Resolution-PC 92-114P~arn i TION NC) PC92-114 A RESOI.UT~ON OF THE ANAHEIM CI7Y PLANNING COMMI~SION TNAT PEtITInN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO, 3a43 BE GRANTED WHEfiEAB, the Anaheim City Plannlnp Cammisalon did roceiva a verf(fod Petklon for Conditional Use Permit for certain real property situated In the Clty of Anaholm, Counry uf Orenge, Stato of California, described as: LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 OF TRACT NO. 1178, IN THE GITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFURNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 37 PAGES 5 AND 6 OF MISCCI.LANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, 1ho Cfty Planning Commission did hold a publlc hearing At the Civic Center In the City of Anaholm an Septembor 21, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hearing having been duly given ns requlrod by taw and in accordance with the provisinns of tiie Anahelm Municlpai Code, Chapter 1~.03, to hear anti conskior evidonce tor and agalnst said proposod conditlonal use permft and to investfgate and make iindings and reaommendatlons in connectlon therawith; and WHEREAS, said Commisslon, after due inspaction, Investlgatlon and study made by ftself and in fts behaif, and aRer due consldoration of all evid~nce and repotts ~ffered at 3afd hearing, does tlrxi and determine the tollowing lacts: 1, That the proposed use Is properly one Tor which A conditlonal usa pormit Is authorized by Anaheim Munfclpal Cude Section 18.03.03U.01Q to permft a moblle MRI (mapnetic resonance imaginel unft In conJunctlon with an estabifshed orthopedic/sports medicine center; 2, That the temporary and por(od~c nature oi the proposed use is such that ed~olning Iand uses will not bo adversely a((ectod, nor witl growth or development of the surrounding ~rea be Impacted, nor will such use Impose an unduo burdon upon the streets and highways designed arxl Improved to carry traflic in the area; 3. That tha propo3od use i~ properly one for which a concfitional use permit Is authorized and, as conditioned heroin, wiil not bo detrimental to the peace, hoalth, safeiy or general welfard of the surrounding communiry; 4. Tfiat no complaints havo been received frem surroundfng residonts regarding tho operatfon of the moblle MRI unit; 5, That the alze and shape of tlie site for tho proposed use is adequate to allow tho (uA devolopment ot the proposed use tn e manner not detrimental to the part!cular aroa nor to the peace, health, saiety, arxl general ~veliaro; B. 7hrat the traffic genera:ed by the proposed use will noi fmpase an undua burcien upon the streots end hi~hwAys dosigned and improved to carry tho traftic in the area; and 7. That one parson IndicAted her presence at sald puWlc hoarinq In opposition; and tl~at n~ corresponclonce was recefved in apposition to the subJect petftion. ~AUFORNIA VI QyME _ i4{. Q~jAL~?v ACT FINf~INCi: 'fhe Planning Oirectar or hfs autt~o: ize~ representatlve has datermined that the proposecl praJect falls within the delinitlon oi Categorical Exem~,ttons, Ciaas 1 t, as deiineci in tlie State EIR Guidelines end fs, thereforo, categorlcally exempt irom the requlrement to prapere an EIR. .~ . PC92-114 CR1814MS.wp NQW, THEREFORE, BE IT FIESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Com hereby flrant subJect PetitiAn (or Cnnditional Use Permit, upon the follow{ng conditiona whl faund to be a necessary preraqulsite to the pra~osed use ot the subJect property In order t~ safety and gonor~l weifaro of tho Citlzers of tho City ot Aneheim: 1. That the trailer shall maintain a minirnum ten (10) (oot setback irom tl~e decllcated i Cent9r Street. 2, That a permanent power source shall be supplied and mAintainod and at no time sh diosel generators be permftted. 3. (a) (b) That the hours of MRI equlpmont o~eratlon shall be restricteti to altornatiny We~ 8;00 a.m. to B:00 p.m., and tl~at the attending physiclaris shall not maintaln afilc those t(mes. 1'hat the trucks dolNering the moblle MR' equlpment shall not arrive earller tha the day of operatlon, and that sald equi~~ment shall not be removed later tha~~ ~.~,~, N•~„• ~~~ the day oi oper~tion. 4. That sub~ect propert~ shall be doveloped substantlally tn accordanr,e with pians and specNications submitted to the Ciiy of Anaheim by the petftioner and which plans aro on filo with the Plannin~ Department markod Exhibft No. 1. 5. That withln ~ periai oi slxry (60) days Irom the date of thfs resol~dion, the securlty Iighting in the parking lot shall be r~-dlrectai downward onto the parking lot. 8. That the advertising algn shall not be Iighted between 10:00 p,m. and sunrise, 7. That approval of this eppllcatlan constftutes approval af ttie propo3ed roquest only to the exterrt that it compliAS wfth the Anaheim Munfcipal I.oning Code and any other appllcable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to cc~mpliance ar spproval of !ha request regarding any other appllcable ordinance, regulation or requiromont. BE IT FURTHER RESOI.VED that the AnoF~etm Ciry Plenning Commission does hareby find and determine that adoption of this Resotution is expressly predicat upon applicanYs compliance with each and all of the conditlona herelnabove set torth. Should an such conditlon, or any part thoraof, be dbciared Invelid or unenforceable by the iina! ~udgment of a C urt of com ten: JuriscJict(on, then this Resolution, and any approvats heretn contalnod, shall be d om null and v id. THE FOl~EGOIfvG RESQLUTION wAS e pt at t PI ing ~ommisalon moeting of Septomber 21, 1992. /.~ J /~A~ ~ ~ _A CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PI.~INNINC3/~OMMISSION ATTEST: Q~~~"~--~ SECR AR , NAHEIM CITY F'a.0.'JNING COMMISSION .2_ PC92-114 , . ,.~,.. 5TA7E UF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ~RAN(3E ) ss. CITY O~ ANAHEIM ) I, Margurits Solorfo, Secretary of tha An~helm City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the foragaing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meeting of tiie Anahelrn Clry Plannlnfl Commisolon heid on Septomber 21, 1992, by the tollowing vote oi the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BRISTOL, HENN~N~ER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT, 7.EMEl. NO~S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CdMMISSIONERS: NONE VACANGY: ONE SEAT '" IN WITNESS WMEREOF, I have t~ereunto set my hAnd thls ~ day ol ~p2h/ _~ 1992. ~ ~~a?aRQ,lt.t~~6lo/4~° SECRET~ RY, AHEiM CITY PL4NNING COMMISSIAN .a. PC92-114