Resolution-PC 92-13R SOI,U~'SON PIO. PC92-13 A RESOLUTION OF TFIF. ANAHETM CITY PLANIJING COMMISSION TfiAT PET~TIO~: FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 34f18 BE GRANT_ED wFIEREAS, tho Anaheim City Planning CommiAnion dld receive a verifiQd Petitian fcr Conditional Uee Pecmit for certain real property situnted i~ the City of Anahoim, County of Oranye, state of Cali:ornia, described as: PAP.CCL 4 IN THE CITY OF ANAHE2D1, AS SNOWN ON A MAP FI!.ED IN OOAK 84, AACE 22 OC PAACF.L MAPS IN TIiB OFFICE OF TNE COUPITY AECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNZA. wHEREAS, the City Planning Commiueion did hold a publ!.c heazinq at thQ Civic CQnter in thQ Ci.ty of Anahetm on January 27, 1992, nt 1:30 p.m., noCice uE saicl pvblic hearing h3ving been duly giv~n as requirod by law and in accocdance with the provisionn o£ the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter .18.03, to he~r and ccnsicier evi.denre for and against eaid pxoposed conditicial use permit ar,d to inveatigate and make findings and recortv~iendations in tonnection therewith; and W~iEREA3, said Commtenton, aEter. dua inspection, invaetigatlon and stuciy made by iteelf and in itc k~ehalf, and after due considexation of all evidence 9nd reporto offered at aaio heariny, doea find and dRtC+ZR~ine the folluwing far.ts: l. That the proposed une ie properly o~e for which a conditi~nal use permf.t ie au[:iori2Ad by Arahc~lm Municinal Code Sectiona and ]B.GI.OSQ.605 to retain an auto etereo and alarm in~stallation facllity with incidental retail eal.cfs ind with wnive: of the following: ~~Ojts~B_Fi~Q66~6~Q - ~inimum number of oarkinci ~~~~g. lF~ .06~OSOL022 (~~.fi~cgg rcquir~d; ~iQ exiett;,y) ~.~~ o__~_Q?l~ 1~4 ._0~_,Q50 :02~~ ~[td ~~06__`__.O~U.031 ~. Thar. the rrquQUted waiver ig hereby granted cn the basix that th~ parkiny waiv~r will n~t cauae an in~reaoe in traffir cor~gention ln tho incr~~:!ia:e vi^inity ~or advn_ranly aftect any ad~nininq lat:d uoas anA qrariting of :he park:ng c+aiver ~n~fhr the condlttona impoaad, if any, aill not brt de~rircentol to :tro neacc, healtt:, safety uncf yeneral wQlfara ef :hQ cir.i¢en~ of tho_ C1ty ~~f A:tahein. "!. TI»t t.hc pr~~onQ~t uuca will not ndv~rnoly atfe~t the adyoinit~g t~nd usna n~d ;h~ graur.T; and c!evelo~smant oC tha area Sn whi¢h it la propouad t~ bB 14CALH[!. C~:~i~GN.S -1- PC92~i3 4. 'fhat the size and shape of th~ aite proposeci fuz the une is adequ~te to ul.low the full dovelopment oF the ~ro~oeed u~e in a manner not detrim~ntal to the particular area nor to ttie peace, health, oafety and yeneral welfare of tho Citizens of the City of Anahoim. 5. That the y:.antinq of tho Conditional Uae Permit under the cnnditiona impoeed will not be d~trimental to the peace, health, eafety and general welfaro of th~t Citizer.s uf the City of Anaheim. 6. That the t:afi.ic yeneratod by the propoaed uae will. not impoue an undue burden upon the streata and highways desianed and impcoved t~ carry the trafflc in the area. 7. That no one indicated their pre~ence at said publtc heariny in onpoaition; and that no correspondence wan received in oppositf.on to thQ aubject petiLio~~. CALIFORNIA ENVIRGNM~NTAL 4UAL~.~_CT FIND~NG: Thut the Anaheim City Plnnning Commiasion has reviewed the propoual. to retain an a~ato ntereo and a:arm i.n!stallatf.on facility with incid~ntal rotail ealc~s and ~oith waiver cf minimu:n number of parkir,g apaces on a ractangularly-shaped pazcsl uf land cons.iatin9 of apprnximntely 1.5 acrea located at the aouthwast corner of Coronado Street and Kraer~ier Beulevard, having approximate frontageA of 170 fc~et on the aouth side of Coronado Street and 312 fec~t on th~ west Ride of Kra~mer Ooulevard, anci Yurther dascribed as 11~9 Nurth Kraemer D~~ulevardj and doea herc~by approve the t~egati~e Declaratfon ~ipon findi~g that it ha5 conaidered tT~o Plec7ative Declaration togeth~,r with any commente race_ved during CLe p~~blic review proceas and further findir.q on thg baais that the initial etudy ~nd any coRmento receivvd that tt~ere ie no c~ubsLantial evidc~nce t.hat the project ~~ill 1»ve a~iynifican: effect an thQ environment. t~OW, THER~FORE, BE IT RF.SOLVF.D that the Anaheim City Planning CommLuni~n doaa hereby grant subject Petiti~n for Conditionnl Uae Ye:miG, ~pon the :ollowir:y conditions which nre hRraby found to be a neceasasy prereequi:~ite t~ the propozed u~Q of trg sub~ect property in ordPr to preserve tha safety and gener~-1 wclfare of :h~ Citizene of the City of AnahQim: 1. That the apprepriate traffic gignnL auser,ament fee equalinq the diffe~once ~etween the ind~utrinl ar.d c~nnnarcial as~ea9ment fuee ehall bc~ paid to the City o.' An~heim in an amount established und<,r Ciey Council Resolution No. 9iR-19J. 2, ~ T'tia2 ro rcequLreci nar;~inq ares ehall ho fencad or otheraise encloeud for ;vtduor 9toraqe or other nonp<~rking uuceg. 3. •:hat a Pt~n Sheet ior a~1irJ vaetr~ atorage, collection and a plan i~r recycling shall be st~arnitte4 to the Oepartment of M~tintttnance far re~iew. 'C1ir~ nlan eha:l bo sta~ped ~p~roved. q, 1't~at nc~ outdoor aturage, Alsplgy or work on vghicles or vehi.cular paxts s~hall be permittc~d. 5, •;1i~c tl:o on-~l:c! l~r.dacapinc~ and irr:gatton e~ntam s~hall bQ mainCained in com~t S;-nre wlth C:ty ~star.cSarAg. _2_ PC92-IS 6. That any tree plant•eci on••site shall bo replacod in a timoly mar~ner in the event that it io removed, damaged, dieeaeod end/or dead. 7. 'That a building permit nhall be obtained £az the inetallation of a"l~-hour separation wall" between the merchandieo display/eales aren and thg i.netallation area. Said wnll ohall be inatalled prior to coat~ ~1na inatallation activities. 8. Thut subject property ehall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specificatione submittecl to the City of Anaheim by tho petitioner and which plane are on fild with the Planning Dgpartment marl:ed Exhibit No. 1. 9. That the:e ahall be no eigns ir. the windowa advertieing other bueineasoe. 10. That within a period ot thirCy (30) days from the date of thie roeolution, the sign on top of the building shall be removed. 11. Ttiat Qrior to the commr.ncement of the activiCy au*.horized by thia reaolution or within a period of. ninety (90) daya from ttie c7ate of thin resolution, wt~ichever occurn firat, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. ~xr.ensions for further time to comol4ta said conditione may be granted in accordance with Section 1A.03.090 of the Anahoi~n Municipal C~da. 12.* That appr~val of this application conatitutes approval uf the pruF~sed requeat cnly to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municir~al Zor~fnq Code and any other apPlicable City, State and Feder.al regulations. Approval d~ae not includP any actLon or findings ae to campliance or approval of th~ reyuest rcgarding any uther applicable ordinanco, regulaticn or rayuiremenr.. Conditiono markod with an aeterisk (') are required by established lawn, coclee, r~yu?ati~ns a~d ayreemants and are, therefore, not sub;ect to ne~gotiation. EiF. IT FURTHFR RESOLVFD tliat the Anahein City i~lanning Commiuniun :loea herQby find and dQtermine r.hat adoption of thin Aoeolutiun in expreeely Fredicatod upon ~ppl?cant'n compliance with each and all of the conditionu hereinabove set for.th. Snould any eucn condition, or any part there~f, be declar~•1 Lnvalid or tinenf4rceable by the finnl ~ud9ment of any c:ourt of compet~nt jurisdiction, L•hen rhis Renolution, and any approvals heroin contain~d, nhail be drw.mrd nuil ard void. TY.E FOREGOIt7C RF,5oLU1'IOti waa adc~pted ~c thQ Plannlny Commieeion moeting ot January 27, 1992. ~-~ ~, ~ ~ /,f~i E M` CI''Y PLAtttVINC: COMMISSION AIRMAtJ, At AH J;fTELT. ~ _~ _._._ ~~ .._,~.~7 - S~CRETA Y, Al:A}Ifi:M CSTY PLAti:tIt~G CUtiN.SS310q -3,. PC92-13 STATE OC CALIFOANIA ) Cc~UNTY OF ORANGE ) y~• C:TTY O~' AC7AHE.t4 ) T, c^,dith L. Harris, Secretary of. the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion, c1o hPreby cortify that the £orogoi.ny re~olution was passod ~-nd adoptod at a meeting of. the Annheim City P:anning Comminsion held on January 27, 1992, by L-he following vote of th~ membere thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOiIHS, dAISTOL, HELLYRR, MESSE, PERAZA, Zf~MCL NOES: COMMIS5IONERS: NONE AHSENT: COMMI5SIONERS: HFNNINGER IN WI:NESS WHCREOF, I have hornunto eet my hand this _/~~~ day of r 1992. ~ ~ ~~-~.C.,f:J ~'"~ ,.. ~~~w-~.. SECRETARY, ANAHRIM CITY PLANNIl~C CCMMISSION i { i -4•- PC92-13