Resolution-PC 92-116RESOLUTION N0. PC92-t 16 A(iESOLUf10N OF 7HE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMM.~SSION 'fHAT °ETITION FOR VAAIANCE N0. 41fl6 DE GRANTED, IN PART WWEREAS, the Anaheim Ciry Plonning Commission di~J receive a v~rtfied FetRion for Varlance for certain real property sRuaitxi I~ 1he CRy of An.~heim, County of Orango, Steta of CalHornla descr!bed as: PARCEL A: PARCELS 1. 2 AND 5, AS SMOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOdK 222, ?At3ES 37 TO 41 INCLUSIVE, OF ~'ARCEI. MAPS, IN TH~ QFFICE OF THE COUMY R[CORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA. PAI~CEL B: PARCEL A, AS SHOWN QN A MAP FILEO IN BOOK 222, pAC3ES 37 ; Q 41 INCLUSIVE, OF PA.RCEL3, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY R~?CORDER OF OPANGE COUNTI', CAUrORNIA. AND AS CORRECTED BY THAT CERTAIN CER ~~FICATE OF (:ORRECTION iiECORDED DECEMtlER 15, t989 A5 INSTRUMEVT PJO. 88~80795 OF OFFIGIAL RECAROS OF SAID •'1RANGE COUNTY. WMEREAS, the City F~lanning Commisbion did hold g~ud~ huaring a4 the Clvfc CE-Mer !r. t{~e CRy of Anaheim on Septembor 21, tf~92, et 1:30 p.rn., notice ot aafd pubtic hoarln0 havirU been d~ly given os requirod by law and in acc~rdance with the !xwislons oi the Anaheim Niunicipal Cod~, Cha-,~tor t!l.03, to he~ar ~r~d conslder evldence lor aM ayainat sakl {xoposed variance and to Investtgate arxl r.bke tindinys ard re~:ommendationa In connoctlon therewlth; and VVHERFAS, said Commisabn, attor d~~e inapection, inveatiq~tion erxf atudy made by ibsel~ and in its beh~~t, arxi ener due considerauon of NI avidence arxl ro~orts aff~retl at aaid hearfnfl, does flnd and dete!mfne the idtowlny lacts: 1. That th ~ palitlorwr prc-poses wai-'ers d the fdlowinQ to permk a 87~ squa~o focK wa~~ aipn: ,~8~.~.93~1.4~4 • PlttIIl~ted watl aiaos. a~ tg.~~,040 1 I permirtod; 2 waN stans propcscd) 2. Tltat the ebo~e•tc~eMlon~d walvsr ia lxreby ptr~tled on besis thet tMx~ nre s~Clal circ.imr ~.ancea e~pliCnble to the pruperty wch ss size. shapo, topoQ-~PhY, locatbn and s~xroundln~s wh~h clo rx~t app1Y tq dlMr ldantfcally zonnd prop0rty k~ the seme viciniry; and that ~trlM appr:. ~'~ W u e ZonMp Code deprMRO t~~a property of prh~lc~s enJc~yAd by other proparties In the t~emk,al xc .. od aas~i~ ~tf~n in Ihe viciniry: 3. That thAre arR ex~oplirnal or extraoMinary clrcumstances or cnndNio~a epplkabie to tM+ Frcpe+;y Invofved or to ttw ~ntended ~.sa ni the propen; that do not applY genArally to tl~e ~x~p~tRy or dxse d ~fA In ths a:.rtw ~~binny and zone: 4. That tho raquostacf va~~ a~~'~In tt~io sama vfcinltY s~w~. and Cer~ o the •ut~farxlal (xopeRY rS~1u ~S~sed ~`Y pr~~cw+tv ~n cp~lbn: a. T1~at ~rw roctuea~oa vgrtan~ wa~ nrn ba mat~'.0ay d+atr.mQmai co uw µ~ltc ,~a~sro a~ injwk s to ~t;e pro~wr.Y w knpravert~r-cx In s~icf~ vkinky anA rorw in wlNch ~ho p-o~rtY b locat~ct: and !!. That no ona fndfcsto~ lha~r pr~,n~^~e ~1 suid publk hoart»9 in o{~{wbNlor-: snd that tw corr~.porxfsnc.s was rocalvad in op~ositbn t~ r~ubjgct poti~'an. CA 1 Bt ~AS.N~1 I• P092•118 ~Bj,J~OR I~A ENyIP~l••e~.~re~ n~ iA~~~~.~: The Planning Dlrector or hls authori~od representatNo hax detormlred thnt the proposecf praJect falln wfthin the do8nftion of Gateyorical Exemptlons, Gasa 11, es dAllned In the StAte EIR f3ukielinos and is, therelore, c.~+te;,:~rica~~Y axempt from :he requlrement to prepare an EIR. NOW, THEREFORC, BE iT RESOLVED that tl~e Anaheim CNy Planning Commisaion does hereby grant ~subJ~~ct Petltion ior Varlance, upon the idlowing coin Io der ohp esarve the safery end g e-a wel are prereyuisfte to the propc~sed use oi tlie subJect p~operty of the Cftizona oi lhe Ctty ot Anahaim: ~ s bmltted~ theCity of Anaheimvby t~ho $petitkme~~a^d which plans are on fie wN the Plann~inng p~Nanment marked Exhibit NoB. 1 thmuph 3. 2. That the existing wall stgn wlwch ibces the irooway oH-remp at Welr Canyon Road shuli be removed. 3. resdutaon, whichevlleri uc~urs fl nt,~Cond'ition Nos. '~ alnd 2 abuve-meMboned, shail be eomp~itecl w~lh;$ 4. Tt~at appraval of this application ccnstMutes npproval of t?~e pro~ased requext oMy to the exteM tha4 4S complles wlth the Ilnehetm Municipai Zoninq Cade and any dhar app'IcaWe City, State and Fede-at reyulatbns. Approvel does nos Inclucfe eny acUon or 1lndinga aa to compliance or approva~ of ~ha req~es~ re~rding any other appllcade ordinanca, reguta!lon a requiremer~t. 9E IT FURTHER RESOW[D that the Anoheim City Planninfl Commiaslon does hereby Md and determine thut adoption d thfs Hesducion Is oxpressly predicatsd u ~~~n~ t ered, be dedaredCNn~~d all d Ihe cor~dttfons hereinabove aet fath. Should anY such condfi or arry pa a unan(orcAade by !he ifnal ~udpment d arry court o~ comPete~ ~url e d~tbn, then thta Nesdutlon, and erry approvals herein comained. shall be deemed null end vokl. , - tW~ FORGGUINO RESOLUTION was ed ed t~ P~e n9 Comm~asb^ ~~~W d September 21, 14)92. i .. I . _ ~~~.. CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM c:n T ru+nrvn`I~ V~Jmmwv~v.. A7TESf: / ~I ax~,~-a.. ~~o~s - - --- $ECpEYAF~~, NAHEIM dTY PIANNII~G COMM{S51UN 3TATE OF CAUFORNtA ) COUMTY OF ORAN(3E ) sa. Cmr O~ ~w~~IM 1 ~, MarparHa Solorb. Secrotary ot tho An~heim Cky Planr~ng Commistbn, do horeby conify ttwt t7~e loreqdrq rowiNion wa~ pu~ad arxf ado(~tod at o meeting ol the Anat~nlm Ciry F~nnnlnp ~~q~ h~ld on gAp~ecr,bo~ 2t, 1992, by tha fdivwirsg vats d tho rrsombers thareol: A~g: COMMI8EION~aS: gRISTOL. NENNIN4ER, MESSE, PERAZA. TAi7, ZEMEL NOES: C4MMISSIONERS: NrNE qggErJf; CpMMl3tilOkEN3: NONE VACAMCY: ONE SFJ1T IN WtTNE33 WHEREAF. I ha~m hareuMO sot my fmnd ihtd ~~*_ dsy d~~~ . t E92. ~ C~~;~~ ~s~~_______._ SECRETAP. ANAHEII-R GITIf PLANNINa COMMI3810N 2. P~;g2•1 IG