Resolution-PC 92-12RESOLUTION NO. PC92-12 ' `i I A RESOT,UTION GF THE ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 4100 BE D~NIED WIiF.REAS, the AnahEim City Planning Cammiasion did receive a verified Pet.ition for Variance for certain real proporty aituatecl in the City of i Anaheim, County of or.ange, state of California described A8: THE EASTFRLY 109.16 P'EET OF LOT 1 OF TRACT NO. 236, IP1 TFiE CITY OI' ANAHEIM, AS PER MAP RECORDF.D IN Ei00K 13, PAGE 11, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, REGORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAI,IFORNIA. WHCREAS, tlle City Planning Commission did hold a public hQaring at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim or~ Uecember 16, 1991, at 1s30 p.m., noti~e oE said public hearin9 having been duly given as rec~uired by law and in accordance with the provisiuna of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, il to hear and consi~er evidence for and against said propc,sed variance and to i investigate and make findinga and recommendations in connection therewith; and ; that said public hearing was continued to the January 27, 1992 Plann.ing ; Cummission meeting; and 47FIEREAS, asid Commiaeion, a£tQr due inspection, inveatigation and ytudy made by itself and in ita behalf, and aftez due consideration of all '; evidence and reports offered zt said heari.ny, dces fir~d and determino th~ ; following fact~: 1. ~rhar. the petit•ioner proposes waivers of tho following to c construct a 1,138 sq.ft. addition (2 bedrooms, garage and carport) to an ~ ; existing duplex: 1 (a) SEC1'SUN;2 - Minimum atructural s~tback. (15 feet adjacent to La Verne Straet required; 8 feet exiating and propoaed) (b) SECTI~N 18.32.063.U22 - Minimum vard reauirement. (13 feet required al~ng north propor~y line; ~or,e t-o 7 feot existing and proposed) (c) SECTIONS 1f3.32.06A - Permitted encroachments into rQauired Yarde. and 18.04.O~13 (Parking space nut a permi*ted encroactiment into 15-foot yar.d alony La Ver.ne Street; 1 open _parkinn eoacg encrour.hiny 11 feet into yard proposed) (d) SECTION 18.32.063_032 - Minimum recreational/le.isure area. ( 350 sa. ft.. per uniC require~:; 245 aq.ft. pruposed) CR1405P!S -1- PC92-12 2• Tha~ thie a~ove-mentionQd Waivera are hereby denied~ 3• That there aro no exceptional or axtraordinary clrcum~tanoae or conditione applicablo to the propertY in~olved or tp the intendod use oj the prol~erty that do not anp~Y generally to the property or claes of usQ in the same vicinity and zone• a• Thati the requestod varlance ia not necessary for the preserva~ian arid anjoymont op a substantial pzoperty right po~seeeed bY othoi propertY in the same vicinity and zone~ and dQniod t~ the property in 4~l~Btion. 5~ That the requeeted variance will be matorially det•rimental to the puplic welfar~ or injurioua to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which t~~e pLOpertY ia locatod. 6• That no one lndicated their pre~ence at said public hoaring in oppoeitiont and that no correapondonce was received in oppoaition to eubjecC petitiot~• CALI~pgN1A ENVIRpN BNTAL ~UALITY ACT FINCIN~; That the Anaheim City planning Commission has reviewed the pxo~osal to construct a 1~~38 equare foot addition (~ bed:ooms, garage and carport) to an exietiny duplox with waiv~rg of minimum structural set5ack, m.inimum yard rQquiremenl:, parmittod encroac•hrnents into required y~rds and minimum recreational/leisuze area on a ~~Ctanqullrly shaped parcel ~g ).and c~nsieting o£ approximatolY ~•13 acre lacated at• the ~nrthweet corner of La Verne Stroet and Lemon Street, having approx imate frontag~s ~f 105 feet on the north side of L,a Verne Street and 50 feet on the west side ~i Lemon Stree~, and further dQSCribed as 901 and 903 North Lemon ~treet; and does herebY aPProve the Negative Declaration upon finding ttiat it has considerad the Neqative Declaration togetiher with nny comm~nt~ receivea during the public revi~w proceas and fur~her finding ~n tho basi~; that the initial Study and any comments received that therc~ is no substantial evidence that the projQCt will. have a significant ex£ect on the envir~nn~ent. NOW, THER6FOR~, gE ST RESOLVED that the Anaheim City ::anning cummisginn doe3 hereby deny ~ubject Petition for Variance on the basis of khe a-forementioned findinge. THE FORE~OING KESOLUTION waa adopted at the Planning Coinmiesion ~^eetin9 of Janu~ry 27, 1992. /~-~ ~~~ ~~ ~-~ .~ CHATAMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLA IN~ C SION ATTggT% ~0(.~.c~l.... ~___ ~~---=~ ._-.--- SECRr T RY, ANAygIM CITY PLANNING COMMIaSION -2- PC°?.-1?. STATe or• CALIFORNiA ) COUt7TY OF ORANCR ) as. CTT1 OF AP~ANEIM ) T, Edith L. Harris, Secretar~+ of tlie Anaheim City Planning Commiseioi~, do h^reby cortify that the furFgoing rer-olution wae paeeed snd adcpted at a meQtLng of the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commission held on January 27, 1992, by tt,e following voL•e of the members thereof: , AYES: Cnt4M:SS101iERS: 4i0UA::, DRTSTOL, NE:.LYEP, MSSSE, PERAZA, ZF.NEL NOES: CON~MTSSIOt~ERS: tiOtt~ ABSEt1T: COMDIIdS20t.~RSs HEt~t7ID1GER I1~ WITtJF.SS WHEREOF, I have hereunt•o set my hand tt-la /o ~^' day of ~ ' 1992. ~ r` ~ !l tiw'~'~'ii SHCRF.TARY, At~AHE1M Pi.ANtJING COMMISSIOH .J_ P~92-12