Resolution-PC 92-142~ , rav, RESQLUTION N0. PC~2•142 A H~SOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITf PLANNINQ COMMISSION THA7 PETITIOM FOR CONDI7!ONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3567 9E GRANTED WHEREAS, the Maheim Clty Planning Commission did receive a verNier.l Petition for ~ondltlorial Use Permft for esKain real properry situated in the Clty of Anahoim, County of Qrenge, State of CalHomia, de~cribod as: LOT 2~UF TRAC7 N0. 2537, IN THE CIYY OF ANAHEIM, COIiNTY OF ORANCE, STATE CJF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN f300K 80 PAGES 1 AND 2 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN TF;E O~FICE OF THE CUUN'rY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEf~'f THAT PORTION 7HEREOF INL'IUGED W;7HIN THE SOUTH MALF OF THE NORTMEAST QUART~R OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN TNE HANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON DE SAPJTA ANA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN F30AK 51 PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECQRDER OF SAID COUNTY, TNE NORTH LINE rJF 7HE SOUTH HALF QF THE NORTHEASi dUARTEI~ OF SAID SECTION 22 BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOV'JS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON 7HE EAST LINE OF THE SAID NARTtiEAST OURR7ER, aISTANT SOUTH 0 DEG. 10' A9" EAST 1320.69 FEET THEREON FROt~A THE NORTHE/iST CURNER 7H~REOF, THENCE SOUTH 89 DEG. 55' 18" WEST. WHEREAG, the Cfty Plannfnp Commissfon did hold a publi~ ho~ring at the CNic Center In tho City of Anaheim on Decomber 2, 1992, et 1:30 p.m., noticv of sald public hearint~ havinfl been duly given as requfrsd by law and In accordancc wfth tho provisions ot the Anahalm Munfcipal Code, Chapter 18.03, so hear anci consider evidence for anrf agalnst sald proposed conditlonal uso pormit and to investipate and make (indfnga end rocommendAtions ir connectfon iherewith; and WHEHEA3, said Commisslon, arer due inspection, Irnestlgatfon and study made by Itsolf and In fts behalf, arod atter due considaration o( all evldenco and reports o(fered at sald heprinq, does tlnd and dotermine the tollowfnfl facts: 1. That the proposod us~ Is properly one for which a conditional use potmit is ~uthorized by P,nehelm Mun(ctpal Code Sections anrl 18.03.030.OtQ to pormlt a trAnsportetfon (bus) terminal and a tomporary traiter. 2. That the proposarJ transportation torminal Is a prop-3r use lor which a conditlunal use permit (s author(zed by the Zoning Cafe. 3. The propnsed ~ze provldes o needod servico for altemato moans oi refllonal and Interstete pubiic trans~ortatlon wfthfn the community. 4. That tho proposed use wlli not adveraoly aHoct the adjoining land u^es artcl the growth and dovelopm~rit of the area (n which ft fs propo~ed t~ be located. 5. That tho slze ar~d ahape of tho sfte (or tha proposed uso is adequnte to allaw tho full dev~lopment of the propo~ed use In a manner noi det~imental ~o the particular aroa nor to the psace, health, se(ety, ervJ general weltare. CR1 ~82MS.wp .1. PC92-142 e, ThAt the trafflc generated by che proposed use will not im~ose an undue burden upon the streets and high~reys designed and Improved to r.arry the traffic In Yhe area. 7. That the grantln~ of the condltional usa permit undor the conditions Imposod wlll not bo detrimontal to the peace, health, safaty and general welfare of the cftlzr~ns oi the City ot Anahelm. e. Thet no one indlcat9d tholr p-esence at said pubilc hearing In oppositlon; and ttiat nn correspondence wr~s rvicelvod !n oppositlon tu the subJect petition. C~. ALIFOgN,~p ENVIR~j~1,~NTAL QUA~ITY ACT FINOING: That the An~hefm CNy Ptannlnfl C~mmission hAS revlewed the proposAl to permit a transportation (bus) terminal ard a temporgry traller on an Irregulnrly-shaped parcel of land consistinfl of approximately 0,49 acra located at the southwest corner of Winston Rut~d and Anahelm Boulevard, liavtng approxima;e frontages ot 170 ieet on tho south side of Winston Road and 123 feet on the west s(de of Anahoim t3ouievard, and further doscrlbc~cl as tp0 Wust Winst~n Road; arui does hdreby approvo the Negative Der,laretion upon pndinQ thAt the declaration re(I~cts the Independent Judgement of the lead agency and thnt (t has considered the Nepative peclaratfon together with any cnmments recelved during the publfa review process 2nd turther findfng on the bas(s of tho fnftlal study and any comments rer,eivai that there Is ~~o substantial evidence that the project wlll have a sipnillcent effect on the environment. N~JW, 7HEREFORE, BF IT RESOI.VED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subjoct Petition for Condit(onal Uso F'ermit, upon the inllowing conditiAns which are hereby found to ba a necessary prerequlsite to tho proposed use of the sub~ect prop~rty fn ord~r to preserve the satety and gene-al welf~rb of the Citizons of the City of Anahe(m: 1, That the transport2tion terminal authorixed by this Conditiona~ ~ i^n permit shall oxpire sevon (7) yoars trom the dAte ot this rosolutlun (on Decetnber 2, 1999), unless e~~nnslon(a) of time are granted by the Planning Commission or City Councll. 2. 7hat ttze temporary trailor ~hait be permitted for a pariod not to exceed four (4) months irom the date of this resolution (untll Aprfl 2, 1993), unl~ss extenslon(s) of timo are granted by the Planning Commfssion or City Councll. 3. 7hat an on•sfte security guard st~all be provfded during the hours when the tfcket oH(ce Is closed. b. That bu3 ingress shall be allowed trom Winston Road on;y. 5. That the ownor of sub~oct prc+porty shall cubmit a letter requostlny termination of Condit(onal Use Permit Nos. 737 (to retaln a service station within 75 teet of residentfal zoning and not at the intersectfon of two arterial highways), 1730 (permittfnp outdoor storage and repalr of vehicles in conjunctlon w1:h an exftin~ sorvtr,e station) and 2706 (pormittinq a truck sales and storage tacility) to the Zoning Divfslon. 6. 7hat a fee, In the amount oi six hundred fifry dNlaru (5650) per one thousand (1,000) square feet ot commercia! bullding tioor area, shall be pald to the Ciry oi Anahelm (or sower capacity mitipat(on. 7. That tho logal property owner shall Irrevocably ofter to dedfcato to ihs CRy of Anaheim a carner cut- oH at tho fnt~rsection Winston Road end Anahoim Boulevard (or street and public utiliry purposos. p. Thet a Pl~n ~heet (or so~id waste storage and colloctlon, and a plen ior rocycl(ng shall be submitted to the Dopartment of Wlainte~~ance for revlAw and approval. .2. PC92-142 , , ,.~- 9. Thot a te~ for atroot Ilghting purposes af~all be pald to the City of Anaheim b~sed on tha len~th of street frontago along Wlnston Road and Anahoim Boulevard {n an emount us astablished by Glty Councll resolutlon. 1U. That all drlvoways shall be raconstructed to accommodate fifteen (15) fc~ot ~edius curb returna in coniomiance wfth Englnearing department Standarc! No. 137. tt. That an on-ske trash truck tum around aroa ahall be provkled In coniormenco with Engineering Standard ~etall No. 810 and as requlred by thA tJepartment of Maintenance. 12. That tho epproprlate trafiic sl~nal assessment (ee ahall be pafd tp tha Clry of Anaheim in an amQUnt ost~blished by Clry Councif Aesoiution, 13. That plans shall be submitted to the Ciry Tmffic and Transportatlon Manaflor tor his revlew and approval showfng conf~rmance with the latast rovislor,s of Englneer(ng Stand~rd Plan Nos. 436 and 602 portalnin0 to park{ng standArds and driveway Iocation. Subject property shall therouaon be developed and malntalnod In conformance with sald plans. 14. That subJect proporry shall bo developed srbstantlally in accardance wfth plens and specfficatlons s~ibrnitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitlonar and whiah plans ar~ on ffln with the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4; provlded, however, that the tr~(ler ~hall ~ be located In eny rsquired aetl~ck erea. 15. That the applicsant shall pay tor the removal of on-stroet parking un the north slde of Winston Road. In the event that said on-straet parking cannot be removed, the site plan for subJect proposal (regarding bus clrculation on Winston Road and the drlvnway access) shall bo revfsed as required by the City Trafiic and Transportatlon Manager. 1a. That thero shalt ba no over-ni4ht ~rking on subject propercy and that tha rear purking lot shall be gated end lockeci every night. 17. 7hat tho delly hours of operatfon shall be B:3Q a.m. to 8:30 p.m„ and that on-site sacurlty shall be providod for eny aker•hours drop oHs. 18. 7hat prlor to the placemont ~f the on•sfte temporary trailer, or prlor to tho issuance of a bullding permft, or pnor to commoncement oi tho actNiry heref~i approv~d, or within o pertod of one (1) yesr trom the date of thls resotutlon, whlohever or,curs first, ~ondftion tJns. 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 12, 13 and i 5, above mentloned, shali be complied with. t9. 7hat prior to 8nal bufidfng and zoning inspecti~ns or prior to commencement a( the act(vity here(n approvod, whlchever occurg itrst, Conditlon Nos, 1Q, 11 and 14, above-mentloned, shall be compliod with. 20. That approval of this appllcatlon constitutos approval af the proposed ~equeat oniy to the extent that k complles wft;~ the Anahoi.m Municlpel Zon~ng Code arxl any other appliceble City, State and Federal regulatlons. Approval doos not Include any a~tfon or findfngs as to ~~m~llance or approval of tha requost reparding any other applicable ordlnancA, rogulation or requlrement. BE 17 FURTHFR RESQLVED thnt the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon does horeby ffnd and determine that adcption oi this Resolutlon Is expressly prodlcat~!d u~n epplicant's compltance wfth each and ail oi the corxlftlons hereinabovo set fonh. Shouid any such condkion, or any paK thereoi, be declared Irnalid or uneniorceablo by the Iinal lud~ment of any court ol competent ~ur~sdictlon, then this Resolution, anri any upprovels herein contnlnecl, shall bo deemed null and void. ~. PC92-142 ,~„~, ~ ,-~. THE FORE'301NG RESOLU710N was December 2, 1992. ' 4N, AITEST: ~4'~~ . ~,~,,t_.G%r.~_~;~- 8EC ~'I'ARY, ANANEIIVI CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION i' f~/ S7ATE OF CALIFQRNIA ) COUNIY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Commisslon rnaoting of PLANNI I, Janet L Jensen, Secretary of the br.ahAim Clty Planning Commissian, do horeby certlfy that th~ foregoing resolution was pas;ecl and adoptod nt a moeting ot the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon held ori December 2, 1942, by the 4ollowing vote o( the members therec~f: AYES: COMMiSSIONERS: BRISTOI., HENNINGER, MESSE, PE~AZA, TAIT, ZEMEL NOES: COMMI8~i0NERS: ~lONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONER3: NQNE VACANCY: ONE SEAT IN WITNESS WHEFiEOF, !~avo hereunto set my hand this ~ day of /,~.~ • , n _, 1992. ~~, ~~~ -•r: ~ '~~ ~~ ~ . ~ .~-% CRETARY, ANA~1~lM CITY PLANNING CUMMiSSION i._. ~ ~/ ,,~. F'C92-142