Resolution-PC 92-123,~~,,;; ,}j~S~L,UTION NO PC9 •2123 ~ A FiESOLUTlON OF THE ANAHEIM CITf i'IJ~NNING CUMMISSION THAT PET{TION FOR FiECIASSIFtCATION NO. 92•9a-3 BE GRAM'En, UNCONDITIONRLLY WHERE~IS, the Anahoim Ciry Planning Commi~sion dld receive a verifiecl petltlon for Rer.lassificetlon for real proportY sltuated In the Ciry oi Anaheim, Counry of Orange, State of Cali~omlA, doscribed as tollowa; PARCELS 1 AND 2 pF PARCEL MAP NO. 80-237, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIAA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFURNI,~, AS SNOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 218, PAGES 22 THROUGH 26 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFlCE OF THE COUNTY REAOtiDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Plnnning Commission did hold a publ(c hoaring at the Civlc Gonter 'n the Ciry oi Anaheim on October 19, 1992 at 1:30 p.m„ nottce of said publfc hearing havin~ beon duly g(ven a~ requlred by law and In accorda?~e wfth the provislons ot the Anahelrri Munlcipal Gude, Chapter 18.03, to hear and r,ons-der ~vlde~ce for and against said ~roposed reclassification and to investigata and make ifndin~s and recflmmendatlons in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commission, after due Inspoction, investigatton and stucly made by itself and in ~ts behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evfdence And roports o`fered At sald hearing, daes finti and determir~d tho followin~ 1act4: 1. Tnat the petitlonor proposes r~classfflcAtlon of subJect property from the CC~ (SC) (Commercial Office•Sconic Corridor dverlay) Zone ~o the CL (5C) (Commercfal, Limited-Scvnlr, Corridor Overlay) or a less intenso zone. 2. That the proJect is In the Redevelopment Agency's RNer Valley ProJect Area.. 3. That tha p~oposed reclas~f}Icsstion of subJoct property Is necessary ~nd/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the communfry, 4. That the propossd reclassificatlon of su@ject property does properly relate to the zonos end thelr permitted uses tocally established in close proxfmity to ~ub~ect property and to the zones and thelr permittecl uses genarally estabtfshed throughout tho communiry. 5. That no one indicated their presenca at said public hearing in opposkion; and that no correspondence was reaelved In oppositlon to subject petftfon. ~FOghIA ENVIRONh1Eh~Al OUALITY ACT,~.qJf~: Aker considering Addendum No. 2 to FEiFi No. 288 "Savi HAnch - Anahelm", and revlawing ovfdence both wrftten and ornl to supplem9nt Addendum No. 2, the Plranning Commisslon does hereby tako -he following actlon, finding: ~. That none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subseyuont EIR have occur-ed; 2. 'fhat only minor teohnica! changes or addftiuns are necessar~r to malce FElR No. 289 adequate under CE~A and, therefore, the prevlously .ertitied FEIR No. 289 as supplemonted by Addendum No. 2 Is adequate to serve as the emironmental documentation for the proposed project; CR 1637MS.wp .1. PC~'2-t 2z ~w., 3. Th~t the changes to FEIR No, 289 mAde by the Addendurn No. 2 do nut raise impurtant new issues About the slflniflcant effects on the environmunt; 4.. 7hat Addendum No. 2, togotherwiih FEIR No. 289, is In compllance wltri CEQA and the Siate and ~iry CEOA Guidolines; 5. That tho proJoct is consistent with the Intent of the Cfty's Goneral Plan And Redevolo~ment Plan fcr the site and wlll be comp~atible with surrounding land use~; 6. That the mftigatl~n measures Incorporated Into Mftigation Monitoring Program No. 057 meot 4he requiromonts ofi Sectlon 21081.6 of tho Public Resourcos Code and that the Pianning Commisslon hereby adopts said Mltigatlon Monitoring Program; 7. That Addendum No. 2 to Final EIR No. 28~J railects the indopendent Judgment of tho load agenay; and p. That the Planning Commisslon, acting ea lead agency for eald praJact, declarea that whon conskiering u~e record as a whole, thore is na evidence betore th~ agency that the proposed project wlll have a potontlal f~r advarae oHact, i~ulividually or cumulatlvely, on wlldlffe resources or the habitat upon which the wildlife depends as dAfinod in Sectton 711.2 of tho Fish and Game Code, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahoim City Planning Commission does heroby ~pprovo the subJect Petltioii for ReclassKication to authorizo an amendm~nt to the Zoning Map o~ the Anaheim Munlcipal Code to exclude the above~escribed property from the CO (~C) (Commerclai Office- Sconic Corridor Overlay) 2one und to (ncorparate said described proporty Into the CL (SC) (Commercfal, Llmltod-Scenic Corridor (~verlny) Zone, unconditionaily. BE IT FURTHFR RESOWED tf~at approval ot thl~ applicatlon constltutas approval of tho proposed request anly to the Axtent that ft compllea with the Anahefm Municlpal 2onlr.g Code and any other appllcable rity, State end FederE+l regulations. Appraval does not include any action or find(ngs as ta compli~noe or apprAVal of the roquest regarding any other sppUcable ordinence, regulation or ~equlrement. BE IT FURTHEFi RESQLVED, that thls resolution shnll not constltute a rezoning of, or a cammitment by the Cfty to rezone, the sub~oct proporty; eny such rezanfng ahall requlre an ordinance of the CRy Council whlch ahall be a legislntive act whicfi may be ap ovecf or donied by the C(ty Counc.f at its sole discrotion. , THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was ado ~d at e P~phnly~~ommlasion meoting of October t9, 19p?.. ~ ~ • CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM ATTEST: .~ j ~ ~" I .j ~ ,_'a~' ! . ', . $ECCiETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIPJG COMMISSION r', ' ~ . .2. PC92-i 23