Resolution-PC 91-97~+-,~ ~ ;::; .~ R7:SOLUTION NU. PC91-97 A R~SOLUTI7N pF' THE ?1NAFiEIM CI'TY PLANNING COMAI.T.SSION AM~NDING THE CONLITTTCIN$ UF APPROCAL OF CON~ITIUNAL USE PERMIT N0. 341.3 ~ WHERLAS, ari May 20, 1991, thr~ Planniny Commiseion apprnved Conditional Use PermiL- No. 3413 under R~solution No. PC91-67 to permit expansion of a rastaurant with on-c~ale beer arsd w.ine c:n property located ~n the nor.thea~;t corner uf Ba11 Road and Sur..kist Stroetr having approx.irahte fro:~tagea of 545 feet an tkie nnrth Aide of Sa11 ficad and 152 fret on the ~aet side of Sunkiat Street, and further d~scribed as 2521 East Bal.l Road; and W~3FR~A5, Resolution t~p. PC91-67 inG:udes the £ollowing cox~dit ions : "4. That a minimum ten (10) faot widc landsc~p~d aiic? irrigated plant~r.~ etrip shall be .ins~alled adjacent ta Eall Road except for exieting driveway opena.ngs . 7. That priur to fir.al building and zoning in~pections or prior. to r_omruencement of the activit;y beroin appruved, whi_chever occurs f'irst; ~ondition Nos. 4 and 5, above-rc,~nti.on~:d, ariall be .:omplied with. ~~ WHGP.~AS, the petitioner ha.o subrni.tte~ a lr,tter dated .7une 10, 19~1, rE~qunsting cleletion af aaid Cor•.diti~n Nos. 4 and ?. 4rHEREAS, on June 11, 1991, bubject pet± tion was set for public hearing by action of the City Cuuncil. WEt~RFA5, the City Planning Commisei~~n did holc] a publia heari.ng 3t the Civic CEnt~r in tne City of AnahEim on ,7u.1~• 1, :.~9]., at 1:30 p.m., notice of ~aid public hQaring having been cluly Siven as rEqu~red by law and in a.ccordance with the provisiona of thf Anaiieim Municipal Code, Chapt~r 18.03, to iiear acid cansider evidence for and agai.nst eaid propused ameridmeiits to the co:ldi~ions of approval, and ~o investig~te and make fin~ings and rPCOmmenciaiione in connection therewi.tti; and WHEk~;AS, eaid Commiosion, after due inepect:i~n, investlgation and study made b;y ttself and in .ita behalf, and after due consi.deration: of all evidc~nce and reports off~red at Qaid hParing, r,oQ~ t3,nd and determine the following facte: 1. That the pet:itioner hae requpeted cleletion of Cona.ition Nc,s. 4 anel 7, abo~~e~-mentioned. 2. That tha approved use (exgansion of a restaurant with on-sale beer and wine) i~ her~;by granted for a period uf r~ne (1) year, to expire on July 1, 1992. 3. That one concerned peraon and one person in appor~ition indicated th~ir preaence at the public hearing; and that no correoponde:nce was received in opposition to the oi3bject petitton. CR1220MP -1- PC91-9'1 ~ ~~ ~Ai,~FORNIn,_,FNVI~,tQNMF'IVTAI, ~~IALI'CX ACT~+'I~.~~,~1~C= That thra An~.heim City Planning C~mmi~oian hae rcavinwed the ar.opnsal ta amond conditl.~ne of dpproval of Roaolutio~i No. PC91••67 and d~Qe hereby fir~d that tlie i~ngxti.ve (leclar~ation praviously approved in cunn~cti~~~ w.ith CAnditional U~~ Permit No. 3413 ~e adEaquate to Qervc~ ae thf~ r~ Iufr~cl environme~tal do^umentnCion in connectiu: wLth L-hio rvquoet, NOW, THERk;FURC, 6r [T R~3oI,VF.D that th~ Anaheim Gi~y Pl.anriinq C.ommi.oeL~n d~~e hereby am~nd ReAOlut.ton No. PC91-~7 by replc~cin~ ull of tho conditions of dpprov~l (Nor~. 1 thr.ough 8) with the followLng condi,tionn 1• * Th~t tranh otorege s~reae eh-~,J, b:~ pr~vided and matntainyd in a loc~tion aec~ptable to the St:ro~t MaintenancQ and San:tatian Dlviaian ttnd in accordanr.F with approvoci pla~ia un fil~ with eaid dtvic~ion. Such inft~rmaLion shall be fiper.ifir.al.ly ehown un the ~-~1ans eubtriitted far h~:.ilQing pc~rmitr~. 2• Thar. a Qolid wa8tc3 manayc3ment plan with c~cyclinq capahilit:~,A c~hall be dPP~o~Qd by tt,e 5rrec:C Mninten~nce and Sanitation Divihion. Upon occupancy of ttiH pr.oject, or-id plan shall c~mmPnce and ~txall remain in full effect ae reqt~ired by eaid Divisi.on. =~. That within a period of ong hur,drec, twenty (12C) duye from tho dato of thi3 renolut-fon, a la~.~acape and irrigatl~n r~an for nuhjec.t property shall be s:~bmitted to the Zoning ~iv.iaiun for r.evi~w and apgroval by L•he Planning Commte~ion aa a'~Reporte and P.e~ommendat:i.~nn" .it•em. 4• That conc~~rrenr with th~ ~treet widen ing pro ject approved for E3a1.1 Road or within a period of one (1) year from the date ~f thi.a resolution, w:lichever occurs fir5t, a minimur~ five (5) foot wide ~andscaped and irrigat~d p~snter ~t:ip ahall be installed adjacent to Ball Road (bahind t.F:e ultimate right-uf-•way Iine) except foz• exiaking driveway openingA. 5. That s~,b.iecr. ~nroperty ohall. be clQVeloE~ed Yubst-antially in accordaneQ w_th plana and npc~cificatiune ~Ukllpj,tkf?~I tc~ the City af Rnahe.im by the ~r:titio~ier an~ wt~ich pl~ns ar.~ on ~ile wt.th the Ylanning Uapartment marked Exhibir Noa. 1 and 7.. 6• That pri~r to comsnencFment of tne act:iv.ty her.~ir~ ap~rovc~d or witii.in a pci-iod of ~r.e (3) }•ear fram the daL•e of thic~ reaolut±on, whichever occure first, Conclition i1oe. 1, 2 and 5, above-ment:j~n~~, Dhall `~t~ complLed w1~~~• Exter.etonR foc• iur!her. ttm~± to complete eaid conclitiotte rt~ay be qr.ant:ed in accordance wikh S~ctic~n 18.03.090 of. tlie Anaheim Municipal Code. 7. f3 . 9 'That thfe conditional uBe permit io grnnted for a p~riod of one (:~) year and ehell tetminate c~n ;July 1, 1~9?.. Th.i~. within a ~,ri~~: cyf r_wc- (7.) weeke fr~m the dar_n_ of this zesol~.~ti,on, Lhe perit:ioner uhaLl painc: the ~lci~r romm~3rc:;~:. build.no. Th~t within .~ per.i~d uf e~xty {60) dayu Erom r.he cinte oC r_hin res~lutiun, the petiLl~n~r ahnll ecr~~en the r.oof-mountQd e~uipn~~rt frrnn adjacont reE~irJ~ntfs~l prooertien anc{ p~sbl.ic etreete. -~~ PC91-91 ~+F."~ ~~;~~`~ ld. Th~3t within a p~riad of' ni.net reeo~ution, the petition~r ohallYro`gepl1alty~r patGh,ts~lurr.yes~altAnd ro-~etripo ~ho entire parking ~.o*. 1~" * Th~t •3pproval of thiH appl.ication con~titutee n ~, requoet unly t;o the extent tha~ .it complieA with~th~~,~nahQimQMunicip~l 2nning c:~de and any othor applicable Cit re~ulatlr.~ne. Approval doee not inclucie sny actiorSitor~,Eindinge~asrto complianc~ ar appr.oval of the xequost regArdiny any olh~:r flpg.licuble oruinanc,e, regulat.tan ~r r~quirement. Conditi~ns mark~d o,i,~h ~n aatQriAk (*) are requir~d by ~otab.liahod Iawe, codes, reg~alztic;;o ~;;~ agreemente And ara, theraforQ, not aubject to negatiation. $E rT E~'UI2THER R~SUI,VED L•hat the Anaheim City P13nning ~^.~~~n.iesion ~Ue~ hQreby ffnd and dc~tormine that adopti~n of ihie Rc~eolut.ton io e;cpreAi~iy ~rediaated upon applicant'e co~npliance with Qach and a.ll of ~ho candiric;,R herPinabove s~t fort•h. Shauld any euc}i condition, or ar~y part thc~.~enf, br. d~cl.ared invalid or unenforceable by the fina.t eompetant jiir.tedic:t.ion, thon tt~is Reso),ution, andd9an~t a~f `inY ar,urt of containc~d, ~hall be deemad null. and void. Y pPYpvazs hQrei.n 'rF~F E~'ORECOING RE:SOLUTION was adopted at the Planni.ng Commi,spion rn~~ei:i.ng ot Ju1.y 1, J,991. ~ / ~!, ~ f t < ` ~ ~ ~~, i F;' r,`~' ff~ ,~:.;:._r ~ ~'•'C~---~,_~' •FiAIRW M11N, ANAHEIM C~2y g ~-~- ANNING COMHISt;lUN ATTGS~P: . L~" . . ~Lrf~~~ ~_.r S,FRETARY, ANANL CIT ~pIANNIN ~ ~ , G „OMMISSION S'f't1TE 4F CALIFORNIA ) COU~JTY OC ORApJGE ) sa, CITX r,F ANAHEIM ~ 1, Janet L. J~nc~en, Se.:rptary of tEie Anaheim City Planniny Commicsion, do h~rrl~y certify tt~~it the Eoregoing rPOOluti~n waa paRR„~ a~d adapred at a rr~~~r;n~~ of the Anbheim Ci.ty Pl.~nning Commin~ion h~:.d ~ 1991, by the fol.towing vc,;e ~f tne membere ttiereof: ~ V~' ~~ I ~i AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUYDSTUN, Fls'LDHAUS, HELLYER, FiENNINGF_R, MESSE, PEFt11ZA Np~'S: COMidiSS ION~itS ; j;p;~g A~SENT: COMMISSTONERS: NONE LN WIThr.Si; 'v'~ii;,ri%vf~'. T have hereur~tr~ vn~ ,~y hand thia o f ~~~~~. . ~ 19 91 . ~ ,, ,~ ~~e.L~, day S~ RETAv~ ~ _..._L..-~i~.- - - - - ,~ RY, ANAt;E~H CT~Y YLAN~'2NC COMMIS3ION -3- PC91-97