Resolution-PC 92-18,-•- RESOI,UTION NO. PC92-10 A RE50LUTION OF TFiE ANAHEIM CITY PLANPiIIJG COMMISSION 4'HAT FETITION POR CONDITIUNAL USE PERMIT NO. 3~351 BE DENIED WHER~AS, the Anaheim City Planning Cununieeion did recelve u verified Potition for Cond.itional Uae Permit for certain real property eituated in the Cicy of Anaheim, County of Orangc~, State of California, describec; as: A PORTION QF LO'P THIRTY-TWU (37.) OF ANAH~:IM EXTENSION~ A5 SHOWN ON A b1AP QF SURVE:Y MADE BY WILL'IAM HAMEL AND FIL~D FOR RECOAD IN THE OFFICE Or TFiE COUN:Y RCCORDE~t OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFpRNIA, MORE PARTTCULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNIIQG AT THE INTERSEC'tION OF THE EAST LINE OF WALNUT STRFF.T WZTii THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SANTA ANA STREET AS SAID STRF:ET5 ARE SHOWN ON SAID MAP; THENCE NOATHEASTERLY 83.01 F'EET ALONG Tt1E NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 32 TO THE ;NT6RSECTION WITH THE SOUTFIWESTF.RLY LINE OF MANCHESTCR AOULF.VARD FORldERLY THE 100-FOOT ~:IGHT OF WAY OF THE SOUTHERIi PACTFIC RAILWAY; THEt1CE SOUTHE:ASTERI,Y ALONG 3AID 80ULEVARD 432.44 FEET TO A POINT; THENC£ SOUTHWESTER'LY 376.16 FEET ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE NOR'PtiERLY LINE O~ LOT 31. TO A POINT SN THE WEST LINE OF SAID LO'P WFiICH I5 404.99 FEET SOUTh OF TFIE POIClT OF BEGIt!l12NG; TtiENCE NORTFi ALONG TFIE WEST LIIJE OF SAID LOT 32 TO THE POINT OF DEGIP7NING. E}(CEPTINC THERFFROM. THE 4iEST 6.25 FE6T A5 CONVEYED TO THE CITY OC A1IAFIEIDI FOP. THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING THF. FAST Ot7E-HALF' (1/2) OF Wr1LNUT STREET 6Y UF.ED RECORDED cF,EItUARY 1ST, 1910 TN BOOK 177, PACSE 35 OF DGE:DS. ALSO EXCCPT THAT PORTIOt~ TNEkEOF LYItIG ttORTNERLY OF A LIfIE PARA.f.LEI. WITH AtlD UISTANT 3d.75 FEE'f SOUTt~ERLY FRO:•l TtiE MOf1UMEtiT~D CEN'fER LINE ~iF WBST SAt7i'A At7A STREET CQfJVEY£D 'f0 TNE CITY OF Ai~AHBIM, A MUt~ICIPAL COAPOPI1TIOt1, FOR THF. WIC~tiiliG OF WES'P SAt:TA ANA S'fREET, DY UEtiD RECOADED RPRI!. 14, 1939, BOOK 988, p~CE d83 OF OFFICIAL RECOR~S. e`.1 ~ ~~ r Wt1EREAS, the City Planniny Commieaion diA h•~ld a pub)ic hearsng nt thQ Civtc Canter in tho City pf Anaheim on Octobor 'l, 1991 at 1s30 ~.m., notice of anid ~ublic he~rin, iiaving been duly given aA requirRd by lnw nnd in acc~+rdancQ with ehe proviolone cf the Anahein Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, r.o hoar and conei~tc~r oviannca~ for and ~qainnt said proposed conditional ~~se ;,ermit a~d to invaetiy:.itu nnA m3ke ftndtnyn and r~comsuendations ln co~noction therc;~ritt~; an:l that eaid public hcaring wan continued to thc~ Novemyar 18, 1491, .lanuary 17 ~n:f fic~br~ary 2z, 1952 Planning Commienlan meotings; and cpia2eMs -i- PC92-1C WHEREAS, said Commienion, aftor due inepoction, i.nvootigation anr] atudy made by itsalf and in its bohalf, and aftor dua corieider~l•ion of all avi~ence and reports offered at aaid hearing, dues find and deter.mine th~ follow.ing factas 1. That the propo~ed uee ie pr~porly one for which a conditional use permit ie autY~o~ized by Anaheim Municipal Co3e Soctions 1II.03.030.010,,, and :18.61.05U.5'16 to retain an auto ropair, towing and dismAntllnq faci.lity {including the sturaqe and retail sale of uaed auto parte) and a tampuxary office tra~lRr. with waiver of the following: (Ay SECTIONS 18.06.030 - Reaulred imorovemont of~arkina and o~~door and~8;G3.066.050 otorA~e aroa. (F!~11 aavement required= comnacted cruehed r.ack trs atm~t pro~osad) (B) S c:~TIODiS 19.6~63.011 - Minimum otruc*.ural er.>tbac a. ond 18.61.063,020 ;Re~uired: 50 fRet from artorial hiyhways, and 16 to 24 feet from single-family residential zoning; Frapoeed: 0 to 5 SPet from Manchegt•er Avenue to bu.ilding~, canopy and L•raeh enclosure, 0 to 3£ee~ from Walnut 5traet to buildinge snd trt~elt enclosure, and ee from south property l~ne to p.ropoeed building and csnopy) (C) ~CTION - keauired :mvroveme~t of c~etbac ~r~e. (Landecaaing of minimum eetback ar~an r.eguiredj non@ propoeed) 2. That auff icient environmontsl do:un~antation wao not 9ubmitteQ to properly evaluate Cali fornla Er~vironrt~ontal Quality Act findlnqa and no aclditional t~etimany was receivcsd during the public hearinq to ~rovide otherwiae; 3. Ttiat waLver.e (A), (~) and (C) are hereby denied because the petLtioner did not identity nny harashipsj 4. ^_'hat there are no special cir.r.vmstancts applicable to the proporty nuch aa :~:ze, ehapu, toooyraphy, location or. ourroundinge, which do not n~pl}~ to other identically zoned properl•iea in the vicinityj 5. That eCrfct appllcation af. the Zoning Code doog not deprlvs the property of privilages enjoyed by othex prnportioe under identLc31 zonit:y clog~tfication in tho vicinityp 6. Tbe propoeed u:aeo are pronar7.y onu for which a conditio..al una pormit le authori~ed by Che Zaning Code, and thae certain us@n uro not =Luted therein ae boinq a pcer.miC*.c~cf ueof -2- PC92-la 7. The proposed usa will adversely affect the adjoininy land uaes and thQ growth and development of the area in which it ie propoeacl to be locatedj 8. Thal: the sizo :ind nhape of the aite for the proposed uAo (auto dtemantlin9 arni sal~s of ut~c~d auto parte plus expaneion oE the exieting auto repair and iinpcund facility) is not adequate to allow the full devalopmont of. the pr~poeed uae in a manner not dotrimental to the particular area nor. to L•he peace, health, safety, arid yeneral welfare of the citizens of thg City oE Anaheim; 9. 'rhat the increase3 tra£fLc: generated by the propooed intenaification of use will impose an ~~~due burden upon the etreete and highwaye deyigneci and improved to cnrry the trafEic in the arear and 10. That previoue ?lanning Comminsion apNrovale pertaining to subject property wer~ made with the underetanding that auto diamantling would nnt occur on aubjQCt pruperty; and 11. That the granting of the conditional ues pe ,it would be detrimental to the peace, health, P3fBty and garieral welfare of chc~ citiz~n~ of the City of Anaheim becauoe of thQ proxi.mity to a eingle-family residsntial neiahborhood. 12. That no one indl.cated their prosence at eaid public hoaring in opposition; and that no correapondence wa~ receivod in opposition to the subSect petition. r,AI.IFORf1IA ENVZgONMENTAL~_UA~TY ,ACT FI[~DT~ICy: That the Anahelm City Pla:~ninq Commiouion hao zeviewed the pr.op~eal to retai.n an auto repair, towing and didmantling facility (including the storago and ret.:il salc~ of uaed auto parts) and a L•emporary office Crailer with waivers of required improvement of parking and outdoor etorage ar~a, minimum atructural eotbnck and reguired improvement of eotback azeas on an irrQgularly-ahaped parceL of land conststing of e~pr.oximately 2.1 ucres located at tlio ao~tho:est corneL of Mancheater Avenue and Santn Ana Strc+etf having appro;cimat.e frontages of 420 feet on the west sid~ of Manchester F+venue, 90 fpet on the sauth eide of Snnt~ Ana Street and 390 ±eot on the east sido nf 4valnut Street and furelie~ referred to se 521-521 South Martch~nter AvenuQ and 5U0-520 South Walnur. SL•reet; a~~d doee hereby deny a mit!gatad Negative Der,lar.ation ~n the basir~ that r.ho Planning CommieAion hee conuiderod the propoa~l with the mitigated Ney~tive Declaration and tlonitoring Proqram, togoCher with any r.omm~nto received clurinq tt!e pablic revi~w proceae and lurther ftn~ing, on ttie baaie of the Inttial Study, that thoro is aubstanCial evi~iencv that tho project wi21 hav~ a~ignificant Rffect on the ssnvironment. NOW, THEREFORE, 6E TT RESOLVED thnt the Anahc~im Clty Planning .^_o:nmiasion doefl hereby deny subject Petition for Conrlitional Uee Pormit, on the beais af th3 aforementioned finding~s. -3_ ?C92-1S ~ 7HE FURGGOING RESOLUTiON wae adopted at tho Planning Commis~ion i meetinq of February ?.4, 1492. , , ~ ~~, ~~~1 ~~_-~-~= ,~ CHAIRMAN~ APIAHEIMi TT PL NIN COMMISSION i ATTEST: ' _~'_4L'_~~ ~S . /Y ~~li2.r.a.~ SECRETARY, F.NAHEIDS CITY PLANNII4G COMMISSION ~ ; t STATC OE CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ea. ; CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Flarris, Secrot3ry of the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion, do horeby certify that the forogoing roeolution waa paseed a~d adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion held on February 2A, 1992, Uy iche £ollooiing vote uf the membere thoreof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL, HsI,1.YER, HGNNINGER, MESSF PEP.AZA, ZEMEL NOES: CQMMISSIOIIER5: NONE ABSCNT: COMMISSIOttFRSs NQNE IN +lI'PNESS WHEREOF', i have herounto 1 set my hund •thin ~~~. d8Y ~ of ~~_, 1992. ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~~ ~/7-~"-'v~-.-~. , ~ ~ SECRETARY~ ANANEIM CITY Pi.ANNTNG COMMISSION -G- PC92-18