Resolution-PC 92-152,,.rb.~ i~ ,r}~5",' ,~,^~Q~J71QN N0. PC92•152 A R@SOLUTION OF THE aNAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FQR CONDITIONAL U5E PERMIT NO. 3574 BE QRHNTED WHEREAS, tho Anaheim City Planning Commission dld receive a verifled Petition for Condltional Use Permit for certain raal property situatad In the City of Anaheim, Counry ot Orange, State af Calffornla, described as: PAR~EI. 1, IN THE CITY OF ANAH~I~,A, COUNTY OF t~RANGE, STATE OF CALIFOANIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 50, PAGE 3R OF PARCEL NIAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTIr' RECORDE.'i OF SAID COUNTY. INCLUDING THE SOUTWEASTERL.Y POHTION OF SAID lAND WHICH NAS BEEN RE-SUaDIVIDrD AND IS /~LSO KNOWN AS PARCEL 1 IN THE GITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOW ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 144, Pr1GES 18 AND 19 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE (:OUN7Y R~CORDF.R OF SAIQ COUNIY. WHEREAS, the City Plannin~ Commisslon did hold a publir, hearing at the Civlc Canter in the Clty of Anahelm on Decembar 14, 1392, at 1:30 p.m., notlce oi safd public hearin~ having been dufy gNen as requirod by taw and In accordance with the provisions uf the AnAheim Munlcipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and constder evldence for and apainst sald proposod conditionel use pormit and to Inveatigate and make findings a~d rACOmmendations In connection tharew!th; and WHEREAS, anld Commisslon, aRer due Ins~ectlon, Inv~sti~atlon and atudy made by itself and In its behalf, and after duo consideration of All evidenco and reports offered at aaltl he~ring, does iind and determtne the following facts: 1. That the proposed uae is properly one for whlch a conditior~a: use permit Is authorized by Anahelm Municipal Code Seatlons 18.4h.05p.300 and 18,4A.050,010 to permR an 8,750 sq.ft. semi-enciosed restaurant with on•promise sale and consumption of beer end wine, and with wAfvers of tho fallowing: (A) SectlQn~ 1808.Q50.0211 ~8,06.050,022 tA,00.A5Q.022], 18,06.050,Q233 1 •08 G,UBQ and t9,M1~3y66.Ob0 (B) ,~@ct~ons 184~¢,062.032 ~Qinimum number of parkin9 3naces. 7? required; r.~.1Q proposed) Perp~ittg~t roaf•mount~cl eaui~,rn@r~, (Roof•mounted_eaulomen4 prohlblted !n tlie 5cenlc Canldor Zone Ove~iay; r on t-mc~nted eauloment propased) 2. 1'hat the parking demand study (dated May 2, 1991) and its uptlate (dated July ~4, 1892), substantfating 3hat the proposal would not create a parking deficlency on subJect propoety, havo been reviewed and approved by the City Trafllc and Transportation Manager; CR1694MS.wp -1» I'C92-152 ~ , p' ' 3. That thQ parkin~ waiver (A) wtll not cause an Increase In trntiic r,ongestion fn the immodlate vlclnlry nor adversely aNect any sd~olnir~g land uses; 4. Thet the granting o~ the parkfng weiver under the conditlona imposed wlll not be detrimemal to the poaca, hoafth, safety or 9enernl wel(are of the citlzens of the Cfry ot Anehelrn; 5. That walver (6) Is hereby grunted on tho besis that r~l-mounted equipment la IMegrol to the operatlons of a restaurarn, end ttu~t approval ia condNioned upcm the appifcant submitting dota0ed plans, Includinp Iine•of•sight drawinga, ta the Planning Commtnslon tor r~vlew anci approval ahowlny that the p~nposed equlpmont wNl b~~ adequately scrE+ene.i Irom nearby reskfences; 6. That there are special circumstances appltcaWe to tho property consisting o~ size, ah&pe, topopraphy, locatlon and surroundtngs, which do not apply to other ldent~ally Zo~ed propertles In the victnfry; 7. That strtct ap~llcatlon o~ the Zonlnfl Code deprives the properry of p~NNe~ea enJoyed by othqr prop~rtles under k!entlcs~l xanlny dassHicatlp~ In the vicinlty; S. That the pro~iod u.qe 13 prope-1y one tor whlch e condRlonal uso permft Is authorizod ~y the Zontng Cafe; 9. That, t~ased upon the condftlons hnposed, the pro~toa6d usa wl~~ not edversely aifect the ad~oinin~ ~and uses ancl thj growth arxl c:!w~lopment of the nrea in wF~ich it Is proposed to be locatecl; t0. That tho siza and shape ot the sit9 for the proposed use la edequate to allow th,e tull devetopment oi the propose~ use in a manner nat d~rtrlmental to tho pertic~~lar eree nor to the peese, health, s&lety and qbneral weNare; 11. Thet the traNic 9er~rated by the propased use wNl nW Impoao an undue burden upon tho streets ar~d highweys desfgneri and ;mpraved to carry ihe tra(1~ M the eraa; 12. That the flranting of the condMbi~al usg permtt under the cor~dMloRS imposed wBi not be det~imental to the peace, hea~th, safety arxl general wAttZ 3 d thu cRizeru~ d the Gry d Anahelm: and 13. That no w~ indlcatec! the!r presence At sa~d public hoaring In oppoa111on; and that no correapanduncs was recefvad In opposklon to the aub~e~:t petttfon. ~,~ ~aNi• EyyIRONMENTAL QU iY ACT FINDIN(3: Thet the ME'~helm City i'Ienninp G.. Isslas hAS revlewecl th~ propoael b~errntt an 8.750 sq.8. aerM~enclo~d restauraM wRh cn•WgmlOe sal., dnd censumptlon c.f b~x and wMe. an0 wlth waMer~ c~ mfnimurn numb~ ot parktnp epecAf end permittAd roof•mourned equipmeM cc~ an Irrepularlyshaped Dercel d lanc! c~nFrikq ot appns~chnetoty 10.63 ecn~s locat~d at tho soulhw~ast oane- d SantA Ana Canyon Sioad snd :mpettial Fllghway, havinq approximato Ironta~se d~98 f@ot on the eouth sid~ o! Ssnta Ma Carryon Road anc1706 i~t on tt~e west side d Impetlel Hlghw$y, and funher descrit~eo as t9t SoWh Impar~l H~ghway; and dooy i-orsby ap~ave Ifua Negatlvo Doclaratbn upon Ondinn that the decla~atbn reAecls tho Indopanclent ~udgement o~ tha lead agency aM ~ha: R has ronsfdareC the Nc~Qa~fva DeNaration together v,is.~ arr~ comm~r~ts roc.Mvod durfrq the publiC twiew proCASi And IuRher 8ndinp on fho besis ~1 u-e Ir.ittsl stu0y arxf ony tx~mmonM -~c~d th~at th~tre fs no wbaWrM!al wl-iencs th+]t tho pro~cCt w11 hava a st~nMiCaM ~tfACt on lhA Onvf-onfrNM. ~ONi, THEREfORE. BE IT R_SOWED lhot 1ho Ansf~lm City Pletw~k~ ~omrt~lssb~ d~os hanbY ¢aM wt~ACt PolKfon (cx Ca~dhfural t~so P~rr~t. upon tfw IaMOwUq oonditk~ns v~hfch ere henbY lound tv ba o noce~sary prM'~qufsR~ w It+~ propoaecJ u~o ~1 ttx~ suqect pros+orty h ord~ to prot~rv~a th~ sefe~y and gQnaral welfsro d tt~ dtltenu ai the Clty d Mahoirn: .2. PO~'•ts2 . „ ,~ 1. ~het, tho developor shall submit detailsd roof•mounta.i equlpmont plnn~ to the Zoninp DMlalon irx revlow by the Plenning Commission es a'Reports arxf Recammendations' Rom. Said plana shell illustrate the oxact type and locatlon of equipmerri and tik~:lf inciu~e Ilno-of-siqht drawings relative to thq resldenc:es to the south and southwest. All roof•mounted equlpment shall bo pelmed to maich tha rool ~dor and shall be samatntained. 2. That all outdoor ac:tbity shall terminate before 9:00 p.m. 3. Tht~t e Plan Sheot tor solki waste store~fi and cdlecticn, and a plan for recycling shall be submmeci to the Dopertment ot Maintenance tor roview erxJ approval. 4. That tho legal propeRy owner shall irrovocably oNer to dodlcate to the Clty af Anahelm e twenty Me (25) lont comor cut-oH for stroot and public utNiy purposas. 5. That subject property shall be develo~+ed subatanttally in accorclanca with plans erx! specHicatlona submftted to the Ciry ol Anahelm by the petitioner and whlch plans are on m6 with ~ha Plannlny Department markec! Eachibit Nos. t through 3; ar.d t~at all the rool~ mountod oqulpment ehall be palnted to ma•ch Yhe ro~f cdor. 6. Thet specHic de~~ded Hoor plens a~ the exact hours of nperatlon for any restaur~nt wh~h Indudes on•salo beor and wine afwll be submMed to tho Planning D9~artmont for ravlew and approvel by the Flannln~ Commission in conne~llon wfth a puWir, hearing. 7. That u~tor to isau~r~ce oi ~ buUding permR or withln a peNaf of one (t) year irom the date of thia resolutfor., whichever occurs Hrst, Condttton tVos. 1, 3, 4 ar~ B, bbwe-meMloned, ehall be complled wlth. Exton~fons (or (urther time ta cnm~tete said condkions may be granted in accordence wtth Sectlon 18.03.090 ot the Anaheim Municlpal Code. 8. That prlor to Mal bt~8dfn~ and zoning fnapectio-x-, Condhio~ No. 5, above•me~~lor~ecl, s~-aU be complied wlth. 9. That approval ot this applicailon consthutas approval d tlw oropoae~d raqueat only to tho oxteM lhet It complies with the Anahaim Mun~lpn- Zoning Ccdo and eny other appllcsd~ Cliy, Stete ertd Fedenal regulations. Approval does not Include any ection or Ond(ngs aa ro compltar~ce o.- approvel o! tho requost reqardinp arry other applicatle ordinance. regulation or rec~ufremoM. 8E IT FUHTHEA RESOWED th.~t the Anahefm Cfry Plannfng Commissbn do~s heteby flnd end dot9m-ine that adoption ~t this FieQOI:Aion is expressty prodicatbd upon applicarn'a compllenco with Yech ancl 311 N!he Condillons hetolnubave set foRh. 3hould any a. condllion, or e~ ~R~t' i~ .~ drtclared invalkf or unentorcAable by .he fina~ ~udqme. t oi any u of compotqtrt ~ aasa~,c~on, arxl arry approvala herein contoin~cl, shall bo d and v. YNE FOHECi01NCi RE30LU110N wa~ eda at t Pla np Commi~ston meoting o! O~smbur t4, 1992. ~ .` CHAIHMAN, AtV..r1E1M CITY PLANPiI COMI+IISSION A7TEST: ~~/~~~~' :-. -..~ : ,. SE~.AETAFiY, ANA~IM CI'~Y °WJNINt3 CAMMI$SION ~ / ~. f'002•152 ...W, . S~ATE OF CALIFORNtA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y CF ANAHEIM ) I, Jenot L Jensen, Socretary of the Anaheim City Plenning Commlaslon, do hereby ceRNy that the ~oregoing resolutlori was passed anci adoptAd at a meetinp of the Arvihelm Ciry Plannlnp Cammiaslon held o^ Decomber 14, 1992, by tlie tollowinp vote ot the members thereof: AYES: COMMI~SIONERS: BOYOSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINdER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: N4NE ABSEM: COMMISSIONEFiS: NONE IN WIYNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuMO sot my hand this ~ day ot / ~.1i2lLQ~1~.-~ ~T '3 -~c . '~y~~ X:v ,, ..~ / `~~ ~ v ECRETARY, ANA M CITY PI1~NNI~i(3 COMMI3SIQN - - ~ ;~ ~. POf~•162