Resolution-PC 92-17jiFSOI~1TIOti NO• PC92-17 A RESOLUTIOtv OF TH~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI~IG COMAtISSIGN THAT FETI^IUN FOki CONDITIONiIL USE PERMIT NO. 3487 DE DENlED WHEAEAS, the Anaheim City Flanning Comml~eton did re~oivo a vorifiQd Pot:tion tor Conditional Use PorT_'t for ~ertain real property nituated in the City of Anahoim, County of Orange, Stt~to of California, deecribed •3ss THAT PORT20N C° TMF SOUT11 HALF GF SECTIC:~ 8, TOWNSHTP 4~SCUTH~ rtAt~GE 10 WEST, IN THF RANCHO LU^ ~OYUTE5, IN '['EIE CITY U~' ANAHE?M, COUNTY OF ORAt . STATE OF CRLIFORNIA, AS P~F. MAP RECORDED Iti BOOK ."AGE 20 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TIiE COUNTY ABCORDER OF SAIU COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSt BECiINNING A'f Tr~E INTERSECTZON OF THE SOIiTH LIN6 OP SAID SECTION 9'JITH THE 30(JTHCRLY PROLONGATYON OF THE C~NTEk LINE OF MULL•ER STREET~ 60.00 FEBT WIUE, AS DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 1 OF TH~ DEED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, RECOFtDED NOVEMBLR 1, 1957, I!7 E300K 4089 PAGE :~97 UF OFFICIAi RECO.^.D5= THENCE NURTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 24 SECOND~ WEST 835.43 FEET ALONG SAID 50UTHERLY PROI~ONGATION A17D 5AID CBCiTEPLIqE T' 1 POItiT SOUTHBRJ.Y 4C0.01 FEET FROM THL ZNTERSECTSON OF SATU CENTER LINF WITH THE EASTERLY PROLONGATIOti OP TH£ NOitTtIERLY LIt1E OF TRACT ti~. 1775, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOIC 50 P1GE 15 OF SAID NI5CELLANEOVS IiAPS= TFIENCE HORTH ~9 D~GR6E3 37 HINUT£3 lA SECONDS WEST 351.58 PEET PARALLEL wI2N SAID p02?TNERLY L7NE TO THE EA5T~RLY LItiE OF SAIb TRACT ci0. 1775; THENCE SOUTN 1 DEGREES 16 MIl~UTES 54 5ECOtiD3 EAST 835.16 FEET AI.Ot~G SAID EAS'fERLY L:tiE TO SAID SOUTN LINE OF SAID SE~TIOti; 2N£~1C:E SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 NINUTES 00 SYNNDS FAST 3]3.5~3 FEE''f T1LO~Ifi 4AID SOUTH LTNE TO 1'HE POINT q? BECIIHNING. HN~RFAS, the Clr,y Planning C~rr.m:s0ion did hold a public hearing at the Clvi~ Centet Lit the City of An~heim ori January 27, 194Z at 1i30 p.m., notice of aaid publir hearlnq havinq been d~ly given ao requirad by law and in ac~ordancA vith thc provi0iong ot the Anah~im Municipnl Coda, ChaptQr 1A.03, to hear and consfds~r avidenca :or end aqainut naid propaqeA conditional uae pe:mit ~n~ to invsatiqat~ an, mako :in:linya an~ cQCommondatione in conr.oction tho~odithr and that said ~uhl:c h-ari~g wau continuod to ehQ February 24, 1992 planninq ~ommiealun meatinql nn~ NH8AE1~3, said CarmirAiao, after dua t~upactio~, inveotiqat~~:,n and o~~dy made by ~•~~:if ancf in it~ behelf, and efcur •Ju~e conuidaration ol` all ovi~encn und roparta :,tfcr.s~ at oat~ ha~~inq, dooo find and c~atc~r~lne tha fo:lowinry fact~: CR142'IKS -1- HC92-17 1. That the propoued use ie prngerly one for which a condiCianal uoe permit ie authorizod by Anaheim Muni.cipal Cude Sectione 18.96.020 end 18.97.020 to permit a Mixed Uae pro~ect consiet_ng r~f a 1B4-unit, 3- nnd 4-etnry deck-type apartrcent complex and 10,000 aq.fL•. of qround floor commercial ueed with wnivere of tho following: (A) ~EGTION~18.06.450.0127. - Minimum number of n,~~~ggaces. 18•05•050,022 (5~,` roquiredj 5~ propoAed) 18.06.0§Q }8.34.066.O1Q end 18.97.043~030 (B) SECTI~NS 14.3~060.02~ - Mini~,un~~,.otar.ce betwECn buildina~. and 18.97 036.010 (16 feet required, ~2 :e@~'r propoeedj and ~ ~g~~ required, ~8 eP~ propoeed) (C) 4~,gTioN 18.~6.O~Q - Required diAtance to eleva*.u~Q. (Permitted: maximum 200 fee~ from an elevatoY t~ a living unitj Propoeed: ~04-264 feo~) 2. Tnut the park.ing waiver (A) ie hereby denied because the conditlanal uee permit ta ~ln~ denied; 3. That waiveru (~) nnd (C) are hervby denied beceuae there ars no epecial circumetances applicable to the property auch ea eiza, ehape, topoqraphy, location or 0urroundingn, which do not apply to othoz identically zoned propertiee in the vicinity, and that ~ubjecC proper.t,y ie a large rectanqularly-ehaped parcel wTiich contains no phyei~al tiardahipe end, tharefore, the r~quested Gode waivore are unnoceeeary= 4. That ati•i~t application of tt.e 7.oninq Code doe@ not depzive the property of privileqeo enjoyed by other propertiee ~ndur identical zoning cleoaificatLon in tho vicinity; 5. That although the propoeed uae ie properly or,e for which a conditioneJ uoe ~ormit le authorized by the Zoning Coda, oubjoct mlxed u~~ propnsal la ~t located in a~sduetrian-o.ientad area of the ctty ~euch ae downtnwn Anahelm) ahicl~ would ba better euiied to mixod reaidentinl and coc:unercial uoos, and that the propo~al lo out of ecnle and ~haracter with the surroundinq land uaee tnclu~linq other noarh; apnrtment complaxQrj 6. That the propc~qad u~e wi.ll advQraely nffect the adyoining land usso and tbe yrawth and clevelo~nent uf thR area in which ir. i~ propoA~d to bo locntedp 7. 7hat thQ ~i:a and nhapE of th~ oite for the proponed u~~ le ~ adoquat• to allow tho full devolopme,~ of tha propo~ed uoe in a mrnner not detrimMntal to tho p.~rticular araa nor to the peace, health, uafety, end qonoral woltaroj a~d -2- Wc:92-17 0. T?~at the grantin~ of tho co~iditional uae parmit will be detrimental to the p~ace, health, oafety and general welfare of the citixene of tho City of Anaheim. 9. That although the propoaed mixed uee projeck ia hereby donied, a previuuely-approved variance (No. 3746) woulc9 permit ~onetzuction of a 184-unit reeidenti~l proj~ct wtthout ~he retail portion. ~ 10. That twonty-two (22) pooplo indicated their preeenca at esid pablic hearing in oppoeitioni and that no correepondence wae recelved in oppoeition to the subject patition. ~'IFORN3A FNVIRONMENTRL 9UALITY ACT FINpIDT~t That th~ Anaheim City Planning Commiselon hao raviewod the propoeal to permit a mixed use projact cens~eting o£ a 184-unit, 3- and 4-dtory deck-typa apartment comnlex and ~0,000 e~.ft. of ground floor cummercial uses wlth waivere oi mi.nimum number of parkinq spacee, minimuR~ diBtance botween buildinys and r.equired diat~nce tu elevatore on a rectangularly-Ehaped parcel of larid conelAting of approximately 5.7 acras located aL• the northw9ot corner of Lincoln Avenue and Muller Street, having upproximate frantaqea of 279 teet on the north Aide of Linccln Avenue and 77U feet on the west aide of Muller Street and turther described ae 1925 Weat Lincoln Avanue; and doee hRreby approva a mitiqated Neqative Declaration and adopt the Mitigntion Monitorinq Program puruuant to Section 21081.6 of thR Public Roeour.cee C~do on ths basio that thQ Planning Commieelon hae conoidered the propoeal wlth the mitigeted N~gativc Dec:aratfon end M~nS.toring Proqram, together with any commer.tn receivad during tha puLlic raview procoas and further findi7g, on the basis of the InJ.tial 5tudy, that tF.~re 10 no uuhatantial evidence thaC the project wi:l hav~ a aiqnificant effoct on the envirorunout. N4W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEU that the Anaheim City Planninq Commiseie~~ doe• horaby deny eubject Petition for Conditional Ueo Permie, on the baei~ ot the aforementioned f.indinge. THE FOREGOIt1G Rf.SOLUTION wae adopCed a~c the Planning CommioeSon mcetinq of Pebruary 24, 1992. ~/-~; , ~.G~`z,-~ lr/ ~=~~ ., CtiAIRMAN, ANAFlFIH IT'l PLA IN CONHISSION ATT88Tt 1 i ~ ~ ~' ~' '/ J i % ~_.~ir_~ • S CRET11liY, Ali11HEIM CYTY PLAt~NINt3 CC;tiMIBSJO~: -~- ?C92-17 STATF. OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF 4RANGE ) es. CZTY OF ANAHEIM ) Z, Janet L. Jenflon, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commiesion, do hereby certity that the foreqoing rmoolutlon ~aao paesed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commioeion held on February 24, .1992, by tho following vote o~ the mombere tneraof: AYESs COlfMISSIUNERSt BOUAS, BRISTOL, HELLYE~, HENNINGEK, PERAZA, ZEMEL NOESs COMMISSIONERSs MESSE ABSENTs CUMMI3SIONERSs NONE IN WITNF.SS WNERE~F, I have hereunto eot my hand thie ~~ day of ~ ~ ~ ~ " ;~ , 1992 . ~ - ~~~.. ~ ' i : :1Lf4CL ~ S$'CRETARY, ANAHE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ,~ ~ i i i -4- PC92-1'7