Resolution-PC 91-99.f :''!d RLSOLUTTON NU~ PC91~99 (,'i;'? ,~ r A NUNC PRO TUNC P.ESO.LUTIUN OF TI;E ANAFiEiM rITY PLANNTNG COMMI5SION AMEND:ING RF.SULU::'ION NO. ~C91-7$ GRANTED 2N CONJUNCTION WI1'H CONDIT::UNhL, U~E PERhtIT NU, 331g WHEREAS, !'he Anafieim ~ity Planning Commiee.iori granted Cor~ditional Uae l~ermit Nu. 3318 on ~.rulj 30, 1990, to permit a commeraS.al use (beauty salonj in zi rPSidential atructure; and WH~R~AS, Resc~lut.ion Nc. P~91~78, adopt~ed ~ol.l~wi.ng a public h~aring at the Planning Commiedion rn~~ting of June 3, 1991, amended the oriyinai appzova~ to reword Condition No. 9 to read; "9. That i.nie conditiona'_ uae ~ermf.t stiall be ltmited to a~eauty ~a].on and roal es~at:e Uff.ice only, provided that the square footag~ of both u~ea cur;ibinFd shall not exc~ed tioelvo nundred (1,20U) equare f~~t,~~ WH~I2EAS, the informatfon cnntained ir. F:e;,olution No. PC91-78 wae incor.rect ~~r.taininy t~ limital:ior, oP useE~; a~d WHF,ItEAS, the petitioner requeAted and Comrniasion grante~9 amondment to said Conditiun I3o. 9 pertaining to limitation af u~e4 to include iter~ no. (6), paragraph (c) of tFie staff report fr~r Conditional Uae Qermit No. 3318, datec3 June 3, 1991 to r~ad as £ollowa: "9 Buainead of.fices inc.luding accounting; bor~kkeeping, inc~uranc~:, law or lec~al services, roa.l Pstate, public utilitips, conoultants and other Aimilar offices.~~ «~W, THEREFURE, IIE TT RE:SOLVr~) that the Anaheim City Planning Comm;.nsion doeE hereby amend s41id Condi.tion No. 9 on ~ 2 basis ef the for.egoing findinge. THE FQREGOING RF.SULUT'ON wa3 ad~ptec9 at th~ Planninc~ C:orranission m~~ting of July 1, 1991. ~/~ ' , % /,-f ' '- ~ ~' ~ t / .''%~1_, '._ c ~~.~ '~. ~~'~ ( ~~~'•-- . " ---~- ;' i;._~~t~-'~~ C----G!I (,L~a.-' LE~AIRWdM1~N, pIVAHEI29 CITY P AN~. P~ING CpMMI~STON RT1'EST: ~~ .~ ~ ' '~. "~t ,, d. _~~ ~~~' CI?GTARY. , ANA~E F~,IM CITY PLANNING COMM'i.SSIOIv - ~: CR1225.JJ -.1- PC91-99 ra„ ~ STATE GF CALIFORNIA ) ^OUNTY OP' ORANGE ) ae. CITX O~' ANAHEIM ) r14'~tS.~ I, :Tanet L. Jensen, Socrei:ar.y of the Anaheim City Plannina Commiesion, do hereby certif,y that the f~regoing reaolut.ion waa paesod and adopted at a meatic~g ~f the Anaheim Cit1~ Planni.ng Commiar~ion held on July 1, 1991, k~y the following vate of the membera +:lierea£: AY~S. CObiMISSION~RS: 80YASTUN, SUUAS, FFLbHAUS, HELLYER, FiENNINGE~i, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: CO.~IMIS,iION~RS: P~ONE ABSENTr CC~!~124ISSIONERS: NONE TN WI'PNESS WHERF,OF, T have hsreunt~ sat my hand this _~~~~ day c+f _, C~ic /:y _~~ :.991. : ~ ~ 'J,~ v ~_ .-~.~~~~_..:~ _ -. ,, ~CRETARY, ANAE~ IM CITY pLANNTNG COMMTSSION . . ~: % ~,, -2- PC91-99 ,. ,.'... "~,!;~'.,i!r .-~