Resolution-PC 92-130,$~^QLI.lTION N0, PCJ2-130 A RESQLUTION AF THE AR~AHEIM CITI' F'IANNING COA~MISSION TIiAT PE?ITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3562 BE ~RANTFD WHEHHAS, the Anaholm City Planning Commission did recelve a vertfiod f>etltlon tor Condltlonal Use Permit for certaln real properry sftuatod In the Clry of Anehofm, County af Orange, State of Califomia, doscribed as: PARCEL 1, IN THE CI7Y OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF URANGk", STATE OF CALIFS7RNIA, AS SHOWN ON PARCEL M/1P NO. 81•252 FILED IN 66QK 174, PA(3ES 41 ANp 42 UF PARCEI. MAPS, IN THE QFFICE OF THE COU~I'fY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, ths Ciry Planning Commission clld hold a publfc hoaring et the Clvic Centor fn the City of Anehelm ~n Novamber 2, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., not(ce af sald pubtic hearing having boen duly fliven as roquired by law arxi in accortlance wkh the provlslona of the Anahefm Municipal Cade, Ci~apter t8.~3, to hesr and conslder evidence for and agaln~t s~-fd proposed conditianal use permlt and to Invtstigate and make findings ~znd recommendations in connectlon therowith; and WHEREAS, seld Commisslon, aiter dus Inspectlan, Ir~vestigation arxi study mad~ by ftaeif and in its bei~a~t, and aRer dua cansideration oi all eyidence and reports aNered at sald hearfng, does find and dotermine the iollowing fects: 1. That tho proposed use is prope~ly one ior v~hich s condltional use parmR is euthoriz~d by Anaheim Municipal Cacie Sectlons ~nd ta permit a semi•~nclosed restaurant with on•premise sale and conoumptlon of alcoholic beverages, and with wafver of the foliawinp undor authoi•ity ol Code Section 18.06.080: Sections 18.06.05C.0212 - ,~(~mum number ~f rklna spaces. 1 Q,06.050.022 (1~ requlred; ~ existing) 1$;Q8.050,0231 and 18,aq.066.050 2. That the parkfng verlance wilt not r.auso sn Increase In traNfc congestlon in the Immedlate vic(nfty nor adversely aNect any ad~olning lar~d uses; 3. That the grenting at tho parking varianca under the conciitlone imqpsed will not be datrimental to the posace, heatth, safety or gereral wellare M the cRizons of the CB.y of Anaheim; 4. 7hat tho proposod uses ere properly onos for whlch a corxiltionai use permft Is authorized by the Zoning Code; ~. Thnt the proposed uses wtll be compatible with and compllmern~iry to surrounding land uses, and wlll not advo~sely aNect the edjoinin~ land uses and tho growth err.f dovelopmont af the area in which thoy ere propc+sed ta be loceted; and, fucth~r, that e seml-enclosed restaurant wRh on•premise consumptlon of alcohol previously Axisted (n this commercial space with~ut any known detrlment; 6. That the size and ah2pe of the site for tha proposed use fs adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use tn a mannor not detrtmontal to the particular area nor to the peace, haalth, safory, arv.i gen~~al wellare; CR 1640MS.wp -1- PC92-130 7. Tt~at the tra(ilc generated by 4he proposed use wltl not Impose An undue burden upan the streots and highways deslgnod end improvod t~ carry the traff(a in the ereA; 8, That the granting ot the condRional use permR undor tho condftlons Imposed wlll not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and generAl welfaro of the cifizans u( the Ciry of Anaheirn; 9. That no one Indic~tod thelr presence at sakl publlc hea.ring in opposklon; and that no correspondence was rocoNed in oppasitioi i to the subJect potltion. ~LlFS1RNIA ENVIRONMENTAL DUALN ACT EINDIN~: That the Anflhelm C!ty Planning Commtsslon has reviawed the proposnl to parmtt a seml-anclosed restaurant with on-premise sals and consumpti~n of alcofiolic bevorages anci with waivAr of minimum numbor o} park~ng spaces on an Irregula~lyshaped parcel af land consisting of approximately 1.3 acres, located at the southeast corner of Lincoln Avenuo and Anahelm Boulevard, hwving approximate frantages of 154 feet on the south sfde of Lincoln Avenue and 281 feet on the east slde of Anaheim Boulcrvard, and further doscrlbed as 20 South Anahelm Boulevard; and doos hereby approve the Nagativd Declaration upon finding that the declaratlon roAects the independent ~udgement of th6 lead agenr,y end that It has considered the Ne~ative Declaratlon together with any comments receiveci durfng the public reviow proceag and turther iinding on the basis af tha Initial study end any comments recoived that there is no substantial evldence that tho project will have a signiiicant effoct on the onvironment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED that the Anahelm Ciry Plarn~ing Commission does horeby grant subjACt Pet(tion tor Conditional Use Permft, upon the foliowing conditions whlch are horoby found to be a naaesoary prerequlsite to the proposed use oi tho subjact proparty in order to pregenre the satety and genora! wolfare of the Citizons of the City of Anahefm: 1. That subject prnperry shall be developed substantially In accordance with ~lens and specHicatlor+s submfttod to the City of Anaheim by the potftloner and which plans are on (Ile wRh tho Plannin9 Department marked Exhibft Nos. t and 7. 2. That prior to commencement of tho activiry euthorized by this resolutlon, priar to final buildfng and zoninp Inspections or within a period ot one (1) yoar from tho dato of this renolutlon, whlchever occur3 ilrst, Condition No. 1, above•mentloned, shall be c~mplied wfth. 3. That six (6) months atter tho opening ot subJect resteurant, the petftioner shali submit a parking study to the Cfty ot anaholm (ior revlaw and approval by the Ciry TraHic and Transportatfon Manager) to determine whethor adequate parkfng is being provided. ii the one hundred seventy two (172) parking spaces epproved under sub~ect cunciitlonal use parmit Are (ound to be inedeauate~ addftlonAl parking spacos shali be obteined es required by the City TreHic and Transponetion Managor. !f tho one hundred seventy two (172) parking spacos are founci to be excesslv,.S, the number ot spacos provlded tor sub)ect restourant may ba reduc«i, a~ approv~d by the City TraHic and TranspoRatlon Manager. 4. That approval oi this application constitutes epproval of the proposed requost only to the extont that it complias wfth the Anahelm Munfcipal Zoning Code and any other epplicabla City, State and Federal rogutations. Approval doos not fnclude any action or flndings es to compl!ance or approval of the requast regarding any other epplicable ordinance, repidation or roquirement. BE IT FURT1iEFt RESOLVED that the Aneheim Cfty Planninp Comml3sion does hereby fi~xl and determEne that adopsion of tlils Resolution is expressly predfcated upon appli~ant's com~l~nce wfth oach and all oi the conditions horeinabove set forth. Should any such corx~itic~n, ar any pan thereof, be declared Invalld or uneniorceaWe by the ilnal judgment of any caurt of competent Jurisdictlon, then this Resolutlon, and any approvets hereln contAined, shall be doamed null arEd vAld. .2. PC92-130 THE FOREGOINf3 RESOl.U710N was Navembor 2, 1992. Al'I"EST: ' ~• ". ~ v_<<~~,~./ ' S ~'('ARY, ANAHEIM~. ITY I~LANNINCi COMMISSION ~ . r/ STRTE OF CAL.IFORNIA y COUiVTY OF ORF~NGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~~. Iann~~ommisolan meeting of CITY PLANNIN(3.~dMMISSION I, Janet L. ,lenson, Secretary of the Anuhelm Clry Planning Cammisslon, do hereby certHy 4hat the toregoing resolution ~vas passed and adoptad at a moeting of the Anahelm Clty Planning Commission held on November 2, 1992, by the followfng vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERA71~, TAIT, ZEMEL NOES: COMIVIISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMiV11SSI0NER3: NONE YACANCY: ONE SEAT IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m,y hand thls L~ day of ~r j"~~L~~ 1992. ~1- ' S FiETARY, ANAHE GITY PIANNING COMMISSION / i ~- PC92-130