Resolution-PC 91-98~ R~SOI,UTION NA. PC91--98 .~ A RESOI~UTION pF' 'CHG ANAEICIM CYTY YLANNING CUMMTS5IUN AMENDING CERTAIN CONqITiANS OF AFPROVAL OF rONDITIONAL US~ P~;RMIT NO. 32~34 WHF,'R~AS, on ML--rch 26, 1990~ ~hQ Planning Commisaion approved Conditi~nal Uae~ Permi.t No. 3244 under RPSOlution No. PC90-70 to permit the expansinn o,: a conunercial retail c~nter w.it:h waivers of minimum number af ,parking apacea, minimum otructural ~etback, pQrmil:Y.ed signa ax~d maximum number ~f wall fligns on property lucahed ~3t the southw~st curnor. of ~anta Ana Carsyon Road and Imperial Flie~hway, havin,q approximate frontagc:n of 698 .feet on thQ oouth eide of San~a Ana c;anyon Road and 708 fset on th~ weet side of Imperial Fiiyhway, anc~ furth~r deacribeci aH 5550 to 5640 5anta Ana Canyon Rnad; and WH~REAS, Resolution N~. PC90-70 ~ncluden the fo?lowiny condition: "2. That a caah paymFnt chal.l be made ::o the ~.ity of Rnalyeim for a po.r.ti~n of tl;~ co3L• of tFie rF~moval of exiating street improvementa ~~lo~ly Sant:a Ana Canyon Road and rp::c~natruct.ion/c.~nstrur.tiori of fu11 Htreet improvemer.ts ( includi.lg at~eet lightir:g f.ac;.ilit.ies) at the ultimate lor_a~ton. Tr.e payment ahaJ.l. b~ fLfty percent (50g) o£ rotal cost ae estimated by the City Engineer. Sa.id payment oha11 be made prior tc iaeuance o:: builc9iny permit." I4HEFtEA5, the pe*_it:.oner has requeoted amendme~it to saici Condit.i.on No. ?, pertaininy to roquired street improv~mente Lo reducc the p~yment frum the stated 50'~ to 25'k. WF3ERF,RS, rhe Ci.t,y Planning Cummia~ion di~ hold a public hearing at r_he Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on ,7uly ]., 1991, at• 1:30 p.m., notice of said public heacing having been d~,aly qiven 3a requircad by luw and .in accordance with ~he provisfion3 ~f tha Anahei~n Mt~nicipal Code~ Chapter 10.03, to haar and conai~er ~vidF~nce for and agaf.nat naid propr,sE;l amendment and to investiqate and m~ke find.inqe and recommer~datione in ~annection therewith; and WEiEREAS, aai.;.l Cr~mmisslon, nfL•er due inspection, inv~etigation and 3t:udy m~da by itc~elf ~nd in ite Fiehalf, and aft~er du~ consideration of all c~vidence and r.eporta offered at c~ai~{ heariny, dc~e~ find ~nd ~~teCminr~ the fol~owing facts: 1. That the F~ublir_ W~z];r~ JeparLm~~nt s~~F;orts the requested reduction. 2. Thrt na onc~ i.ndicaCed tt~eir. pre~ence at ~aid pub!ic hearing in oppoeiL•ion; ~~nd that no cor.re~3pc~ndence war.~ recei.vF~d in oppo~ition ta subjECt pEtLt.lon. ~ CF217.2~iMt' -•1- PC91-98 ~i;}. `~ t i~^~f~, CALIFORNIH ENVIRONMFNTAL ~UALITY ACT F'NDING: That tho Anahei.m City Pl.~nninq Commit~eion hae revi~w~d i:he propa~al to amend cond~.tion~ of approval pertaininq to roqulr~d etreet improvemeni:e tu r~duc~ the payment from 50~k to 25~ and daer~ hereby fir~d t:~at tho t~egat{.ve Declaration previoualy aF,proved in cunnec~ion with :c~ndi.t:ional UAQ FRrmit No. 3244 ie adec~uatQ ta aerve ao the required envi.rot~mental documentati~n in cannc~ct;iun with thJ,t~ r.oquest. NOW, THEFtEFORG, fiE' IT RESOLV~U that the Ana}ic~im City P1annSnq C~mm3eaion doe4 hereby amend Conc9itiun No. 2 ~f Resolutinn No. PC9Q•70 to read ae followa: "2. That a caeh payr,ient shal.l. be made ~o the City of Anaheim for a portion ~f the coat af the removal of axiet.ing s~reet improvemento aloric~ SanL•a ~~na ~'anyon Road and reconetructi.on/constructi~n of fu11 atreet improvemente (includi.ng otreet lighti_ny facilitioA) at t}ie ultimate location, The paymc~nt r~hall be tw~enty-five p~rcent (25'k) of total cost as estimated by L-he City En~inepr. Said paymen~ uhall lia made prjor• to i.esuance of buildi.ng permit." TFiE FORLG~INC, RrSOLUTION w~ia adopted at thn Flanning Commiaaiot, meeting of •7uly .1, 1991. •''/~~~ ~ i~ ~~J , ~ // ~~ ~ L ~~ fl,~-~ (..~f ~../.' . •%.-~-1... Cc:.t~~ '~.`.~.-=- CFIAIRWUMAN, ~~NAFiEIM rITY LA~ C~MMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~ ~~ " ' ~ -`..:J ~ ~ ~_l r[i~~.... ~ECRETARY, ANA IM CITY PLA[JNING rOMMISSiON -~ ;i STATE OF CAI,IF'~JRN:P. } COUNTY OF OR11NG~ ) eR, CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet I~. Jonsen, Secr.stary of the Anaheim Cit}~ Plannir~g C~mmiesion, do her~~b~ r,eitify L-t~ar. the fore3oing reflolution was paeasd and adoptc~c.~ at a m~eting of Lhe Ar.aheim c~ity Plannin~ Commiseion hel.d on July 1, 1991, by the following vot•s of tr,e membere theroof: AYES: COMMTSSIONERS: BOYDSTIJN, 130UAS, FELDFiAUS, HELLYEd, HEPJNINGE}t, HESS~:, PERA'LA I~OE:S: COMMw'SS'lONEF2S: NONE ABSFNI': (;OMMISSIONERS: NC)NE ~ ItJ WITNESS WHE;l2EOE, I have hcreunto set, ~ny I~and thi~ _,~,~,~~ ~aY of ~ ~_, 1991. i ; ~~~__._ -~"~.:~.~~~'`'~ -~-- ~- ~:' " ~1, .r =. !~`ECRETARY, ANAH~yYM f.ITY PI,ANNIMG COMM~SSIQN ~~ ~ -2- Pc91-9s