Resolution-PC 92-150c:, ~ ~!y .1 A RESOLUI'ION OF THE IINAHEIM CITY PLANNINa C,nMMISSION THAT PETlTION FOR CONUITiANAI USE PFRMIT N0. 3547 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, tho Anaheim Clty Planniny Commisa(on did receNe e veri(led Petitlon for Conditional Use Permit for cdrtain roal property situated In the Ciry of Anehelm, Cuunry uf Orange, State ot l:alif~mla, descrlbed as: THE SOUTHERLY ?.4fl,75 FEf:T, MEASURED FRO~VI THE CENTERI.lNE OF SYCAMORE STREET, LYING WE57~RLY OF A UNE PARALLEL WITH AND SOUTH 74 DE(3. 31' 10" WEST 815.00 FEET FROM THE EASTERL'Y UNE UF LOT 1 OF ANAHEIPA EXTEN510N, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STA7E OF CAUFORNIA, AS PER M/1P OF SURVEY MADE BY WILLIAM HA1r1EL IN 186H, AND FILED FOR RECORD IN LOS ANOELES COUNTY. A COPY OF WHICH IS FILED IN THE QFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, ON PAQES 183 ET SF~. OF BOOK 3 EPlTITLED LOS AN(3ELE3 CUUNTI' MAP.~i. EXCE?T THE SOU'fHEHI_Y 5.25 FEET, THE SOUTNERLY UNE OF WHICH IS THE NOR7H~RLY LINE OF S~-ID SYCAMORE STRE~T. WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning CQmmisslon dtd hold a public hearinp at tho CNfc CeMer in the Cfty ot Anahelm on October 6, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notice ot sHki pubtic hearing having beon duly given as requlred by law and in accordanco with the provisfona of tho Anahelm Municlpal Codo, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conski9r evidenco for and ngalnst said proposed condltlonal use permft end to Imrastigate erxi make flndlnps and recommendatlons In connection th9rdwftir ersd that saW public heariny wt~a conti~ued to the October 19, November 2 and December t4, 1992 Planning Commisslon meetinqs; end WHERFJ4S, sald Cornmission, aftor dua Inspectlon, Irrvestigatlon and study made by ttself and In fta beha~i, and aiter due cons{deration ot all evidonco end repoRS oNernd at said r~enrlnq, doos Md and ~atermine the foltowiny facts: 1. 7hat the proposAd use Is property one for which a conditional uae permft fs xuthorized by Anaheim Municfpal Code 5ectlons to edd ~ 780 sq.ft. atornDo aree and treezer untt tn an exlstin~ commerctal reta(I center with waivers oi the followfng: rA) - 1a.os.o5o.o2s~ 1~.4~Q~4 a~~ te.aa.oes.o5o jylnft~-~m n~mber c~f ~a~kin~ sna~es• (~Q requlred; ~ p~oposed) (B) Soctlon +9.44.Ofi2.o~]. • ~r ~t~e-f~milv zQne baunderv. (9~, I~ot heigitt pAm'-Rted for 19y I~ot s6tbaCk from RS-7200 zoninp; ~~ proposod) 2. That the submftted parkinp study and its revlabn (d~tocf J~~ly 2(1, 198~ ond Gc~obet 12. 1992) submNtad by thn petNloner to substa~l~te the porklny welver ~a+as approved by the Cly YraHic anc! TrnnspoRC-tlon Menuqer who determir~d that the nevr atorape area woulJ be edequatelY Rerved by the 72 epproved parking spaces; CR 1(~.92M3.wp -1- FG92-150 3, That the parking waNer wlll not cause an Inare~so In t~aNic congestfan In the Imm~diate viclnlty nor adversefy a(tect any AdJoining Iand uses bocauae the prop~sed storage ~rea wlll be used by axistin~ tenants And wlll not ~onerate any edditional customer parkinp, end that the parkin~ lot layout wes revfsed In ordor to increase the total number of avallablo parktng spaces; 4. Thet the granting of tha parking walver under the corxJltlons imposed will not ba dotrimental to tlie peace, health, safoty or gonera! woliare oi tho aitizens oi the Ciry of Annhelm; 5. ThAt thore are special circumstances epplicabie to tho property consisting of locntfon anc! surroundings, which do not apply to other tdentically ~onad proporties In the vlciniry; 6. That st~ict application of tt~e Zoning Caie deprbes the proporry of prlvilepes anJuyed by other properties uncler ldent~ct~i aoning claasHicatlon tn th~ vicinMy bocause devdopment of subJect property Is constrained by the exlsting lacatlon ond I~yout of the buildings end parkinp lot.; 7. That the praposed uso is properly one tor which a conditional uso parmit Is autho~zed by the Zoning Codo; 8. That the proposod use wfll not adversely aNeci the ad~oininp land usos end the growth and development of the area in which lt is proposed to be located; 9. That the size and shape o( the clte ior the proposed uso is edequate to allow tho lull de~~elapment of the proposed use in a mannor not detrimontal to tho pertlcuiar area nor to the peace, health, satety t~nd goneral welfare; 10. That tho traitic generated by the propased use wlll not Impc>~e an undue burdan upon the streets and hi~hways deslgned and improved to carry thy tre(ilc tn the area; 1 t. 7hat the granting o} the conditfonai use permit under the conditions imposed wlll nnt be dotrirnental to tho Aeaco, health, satety and genoral welfare of tha citlzens of the Ciry of Anahoim; end 12. 7hAt no ane fndicated thelr presence at said public hosrtng !n oppositlon; and that no cot~espondence was raceived in oppositlon to tho subject petition. CAL!FOAtVIA ENVJRONMENTAL OUALITY~CT FIN[-i~: That the Anahelm ~Ity PlennUg Commfssion has reviewed the proposal tu add a 780 sq.it. scorage aroa snd froezer unlt to an exlat(nq commorcial retafl center witl~ waivors of mfnimurr. number ~f parking apacea a.nd mtucfmum structurel hafght wfthin 15~ teet of a singl~-famlly ione bour~lery on a~ctangulariy ahaped-percel of land c~nalsiing of approximately 1.16 acres located on the east side ot East Street between Glenwood Avenu~ and Sycamore Street, having approxfmate iror-teges ot 190 feet on the east side of East Str~et, 25.-9 feet on the south slde of Glerwrood Avonue and 229 feet on the north sGie o( Sycemore Street, 3nd (uRhAr descrlbed as 500 - 530 North East Street; and cloes hereby approv~ the NegAtlve Decinrntion upt~n findfng ttiat the daclaration reflect~ the independent Judgernont oF thA lead agency and ttwt it has conslde~ed the Negative Declaratlan together wfth eny comments recalved durinp tho puW!c review procosA and further finding on the baais ol tho fnitlal atudy and any comments received thet there is no substantial evidonce that tha pro~ect will have a olgnNicant eHect on the envfronment. NOW, THEREFORE, EiE IT NESOI.VED ;hat the Anaheim Clty Plenning Commisalon does hereby 4rart sub~oct Potiticm tor Condftional Use Pormit, upon the tollowinfl condftbns whioh ere hereby fswnd to be a nacessary ar~requisite to the proposed use of the subject property In order to preserve the safery and generel welfare oE tho Cit(zens o( the City ~t Anafiefm: t. That thu vehicutar ~cco3s rights to subject property, except !or approved access pointa, sheil be releasad anc! celiriquished to the City of Andheirn. .~. PC92•t ~a0 r,.Cm ` x:,* , 2 cueb re ums +asaaqulred by e Giry Enpln errin~cun orm.~ance wkh C gineerinfg Standard Nort37s 3. That an on•slte trash truak iurn aruund area ahall ba provlded In accordance with Enfli,ieerinp Standard Clotall Nn. a10 ~nd as requlred by the Dopartmunt of Malnt~~nanco. 4, That a Plan Sheot for solld waste storage and coltectlon, and a plan tor re~ycling shall be aubminad to the Department of MalntenRnce (or reviAw and approval. 5. That tho own9r of subJect properly shall submit a letter requesting terminatlon of Condftlanal Use Pormk No. 1409 (to establish a church wlth walver of the minlmum numb~r of perking spec0s) to the Zoning DNislon. 6. (a) That plans submitted for the proposod constructlon shall be revtowed by the TraHlc and Transpo~tation Manager In arder maximize the number oi an•afte parking spaces, (b) That prior to Issuance of 6 building permlt, the parking arans sliall be restrlped ae regulred by the Trafiic and Trensportatlon Manager. 7. That subJect property shall be dovoloped substAntially in accordance with plans anci speciiications submltted to tho Ciry of Anaholm by tho potitiorer t~nd which plnns are on file wkh the Planning Depertme~rt marked Flevislon No, 1 of ~xhiblt IJo. 1 and Exhibk Nos. 2 end 3. 8. That prlor to lssuanco oi a auilding permit, the most southorty drivewAy oh East Sireet and the most westerly driveway on Sycamoro Stroet shall bo cloaed and replacod wfth st~ndard curb, gutto~, sfdewalk and Iandscaping, In Gonformanco with ciry standards and a~ requlred by the Clry T~aNlc and Transportatlon Manager. 8. That thAre shall b9 no outdoor storage and no autdoor food prepnration whatsoever. 10. That p~lor to issuance of a building permit or wkhin a pe~lod of onA (1) yuar irom tho data oi this resolution, whlchover xcurs first, Condition Nos. t, 4, 5, 6(a), 6(b) and 8, abovs•mentfonod, shpll bo complied wkh. Extenalona for 1u-ther tfmd to camplete sald condftlons may be grented in occordance with Sectlon 18.03.090 of the Anahe{m Mun!clpal Code. 11. That prlor to final burdfng end zoning inspectlcns, Cor~dRfon Nos. 2, 3 end 7, above-mentioned, st~all be compllod wfth. 12. That approval of this applicatton constitutes approval o( the proposod requeAt only to the extent thst ft com~lles with the Anaheim Niunlcipal Zo~ing Code and any other ep~lical~e City, Stete anc! Fecleral repulations. App~ovN does not tn~lude any action or flndinga es to ~omptance or epproval af tF~e request reyarcf(ng eny other applicable orclfnan~o, rogulatfon or requlrement. H°_ IT FURTHER RESOWED that the Anaheim Ctty Ptann!ng Ccsmmisalon dooa hereby tind and detormino that edoption of this Resdutlon Is oxpressly predlcated ~t~on applicant's compllence v~ith each and all of tho conditinns hdretr~above set torth. Shauld erry such condRbn, or any pert thereof, be declarod bivalid ~r unenSorceabte by tho tirutl IudOment of any coun of compster~t Ju~Isdictlon, then thla Rosdution, arxi any appro~~als herein containdd, shall be deemud null a~r~d void. ,3, PC92-150 ~:~W~:1 / ~tt~'~',, ~ ~ THE FOREGOINC3 RESOLUTION was DecemCer 14, 199?.. ATTEST: // ~~ ~" f'/~~N~ - ~ na.~, :.. J /SEQ ETARY, ANAM IM ~ PIANNING COMMISSION i ,.~ ~/ ~...: STA7E OF CALIFARNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ Commisslon mesting of ANNING MMISSION i, Janet L. Jensen, Secretnry ot the Anahetm Clry Planning Commission, do hereby cenlfy that the toregoing resdutlon was pnsaed and adopted at e mefltlnfl ot tlie Anahelm Gity PiAnning Commisslon hold on DecembAr 14, 1992, by tho fWlowing v~te of the members thereuf: AYES: COMMISSIONERB: BO'~ OSTUN, BRISTflL, HENNIN(3ER, MESS[, PERAZA, TAIT, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIGNERS: NQNE ABS~PJ'f: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WIYNESS WHEREOF, I have horeunto set my hand thfs ~',;l t_.L, day of ~~-QL?'!ld r~ ~7~/~~ 1 ?~~3 ~.i ,-' /-/ ^ ,'__i ~ , , ~ ^ CRETARY, RNAHEIM CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION `~: ~- PC92-15A