Resolution-PC 92-113A RESOLU710N OF THE P.NAHEIM CI'lY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETIYION FOR CONDITIUNAI. USE PERMI7 NO. 3545 BE GRANTEp 1MHEREAS, the Anal~elm Ciry Plenning Commisslon did recelve a voriiled Petition for Conditlonal Use Permit for certaln real property situatad in tho Ciry ot Aneheim, County af Oranga, State of CelHornta, describod as: THAT I'ORTION OF THE SOUTHWE3T QUARTER t~F THE NORTHWEST OUAATER OF SECfIOM 23, TOWNSHI{' 4$t~UTH, HANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO 5AIJ JUAN CAJON QE SANT/1 ANA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51, PAGF_ 10 OF MlSCELLANFOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFI~E OF 7HE COUNTY FiECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DEuCHIBED AS FOLLOW3: 8~ ;INNING A7 THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LNE OF A 60 F007 STA7E FIIGHWAY, AS DESCRIBEO IN A DEED RECORDED JULY 10, 1914 IN BOOK ?.58, PAGE 66 OF DEECS, WITH THE NOATHERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF CEFiRITOS AVENUE 40.00 FEET IN WlD1'FI, SAIq POINT BEING ON A CURVE IN SAID NOR7HEAS7ERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVIN(3 A RADIUS Or fi30.00 F~EET, A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 82 DEG. 54' 41' EAST; 'I'HENC[ NORTHERLY ALONCi SAIIJ CURVE THROU(3H A CEN7RAL ANGLE OF 4 DEO. 37' t4', A DISTANCE OF 50.St FEET; THENCE NORTH 6 DEG. 55' 00" W~ST ALQNCi 7NE EASTERLY UNE OF IAND DESCRIBED IN A pEED TO THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA RECORDED APRiL 13, 1929 IN BOOK 257, PAGE 462 OF OFFICIAL RECOROS, TO THE SOUTHWFST CORNER OF TRACT 33t3, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDEO IN BOOK 1Q7, F~AGES 34 TO 37 INCLt1SIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANCE COUNTY, CAUFOPNIA; 7HENCE NOR7H 89 DEG. 58' 31' EAST 1181.91 FEET ALONG TNE SOUTFiERLY UNE OF SAIO TRACT NO. 3313, TO THE WESTERLY IJNE OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC FIAILROAD RIGNT OF WAY, AS DESCRIBED IN A OEED ~iECORDED AU(3UST 18, 18091N BOOK ~4, PAGt 226 OF DEEDS; THENCE SOITTH 15 DEQ. 25' ~l3' EAST 78.85 FEET ALON(3 SAID WE3TERLY UNE TO THE EASTERLY UNE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTF_R OF THE NOR'f~'WEBT QUARTER OF SAl~ SECTION 23; Th1ENCE SUUI'N 0 DEC3. 10' 18' EASI' 640.48 FEE7 ALONQ SRID EASTERLY LlNE TO THE SOUYHERLY II~IE OF THE NORTFiWES7 QUARTER TO SAID SECTION 23; THENCE WEST ALON(i 3AI~ SOUTFIEFLY UNE TO THE WORTHEAStERLY RIGFfT C~F WAY UNE fil~ SAID 60.00 FOOt STATE HIGHWAY; 7HENCF NARTHERLY ALONC3 SAID NORTHFJ~STEF~LY UNE TO THE PVINT OF BECaINNINC3. EXCIPT 7HEREFr~OM THE EAST 144.5t FEET 70 SAID LAND. AL30 GXCEPT THEREFROM ALL THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND DES~.RIBED A$ FOLL~W3: BEQINNINQ AT THE INl'ERSECTION OF A UN~ WHICH IS PAf1ALLEL WITH THE SOIJTHERLY UNE Of THE NAR7NWEST OUARTER OF SAID SECTION 23 'CENTER UNE OF t.ERR1T03 STRECT' ANQ 01$T.ANT NORTH 220.00 FEE'f, MEA$UREO AT RIGHT ANGLES fROM ~AID SQUTHERLY IINE, ANa THF CR1812MS.wp -1- PCY2•113 EASTERLY LINE 0~ THE LAND DESCRII3EQ IN A DEED 70 THE STATE OF CA~IFORNIA RECQRDcD APFiIL 13, 1929 IN BOOK 257, PAGE 462 OF OFFICIAL RECQRDS 'EASTERLY LINE OF L05 ANGELFS STREET; THENCE St~UTW 6 DEG, 55' 00' FJ~ST ALONQ SAIQ EASYERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 150,99 FEET T~ A PUINT OF A CUFiV~ CONCAVE SOtJTHWESTERI_Y, HAVING A RADIUS OF 630.Q0 FEET, SAID POINT BEING IN THE NORTHEASI'ERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE QF A 60.00 FOOT S7ATE HIGI~WAY, A3 DESCRIBED IN ,4 DEED RECORDED JULY 1U, 19f4 IN F300K 258, PAGE 66 OF DEEDS, A RAGIAI. LINE THROUGH SAIU POINT BF~1RS NORTH 78 QEG. 17' 27" EAST; THEfVCE SOUYHERLY AL.ON(3 SAID CURVF THRUUGH A CENTRAL ANGI.E OF 8 DE(3. 26' S9" AND AN ARC DISTAMCE OF 70.~J2 FEET TO A POINT IN TFIH SOUTHERLY LINE OF 1'HE NORTHWEST QllAR7ER OF SAID SECTION 23, A RADIAL IINE THFi0Ut3H SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 84 DEG. 44' 26' EAST; THENCE EAST ALONG SAID SOI,THERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 221.3s FEET; i HENCE NORTH AND AT RICHT ANGLES YO SAID SOUT'HEFiLY LINE, A OISTANCE OF 220.00 PEE7; THENCE WEST ANQ f~ARALLEL WITH SAIq SOUTHERLY UNE, A DISTANCE OF 250.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF E3ECINNING. WHER~AS, thP Ciry Planhing Commis.qbn did hold a public hearlny t-t the Civic Center in thd Ciry o( Anaheim on Sdptemlwr 21, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hearing havin~ beon duly given as requlred by law anci !n accordance with the provislons qf the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter t8.03. to hear and consider evldenco ior and ayainst sald proposed conditional uso permit and to inves;igat~ and mako findinga and reCOmmandAtions in ~onnectlon tf~erewith; ond WHEREAS, saVJ Commisslon, aRer due Inspection, investigatlon arxl atudy made by KseiC and In its behnlf, end aker due cons(de-atfon ot all evidonae and reports uHered at sald hearing, does tind arxl detormine the f~lirnving lacts: t. That the pmposed use Is properfy one for wh~h n conditlonai use peRnft is authorized by Anaheim Municfpal Caie Sectlons and to permit an outdoor b.~ttlnp cage and ou:door Installat~on ol automobila afarm ancl etereo systerns within a commercfal retail center (indoor awap meet) wkh walver of tho (dlowtrg: ~~,CTION 18.44.025.Q~Q - Perm~ted outdoor uses. (All uso~ to be conducted whpyy within e b,~jJ,tljaq; o~tdoor insiellotlon oi auto stereo and alarm systems and outdoor barUg cage proposed) 2. That the prcposed use wYl not sdvoroely aMect the adJolnlny land usos end the grwvtf~ and development o} the nrea tn which it fs psopc~sad to be located; 3. That gubJACt roqueat Is approved (or a period cd ono (t) yaar untN September 2t, 1993 to doteomfne whethor the outdoor uses dre compatiWe wlth the aurrounding ercm; 4. That the aize and ahape of the site for the proposeJ use is sdequat9 to allow tha (ul! dov~lonmerK ot the proposod use in a manrwr not datrlmemal to the paA~War aren nw to the pea~e, health, aaloty, end general weNare; y. That iho traHic gonornts~i by the p!oposed use wflt not impose an un~ue burcfen upon thR straota and hiyhways deaiqned aib Improved to carry the traH~ In the area; 6. That tho y~nting o~ tha corxiltlo-x+l uso permR under the condfNona Impnsecl wtll not be dotrimeMel to the peaco, heAlth, safety and generni welfare d the cNizens of tho Cily oi Anahelm; .2. PG92•113 7. That there are specfal circum~tances applfcable to the property such aR size, shape, topogr~phy, Iocation ~r surroundings, whlch do not apply to other ldenticelly zoned proportles In the vlcinity; and e. That on one Indlcated thelr presence at sald publlc hearing In opposition; end that no correspondence was receivetl In opposition to the subJect pqtitian. ~,A~~FOBNIA ENVIRONti"ENTAI. QUA~ITY ACT FINL?INQ: That thv Anaheim Ctty Planning Commisslun ha3 revlewed tha proposnl to permit an out~oor batting cage and outdoor Installation of automob!le alarm and storoo systems wfthfn a commercial retall center (Indoor swap meet) with waiver of permltted autdoor usas on ~n frregularlyshapeci parcel of lend cons(stfng of approximately 14.7 acr~s located north and east of tfio noRheast corner ot Cerrito3 ,4venus arx! Anahafm Boulevard, having approximate trontages of 725 (eet on tho north side o( Cerritos Avenue and 490 (eet on the east side of Annheim Boulovard, and further described as 1440 South Anaheim Boulevard; and does horeby a~+prove the Negative Declaretlon upon ilndtng that the ~eclAration re!lects the Indepsndent jtxtgamen! of the lead agency and that it has c4nsidored the tJegative Doclaration tog~ther whh any comments re~elvdd durinA th~ public raviow process arxi further iindinfl on the basis of the Initial study and any commenta roceived thai there is no substantial evidence that the proJect wi;l have a significant oNec.K on the env(ronment. NOW, TMEREFORE, BE IT HESOLVED that the AnAheim City Planninq Commisslon does hereby grant suoJect Petftion for Conditional Use PermN., upon the following conditions whlch are hereby (ound to bo a necessary prereyuisite !o tho proposed use of the sub~ect propArty In order to preserve the sat9ty and general welfare of the Citizens of the C(ty af Anahelm: t. 7hat subJect uses shall be grantc,d tor a pe~ind of ono year to oxpir0 on September 21, 1993; provided, licnr~evor, thet e~onsions of time may bo sought In connoctlon witii public hearings. 2. 7hat subject o~~tdaer fnstallstlon uses shall be Umited t~ Wednesday through Monday, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 3. Thot a Plan Sheet tor salid v+aste stornge and cdlectl~n, and a Plan fur recycling shal! be submitted tn tho Dapartment of Malntonance for review end approval. 4. That the owner o( sub~ect property shell submit a letter requesting torm(natlon oi Conditional Use Permit No. 305~ (to retain a church wfth a par{:ing waiver) to ttie Znning Divislon. 5. Tl~et subJect properry shail be developed substanttally fn accordance with plans and specMicatfons submitted to the City of Anatsoim by the patitfoner end which plans are on ~lo wRh the Plannfnp ~epsrtment mark~ed of Eachibit Nos. 1 arx! 2. 6, That prlor to commoncement of the aciivity authorized by lhia resdutlon, or prior to Issuance of a buildinfl permit, or whhin a perfod of one (t) ye~r Irom tho date ot this resdutlon, whi~hever oCCUrs tirst, Corxiitlon Nos. 3 and 4, above-mentlonad, ehall be compliod with. ~Mensiona for (uhhor time to complWo ~~Id condftlons may be granted In 6ccordance with Sectlon 16.03.090 of the Anal~dim Municipal Code. 7. That prlor to final bulidfnp ancl zoning Inapectfons, CondKion No. 5, atsovo-montlaned, shaft be Compllod with. 8. 7hot epprrny! ol this applicatfon constftuteR approval of the proposed request only t~ the extent ihat ft complies with the AnahAim Muntcipal 2ordng Code end any other eppl(cablo Cky, State ond FedQral regulations. Approval does not include any actbn or tir~dings as to compliance or approvai c~f the requost reqarding ony othe: applicable ordinance, regulatfon ar roquirement. ,3. PC92-113 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVFD that the Anahelm City planntng Commisslon does hereby find and determine that sdoptlon of this Resoluclon Is c~xpressly predfcatod upon anplicant's compliance with each and sll of the conditions hereinabove sot furth. Should any uch condition, or any part thereof, be decl~red invalid or uneniorcoeblu by the (Inal Judgment of any ourt af competant Jurisdiction, thAn this Rosolution, and any approvals hereln contelned, shall be dee ed~null and vo~d. THE FOREGOING R~SOLUTION w~s ado ed '~ th Pla g Commlasion meeting of Sept9mbar 21, 1992. 1 ~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CI7Y AT7EST: Cl~t~~kGf~ C3) e-~~i SECR TAR , ANAHEIM CITY F'LANNING COMMISSION STAT E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY QF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarfta Solorto, SACrAtary of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisslon, do hereby certlfy that the forepoing resolutlon wa~ pasoecl and adopted at a meeting of the Anaholm Clty Planning Commisslon held on September 21, 1992, by the iollowin~ vate oi tho members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BRlSTOL, HENNINC3ER, MESSE, PERA711, TAIT, ZEMEL N~ES: ~COMMISSIQNERS: NONE AESENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE , VACANCY: ON~ SEAT ~ IN WITNES3 VNHEREOF, t have herRUnto sot my harxl this /~ ~ay of ; ~(~{'X/L. , 1992. ~ ~/~/~~ ~~c ~ ~ SEC ETA , ANAHEIM CITI' PLANNING COMMISSION -a- PC92•113