Resolution-PC 92-19R ,SOLUTI0~1 NO. PC9 -1~3 A RESOLUTZON OF THE ANAHEIbf CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDI'PIONAL USE YEItMIT NO. 3493 £E GRANTED WHEREAS, tha Anaheim City Planning Cammiesion did receive a verified Potition for Condir.ional Use P~rmit foz cer.tain raal property aituatod in i:he City of Anaheim, County of orange, State of CaliEornia, doecrib~d as: PARCEL 1: THE WESTERLY 5.0~ ACRrS OF THAT PORT?ON OF SECTI019 23, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, P.ANGP 11 WEST, IN THE RANCHO LOS CGYOTES, CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORIINGC, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE(S) 11 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS~ IN T[iE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAIU GOUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNIDIG AT A POIN'P ON T:iE NORTti LIIVE OF SAID SECTION EAST 1161.92 C'1'sET FROM THE NORTHWEST CURNGR THERGVF; THENCE GAST 429.74 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE; THEN~L SUUTH 0° 09' 00" WEST 137..1.00 FGET; THENCE; WEST 83.90 FEET PARALLEL WITH THE NOR'fH LINE O1~ SAID SECTION T~ THE NORT[{ERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OP THB PACIFIC ELBCTRIC RAIL4:AY; THENCE NOkTHWESTERLY. 432.26 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE) THENCE NOATH 0° 08' QO" EAST 106U.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIIJNING. PARCEL 2: 'fFIAT PORTION OF SECTION 23, TOWN^uHIP 4 SOUTH, RANG~: 11 WEST, IN THE P.ANCHO LOS COYOTFS, CI4'Y OF ANAHCIld, COU[7TY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIk'ORNIA, AS PER MAP RECQROGO IN BO~~K 51, PAGE(S) 11 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, 7N THE OFFICE OF THE COUN9'Y RF.CORDGR OF SAID COUNTY, p~,S~RIBED AS I'OLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT UN THE N7RTH LINE OF SAID SECTION EAST 663.12 FEET FAOM T[iE NORT:~iWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE LAS'f 498.80 FEGT A~ONG THG NORTH LIfIE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTFI 0° 08' QO" WEST 1060.93 FEET TO THE t70RTtiERLY LINE OF THE LOS ANGELES SNTER-URBAN ri}1rLWAY COMPANY'S RIGHT OF WAY; 'THENCE NORTHf9G5TERLY 623.25 FEET ALONG S~ID RIGHT OF WAY LINB•, THENCF. NORTH 0° 07' 00" EAST 685.79 FEET TO THE FOINT OF BEG?NNING. ~XCEPT 'CkIAT FOriTION TH£REOF ~RSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CR1429MS -1- PC92-19 BEGINNTNG AT A POINT ON THG NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION EASTERLY 663.12 FEET FROM THG NORTHWEST CORNEk OF SECTION; THENCE EAS1'ERLY 238.10 FEET ALON~ SAID NORTH LINEj THENCE SOUTHERLY 864.75 FE~T PAR}1LI,EL WITH THE WGST LINE nr TE:E ~AST HALF OF TEIE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TEiE NORTFiWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE~ OF TH~ RIGHT OF WAY OF THE PACIPIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY- THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 297.35 FEET ALONG SAID NURTHEASTERL~Y RIGHT OF WAY LINE TO THE WEST LING OF SAID EAST HRLF'; TFIENCE NORTHERLY 685.75 FEET ALONG SAID WEST LTNE TO THE PUINT OF B~GINNTNG. EXCEPTING FROM THE ABOVE 2 PARCELS THOSE PORTIONS D~SCRIBED AS FOLI.OWS: BEG=NNING AT THE PGINT OF INTERSECTTUN OF THE NORTHERI~Y PROLONGATION OF TF1E WESTERL'Y LINE OF TRACT 2833 AS SAID TRACT IS RECOFtDED IN BOOK 85, PAGES 7 AND 8 OF MTSCELLANEOU5 MAPS, RECORDS OP ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA AND TttE MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OF BALL ROAD SAID CENTERLINE ALSO BEINC THE NORTHERT.Y LINE OF SAID SECTIG~~ 27f THENCE 50UTH 0° 14' 3~" WGST, 53.00 FEE'P ALUNG SAID WESTERLY LTNB AND ITS NORTHERLY PROLONCATION OF TRACT 2833, TO A POINTs THENCE SOUTH 09° 37' 25" WEST, 34.56 FEET, PARALLEL TO RNQ 53.00 F'EFT 50U1HGRLY,A S MEASURGU AT R7GHT ANGLES, FRJM SAID CENTERLIN.•^. OF BALL ROAU, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGTNNING; THENCE, CUNTTNUING SOUTH 89° 37' 2:" WEST, ALONG SAIU LINR PARALI.EL TO THE CENTEALINE OF' BAL~L ROAD, 170.04 FEET TO A PQINT; THENCE SOC)TH U° 14' 35" L;AST, 140.30 FEL~:' TO A P07NTj THENCE NORTH 89° 37' 27" WEST, ALONG SA2.~. LINE: PAFiALLEL TO THE CF.NTERLINE OI' BALL ROAD, 170.04 FEET TO A POINTf THENCE SOUTH 0° 14' 35" EAST, 140.30 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N~RTIi 89° 37' 25" EAST, 17U.04 FEET TO A POINT) THENCE NORTH 0° 14' 35" S~1}sS'T; 140.30 F~ET TO TFIE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNZNC. ALSO EXCEPTTNG FROM THE AHOVE 2 PARCELS THAT FORTIAPIS DE°CR78ED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNiNG AT TFIE NORTHWEST CURNER OF LOT 7fi OF TRACT 2833, IN SAID CITY, C7UN'~Y AND STATE, AS SHOWN ON A MAF RECORDED IN BOOK 85, PAGES 7 AND 8 OF SRID FITSCELLANEOUS AfAPS; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 76, SOUTH 0° 08' 00" W~ST, 3.00 FCET TU THE SOU'CH LINE OF THE NORTH 53.00 FEET OF SID SECTIONf TNENCE WEST ALC'; SAID SOUTH L,INE 249.44 FECT TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIt~NING: THENCE SOUTH 0° 02' ~3" WF:ST, 258.13 FEET= THEC7CE SOUTH 69° 55' 48" WES'~, 17A.51 I'EET; 'fE9ENCF: NOR;H 0° 09' 07" EAST, 25$.34 FEET; THEPJCE EAST 174.01 FE3T TO TfIE TRUF. POINT OF BEGINf1ING. -2- PC92-19 wHEREAS, the C.t~y Planniny Commiesion did hol~ a public hearing at the Civic Centar in the City of Anaheim on Fobruary 24, 1y92, at 1:30 p.m., natica of suid public hearing having been duly given ae zequired by law and in accordance with tlie prcvieiona of tho Anuheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and r,onaider evidence for and ~gainat eaid proposod conditional uee permit an~ to lnvestigate and make findinga and recommandations in connection *_horawitti; and WI-iERCAS, eaid Commission, after ciue inepection, inv~etigation and stuc~y mac!e by itse.lf anci in its behelf, and a£ter dua consideration o£ all evidence and reports offered at eaid hearing, does find and determine the following facte: 1. That the pr.oposed use is properly one for. wh.Lch a conditional u~e F9rmi,t is authorizAd by Anaheim Municipal Code Sections and 19~44.050.170 to permit a mobile medical unit (trailez) wlth wai~~er o£ the followi~g under authority of Code Section 18.i16.060: 56c"TIONS - t~inimum number o~ narkin~apacea. 18.0~50.0 67 (955 required; ~92 pr.~opoeed) and 2. That a rarking study f.or the propoeal (coneioting of a mobile rtiodical unit ~trailer~ in conjunction with an oxieting hospital facil.ity) was prepared by the potitioner and approved by :he City Traffic and Trt~neportstion Manager f 3. That the parking varianca will nor cause an incroaee in traffic congeotion in the immediate vicinity nor advereely af£ec.t any adjoining land uaes; 4. That the 9ranting o£ the parking variance under the conditions impoaed will not be detr.imental to the peace, health, eafety or general welfare of t~~e citizens of the City of Anahoim; 5. That the propoaed uae is properly one for which a conditional une permit is authorized by the Zoning Code, or that eaid use ie not lieted theroin ag being a permitte9 uaei 6. That the propoeal is h~reby approved for a peri.od of two (2) peare until February 24, 1994, for the purpoee of detormininq whether there have Y1G'P,:1 any problems caused by noise, hours of operation for the traller delivery and pick-up, and 'craEfic circulation; und, if there have been no problem~, that extensinns of time may be requested by tho petitionort 7. Thar, tha proposal will not adversely affoct the adjoir.ing land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it 18 prupose3 to L^r~ located becausa the unit wil.l be located a minimum o£ 100 feet from the eacterly RS-72G0•zoned prop~rty line and 260 feet from the weeterly pS-5000•zoned property line; and, additionally, that the oxisting gen~ratore will be replacad by undei•grc~ir.d utllity aervice thereby mitigat•ing any noise imgact; -3- PC92-19 S. Thnt tho aize and ehape of the sita ior the proposed uae+ iia adoquate to allow the full develoi~mant of the proposed ufle in a munnar not aetrimental to tha particuLar aron nor to the peace, health, oaf~ty, anc9 general wel£are= 9. That the traffic generated by ~he proposed use will not: impose an undue Guxden upon the etreote and highwuys designed ~~nd improv~d to carry the traffic in tho nrea= und 10. Thnt the granting of the condiL•ional uae permit undor th~ canditions imposed, if any, will not bc~ detrimental to the peace, he~lth, eafety and yeneral welfare of the citizene of tho Gity of A~iaheim. 11. That £our (h) peuple ladicated their presence at said public heari.ng in oppos'~' n; and that no correspondence was rec~ived in oppos.i.tian to the eubject poL-iti~n. CALIFORNIA ENVTROIQMENTAL OUALITY ACT_FINDING: That the Ansh~aim city Planning Commi~ssion h~~ reviewed tho pro~oaal to permit a mobile medical unit (trailer) with wa~ver. of minimum numU9z of parking spacea on an irregularly shaped parcol of land consifltic~g af approximately 7.69 acr~ea, having a frontage of approximataly 69 L•eet on the south side of Ball Road, having a maximum depth of. approximately 7.,130 feet, being located approximately 1,068 teet aaat of thp c~iiterlino ~f Knott Street and f.urther deecribed ~a 3350 Wost Ball Road; ana doea hereby epprove the Negative Declt~ration upon finding that it has coneidered the Negative Aeclaration together with any commente receivad duxing the public review procesa and further E~.nding an the baeie that the initial atudy and any commente received that thete ia no oubetantial evidence that the project will havo a eignificant offect oit th~ erivironment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plar~ning Commiseion does hereby grant subject Peti.tion S•or Conditi.unal Uae Pormit, upon the following conditione which are hereby found to be a neceasary prerequieito to tha proposed use of the eubjoc~ Nroperty in order tr preoerve the safety and general welEare of the Cltizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the mobile medical unit (trailer) ahall be Fowered by an underground-connect~d ele~tric power source, and shall ~~ot be powered by tho existing gonerator. 2. That withiz a period of thirty (30) daye from L•he date of thia rosolutior~, the pad for the mobilo medical unit and all vohicular and pedeekrian acce3e leading to it ahall be paved in cunformance with City etan~arde~ and, further, thut tFo pad to~ the mobil~ medical uni+: ahall be relocated to the center of tha property at the edge of the exietir~g pav.tng. 3. Tha*. delive.ry of the mobile madical unit shall not tnke place oarlier than 7:00 a.m., and that removal of the •s~:it ehal.l not take place lr.ter than 7:~0 p.m. -4- PC92-19 4. • That aLl air cunditioning f~cilitiee and other roof and gr.ound mou~ited equiprent ahall be rropor.~y Rhieldod from view and the oound buffered from adjacent rc~aidentisl propertias. 5. 'Phat op~ratio~ of the mobile medical unit phall be limited to two (2) daye per week. 6. xhat ttie air conditionir.g unit ahall be baffled immediately to the maximum ~xtent poeeible. 7. That aubjact property ehall be devulopsd subetantially in accordance with pl~na and epectficationA submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner nn~] which plane ~r~ on file with the Planning Uepartm~nt marked of Exhibit N~e. 1 and 2. 8. That ~rior to ~ommencemonC of tbe Activitiy authorized by thio r.ea~lutton, Condition Nos. 1, 4, 6 an~ 7, ab.~ve mentioned, shall be complied witli. 9. That eaid conditional use permit le h~reby grantod for a period of two (2) ~ ya~rs and ehall terminate on Februnry 24, 1994. i0." That approval of t'r.la npplir.ation conatitutes approval of the propoeed requeet only tu the extent that it compliea with thQ Anaheim Municipal ~ansng Code an~ any other a~pliceble City, State and Federal regulati.ons. Approval doos not includo any action or findinge ae to compliance nr approval of the request regardinq any other applicable ordinance, reg~lation or requ;rQmenr.. Conditione marked with an ~eteriek (") n~~ required by eetabliat~ed lawo, codea, regulatione and agreemente and are, there:ore, not aubject to neyotiation. aE iT FURTNER RF.SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commiesion doeg hnreby find and determine that adoption of thie Resolution Le expreBely predicated upon applicant'e compl.lanca with each anC all of the conditione herefnabave edt forth. Should any euch cond.ition, or any oart thoroot, be declargd invalid or ungnforr~able by the final judgmont of any court oE cempetenr. jurigdiction, then tnin Ranolutian, and any appr.ovale here~n contained, ahall be deemed null and ~oid. TN~ FOAECOtttr, RE5oLU210t~,,wa adopCed at the 'lannin Com~iyeior meQtir.g o: February 24; 1392. i! ^CC,' •i . ,~C t-rL lL" ' C}~plF~inti, ApANE CI:Y 1,nt~. ttG COMMIS5T~N A'I'2LST: ~ ~ (~-~J ~ CG (,' ~•,G~ SECP£2ARY, At1AHF.tM CITY PL.At!!iItiC COMtiISSI0t1 -S- PC92~i9 STATC OP CALIFORI~IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) so. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Socretary of tho Anaheim City Planning ; Commia~ion, do horeby certi.f.y that the fore~oing resolution wae paesed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plann.'ny Commise).cn held on February 24, 1992, by the following votQ of *_he membere therquP: AYESs COMMI5SIOhERSs BOUA5, BRISTOL, HELLYER, HENNINGCR, MESSE, ! PERAZA, ZEMEL ~ NUES: COMMISSIO:~CRSt NONF. AOSENTs COMtdISSIONERSs t10NF . IN WITt~ESS WHF.REOF, I have hereunto set my h: nc~l thie ~~~R da~• of ~ , 1992. ~ ~l 7 ~L-~,.-.~, ._ SEC2ETARY, ANAHE;H CITY PLANNINO COMM233ION -5- PC92-19