Resolution-PC 92-144~ V f~M~. RESQ~{~TION N0. p 'Qa,~ A F1CS~~-~1T~ON OF THE ANAWEIM G~TY PIANNING COMMISSION 1'HAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 4206 BE GRAiJTED WHEREAS, the Anaholm Clry Pianning Commisslon did recelve a verified Patitlon for VarlancA far certaln ret~l properry sNuated In the CftY of Anaheim, County of Oran~e, State of Californfa descrlbed es: pARCE~ A; PARCEL 3, UF PARC~I. MAP NO. 8~4-259, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY QF ORANGE, STATE OF CAI.IFORNIA, A5 SHOWN ON A MAP FIL~D IN BOAK 196, PAGES 8 AND e OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WWEREAS, the Cicy Planning Commiseinn dld hold a public hearing at the Civlc Center in the City of Anahelm on L~ecombec 2, 1992, et 1:30 p•m., notice of said nublic hearfng having been duly given as requlred by law end in uccordc~nce with the pr~visions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and Cansidor evidonce tor anci agalnst sAld proposed vnrlonco and to Investlgate end make ilndings and recnmmendatic~ns In ccnnectlon therewlth; and WHEREAS, sald Commisalon, after due Inspection, Investlgation and study m~de by itgelt and ~n ft~ behalf, and after due conslderatlon of all euklenCe and repo:ts offersd at sald hearing, does find and determine the fallowln~ tact~: 1. That the petitloner pr~poses waiver nf the fullowing to establish a 4-lot, commerclal subdivisfon: ,~@ction 18,Q~3.Q - peruJ~red tot irantr~gg. (All lots requlrod to abut a Fublic rlght-of•way; 3 lots without public streot frontage ~ropased) 2. Thst the above-ment:onFx! waiver is hereby grant~d on basia that there are speclal cfrcumstances applicablo to tho praperry such as size, ~hape, topography, location and surroundings which do not apply to other ldontically zoned property in the snme viciniry; and that strict applir.~tlon of the Zoning Code deprives the praperty of prNlleges anJoyed by other properties fn tho ldentical zane and classification fn the vlclnity. 3. That the nanow stree; irontago alung Katelia Avenue relative to the size of subJect propeRy~ the irregular shepe of subJect property and the proxlmfty of tho Or~nge Freeway on-ramp to the northeast restr(ct access from Katella Avbhue to all tf:e lots. 4. That the proposed commerclal subdivisio~ is conslstont with the Gonsral Pian land use desi~natfon of Business OH~ce/Service/Industria~. 5. That the roquested varianco will not bo materially detrimental to the publio welfare ~r InJurious to tho proporty or Improvements In such vicinity and zone in whlch the property Is located. R, That no one Indlcatod thofr prosonce at sald public hearfnp in opposition; and thAt no correspondence wsa received fn oppositlcn to sub)ect pe4ltlon. CR1685MS.wp -1. PC92-144 ~ORNIA ENVIR9NMENTA~~UALITY ACT FINOING: That the Anaheim Clry Ptannln~ Commisston has reviewed the proposal tor waNer of required lot trontape to esiabltsh a 4•lot, :ommercfal subdwlalon o~ aR inegularly-shaped percel ot land consisting o1 epproxlmAtely 2.4 acrea, hav(ng a frontage of epproxlmate{y 800 feet on thn aoulh sida of the Katella Avenue-Oranpe Freeway on-ramp, havin{~ n maximum depth at approximately 4b01eet, and further deacribed as 2430 Eost Katdla Avenue; nnd d~s hereby epprove the Negatlve C1o~eratbn ury~n firxling that the doclaretion retlocts the Independ~,nt ~~~dgemont of the leud s~ency bncl ttu~t i! has considerdd the Negative Declaratto-~ to~nt~er with any commeMS roceNed durlnp the puW~ revievr process and iurther ~ndlnq on tho basis af thA initlal atudy and any commeMS recer~ed thet there Is ~o substantial avldence that the proJect wUl have a sipnilicant eHect on the ernlronment. NOW, THEREFORE, B[ IT RESOLVED that the Anahoim ~ity Plaiminp Commisslon does hereby flrant auMect Potitlon for Varlnnce, upon bie idlowing condBlons which ere hereby found to be n necessary prerequislte to the proposed use ot tho subJt~cct property fn order to preserve the saloty and general welfaro of the Citlzens ot the Ctty oi Anaheim: t. That p~lor t~ commencement of the activiry herein approved ((tna~ p~rcei nu~p approval) or witt~rt a pericxl d une (1) year trom the date oi this resdNion, wldchevor occurs Bn-t, sub(ect propurty ~hali be deve~opad substantlally In s~cordnr,cu wRh plans arxl ~itic~tbna submftted to the Ciry o( Anaheirr. by the p~tltionor and which plans arta on (~e wfth the Plsnninfl Department marked Exhlbit No. t. 2. That approvat of thfa appilcatlon conatltucea approval of tha prr~posed request only to the oxc~nt that it complles wRh tl~e Mahsirn Municipel Zoning Code ~nd erry uther appll~;able Clty. ~tate m~d Fedoral rvflulaUcros. Approval does not Indude arry actbn or flndin fla os to complNanco or approval of the reque~t repardtng any other applicable adinance, regulatlon or requiromont. BE IT PIJRTHER RESOLVED that tho Anahetm City Plen doterminu that adoptbn ol thts Resolutlon Iu expressly ~xed~cated arxf nll d the ccx+dKlona heretr.above set foRh. Should any such cS Irnelid or unentaceablo bY the Onal ~udymerrt ol srry court o( c: r and arry approvala hereln cor~tafr~d, shall be deemod null ar~io THE FORGCiOING RESOUlfION was Decembot 2, t9B2. ATT[ST: -, _ _, , S, RETARY, ANAl1EIM CITY PIANNINC3 CAMMISSION $TATE OP CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORI~NC3E ) sa. C~?Y OF ANANEtM ) Commisslon meolinfl d I, Jenet L Jonsan. Secnetnry d the Maheim CiN Pk~nninfl Cnmmis~ion, do heroby cenity tf~t thA for~ulnp MfdWlon w8s p09eAd And edopfAd el 8 me6l~np of the At~heirti L~y Psann4r-g ComnNsabn hgid on Oecnmbor 2. 19J2. bY the fMowing vote oi the memt~ theraa~. AYE3: CQMMISStONERS: HENNINCiER, MESSE, PERATA, TAI? NOE8: r~MMISSlONERfi: NONE Agg~NT; ('AMMISSIONERS; BRiSTOI. ZEMEL VACANCY: OtVE SEAT ~N WITNyS8 WhEREOF. I havo haraumo ~n1 my hand tnls -" i~ aay d,~,,,G,~ ,;_.~~• ~/ . , •__~.~. .~-'~: ~ $ECfiETqqY, ANAH~IM TY PLANNlid(3 CdMMISS10N Commissio~ lovs fioreby Tind and i appllcarn's compliance with oach an, o~ any pnh t~eraol, be declared nt turtsclfctidn. then this ResolWlon, ,2, POD2•1M