghall he p.rovided, along t,he boundary adjacent to multiple-£amily developments 3nd, unlese aound attanuatiun etud;.oa ahow that a vrall ie not needed along tk-e bounaariee af la~dscaped areas abutting arterial highwa.}•s. Berms may ba located in or ad}acent to l:hs lanci~capoci area sotback for the arterial higtiway. Wal~e w311 be lncated immediate).y adjacent to the landecapad aroa. Th~ height o~ any ~uci, wall and/or berm snall be ae mPasured ~trom ~he highoot finish~d grado lovel of i:he building pad of the dwelling unit~ loca~~sd nsar.est any euck~ abutting boundary. Any fencing located in a manner which may abntxuct ecenic viewe from a publi~ tight-of-wa; shall consiet of docnrat.tve oppn-work mat~riale. All fencing plane ehal~. be sub3ect to the zpproval of the 'Planning Comnission. .030 6level_apment rireas 3, 4, 19 and 20: RS-45Q0 lSC), RS-40~A LSC1 ancl RM-2400 (5C ~oning Da.etriata, De'tacheci and Attacheci Sinqle-I~~mi~.~~ and Hulti-Fr3milv Hous~incx. 1t.S--~1000 (5C1 Soninq District Descri,ption and Purnose Thia zon~ ie int~nded to pr~~~ide for and enco~irage •t•he orderly developrnent oE sing].e-fami.ly xesidential on minimum iour th~usand square foot .lot~ in areae appropriate for H~llai~e Low-Medium and hill.si.de Medium Den~ity reai.~lential develapment as indi.cated in the Mounkain Park Specific ~lan. A. Fermitted Prima~ Usea aild StruG~ureo 1. Sinyle-fami~y detach~d. Ei. Permitted Accc~aso~ U~es anr~ Structures 'Plie follows nr~ acceASOry buildinge, r~tructuL•es and uees are pormitted only where they are integrated with, and clear.ly inci~ental to, a primary pgrmitted use and where the sole purpose is to provic~e convenience ta reaidents of tk~e devQlopment rather than to thE general pvbli.c: 1. Acceaeory huildinge, incl.uding private garages not accammadating more thar, f~ur (4) care. 2 l~rivate greenhouse:~ and h~rticu~tural collecL-iona. 3. Fruit tre~s, f'lower and vQge~able garden~. 4. The keepir-g of anir~ala for domeatic, nancommercial uoe in compliance with Sectton "Animal Mainter.ance -- General" of th~ Anaheim M;znicipal Coc3e and in compliance with Chapters 8.20 "Wild AnimalA" and 6.60 "Fliea" of the Ariaheim Municipal Code. 5. Parks. -15- PC91-94 ~,,,;,;.a ,,,~>~~, t, 6• F'enc~s, ~~all~ and hedges in compliance wi~h Socti.~n 18.04.043~100 of the Anaheim Dtunicipal Coda. 7. Utilitiee. 8. Garagee, car.ports and utility rooma or str:ic~iires. 9. Recroational buildings, structuree and us~s incluc~ing, but not limited to ecvimming pool~, cabanafl, dresaing rooms, meeting roome, putting green~ and r.ourt game areae. 10. Sm~ll Family Day Care Homos aubject to the requi.rementa ~f the Anahpim Mun.icipal Code. 11. Large Family Da;~ Care Homea aa ci~efined in SFCti.on 18. .030 of this COC~P~ ~;rovided ari Administrative U~e Permit io obtained, ae pr~vided in ChaF~ter 18.10 ~f the Anahetm Municipal Cods. ~. F~E~rmit;.ed Tem orar~ UseA and Structuree The:~ f~llawing t~mporary buildinge, structures and usoa may bP permitted in comp~iance with the fo.llc,w.ing provisiono: 1. R~al eetate office and k~illboards, in compliance with 5ectian 18.02.053 "Temporary Usee a.nd structuree -- GenezaJ.~~ of the Anaheim Municipal CodF. 2. Contract~r's office and/or ~torage, in comp].iance with SAction 18.02.Q53 "Tein,~orary Uses and Str.ucturefl -- Gener~l" o.t the Anahei.m Municipal Code. 3. 5and and grav~l operationa in ~evelopment Area 4 in aCCOrdanc? with Count~r of Orangp Use Permit 89-65p, Sand and Gcave2 Yermit 89-06P and Site Development Permit 89-191P. Nc~raitliatanding the abovE p~zmi~s, th~ mitig~tion proyram for Mountain F~arlc ahall replace the approvE~c.1 Reclamation Plan £or the exidt±ng sand an~ gr.avel operation. n. Cond.itianal Uses and Struc;tures The follawing uaes may be ,permi.ttecl in th.ia zone eubject tn a Conditional Uae F~ermit and all conditiona and rer~uired r~how.trigs of Section 18.03.030 "Condi~ional tJse Permits -- Gecieral" of the Ar~aheim Municipal Code. 'l'he eite deve).upment standazd~ ~f thia Ctaapter ehall app.ly except as otherwi.se provided hLrein, or as speci.fically anproved i.n conjunction with eaici pexmits. 1. Recreation clubs ~~nd ancilla,ry uoQS aubject to the regulationa of thr~ Lxmited Commercial Difitrict in Szction 18.~,1Q0, except that the maximurc~ builci.tng height shall be thirty-two (32) feet aiid tliat aignage ghall. be limited ta one wall sign and one monument aiyn to be submitted for review and approval in cunnection w~.~h th~ CUP. 2. Child dav c;ar~ cAntera, p.r.eachoola and nurseries as defined in Section 18.01.040 ~f the Anahair;i Mun.icipal ^ode. 3. Ctzurches. 4. l~ducational inati.tutians, includ.i,~q, but :io~ limited to, cnlloges, uni_versities, and priva~e bJemetitiary, junior and senior hiyh echools. -16-- PC91-94 , ;~ ~:,t:: s~ , ~ td:d^o 5. Sand ar.d gravel operati~ne, including excavation, praaea~ir-g, etorago, wholeealing and diQtribut.i.on thereof, and accesoory officea, weiyhing statione an' care~al~e.rs~ quarters, subjRCt to compliance of Chapter 17.2Q of the Anaheim Municipal Cod~. 6. Architectural fea.turea up to a maximum heiyht of aeveiity (70) feet. 7. Salar col.lector panels and relatod equipmc~nt. ~. Pr~hibit .'.'`o~ outdoor antennae, including, buL• nat licnit~ ~ to, dieh-type antennae. F. Sit~ Devel~ment Standard~s In order to aseure adequate levels of lign.t, ai.r and deneit,y of development, to maintain ancl en,.ance th~ local.ly recognized values of community apnearance and to promote the eafe and effir.ient circulatio~z of pedeat.rian and venicular traffic~ th~ following site develo~ment standards and the oroviaione af Chap~er 18.04 of the anat:eim Municipal Cade "Sit~ Develo~+roerr~. Standar.da - General" shall anpiy. Thesa etandarda are found to be necessary far the preoervation of the community hea:Lth, saf~ty and gen~ral welfar.e. G• Ru.ilc9inq Si~e Rectuir~mente All sites shall be of eufficient eize ar.d w.idth to accommodate tihe anticipated numb~r of dwelling unite and parl;iny sp~cea, open areas and other etructurea and uses for which pruvisions are mada in this zone. 1. Minirniim B~.~ildinq Site and Buildinrr pad Area. Single-family detached dwelling unite ahall have a minimum lot and pad size of four thoueand (4,000) square feet. The term "buildizg pad area" as used herein s}~nll mean thQ level buildable area of the lot or parcel including any requir.ed eetbackp, but excluding (i) any material or manufactured slanea and (ii} a.ny public or private etreet or alley rightH-o;~-w3y and public or private, easemento for ingreo~ and egrees. 2. Baildina Site Wi.dth ~'vue„ of Lot Minimum Bui.lciinq_Sit~_ Widtli Conventional Lote Cul-de-sar, and Knuckle Loto Forty (40) feet Thirty- f.ive (35) feQt -17- PC91-94 ,,o :;; ,, ai;~.H+~4~ Butlding eite width ahall be m~ac~ured at the minimum building ~etbzck line of teri (10) fEet for conventional lots and fi~teen (15 ) feet for cul-de-~ac and knuckle lot~, o~:oo~it wher~ the buil~3ing ie located further kiack than i.he required minimum eetback ]ine, thg width ehall Lhan be meaaurod at the actual. setback line provided. A aiL•e p3.an eha1L be, required to delir.eate actual buildina location when the wid'th i~ measured far.tt~er back thar~ the required minimum eetback line. No eite plzn aha11 be required when the wi.d~h i.c~ measured at the minimum sei:back l.ine. A maximum of ~en (10) percQnt of the tatal lote c.reated in the RS-4000 zoning di~~rict within a Aevelupment Ar.ea may have the width measured at the acL•ual aetback line. Ther~: ehall be no more than two (2) dri.ve~~aye and/or c:urb auts in accordance witb. Standard Uetail No. J.12 ~llowecl per 1c+t:. a.-~d subjQat ta the review and appr.oval of the City Engineer. The di.r~ensions between the bo~tom of the curb cute shall be ten (~0} feet for a sinc~le car garago, eixtaeri (16) feet for a two ~ar garage and twenty-six (26y feet .for a three car garaye. The minimum lot frontaye/width of flag lots at the right-of-way sha1L be twenty (20) fePt. A maximum of ten (10) percQnt oP the total number of Lats created within a Deve'!opm~ant Area may b~ "flag" des~ igned . Fi. Structural Heiqht and Area I~i~:i~atir,ns 1. 2. 3. Maximum Structural H~~ht. ~ingle-family detached dwellinga stiall have a maximum height of thir.ty-t~~o (32) fePt. H~~ictht Ex, CGptit~ng. a. Ctiimn~ys ez-~cted and maintained ae an integral feature of a dwelling unit may exceed the appll.cabl~ height limi:tation of. thia sectiore. b. Architectur~l featureo (exc~pt chimneys;, subjact to the revi9w and approval of the Planning Commie~ian in connect.fon with Siice Plans, pzovi~ed any horizontal raaf doee not ex.ceed ten (10) feet in lEnyth nor L-en (10) percent of the ~ombinad total length of ail hor.izon~.al roc~f ridgelines on the structure, whichever. is lese, may exceed the 2p~licabie height limitat.iuns of thi3 section provided: (1) The maximum hsight of any ~ucli embel].ishment ehall not exceed thirty-seven !37) feet; and (2) The combinQd total )~orixontal area of ali such embelli6hments exceedincJ the thirty-two (32) foot haight .limitation shall nQk exce~d ~en (10) p~rcent ~f ~he t~tal roof arda. c. Architectur3l £eAturea 3pprov~d in accordar~ce with sub-aectiioc~ U.6 .3~~~ve. Coveraae_and Op~n S~ace ~tertuiremente. ehall be forty--five (45) p~rcent. -18- The ma.ximurn lo~ coverage Pr91-94 „.,,~ 4, Mi.nimum Flc,or Area per Dwallin~c . ThP mini.mum f:~oor azea for each dwelling unit i.e one thoueand two hundred t.o~en~,y f•i.ve ( l , 2?.5 ) equare feei:. I. Structural Setbacks anri Yard R~quirements 1. Garage aetbackn fram interior public or private streete and p*-i.vatE driveg: a. Front-On Garaqes: 7Che minlmum eetback to any "fr.ont-on" garage ehall be not lese ~han twonty-five (25) feet when equipped with a standard, ti].t-u~ garage d~or and not le~s tY-an twenty (20) feet when equipoed !•rith a roll-up g~rage dc.or with a two ( 2) foc~t allowable ~ncroacl~ment for architectural projecL•iona, as measured from the property line. b. Sicle-On Gar~qss: A minwmum ef ten (10) feet ahall be provided as meaeured from tlze pzoperty line with a two (2) foot allowable encroachr.ient for architectural projectione. A17. dri.veways for c~ide-on c~~~ragea ehall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet as rneasured at the centerline of the driveway. 2, Front Yard: A minimum ef ter: (10) feet ss m~asured frocr~ ~ne property line. 3. Side Yards A minimum ~f five (5) feec c~ha~.l be provided frorn structures to the propertX 1.Lne or a minimum of ten (10) feet beto~een ~1:ructures on adjacent ].ata. (Zel•o (0) aide yards are permi.tted. ) ~~, Rear_ Yard: ~ mir~imum of fifteen (15j feet shall be ~rovided from si:ructur~s to the property Zirie. 5. Buildiri Loca'tion. Single-family dHtached eha11 be permitted to '~rear-on" ar "side-on" open ep3~:e lots w.ithiii landscaped areas ae dafir-ed in S~ction 18.,~.13~. 6. 1~ec~u irod Frant Yard Landecauinc,~„ Fxont yard landacaping £or all s~ngle-farnily detar.hed l~ts will be installed ~y the builder. Such landscaping mu~t include a pr.ogram for atreet treee. ,7. Permitted ~ncr.oachments Into Huildinq Setbacks and Regui.red Y~rde The following s~ruc~urea and items may be permitted ta encroach into yar.de r.equired in th;a zone eubject to complianc~ with the limitatio:~s and conditions preecribed in Secti.on 18.04.043 "Per.mitted ~ncroachmente into Required Yarde," of the Anaheim Municipal Gode and ae prescribed herein: l. ~rivate garagee, ia coa~pliance with Section 18.04.043 of th~ Anaheim Municipal Code. 2. Natural plantiny ma~erials. 3. Covered or lattice gatios, pcole and spas, subject to minimum setbacke From the property line, as aet forth in the Uniform Bu± lding Code, provided that auch er~croact:mentc~ into s~.de yarda are allowed only on lcte wher~ adjacent etruct.uree do nat ha+re any habitable r.oame with windowa facinq the lot in question. 4, U*ilities. 5. Bu3_lding cannertiona extending into rear yarda. -19- PC9].-94 , . 5. Ba.lconieo nncl ext:eri ~r atair.wayo. i. Ca.r.porte and purtA-ooch~rc~d. H. t'.ireplr~ce~ ancl chimnoys» ~). G»ardrnl.ls. ]Q. Porchen, pl.atf~rm~ and lbncliriq t~'~LdCE`Li. 11. [~'once4, wall.~ and hedy~a. 12. Architect.ural projectiond. K. Vet~,~cle Par}cin~ and_ Lo~din~Rnc,L~irementa 1. Two (2) covered epacae ~nd tw~ (2) driveway Qpace~s ehaZl be r~~uir~d for eact~ dwolling unit. Two (2) pbrki.ng spaces in front of the garaye d~or may count Luwards the r~quirement so lotiy ae there ie a minimum of twerttf (2U) foet from a roll-up gar.age door and twQnty-five (?.5) fect fr.om a tilt-up garage daor t~ the property li.na. t. Parking sh111 UQ in cvmplianca with 5ect;ion 18.,__.:12J. I.. ~iqn Rec~uldtionH Sic~n~ Ahall bo in comPliance with SPCC.LOLI 18.___.140. M. ReUUizgil Slte Screeni.rig 1. A eulid <9ecoraCive type wall, lands~~; ::.; earthen b~rm, or any combination thereof, tor?_,,,y not .leos than ~ix (6y feet in hpiyht, ehat~ :.~ previde~ along the boundary adjacQnt ta r+~:'~Lip.l~-family developments and, unlees r~ouna attanuatiori atudied r~huw that a wall is not neQded, alonq the boundaries of landscaF;eci nreao ab~itL-ing u~~rrf.ale. The heiglit oE any auch wall and/or berm ohall be as measurpd frem tht~ }:iri~~at finished grad~ 1QVe1 ~f the buil~iinr~ pa,~ ut S:he dwelli.ng ~niL•a located ne~reaL auy auch abuit.tng bounclary. Any ~encing lor,atad in a ,-nanner whic-h niay ubatrur.t c.~cenic viewa from a nublic r.iytlt-of-way ehall ~~t~~+.~t c: ~r~urative open-work materi~le. Ail Lencing plane shal l bc~ eut~ jer_•t to thQ approval of the Planning Com-niaRion. 2. t~o wnll or bprm shull be rectuired acroes ~:~y approvc:d vQtiicuJ.ar or p~d~strinn accQOgway. 3. Whera unueu~l topography oxiRta, hei_yh~ requirements may bQ modifi~d or.• waivod by r~ec,lution of Lhe Plnnninr~ Commi~efnn or. Ciky Council i.f the City Englneer cer.tiffes that th~ greGt.ton of euch a waJ.l oi• berm would not be a practical. ~xercise of oound anqineerinq pra~G;.ces. 4. Whore requirQd w~ll~ are eonetructed at thc: r_op of any slopc~ which ia not thp properl-y line, mafitir.enance acr_,.~ae opQnin~~B tu the alope ar~a shall ~e pravided .in ttie wall ar Quch lot. 5. On ~orner l~ty forme~ hy th~ intersQ~:tion o~ r~~sf~lQntiul streets wi.th art~rial hiqtiways, .sny otx (6) t.~ot hiqh ~~rall r~cruired fot~ na~-ind attenuatian al~n~ tho reaz l~t: lino adjoce~nt to the la~~c!ecnpe ar~a ehall hk e:ctended al.onq th~ aide lot linn a~ jac.~nt to t1~e rasi~.fenti:il atrec~t to th~ rQquirEd front eetback lina, aubject r,~ appru~:al c~f th6 C',r,y Traffic: and Tran6portation Nana!~c~r for Lin4-of-sight requir~mentg. -24- PC91-94 N. O. Y. Q• R. D~licat~pn and i.mprovc~mQ~n~ Dedication u£ DtiL'fl'31:p~ publi.c ~atil~ty oa~+omento and other public w~~rks und irr~provemants sha'.1 be requirQd ir! c~nnc~c~ion with any work pextalniixa L•u tt~e arc~cticn, conetxucti~n, roconatruction, mov.i.ng, convere.ton, al.t3ratior~ or addirian to any building or etructure wit•hi.n ~hio ~ono in accordance with rhe provi~ionH of 5oction 1E3.04.08U of th~ Anaheim Mu~-icipal c'ode. DV~velc,pmenl• Rcview ~~nd Perrnite Prior to r,ommencing uny work `;:.;,~,ining to the Erecti~n, conetrucr+~,:;, laGUns~ruction, moving, canvarsion, altora~~on or addition ro ary building or etructure within thi~ zone, all building and ~l.te p1anA shall ue subject ta review by thR Huilding Divi~fon of tlie P1~nnlnq Department of ':he City and permita shall be aecured irom ~::c :,'hi ~: ~u± lding Inspector of the Ci.ty of An~hQ.m in compllancN ~uith all pr~vialon~ of Section 18.04.090 of. the Anaheim Munic.lpal r_ode "DQVelopmont ReviQw and P~rmits - General," provided fur.ther, tf~at whQre thare are exiati•~q buildi.ngo and structuree on a ei.t~ foL whi.ch more in~4nAive develc,~~ment is propoHQd und~:- the pr.ovisionA of this zune, t~o build'r.g p~rmit shall be iooued until the Chief B~ilding Ynepsctor. anc9 ttio Fire Chfef hava certifLed that the exiating buildinge and s~ru~tures arc~ 9afe for occupa-.cy and for human habltari,on. Penalti~n for. V~lar.i~no Any vl.o.l~ltion of tt~e provisione or thie chapter aha11 bp subject to p~naltiea aa prea~r.ihpd in Section 18.04.110 of the Anshein Mt~nic.ipal Code. Amencimente1, Cor~clitiona~ Use Permi.ta and Variancea Boundariea of. the zone~ eetabl:.ohed hy tt~is Lltle, the clae~ifi.cation of property usen therein, ur ottier provlF~iona of thi~ titl.e may bQ amended, axceptf.ons made therefrom, or co~-ditional v.see permitted in acc~rdancQ with the facto, conditiono, proceduros and required ohuwtngo ep~!ciiied in Chapeer 1K.03 ^Zoninq Frocedurga - T.mendmenta, Conditianal Use P~?rmit3 and Varianceu" snd Cltiapter 18.93 "Specific Plan Oc•dirionce" of the Anahoim Munic:ipal Code. R~g,uirQd R~c.r.eati.on~ei~ure re 8 F~r each dwellinq unit subjQCt ::o tl;eee regul~tiona un !.ote lese tnan 5,Q0~ squar~ faet, thc~re eliall be provfded a minimum of 125 equare feet of comr~~on recroational-leieure :~rsa wxthin cl.oae proximity to the residential butlding AitQ containing nuch units. Common rocrpatianai ~;eiaure area ahall be ~s minimum of o~~e-Lhf.~d c;f a~ ucre and may incl~,de :imenitiee sur.h ne, bui not li;nLt~d to, a swlmminq poo2, reHtrooms, tot luts, rQCr.~ati~n I~uildingn; or, .tf „he pQr 1cC -21- PC91-94 ~, , , requi.remant e~~i.iates t:o leno than onQ-tt~frd ~~ ~n acre, then ~he common re~~ea~:ional-lt~ieure areA ~hRl.l be a m3.nimum of 1, 50U s~uare feek and coni:ain a t~r lat or aimilar recr~ation facilitie0. ~ommon recroational•-le? oure aroa~+ may be r.c~grec~titn~ ~u sorve niore th~n one reoidential. bu.ilding ette if appr~ved in con}unction with a ten±,stive tract map for an entire llev~lopmont Are~;. ThQae common racreational.-l~ieur.r~ are~s ehall hr~ve no minimum length or width diroen~ions. .040 AP~~elo~oment Area,~ S. 7. 8. 9,, 11 throu~h_,]L8 aiid 22s._. RS-4500 (SC) and_ RM-24Q0 ~SC) Zpnfnc~ Di~tr•LcL•s. Det~ched rind Attuch~:~ Sincxle_FamiZ~ and Ku.lti-Family E~UUging~ Ar.eaa to De c]eveloped foi• detaclied ancl attachad yingle-f~mt].y anc~ multi-family hauei~-y. A1J, atandarda of• tho RS-4500 (SC) 2onin~ Dietrict deecr.ibed in Soction 1f3._..OB0.010, thE RS-40U0 (SC) Zoning Distri~t deacribed in Section .16. _,.U90.030 arid/or the RM-2400 (SC) Zoriiitg District doecribed i~ Section 18.,.080.020 ehall appl.y to Develovment Areae 5~ 7~ d~ 9. ].1~ 12~ 13~ 14~ 1.''i~ 16~ 17~ 18~ aCid 22. s~et:ion 18.~_____.lOC Dev~l~cment Areas 22 throuah 27 Lia~itecf~Cuan~erci_al jSC~ ~uninc~Aietric:t- 11. Di.ek~-type antennae noL--L•o•-exceed ;.we2ve (12 y feet in hai.ght shall be permittad, eubj~ct tc the condit.tc~nE and showings of SFCti.on 18.03.03 "Condition~l Use Permit~--Genera2." of the F.naheim Munlcipal Cods. An}• euch antennae ahall be eitE. screene;l irom view from adjeceni: propertieR or adjacent public righte-uf-way, hy arct~it~ctural elementa, landacaping and/or feccing, at a l.ine of. oight six (b) .teet ~~bove the e~round l~:vel meac~ured at any point on the prop~rL•y ].ine of ttie pr~pPrty on which the anCennae ia located. The Zoning Admir~:.ntrator, Plannin,y Commieai.on or. Ctty Coun~.:il may impoee ~sddition3l condit.ic~ne ar~ reaaonabl.y nscef3sary to gcre~n any Ruch ant~nnae wt~en the progosed :int~nr~ae would be vi~.ibl.e from any ot:~er. propc~rty . F. Site DeveloUmE~~~ St.andar.dc- 2. Structural Height ~+n~ Area Limitations.. The maximum building heigh~ nt-all be th.Lrty-•five (~5~ Leet with heLc~'Zts in excenn ~f th.irty-five (:35} feer, subject tr, the approval. of a conditi.onal uae per.mit. 3. l2oof-Mounted ~gui~ment. Roof-mountad equipmor~t, including ~adio arid t~l~vi3ion anCennan, anall n~t bQ permiL•tecl with tt-e excoption of nuch equipment aa io r~~~{uir~d to be olaced on tl~e roof. tiy nature of a parric~~lFir building uee ~r. by the Uni~orm Bu.t:d~~,q Code as ~dapted by the Cit~• of Anaheim. Such roof-mounCed nqui~ent e~.all be e~.~t,~ject :c~ the fol.lowing pro~islo~e and Ahal? be clearly eh~wn on p:ane eubmitted fni.~ p«~rr,iite to LhP City of Anaheim. -'1.2- PC9] -94 ~ E'~ ~. Screoning of equipment ehall be provided by accepiabie Y~ermanent building mat:erialo tho eame ae or eimil~r to those wk~ich are used in th~ constructior. of 4he ur~dorlying buildinc~ ~r Nh~11 bo r~creened fror~~ view k?y accep~able archit:er.tural features of the building itaQlf. Said e~reening ehall nat exceed the hoight lim±t: ae eatabliahod by Secti~n 18.8A.062.031 at the Anaheim Munictpa]. CoclQ. b. in order to minimizo the vioibility of. acreaning methodn 3nd/~r matc~ri.ale, all equipmant ehall bo painted to matc;h t~he roof on which i.t ig located, Hs wal..l as pai.ntied to ^~atch tlil~% materiala uAOd for equipment ocreening. c. The method and/or ecroen3.ng materi~l which ie ufied ahall nnt be roadily recoynizable aB a screenino device, but ehall he ciee.igned ag an integral clesign component of the building deeign. d. All equipment ecreeniny 3ha11 be retatned and maintaincd in good candition. e. If c~quipment i.e vi.4ible fram any public atreet, Y~ublic or priva.te property ~t fin.iahecl grade leveld or any flaor level. of any reai.dential atr.ucture, it ati~ll b• subject to thF: r:eview and approval ~~f the Planninq Commic,aion in connection with Site Plan con~siderati.r,n. 4. Structural Setba,,k a~id Aarcl Req,.uiremen_L•3 a. Abuttin, any interior public street: A m.inimum setback of fourt~aen (14) fe~t with a thz•ee (3) foc~t t~igh barm and w.i.th no encroachmerita perrnitted. b. Ab~~tting any interior private str-~et: A n~tback of not leae than five (5) feet, fully lanclscaped. c. Interior s.ite boundary lines abutting ar-y c:ommercidl zone boundary: No ~etback shall be required, Q.cc~p*_ as r.equired under the Unif.orm Building Code. 5. P~mitted Encroachmenta Into Rec~uired_Setbacks_ The :o].Iowing featurea may be permitt:od ~o encroach inlo eetbacka required .Ln thie zone, (excep~ .Lnterior publie utreetay ir~ complianre with t11e previsione o~ subsecti~n 18.04.O~1:3 "PErmirr~d Encroachmer~to into f,aquired Ya.r.d~ -- Genc~ral," of the Anahe:im Mun.iripal Coda and ao provided herein: ~er.tion 81._~.110 Areaa ~0-32 Open Sgace/Recreation ~L•andardo R. l~ermitted Frima_r.,.y_._Ue~e t~nd Struc;tu_r.en :i, Grading operatione, drainage i'acil.itLQe and other i.nfrac~tructure rel3ted to development and c~~nsiotr~nt with ~lie ~radiny Concept Pl.an (Exhibit 24 of ttis Speciffc Plan document_-. 9. TranApartatiari r.nrri.dors, nrtarial roadwaye, 3r3inac~e facilitieo and other. i.nfrac~tructure and theix rc~quirQd gradl.ny - dFLBTED C. ~ond ti.o~~~sl~~~_IIn~ S~ructureQ 2. Coinmunfty and project mor,~in~ntar_ion. -?.3- PC91-•94 ,~:. ~ D. Sit~ Dc~ve].~men`. standardo. , ~,,.~~ 4. The maximum hAl.ght for etructuzos shall, be twenty-five (25) fe~at, except tor. laokout Lawers and arci~it~ctural. m~numente in nccordance with eub~secti.an C.1 above .tn D~v~loprnont Area 3Q only. Sc~cL•ion 1i3.~. ].20 ~nerat Parking Requir.ement A. Location af Reauired Par.k{.nq Spacao 1. lt~eidential [Ieoe~: Required off-street ?~ax•king o~aces fur ull reeidential u:~4s ef prop~rty ehal.l be lccated on the same lot ~a tha dwelling tini.t Fc~r which such par)cing i4 requi.r.ed. T. Var.iances Excep~ as otherwiee ~ypreasly pravided !:srein, varianr,~s from any of the requ:r~mer.ts of this S~cti.ori shall be proceesed in accordance with i:he proc~duree y~t foxth in ChaptAr 18.03, Chapter 18.93, and Sec~ion 18.05.Of30 of the Anaheirn Municipal Coda. Section 1£~.~.13U 'qSC)• Scenic Corridor S~ne -- Overluy F. Tree Preaervation Preaerv~tinn af sigciific~~~t atands and singl~ epeci.fied tree9 in Mountain Park is neceseary to p.reserve iiatural beauty of thg Ssnta Ana Car.y~n environmer-t, incrpase t)~e visual i~ent.ity and qual.tty of the area, and protect t.he r.Pmaini.ng natural anenitiea from premakura ~emav~l or destruction. 2. Scopo: Pri.or to approval o:` each maae grading permit for the Moun~air~ Pa.rk Speclfic Plan ar.ea, a M~e.tFr Troe Remava.l Pernit for L•he area to be graded mus~ be approvecl by thE~ City tn acaordance with t:he procedures herein. The purpose of the Trec~ Removal PGrmit ehall. be tc docucnent ~hp number of traes ta be removed and raplacad. tf the apecimen trees to be rem~ved ::ro locatecf with;.n gradod are~io ao identified on the c:oriceptu~l Gradi.ng Pl~c~ (Exhibit 2~1 ~~f Specific Plan dor.ument, the tres romoval paXmiL- ehall be apprcved. A11 sui~sequent apecimen tree rem~va.t x•eques~s (i.e., txee removalr~ not assc~ciated wiCF- the inLtiai grading and landscapi.ng for the Mountairs :ark Spacific Plan) snall be proceesed in accordance with Sections 1a.84.03U.030 through .U35, 18.84.030.OS0 :hrough .055 and through .Q90 of the Anaheim Fiunicipal Code. -24- PC91-94 , ,~ _. ~~ ;,, ~~ ~ rr:(•,~l :4~1Mi.~ ~. Findinc~s anci iesuance of P~rmit by Planning Commi~eion or City r,ounciJ.: One ~r mor~ of thc~ following arQ required to be made prior to $pproving a Specimen Tree Removal for aubAequent trea r.emoval requeste (l.e, tree removale not ac~oociated with tha in~.tial grading and landecaping for the Dtountain Park Specif~.c Plan). ~. Th~ pri.nciplae of gnod foreat managemen~ wi.ll best be served by th~ propooQd ramoval; b. that a reaaonable and praatic:al clevpl~pment of th~ property an which ttie trpe ir lacat4d zaquire9 removal of ~he tree or trees whc~se r~moval ie eought; c. That the characi:er of tho imme~iate nei~hbarhood in reepPCt of foreet~~ion will not ba mc{terially affecte3 bp the ~rapoeod remaval; d. That the topography of *he building eite .reriders removal reasonable necesaary, and, ~. 2•h:it regard zar the aafety of pers~ns or property requiree the removal. '~~' PC91-94 ~ G. ~~nasc~~.a Aroae and euildin„~c 5etbacka Adioinina FreowavA~_ T~a_»s,~oL•tation c;oi~ridors and P.rrerial Hiqhwava P.Qaidential C.~mmorci+al Open Spaco Dev. AreaE~ Gev. Areas Arese/Parks Mir.imum L,andscaped ArEa (ineaaur.ed fro[n ROW) 91 Fraeway 30'(ay 30 a ~ Ea~terr~ Tranap~rtation 30'(a) 30'(a) 0 Mi.ni.mum Landacaped Area (measured fr.om fnce of curn) Weir Canyon Roa~~ 35' 35' 0'/20'~b) GypQum Ca.ny~r~ Rcad 35'(c) 35' ~'/20'(b) Sant.a Ana Canyor: Road 35' 35' J~imboree Road _ ~~ , ~ Oak ranyon Drive 35~ J5, _ Streetr~ ~~A~~ ~hru ~~E" 3~ ~ :j5 ~ p ~ Diinimum EuLlding S~tbaak (m~asux•ea fr.om lan~acaped area) 91 Freeway ^ a) 70'(~) - Eastern Tru:~eporta',:ior- Corridor 2U' (a) 70' (a} _ Weir Canyon Road 5' 15.5' _ Gypsum Canyon Ftc-ad 5' 15.5.~ _ Santa Ana Cany~~n R~ad 15.~' G5.5(d) - Jamb~ree Road S~ 15.5' ~ak Canyon Drive 5' 15.5' .. 5tre~±te "P_" thru '~G~~ 5' 15.5' _ ~~a) ThP lanciscaped areus and buildii~g aet;backd may be reduced or eli_minated whet:e el.opee are locakeu within the frQewF•,• ar ~orridox ri.ght-of-way ~ubject to P1ann.ing Commisa.ioci appr~~val i^ conjunction with aite plans, t:entative tract rnaps, ar~d/or parcel mape. (b) 20' whQre a riding und hib:ing tra{ 1 i.~ locr~L•ed adjacent to a roaciw~3y. (c} F3G' in Davelopment. Are~s~ 17, 19 and 2U as identifieci on the Develapment Pl.an Map (Exhibit 9 c~f th~ Sp~rific Plan aocument}. Park and recreatt~~nal facil.iti.P~ may be i.ncluded in these landc~cape nreae. (d) Fr.eeetanding oecondary builciingn may be ~+et back a minimur.i cf fifteen and one :~alf (15.5) fQet nubj~ct to the :approval of P Cc~nditional U~e Permit. -?.5-• PC91-94 ~:: +'~ r " , Seation 7.8.____.14() Sign Reyu:l~~iona A. Purpooe and Intent Tomparary and permanFnt eigna aha11 bo located an private prop~r~y o:- within the publ.ic right-of-way ~rith an a~~pruved encrQachment pormit. C. I~:annPd Communitv 1n.f~rm~tion Signe, ' TQmpor~,°y signs ehali he loc~tP~9 ~n private pro~c~rty o.r. within ~ublic ~ r.ighte-of-way wi~h an appruved encr~achment permit. Z'QmpoYaz•y ~ign locationa ars aubjac:t L•o the reviow an3 approval af L•hQ City Traffic and Transportati,on Manager for. line-of-ei~ht consideration 1nd ~ha'l1 conform t~ the fo].lowirag standarde and apecifirat~ione. Eiccept ae otllerwiae nated,these signe may be ciieplayed until ttie entire apacific p.tan ~rea is occupied. ~eneral eymbols and examples o~ tPmporar,y ei.gne are providecl with Ext~ib~ts 29-31 in the Specific Plan ~iocument . , E. Multi-Fainily Rec~idential Entry Siqne: Low-s~ale m~nument sig;lave to idex~tify Er-tr.ie4 iii•to the RM-240q Districte: ~ - Tlumber and Locai:ion -- One (~) Ruch entr.y ahall be parm.itted at each entrance. - M3ximum Haiar.r, and Area -- If provicl~d ae an e.lement of a iua11, such eigns~~z eha11 not exceed a vertical height of six (6) feet fron~ grad~e, nur a total ar~a of one hun~r~d twenty (120) squar~ feet. If such ~lynage i» Fr:ovided as fre~-etandiiig, such sign shall not exceed a vertical height oF four (~3) f~et frorn qrade and totdl area of ~ighty (Ei0) aquare fc~et. - Graphic .Cde•atity ArQa -- ~ifty (5~) gqu3re feet of graphi.c iden~ity ar4a. F. S:.gns in Limited Catnmercia.L Districte All s;.gne~ in I,imi~ed Cocnm~rcial D?.atrictF~ ahal:~ be in accorcianc~ wii;h s eig;< prcgrani a~provea in accarciance with ~ub-sectic~n B above or shall re~3u.irp a r~nditioaal tlae Permit. 3. Furthe,r• that each Moun~ain Park De~~elopms~~it Area zon.ing distr.t~t i.ncludec~ all ~p~lic;able zoning etandardo fur. tlle distric~ in the taxt. Any appli.cable zoning chapter xn the City Zonir~g Code (Title 18) which ie not inclu~9ed or amended as~ par.t of the Mount~.in Park Zoriing and Development Standards, howe~~er, w~uld app? y to thi~ pro7ect. VioJ.atione of ~he Spea.ifi.c Plan Zaning and Development Star~dar.de ahall car.ry the c~ame penaltie~ and ehall bE enf~L•ceablc~ in the same manner as other violations of th3 Zon;.:.g Ca~'e. -27•- PC91~-94 +~ ~';!'`y E,';'w:rq 4. That un].eeo otherwi~p pravided, adopt•ion of a Spacific Plan yhall h~.ve no offeci: upon other requir~ments und~r Stmte l~w or the Mun~.cipal Code tor d~velopment ~pproval including, but not limited to, gutadivieion mape, gra~ling and d~aign, engineertriq and lccation oE public improvemen~s. Any provisions for locations of desi.gn of ~xtili~iea, se~var or aL•orm draine in the Specific Plan sha11 be approved by the City Fngineer. and the Pu~bl.ic Utilities GenQral Matiager or their designa.ted rapreaQntatives. 5. That the projecL applicar~t'o expl~nation to suppor.t the r~guest for the propos~d Zoniny and DevQlopment Standards for. the Mouiitaia Park cievelopment has beerz .incor.porated into the Spe~lfic Plan docume.nt as Appendix c; . 5. 'Phat the Specific P1an will be implEmented through procassi.nq of larye-lr~t tract or parcel mapa, Development Area Plans for D~svelopment ArAar~ 3, 4, 6, ~9 and 2~, ~uilder tract ~r parcal mape and S.Li.e Plana. 7. That the maximum numUer of dwelling uni~s prcpoaed for t.he Mountai.n Pa.rk Specific Flan ie 7,966, including 33~ singl~-family units (i629 units) and up to 67~ multiple-~ami.ly units (up to 5,3:i', units). I 8. That the Speci.fic Plaa7 is consietent wit:i th~ goala and ' policie3 ~~f the GQneral Pla~i as pr.apoaed for antiendment pureuant to General Plan , Amendment DIO. 318 ar-d with t}1e purposes, ~t3ndarc9e, and land us~: guidelines cont:ained therelri. 9. That the Sp?ci.fic P1an text (gager~ I-19 through I-41 of the Specific Plan 3ocumen~, Exhib.it-. A) include~ a die~ussion of the projects cnnsietency wi.th the City of F.yaheim's General Plan applicable goa18, c~bjectives antl policies. NUW, THEREFORE, E3E IT kLSOLV~D that purs~iant to C~QA Gui3elines 5~ction 15063, after cane.idering Dr.aft Environmental Impaci: Report (EIR) iJa. JUZ for the prcpooed Mauntain Park pr~ject and rev±ew.iccJ evidence presen~ed, both writte~i and ~ral, to auppl~mQnt DraEt EIR Pia. 302, tho Anaheim City Planning Co~r~rniseion rec~mmended certi.fication oE Environmental Impact Report IJo. 3U?. and State~nent of OvPrriding Conai.derat.ions ae showr.i in Planning c;ommission Re~olution No. PC91-92, adopted in connecti_on •~~ith GUr,eral Plan Amendment tJ~. 3'18, .in aonjunction witki Specific Plan No. 9Q-4. The oame fir~~ings a~pl.y to and are made dir~ct-15• with respect to Specific Plan No. 90-4 directly. AND BE IT FURTHER RF,SUI,VEU, that the Anaheim City Planniny GAmmioeian doea hereby r.~cominend th-' thQ City Council, by ordinancej ad~pt the Mountain Park Spec{fic P1an No. 9~-4 'Loni.cig and Uevelopment Standardr~ as ee*_ forth in Sa~ction III of thF Specific Plan document (Exhibi.t ~) and incarporating the amendm~nte set forth in thio reaolution. •-28-• P~91-94 ,:~ ! , ~ '', ".~d 1 ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adupted at the Pl~nning Commiasion mA~ting of June 24, 1991. i ;~~ ~~~'- ,E;-,~f...:i ~j_l,!l.-c~. C-• -~vl.r.c,.~J CHAIRWQMAN, AI3AHEIM CI7~l PLANNINiG GOMM~SSTON ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ `~.~~"=~ "~-' t~ - `_ Ck-~li V~t. S~CFt~.TARY, ANAHEIM CYTY PL7~IVNING CON.MISSTON STx1TE OI' CALIk'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ns CI'PY OF }1NAHETM ) I, Edith L. Eiarrio, Secretary to the Anahoira City Planning .:ommfesfon, do hereby cerLify that tho for_egoin~ resolution was gassed and adoptQd at a meting o£ the Anah?im City Pl.annir.q Commission h~ld ~n .7uno 24, 1991, by the following ~' voto of the member~ tnr~reof: ~, r ~;, P_YES: COMMIRSIONERS: DdXDSTUN, BOT)AS, HELLYER, FIENNT.NGER, MESSE, PERAZA f10ES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE A}3SLNT: COMMISSTONERS: FELDHI~IUS ~ IN WITN~SS WHERFOF, I h~3v~ hereunto set my hand thisf~-~day of _I~~, 1991. ..~. ~ r [:, ~ / " ~ ~~.~.~v ~ +~/-~"~ti-~ SECR"r'~TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON -29- PC91-94 , .; ~~~i°rnct ~rn.~v~r ~ ~:~~ ~ Ar!ENDD'lENT NU . 1 C)ESCRI.P~rJOiv' THF L~1ND REFERRED TQ TN TIiIS RE~~RT IS STTUATED IN THE STATE 0~' C?~LIF'ORNIA, COUNTY ~F ORFINGF, PARTLY TN THE CTTY '.,?F ANAHFTM ANI~ pAg,TZy 2N rJNINCORYORArED TERRrT~RY, AN1J ]:S DESCR2BED A5 FQLLOWS~ ALL OF BLOCR 26, TOG~THER WTTH AOR7.'TONS OF BLOCKS 23, 24, 25, 27, 2g, 29, 30, 34, 35 ANU 36 OF IRVINF'S SUBDIVISION P,5 SHOWIJ O;d THE M.~1F~ RECORDED II~ BUOK 1, PAGE g8 OF MISCELL,ANEOUS RECUFD MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RErOIZDER OF SATD CUUNTX, U~;SC:~2TBED AS F~LLOWS : BEGII1NTrrG A'r AN ANGLE ~OlNT IN THE EXISTING ROUNDARy ~F THE CITY QF' ANAHEIM AS ES^1A$LTSHED 13Y TI~IE "(AMENDED) OAK HTLI~S KANCH ANNEXA.TION Tt'i THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~~ ~ ;:.ID pOINT BEING THE cOUTHEASTERLl' TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN C~URS~ i~ESCR:IBEa~ IN SAID ANN~XA.TZON AS "S . 27 ° 08 ' 00" E. , 1, 91~ . UO FEL'i"' FUR THE ~STERL~Y LxNE OF TH~ FEL,IPE YORBA (FAFZCEL 2) P.ND `1'~-Ii:: TEQDOCIa YO~%B.A ( P.FI.RCEL 1) ALLC~TMENTS TN TI-~E DECREE OF PARTITION OF THE RAAICHO SANTIAGO DE ~AN~ra ANA RECORD~D :LP7 BOOK "B" OF JTJOGMENTS OF TH~ 17'I'H JUDI =Is~I, ~IST ~ICT COURT 0~' CALIFORNIA IN ~AID CpUNTY; THENCE ~I~RTH 25° 43' 37" WEST 2955.58 FEE'r ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE A~'VD SAID EYISTING bOUNDARY AS EST.ABLISFiEO BY SAID ANN'EXATI0r1 AND BY THE "(AMENDEU) WALLArE RANCH ANI~EXA.TION TO THE C~TY' CJF ANAHEIM10; THENCE, LEAVING SAID EXZSTING BC;UNDARY, NOKTH 81° 5F3' 04" WEST 43.64 FEET TO THE SOUTFiERLY LINF GF THE L'ANp DESCRIBF,U IN THE T~~ED TO THE STATE OF CALT~ORNI~ RECORDED IN }.i00K 2208, PAGE 138 O~~ OFFTCIAL RECORDS IN THE OFr ICE OF SATD COUPI'rY RECORDER; '!'HENCE SOTJTH 8 7. ° 2 3' 2 4".EAST 4 3. 4 3 FEFT ALOI~fG SAID SOU'1'HERLX LTNE TC SI~ID FXZS~rzrlc BOUNDARY; THENCE NORTH 25° ~3' 37" WEST 94.63 FEFT ALnNG SAID EXISTTNG B~OUNDARY TO TH~' NORTHWR.LY LT~1~ OF PARCrL 1 Of' TT~A~ CEI~TAIN PROP~S~D RE.LTNQUISHI+~ENT OF A PORTI~N OF SAN'PA ANA CANYON ROAU (4~OUT~ 91 HIGHWAY) AS SHOWN ON STATE OF CAT~TFORNIA DIVISION OF ~iIGHW1~YS RIG~T OL' WAY NIe'~P ,~TOS. F1840, F?.F341 AND F1842 r^ILED ~PR:LL 16, 1973 I?~1 ~UOK 8, PAGES 30 THRUUGH ~2 OF HIGHWAY MP.PS, ORp,NG~ COUNTY ~ CAI:IFO'r.2NIA; THEtdCE, LEAVTNG SAID LXIaTING BOUNpp,,Ry r~,.L,pNG S,AYp r~ORTHERLY LII~iE, THE FOLLUWTNG COURS~:S: SOUTH 82° 23' 25" EAST 1115.72 EEET TO THE BEGINNING C~F A TANGEN'T CURVE CONCAVE S~UTHE~LY, H.~VING A RADIUS OF 3999.00 FEET, EAS1'EFi,Y 389.73 FEET ALONG SAID C'JRVE THROUGH A C.ENTRAL ~,NGL~ OF ~° 35' 02", SOUTH 76° 48' 23" EAST 557.39 FE::T, AND SnUTH 79° Y9 ~ 39" EA5T ~:11.45 FE~'T TO 'i'HE NORTHWEST CG~RNER O~' THp,T CERTAIN I,ANU DESC:RIBF.D .LN THE EXCEPTION Z V Pp.IlCF.L 1 OF THE DEED TJ THE SZ'ATE OF' CALIFOF2NIA RECORUED M1~RCH 8, 1~7]. IN F3UOK 9563, PAGE 744 OF OF. FTCZAL RECORDS IN THE ~FF'ICE C~ N THE CGUNTY RECORDER OF SAII~ COUNZ'Y; 'I'HEPJCE, LEAVING TFIE HOUNDAR`l OF SAID PRUPOSED RELINQU:~SHMENT ALONG THE NORTHERLY AND EAS'~EF~ZLY LINES OF SAID EXCEPTTON, THE FOLLOWING COiJRSES: c:ONTINUING .SOUTH 79° i9' 39" EAST 356.76 rEET, SOUTH 77° 10' 44" EAST 3II5, 65 F~ET TO THE B.EGINt?ING OE A TANGEN'.r,' CURVE CONCAV'E NORTI~ERLY, HAVING A RApIU5 OF 375. CU FEET, EASTERLX 211 . 14 P'FET ~.LUNG SAT.c"3 CiTFcV'~; PAGF. 9 PC 9 I-94 AMENDMENT NC. 1 THROL:TGH A CENTRP,L ANGLE OF 32° 7.~' 36", NURZ'H 7n° 33' 40" EAST 160.73 ~'FET, AND SOUTH 19° 26' 2U" EAST 176.75 FFET TO aAID NORTHER~.,Y LTNE OF PARCEL 1 OF THF PROPOSFD RELINQUISHMENT; TE~ENCE, LEAVING THE BOUNAARY OF ~AID EXCEPTION, NORTH 70° 33' 40" F.AST 80.00 FE~T ALQNG SATD NORT.HERi~Y LI23E 'I'U 'i'HE ~OU~rNERLY LINE OF SATll PAF2C.EL 1 OF 'I'HE DEED R~CORDEll IN ~QOK 9563 , PAGE ~44 CF' OFFIc:IAL RE~ORDS; THENC~, LEAVING THE BOLINI~AR~ OF SAID Pk~P05ED RELINQUrSHMENT A'LONG SAID ~4U'I'HERLY' LTNE, T~iE FOLLOWING Cc)URSES: NO~RTH 35° 14' 20" F,P.ST 1?8.69 FEE~, NOP,TH 1° 32' 57" WEST 3$8.~4 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TA~IGENT C[TRVE CONCAVE SOUTHEAST.~RLY, c~AV~NG A RF,DIUS UF' 1.25. QO FEET, rASTERI'~Y 128 . 89 F'FET ALANG SAID C'URVE THRUUGH A CEN~r12AL ANGLE OF 59° 04' 42", ANI~ NQRTH 57° 31' 43" EAST .i66.53 FEET TO THE SC~UTI~ERLY LINE OI' PARCE7~ 1 OF THE DEED TO THE ~TAT~ Or' CALrFORNTA RECORDED J'iJLY 24, 1951. IN BOVK 2208, PAGE 138 OF SAID OI~FZCI~L RECORUS; T~?ENCL, LEA`JING THE BQUIVDAI2Y.' OF S.'~ID FARCEL 1 OF TF~E DEED RECC'RDED IN k300K 9563, PAC,E 744 QF' OFFICIAL RECORDS, AZ,ONG SAID L11ST MENTTON~D SOUTI~ERLX LIN~, THE F(7LLOWING COUFtSES: NQRTH 8Q° 15' 53" EAST 56.45 FEE~', :`tORTH 71° ~k7' 041° E.AST 11'78.97 FEET, NORTH 33° 11' 47" ~:AST 2,48 . 88 FEET, N~RTH 67 ° 18' 52" L;AST 860. 80 F~E'~, NORT~ 52 ° 24' 13" ERST 273.84 FEr'.[', NG~RTH 35° :32' S1" EAS'r 313.69 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OI' A~'ON--TP.NGENT CITRVE GONC.A.VL N012THWESTERLX, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2050.00 FEET, A FZADIA.L I~I~TE TO SA:LD CURVE BEAR~ SOU'ri-i 43° 12' 46" E.~1ST, EASTERLY Ei1.70 F~ET ALONG SAyD CLTRVE THROUGIi A CENTRAT~ 1~IGLF: OF 1~ 43' 28", N~RTH 45° 03' 46" E1~aT ~3.2~ r'EET TO THF BEGtNrTIrfG OF A'.rANGEN'T CUFtVE CONrAVE :301'JTHEAS"SEF~LY, H.~,VING A. FtADIUS OF 1250.OU F'EET, F~STERLY g76.66 FEET ALOI3G SAID CURVE THROIJGFI A CENT;2AL AI3GL,L' OF 4 0° 11' 00" , NOkTH c~ 5' 14' 46" EAST 3'77.5II F~,~`I' TO THE ~IEGTNNING OF A TANGENT CLTI2VE COPi~:AVE 50U'I'HERLY~ HAVING A R~1DIU~• UF 29!i0.00 FEET~ EP.S'I'ERLX 259..15 FEET AT.~ONG SAID CUFtVE THROTJGH ~ CEf1TRAL 1~NGLE OF 5° 02' OG", SOUTH 89° 43' 14" EA,ST 636 . 09 FEET TO THE BEGTNNING OF A T1~NGENT CURVE c.'.c~NCAVE NORTiiRRLY , HAVING Fi R~DTJS UI'' 2050. 00 FE.LT; EA:•'~ERLY 385. ~2 FEET AI,UNC SAID CURVE THROTJGH A CEN7`RAL ANG'LE OF 10° 4%' 00", c~ND NOR'1'H 79° 29' 46" EAST 6fi.89 FEE'I' TO THE SCUTHEku,Y LTrIE pF F:~RGET~ 2 OF' SF~IL~ U~~~D RECORDED IN $OOK 9563 , PAGE 744 OF OFFICZAL RECURD5; 'rHENCE, LEAVING THE BOUND~tY OF SAID YARCEL 1 OF THE DEEll REC~RDEJ IN BOOK 2208, PP.GE 133 c~F OFFICTAI, RECO~DS, ALONG SAID LAST ABOVE MENT~ONED SOUT:iERLX LINE, 'IHE FOLLQWING COURSES; SOUTH 72° 57' 1.5" EAST "114.63 FEET AND SUUTH 5&° h2' 21" EAS'I' 439.31 F~E'i' TO THE SOU~I-TEAST~RLY LINE OF SAID BLOCIC 30; TI-TENCE, LEP.ViNG TH~: gpUN~ARY OF SAID PAkZCEL 2, SOLTTH 40° 4F3' 13" WEST 604$.22 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE ANn THF NC':THWTSTEP.LY ~IN~ UF SAID BLOCX 27, TO THE MOST PJFSTERLY CURN~k OF PA~tC~L 1 OF LGT LTNE AD~Ti1STM~NT NO. LL 85-?.2 F2ECURD~D AUGUS'~ 15, 1985 A5 INS`I'RUMENT NO. 85-30437~i OF SAID OFFICIAI., RE~:ORD~; T~iENCE SO[JTH 49° 11' 47" EAST 528U.Q0 F~EET ALONG THE SOUTh~IL''STERLY LINE OF StiID k~ARCEL ~. TO THE SOUTHE.~ISTERLY LTNE OF SAID BLOCK ?.7; T:-i'r~NCE SOUTH 40° 43' 14" WEST ::57.~.00 FEET A'LONG ~'HE SOU'L'HEASTFRLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 27 TO THE MOST.' WESTERLY CORNER OF P.lRC~:I, 3 OF SAID LOT LINE All,TiTSTMENT NO. LL 8..~i-22; TFiENCE SOUTH 49° 11' ~ 7" EAST 3 8~ 9 ~ 05 FE~`~ ALONG THE SOUTHWESTER.LY LINE OF SAID PARC~'i, 3; ~AGE 10 FC 9~-g4 AMENDMENT N0. 1 'I'EIF.N'C~, LEAVING '1'EIE l~OUNpAl~y OI' SAID ~OT I,IN~ ADJUST'M3~NZ' N0. SOUTH ?,b° 04' 06'~ F;E;;T 1"199, 21 FELT; TH.ENCE SnUTH 84° 43 ~ LL 85-22~ h52 • ~6 k'E~T; TH~:NCF; SOU'.I'f~I 4Fi° 23' 00" W~;ST 16~8. 96 FEET; THENCE" NORTH ~~° 3S' 20" WF~T '760.67 FEET; THENCE SOU'I'H 58° 18' 21.~~ WESi 15Ei0.7G FEET; TH~;NCF SOUTH 32" 07' 18" WESZ' 1~5;,gG rEET; 2'HF:NCE SOUTH 43 zU" WE:;T 431.a7 r'EET; 'I'HENCE SOTJTH 58° 15' 33" WEST 87,.41 FEET• 0 07' SUU'i'H 7 5° 4 4~ 3~~~ y,7g~~r ~; 2 g,~ a FF.F'T ; 1'HE:NC~ NORTH 6 7° ~~ „ ~ TH~r1CE FE~T; THENCE NCIRTH 46° O1' 2.3" WEST 1267.33 FEET; THENCE NQRTH 2969~g4 08" WEST 56?..89 FL:ET; THENCF' SO(1TH 53 ° 3Q' 40" WEST E.s NORTH 39° 21' 2q'~ WEST 89t3.85 F'EET; 'I'N.ENCE I30F2TH 56° ~~02 ~~~T~ THENCE FEET; THENCL SpUTH 89 ~ 31' 2]." WEST ci00 . 0~ r E~T; ~'HENCE' P1dRTH 9°T5g?E064 EAST 83I.64 I'E~,T; THENCE NURTH 4° 15 ~ 32~~ WES'.P 471.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 30° ~,~' 46" WES'I' S87.39 FFE'.C; '!'HENCE N(~F2TH c~o c i ~~ TI~F.NC:E NORTEi 4° 33 ~ 3 G~~ EAS`P 817 , 5g FEFT; Tf~;ENCE NORTHSa14 °~54 ~~$ FEET; ~ 2~•`~ ~ FE~~' ; TFi~:NCE NnRTFi 68 ° 31 ' 2 4" WES'~' 3;; 7, 7 6 FEET; TH~NCE NURTHW3 5° 't9' 53" WES'1' 48~3. 17 Fk:ET• 'rHENCE NORTH 19° 42' ~ 0~~ r THENCE NORTH 81 ° 4 1~ 23 ~~ WE~T 449 . 72 FEET; 'I'HENCE NARTH~5:3 ~ 786,. 02 ~~P'EE~'; ~ 4 3. 40 FEET; THENCE HGRTN 8 7. ° 17 ' 07" *qN~ 21 57 WEST BOU~1L`ARY O"r' THE <.7. ; ~T 533. 6o FEE"t' TO SAID F•. ''T'' UF ANAHEI~I, AS ESTAI3I,TSH~D BY Sr~ID ~^YSTTNG HIT.,LS F:.:~2vCH AP7NE}CATrpN TO `I'HE CIT`l UF r'1I`lAHEINS" "(AMENDED) OAK BEING ~rftr•, SQUT.HEASTERL~Y LINE OF SAT.C I..A~T MENTIONEDDANNF,}CATIpNB~UNAARY NCRTH 35° 50' 58" ~A,ST 59£~5,01 FEET AL.ONG r'I'HFNCE SAID SQUTF:EASTERLY LINfi 'I'~~ 'I'H~ POINT GF BEG rl D!G YISTIr`G BOUNDAlqy A2~JD E%'•C~PTjNG Z'HEREFhGM A PORTIOt3 OF' SAIO LANp, ALL, UIL, OIL RIGHTS, MrvE=~11z,S, M:LNEF.AL i2IGEITS, Ne~TURAL GA~, NATUR?1L Gr1S R7'GHTS, FiYDRUCtir2BU(JS, BY :1EiAT50E'IE~ NAME KN04it~1, Ti~r~T MA~ BE WITF?IN OR UNDEF2TTHF PARCELS OE' i..Atdp HEREIiJA£iOVE DESCRIBED, W:LTHUUi , HvWEVER, THE RIGHT E17$~ 'T'O DRILL, DIG OR MINE THI20UGH 'L'EIE SURFAC~ OF ,AID I.,AIVp TH~;REFnR, OR CTHE;RWIaE D~.VELOP SA.ME IN SLiCH M.t'~Np7ER AS T~ L;NDANGFR TE~E SA~'ETY OF A.N'1 fiIGH'r7AY THAT MAY F3E CnNSTRUC'I'ED G~t THE LANDS EtEREBY CCNVEyED~ p~s RESERVED EiY THF. IRVI*TL•' COMPANY, A T~iiC~ilGAri CO^pOR~TION, IN TNE DEED TO THE STATE OF CAi,.~_FOI~l7Z~ RECORCCb ,7UIJ't 2:~, 195 i zr; B(~OK ?.20$, PAGE 13£ OF OF'F~CIAL K,;C:r~!.2DS. AL50 i:XCEPTJiJ(; TFiEFEFROM A PORTI0,7 oF SAID L.APJD ALL UIL, O~ MINFRAL;;, M:jpiFRAt, RIc~HTS, NATUf21~I. GAS, NATURAL GA~ RIGHTS, WA ERRZWATER RIGFiTS, 15:.'~;) pTf(~;p F;yDRUCARB~JN5 9~ WHA7'SO::JEF2 D1A, WITHIN O~"~ UNpER 'PHE P11RCF.L 0[~ L.~12~U HEREINABVVE DE CE IBfiD`arr'I'OGETHER WITH Tt~tE PER.PE•I'UAL :2IGNT OF DRIL:.IP1G, MINTNG, E;XPLOKTNG AND OPERATING TH^REFOR AND F.~iUVTrtG TtiE SAZ4E F~Ft~JM ~ATQ i,AND OR ~~NY OTHER L,~p~ I;lCLUDING THE RIGFtT 'rp WFiIPSTOi:IC t7R DIR~:CTIDNALLY ~JRILT~ AN[? M~NE FROM I.~iNDS UTHEI2 1`HAlt THOSE HER~I?~A.f~aVE DE:iCRZBED~ UIL ~R GAS WEL'LS~ WATF.R WEL'L,5, TU1~INF;LS AND SEIAF'I'S IP1Tn, 'iHROUCGH CuR A~ROSS THE SUBSURFAC~ OF TNE L•~HD NEREINAB~VE UESCRaBEQ, ~Np •~p F3~TT0?Q :-UCH WHTF~STUCKF.D OR ~JIP.EC'?'I4NALLY -~RSLLEG WELLS, T(~,7tJEL~ AND SHAF'I'S IINDF,.R AIVp BENEATF; OR E3E~ONU TFIF. EXTEI2IOR LIMi':';; F.ND T~ R~ORSLi,, RE'1'UPIN~'L, EQUTP, M1IXNTAYN, ~~,C f: : 1 r~c ~)i-•gc, ~~x. AMENtiMEr7T N0. 1 12EPAIR, D~EP~N AND OPERATL•; ANY SUCH WELLS OFt MTNEB, w'TTHOUT, HOW~,`VER, THF RSGfiT TO DR:1LL, MINE, L•'XPLO~tE A,'~D OPk;RATE THRQUGY THE Si7R~''ACE: vR THE UPPER 100 FEET 0~' THE SUASU~2FACE OF THE LAND H.FREINABOVE DESCIt2BEU OI2 OTHEHWYSE YN SUCH M.A.vNER AS TO F.NDANGER THE S~~F'~TY OF ANY H?GI~IW,AY THAT MA.X BE CON ~T~trJCTED aN SAID LA,NDS, A~ RFSEY.VED BY THE SRVINE COMPANX, A MZCI~IGAN CORPORATIUN, ~Pi TH~ DEED TO T~iE STATE OF' CAT,TFQRNIA RECORyED Nu~RC:i II, 1971 TN BOOK 9:3E3, FACyE 744 O~ OFFICIAL RECORDS. ~~f~r,E t2 s~r, ~~-ytF