Resolution-PC 92-132/".. A RESOL.l1TI0N Or THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI~JO COMMISSION APPROVIN(3 MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMR NO. 3188 (READVER113ED) WHEFiEAS, on June S,19a9, tho Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisalon appraved CondRlonal Uae Parmit No. 3168, to permit an enlmN hospitnlal on property located at the northwest comor of Santa Ana Canyon Road ac~d Woir Cenyon Roed, aM further d4~scrlbed as 8285 - 8295 Ea~t Sarrta Ana Carryon Rosd; and 1M IEREA3, the petitlaner now rsquosts approva~ to permit e 2,300 aquare-foot expaRalon to an existing onirtral haspitnl to Include a kennel facitity; and WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Comm(asfon did hotci e puWic hearinp at the C~'vic Centor In the Ciry oi Anahetm on November 2, 1g92, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald pudlc heating having boen duly glven as raqu!~ed by law ~rxi In acco~ance with the provislons of the Anal-eim Municipel Code, Ch&pter 18.03, to heer erxi consider ovidence iw ar~d eflainst said pro~oseri modfpcation and to investipete anri meke iir~dfnga gnd reCOmmendations in connectlon therewith; and WHF_AEAS, ~aafd Cnmmlaslon, aRer due inspection, imreatlgatlon arxi study made by itaelf arb tn its behalf, and atter due conaWerntion of all avldencv end roports otlered at eakl hnnring, does Bnd ar.d dotermine tlie idlowing Tacta: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a condltlonal use pertnh Is ei~thorized by Anahefm Municipal Cade Section t~ pe-mit a 2,300•square-fc»t ~pansl: to an existing animal hospltAl to include e kennel facAity; 2. That ihe extsting animgl hospitel hAS operated at subJect tocatbn wtthad doMment to surrounding bu~inesses; 3. Thet tha propoaed uso wlll not edvereely aflect tha adjdntnp land uses and the pro~Mh arxi dovelopmeM of the oraa in wh~h k Is proposed to bo located; 4. That the atze arxl shepe d tha sRe fo~ thA propoeed use la edequutA to aNow the fult clevelopment M the ~xoposed aae in a manner not detrlrtwrY.al to tha particular area rwr to tha peacx~, heaph, aalory, ehd ~eneral wdfare; 5. That the traMic gsnerated by the propoa~ uae wA~ not Impose art undua burden upon the straets and hiphway~ desl~,ned and Improvad to carry tl~e trs~tflc In t1w area; a. Tnas ~:,e pramtr~g d ~ne maf~ca~bn to Caanbnol u~e Pormu tuo. ~~~ undor me curxiNkirts Imposed wAI not bu d~trimerual to Ihe peaco, heal!h, selety ar~d gerseral wdtara o( tAe cNl~ens d the City a! Arv~heim; &nd ~. That no one lndicated thoir pro~onco at said publ~ hearfrq tn cr~~porAkm; and ttnt rw corres~wrxt~ wao •eceMuA M oppoa~lon to 1ho wb~oct petNlar~. CALJ~OANUt.~NVIRONbIF,JJ~,(,~~~]]~ ACT FINQiN~: S'hat Ihe /Utet~im Gty Plarmkp Carrunlsslon has rEwlowed Iho proposat to pormit a 2,300•~quaro•foat Qxpansla~ to an oxistin9 anirrtel hospit~l co Indudn b karsnol fac~llry and docs heretyy Iincf Ihat tM N~gathre Dgdaralbn prevlously appraved in can~~e~:tb~~ with CcatdNio~al Utu Pertna fJO. a1Q8 fs ydaquato to sorve as the noqtd~ environmontal CoCUment,itfon I~ c~rutoclfon v~flh thls ~quest. CAt(i64MS.wp •1 • PCB2•i~2 r_ NOW, 1'HEHEFORE, BE IT R@SOWED thF+t the Anaheim City Planning Commlaslon does heroby grant subJect Qotitlon i~r modfflcation to Coixiitlonel Uae Fertnft No. 3168, upon tho tollowing conditions whtch ere hereby found to be a nect~ssary prerequlslte to the proposed use M tho sub~ect property in order to preserve the safery end generel welfare of the Citizens ~t the City ot Anaheim: 7hat subject propery shatl be developed subatantielly in accordenco wkh piens nrxi specHicatlons submitted to tho Ciry of Anahelm by tho petRloner and which plans erA on iNe with the Planning Depertmont markod Reviston P1o. 1 ot ExhiGit No~.1 end 2. 2. That prlor to final bullding and zoning Inspactions, Condition No. t, ebove-mentioned, ahall be complied wlth. 3. That apprwal ot this appllcctlon consiftutes apprc ial ot the proposod request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municl~al ZonlnG Code enci any other appHcabfe City, Stato and Federal r~qulations. ppproval does not Include sny actlon or findinpa es to compllance or epproval ol lhe request ropard(ng ri~y other applicaWe oibinance, ~equletion or requlrement. EiE tT FURTNER RESOLVED that the Anahelm Ciry Plannlnfl Commisaion d~ hereby 8nd a~cf detertnlne ttwt adoptfon of this Resdution is exprossiy pradicated upon applicant's complieitcp wkit each and ell oi the conditiona heretnebove set forth. rhou~d any 8uc condMlon, o~ any pert thoreof, be daclaral irnalid w unontorceabie by the flnal ~udpmorK of arry C R oi cotn~ete~ ~urisdictlcxi, then this Resolutlon, and any epprovals herain cartalned, altiall bo dee ~ ull arxi voki. THE FOREGQINC~ RESOI.lfTION wae ad~e~at tj(e PI~I4qfnp Commisslon m0etin~ of hovember 2. 1992. ~ ~ JJ . A7TEST: !~ . ' ~ = / >'• y~~~„~ ~~PETARY, ANIil~ IM CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION .--%' .,~ ANAHEIM CITY PUINNINC,~("OM~..iS310N S7ATC OF CAUFORNIA ) COUfYTY OF ORANt3E ) s4. t;ITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Janet L Jenaen, 3ecretary of thu Anahelm Ciry Plannlnq Commlaalon, do hereby certliy ihat tho lorspoin~ resofutlon was psssed and adopced at a meet~ng ot th0 Anaheim Clry Plannlnp Commtasfan hald on November Z, 1992, by ~h~ raioM-i~ ~rne a t~ mer„eo~ ~r.ereo+: AYE3: COMM15310NER3: BRISTQL, HENNINGER, ME3SE, ~'ERAZA, TAIT, ZEM~L NOES: COMMIS310NER5: VONE ABSENI': COMMISSIONERS: NONE VACANCY: ONE 3FJ-T IN WITNESS WHEREO~, 1 heve hor~~MO aot nry hnM this ~~ day d ~~l+c~,w~~ ,~. . _w.~ r~,r,• ~..,_,.~,::;, , ~~ __.. $~RF.TARY, 14NNiFJ1yR CITY PLANfVINC~ COMMI9310N ~ :' ~ .2. P0~22-t ~2