Resolution-PC 92-146RESOLUTION NO PC92-146 A RESOLUTION OF THC• ANAHEIM CI7Y PIANNING COMMI5SION AMF.NDINCi CERTAl~' CONDITI7NS OF APPRQVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 3231 PERTAINING TO A 71ME LIMITATION WHEHEAS, on ~January 3, 1990 the Planning Commisslon approvod Condltlonal Use perm(t No. 3231 under Resolutlon No. PC90-04 to pormlt a church in tho C!. Zono with walvor oi minimum numbor of parkirq spaces on pro~eKy lucated on the south side of Orengethorpe Avonue approximately 900 feet east of the r,ento~ilne ot Mlllsr St~eet arxl iurther describecl as 3458 Eaat Ort+ngetho-pe Avenue; A~d WHEqEAS, said Resdutlon No. PC90-04 includes the following condftion of approvel: '8. Tht~t this cor.ditional ~~se pe- nit fs approvod lor ~ perfc~d of thrae (3) years until January 3, t 993 et whlch timo the conditlonal use permlt shali expire unless a time extension is requesiod in wrttfng by the petftioner ~nd approved by the Planning Gommfssion or City Councii' WHEREA5, the petftloner has requ9sted emendment nr deletic~n of sald condition ol npproval to allcw the church in the commerci~l complex without a time Iimlt. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commfssion did hold a public honrinp at the Civic Center In ~ven ias of Anehefrn on Novembgr 2, 1992, et 1:30 p.m., nottce of ~Id puWic hearing having been duly g requtred by law and In accordance wRh the orovisions of tho ,`.naheim Municfpal Gode, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conslder evidence for and against sAfd proposed amendment and to investip~t~ and make tfndings and rocornmendations in connection therewittr and WWERFAS, said Cotnmisslon, atter due fnspoctlon, irnestlpation and study made by itself and in its beheif, and after due consideratian of all evldence end reporta oHerocl at said heari~~g, does tind and detormine thd followlnfl facts: 1. That Ccx1e Enforcement records do not Indfcate eny vidations as a result of th~ church use. 2. Th~t, due to the oxlstenco of a conditlona' use permlt, the Planning Commission rotains the abllity to termfnate or modity this use in the event that tts operatton proves detrtmantal to surroundin4 land uses. 3. That no one fndiCatai tholr prosence et sald public heAring (n npposition; and Ihat no correspor.tlenco waa recelved In oppasStlon to the subJect putftion. ,~/1LIFORd1 EM-IElO~IMF.Ll7A6._~U~~1~ F~Nb~NG: That the Anahelm t;ity Plannin~ Commisslon has roviewed the proposal to emenc! ar delete Concllt~on No. 8 of Rasdu~~on No. PC90 04 to allow tho church !n a Gommercial cumptex to remain Ind~tinitely and doos horoby find th 1etio 8 ege a e~~~° requirecf previously approved in connectlon wtth Conditlonal Use Pcrmk No. 3231 ts adequa ornironmental documentntbn Vn cannection uvith this roquest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOWE~ that the Artahelrn C!ty planning Cammis.al~n does hereby amend Cortditlan Wo. 6 of Resolutfon No. PC90-0~ to read as 1dl~ws; '8. That this conditbrwl use permit ~s aPproved for a porlal ~~t tive (5) Years unt;l January 3, 1998 et whk:h tfine the condidor~al use permit shaD expire ur~less a timo extenaion is requested in writing by the potftioner and approved by the Plannlnq ~omml~sion or City Council' CR 1 B87MS.wp -1- PC92-t AG THE FOH[GOIIVG RESOLlRION was adopted at tho 1992. ATTEST: ~,_ ,4_. ~'i'.~i'/" ~Y~ ,',/lr~~~~'i~ ., ~ LCHETARY, ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OFtANQE ) ss. r{TY OF ANAH[Itil ) ~-~. nn g Co mi an maetin4 of December 2, ~ . / /~ , ANAHEIM CITY PWNNINC3 MMISSION I, Janet L Jensen, Secretary oi the Anahaim Ciry Planninfl Commisslon, do hereby certity that the 1o;egoing resdutlon waa paaged end &dopted at a meeting af the A~iahoim City Plflnning Commission hdid on December 2, 1992, by the iollowing vote of tho member~ thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONF.RS: HENNINGER, MES~E, PERAZA, TAfT, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ADuENT': COMMISSIONERS: BRISTI)L VACANCY: ONE SEAT ~ IN WI7N~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set rny harvJ this j,r„1,~L- ~sY o~ ~~1~, „v /.c , _ , 1992. ~ ~~ `~ ~ o: •. ; ~ ~ r•d.~ - : ,r~..~ CRETARY, ANAHEI ~ C~TY F'I.ANIJIN(~ COMMISSION ~ .~- , ,2_ PC:92• t 48