Resolution-PC 92-119RESOI. _ ION NA. i'C92-1~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TI~IAT P~TITION FQR CONDITIONAL USE PFRMIT NO. 3549 B~ GRAM'EU WHEREAS, the Anaholm Ciry Planning Commisslon dld recatve a verHleci Potftion for Corditlonal Uae Permft for certaln real proporry sltuatAd in tha Ciry of Anahelm, County ot Orange, 54ate of Caliiornla, dASCribed as: PARCEL 1 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 2, PAGE 44~ QF PARCF.L MAPS IN THE OFFIGE OF THE CnUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Qommisslon dW hoid a pubilc hearlnp at the Clvic Car~ter !n the Cdy of Anahelm on October 5, 1392, gt 1:z0 p.m., notlce uf sald pubtic hearlnfl having ~ean duly gben as requfred by law and in accordance wkh the provistons of the Anahelm Municipa! Code, Cl~aptor 18.03, to hear and consider evklence for arxl agalnst sald propoaed condftionat use permft and to inveatlgate end meko ilndinga end recommenciations in connectlon therewith; And WHEREAS, sald Commisalon, after due inspection, investigatlon and study rnade by kself and in its behalf, and atter due conskleration of all evidence and reparGs oHorc~J at s~td hearin~, does tlnd and dotermine th9 following faats: 1. That the propc~~ed use is properly cno for which a conditlonal use permh Is suthorized by Anahaim Munlcfpat Code SGCtions 18.4t.050.040 and to permit a Japaneso shiat<•wi/mas3age c~nter with waiver of tha tollowinp: Sectfuns j8.89.030.02U,A - Mlnimum d(stance irom a rosidentl~, zon~encl a -~r,~t@,0~.030.020,8 ,gghoolJinst~utlon~l.u.se. (Use is prohibKed wfthln ~taet of a resldenJ~! ~gr end ~,000 (eot o~ a schQ~~ins ltutlonal ~g; ~0 feet from a rosfdentt~t zora and sto teet irom en e!omentary achoof proposed) 2. That there is a spoclal circumstances epplfcabte to the property consistinq oi fts topoflraph;r relative to the sunounding areA, sald to~,agrophy being charncterized by extremq slopes ad~acent to the res-dnnces to the south and the achAOl to the west, whl~h topopraphy creAtes e natural qhyeical banier between tlie proposal anti the surrounUing Iand uses; 3. That strlct opWlcation of the Zoning Code dep~ives !he property of prNilnfl9s enJoyed by other prop~rties under kientical zonfng Gasslflcetion In the vicinlty; 4. Thet the proposed use ia properly onA for which a c~ndN,ional use permf; Is t~uthorizAd hy the Zoning Cocfe; 5. That the 2-yeor time I~mft will prnvide opportunlry to c~*,ervo 4he buainess and Its impar,t, H any, on the surrourtdinQ land un~s; and, turther, that the Planning Commisslon can terminate the use if the faclilty Is detormined io be a delrirnont to aurrounding land uses; 8. That the proposed use wfll not advers~iy aHect tha ad~~fninp land uses and lhe qrowch and dev~loprnent ol the aroa In which ft is prcposed to be located; CR 1625biS.wp -1- PC92-119 7. 7hat the size and shape of the sfte tor the pr~posod use is adoquate to ~Ilo' the full development of tho propused use in a mann~r not detrimental to the particular area nor to tho paace, health, safety, and general weliare; 8. That th~ traNi~ generated by the proposod use will not Impose an undue burdon upan the streots anci highweys deslgned and imrroved to carry the tr~Nfc In iho area; g. Ti~at tho pranting of the condltioitial use permft under the condltions Imposod wll! not be detrimontal to th~ peace, haa{th, satary and gener~l wolfare af the citizens of the Ciry nf Anaheim; And 10. T~~At nu one indicf-ted thelr presence at sald publia haarinfl in op~osftion; and that no corrospondence was recoived in opposftion to the sub)uct pAtition. CAI.IFQRNIA ENVIRON 1f~FNTAI~QUA,( I A T ~IpING: Thet the Aneheim City Plenning Commissian hao rovfewAd the proposal to permft a Japanese shiatsu/massaqe center wfth walver of minimum distance frorn a residential zone and a schnol/lnstttutional use on an irregularlyshaped parcel of land canslsting of approximately 2,8 acros, located at ihe southwest carnor of Plohl Ranch Rotsd and V(Ila Real Drive, having approximate irontages oi 251 foet on the south slde uf Nohl Ranch Road snd 3~ feet on tlie wost sfde of Vllla Real DrNe, and further describod as 5U5 South Vllla Real Dr(ve; and d~es heroby approva ti~e Nogative Decleration upon Mding that the decl~retion roeects the independent ~udgemont of the load agency and that R has considered the Negatf~re Declar~tlon together wlth any commonts raceived during t~ie pubilc review process and further finding on tlie basis of the fnftial study and any comm~nts received that there Is no substentlal evidence that the proJect will have a signiilcant eNect on the environment. N9W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahofm City Plennin~ Commission dosR hereby grant subject Petft ~ere~uls a~to the p ogpc~sed use ofthe ubJ~`c:t propeny Ini order to p ose~rvo the found to be a neceasary p q snfaty and general welFAre oi the Cltizens o`. the City of Anaheim: t. Tl~at the houra of opuratlon shall t~e ilmked to t0:C~0 a.m, to 9:00 p.m. daily. 2. That a Plan Sheet for sc~lid waste storade ard colldction, and a Pi~n ior recycling ahall be submitted to the Department of Me(ntenance for review ar~d approval. 3. That ~ubJect propeKv shall t~e developed substantialy in accordance with plans and specitlcations submitted ta the Ciry of Anaheim by tho petftloner and which plans are on flle wlth the Planning r~epanment marked ~xhibft Nos. 1 and 2; Prov(ded~ however, that any deviation irom tho approved floor plans ~hall roqulro tho p~hionar's obtaining prlor P~anning Commfssion appruvai fn connection with a Fu~lio hosr(nV. 4. That priar to commoncamont of the activKy heroln epprovod, or pri~r to fssuance of a buildina permk, or wMhin a perlod nf o~e (11 Yoar irom the dete of this rosoluclon, whichover occurs ifrst, Coru~~tlon ondftlo s~may betgrer~ited ~lec~ dan ~I~ h Secti~Fn 10.03n090 of t~he An~helmtMun cipel Code• 5. 1 sapections, whl hever occu tirst Corxiit o No.i 3, abrnre-mentbnled, shal!~be comfpli~i w(Ih. nlnq 6. That subject busfness shail be Iimked to employees only arM thero shall be na lr~ependent cont~ar,tors; ~nd ttw sil the tharapists shall be accredited ahlatsu therapists. .2. PC92-119 7 p~ovidodl howo er,~thatttime exten lons ay be so ght in,connec lan with PlsnnOing Con missl~on publfc hearings. Et. That approval af this epplication conatitutes approval af the proposad roquost only to tha extent that it cumpllea with t'~al~does ot Incl~iull e any actlon or~ti dinga asr to compllA c~ ~or appro aFO 1he regulatlons. App reque3t regarding any other ~appiicab~o a-dlnanae, reguletion or roqulrement. BE IT FURTNER RESOLV~D that the Anahelm Clry Plannlnfl Commissfon does herehy flna und dotermine thRt adoptlon of this Rasalutlon Is expressfy predict~t upon cppllcant's campllance wftFi each t~rul all ot the condit{ons heralnalw~e sat iorth. Should any ch conditlon, or any part thereof, be declarod Invalid or uneni~rcea~le by the (inal Judgment aP any uK of compotent Jurisdiction, then this Resolution, snd eny approvals herein containod, shall ba dee ai II and vo TNE FOREGOING RESALUTION was ad ai the lan g C~mmission meetinq o1 October 5, 1992• / _ ~~~,'~,K, .. d CHAIRMqN, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING OMMIS310?~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ~~ ;1 -~.~~ =«- , $ pETARY, ANAHE~CIIY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ,.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN'T1' OF Of~ANGE ) ss. CI'1Y OF ANAHEIM } I, Janet L~Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim Ciry Plann~: ~ Commission, d~ hereby certHy that the toregning resolidion wes passod end adapted at a meeting of the Anaheim Cfty Planning Commission held on October 5, 1992, by the fdlowing vote of the memL~rs thoreoi: AYF?5: COMMISSIONERS: BRISTOL, HENNINGER> MESSE, PEFIA7A, ZEMEL NC1ES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE AF3SENT: COMMISSIONERS: TAIT VACANCY: ONE SEAT , IN WITIV~SS WHER~OF, I have hereunto set my hatv.i thfs ,~~. day of L '~ ., ,-• . , 1992. f /' ~/. _ ...a.~ ~'f!~~ ! ~:~) ~ ~.'.`'L-' -''..~~~ SiEGRETAR'Y, ANAHEIM CI7Y PLANNING COMMISSION ,i , ' ~. P(:92-11 b