Resolution-PC 92-137RESOLUTION ~0 P ~2-137 A RESOI.U710N OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNINQ COMMISSIO~ THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NU. 4205 BE DENIED WI•IEREAS, the Anaheim Ciry Planning Gommisslon ctid receive a verM(ed Petition lor Variance tor certaln real proparty sftuated in the City of Aneheim, County o( Oranga, Stete of Calitornia doacribed as: THOSc PORTIONS OF PARCELS 8 AND 9 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILEU IN BOOK ~22, P/1GES 37 TO 41 INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS, AND AS AMENDED -~` THAT CERTAIN CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION RECOR~ED DECEMBER 15. 1989 AS INSTRUMEN"i N0. 89-6007~5, OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDEA OF ORANrE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SNOWN AND DESCRIBF.U AS PAR~EL 1 IN THAT CERTAIN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT F'LA7 NO. 196, REGORDED SEP7EMBER 22, 1989, AS INSTRUMFN'f N0. 89-50~23, OFFICI.4L RECQRDS. WI;EREAS, the Ciry Planning Commission did holc! a publfc hearing ~t the Civic Center in the City of Anahe(m on Navembor tfi, 1992, at t:~0 p•m., notica ot said public hoaring h~ving been duly g(ven as roquired by law and in accordance with tho provislons ot the Anaheim Munir,ipal Cocle, Chepter 18.03, tu hear and consider evidence (or and aya~nst said propused variance and to InvesttflatE ~nd make finding3 and ~~ecommendaUons in connection therewilh: and WH~REAS, said Corr~mias(nn, a(ter due inspection, Investigation and study made by Itself and In tt~ behelt, and after due consideration of all 3vid~nce and reports oNered at sofd hearing, does iind arxi determtne the tollowing facts: .. That the petEtfoner proposes waiver of the fdlowinfl to construct nn additional 20 sq.R. ws~~~ sign: sAr~;ons - ,~2ci~um n~mber ot ~ermitled wall sians. ~r d 18 64_062-_-04Q (t wall sinn oer store t~ont entrAnc4 permitted; ~ p-oposed) 2. That the abave•mentioned wafver is hereby denied on t~o basis that there are no spectal ci-curnstancas eP~~ o ather klenf~ callyr z~nQCf properti~s fn the vcfnity,~raphy, location or surroundin9s. which do not eppty 3. 7hat strict opp~~cal~o:~ ot tho 2oning Cocle does not deprive the property ol privilopea enjoyed by other proporties under kfontical zontng claasHication (n the vfcinky; and, iurlher. that subject pr~!+orty was previousiy ~ranted e minlmum 5unding aotback waNer so existln9 wall algnage is closer arxl more vislt~te to the adjacont h!ghway than it would ba H the setback wafve~ had not been grantod. 4. That there Prct no excep:iona~ or extraarSinary circumstances Q^~ a~~~°^IiA~ roca n~ or ~he propeny irwolved or to the fntendecf use ot the property that do nnt ePaY 9 Y P PQ Y ci~ss o1 uso in +ha same vfcinity arxl xene. ~. 7hflt Iho ruquested ~~ariance ia ~rt ~QShQ s~~motvic nity~ancf ~zono, ar-d deniedn o~he substamial propurtY rlQht posaessed by other prope y proE-e-ty in quostion. ~ _ PC92-137 ~ R 16C~3MS.wp y.~. 6. That thR requested var(anc~ would be materially detrimental to the publlc welfare or In~uriou~ to the proporty or improvements in auch viciniry and z~ne fn which the property Is located; and, further, that there !s already An undesirablo prolfleration ot slflns in the eroa. T. That na onA Indicate~J their presenco at sald public hoar!ng In op~ositlon; and that no correspondonca was receNed In opposftion to subject petition. ~4l.IFORNIA__E,NVIR~7NMENT.~QSJA4~~' A~F!fJDlNG: Tt.a Planninfl Director or his aulhorizod repre&ontatNo haz detarmined that the proposed proJect falls within tho detinition of CatogoricAl Exemptions, Glass 1 t, as definecf in the Stato EIR Guidolines and Is, thereiuro, categoricatly exempt trom the requlrement to prepere an F.IR. NOW, T!-IEREFORE, BE Il' RESOLVED that the An eim City PlAnning Commission doe~ hereby dony subject Petitfon iur Variance on tho bdsis of the a( re ention~d ii ings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOM was edo / theiPlanr~ ~ommission meoting of Nov~mber 16, 1992. ~ ~ ' , ANAHEIM CI'(Y PLANN bTTEST: :.,,. ~ . ~ ~ , ,~ ~_,- S~GRETARY, ANAWF.1 ~~ITY PLANNINCi COMMISSION ~/••' / STATE OF CAIJFORNIA ) COUN'fY OF ORAN3E ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) !, Jonet L Jansen, Secretary of the Anahelm City Planning Cammission, do hereby certify tfiat the f~regning rasdution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahefm City F'lanning CommissEon held on November t6, t992, by the tdlowing vote oi the membors thereoi: AYES: CflMMISS10t~EFlS: BRISTOL, HENNINGF.R, MESSE, PERA7A, '~AI7, ZEMEL NO~S: COMMISSIONEfi,~,: NONE ABSEN'i': COMMISSIONERS: NONE VP.CANCY: OPJE SEAT IN WiTNESS WFIEREOF, t havo hereunto set my hand th~g~_day oi ~y.,;y ~r.;_J t <J.'~2. ~' ~.~.~..:: ~ .... ~:, ~ - _ . , ' SE(;HETl1RY, ANAHEI CITY PIAPlNING GOh1MISSION ,2. PC92-137