Resolution-PC 92-21FtE50LL~TIUN NO. PC52-?.1 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHF.IM CITY PT~ANN7NG GOMMISSTCJN TF1A: PETITIOPI FOR c'ONDSTYONAL USE P~12MIT N~J, 3491 E!8 GRI~NTEr WtiERFAS, the Anahei.m City Planninq Commiasi~n d.id rECQlve a verifisd Petition for c;onditianal Uae PermiL• f'or c•artctin real pro~ezty si~:u~~ed in the City of Anaheim, Gounty of orange, State af Cali.Fornia, CiC~347C-h0c~. tlBS PARCET.~ 1: PARCr~LS A AND B, IN THE CITY QF AtrF.HEI!•1, COUNTX OF OFtANGE, STATE OE~ CILIFGRIlIA, AS SHO~IP~ ON 1~ PARCET, MA FILED IN 800K 48 FAGE 1 OF PARCBI~ MF,I"9, TtJ THE OFFSCE OF THE COUNTY RECDRDER OP SAID CQUNTY. PARCEL 2: THE SOUTHERLY 3.00 FERT OI? TH~,T PORT;:~~N OF' LOT 1~ TRACT NO. 3~91, IN THE CITY ~F ANAHEIM, ~':uC~":.'X OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNxA, AS PCR NAP RECORJCC l.N BOOK 92 PAG~S 48 AND 49 OF MISCELLANEUUS MAPS, _*~ "iHF. OFFICE OF TS?E COUNTY ?2ECURDF.R nF SAID C~.~:7TY, DESCRIBCD AS FOLLOWS: 9EGINNING AT THF. SOUTHEA.`iT CQRNER OF SAID :.~T 7~ THENCE NORTii 00° 37' 00" EAST 150.U0 FEET A~Lnr~G THG EAST LINE Or LJT 7~O AN ANGLE POSriT IN 1HL EASTi:R:.Y LIIJE OF SAID L~JT, SAIU POSNT BEING 7HF. SO~JTHEAST CORNER OF TFiE LAPiD DESCRTBED INA DEED TO THE FiEFFNER MFOICAL BUILDTNG IN., THBNCE SOUTH A9° 56' 5rt" h'EST 215.00 FEET ALUPfG TfiE SOUTHaRLl' LINS OF 9AID LAND OF' ElEFFNER MEDICAL BUILDING INC., AND ITS NESTERL: PROI.ONGATION, SEING AL~O E~ARP.iLEL WIxTj THE Sr,UTE;ERLY LINE OF SAID LOTJ THBNCE SOUTH 0~° 37' 00" WES'f 1a0,00 FEET PARALI.EL W£TH THE GAST LINE OF SAlD ~OT TO A YJIMT ON THE ~4UTH LINE TO :HE F07NT Or FiEGINNING. S:~TD L1PID ID DELINSATEG ON A MAP PILEU IN BOOK 46 PAG£ 1 OF PAkCGL MAPS, Ifl THE OFsIGE OF 'fHE c:OUNTY RECORDER UF SRTD ~:OUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Co~nmisaton did hold n public haariny at th~ Civic Center in the City of Ar.Aheira on February 2h, 1992. at 1:3C p.m., natice of said public hearing having been duly glven ne require3 by laor and in accordance with the provioiona of thc~ Ar.aheim Dtunicipal Code, Chaptar 18.03, t~ hoar and consider evideeice for and againc~t eaicl proposed conditLonal use parnilt and to ir.•:eetigate and mako findinge an9 recomma~idati.enA i~ connection therewith; and WHEREAS, etudy made by itaolf ovidence and reporta fallowin~~ facts: auid Corcartiosion, after d~e insper,tion, invsstlqation and ar.d in ite behAlf, and after due coneideration af all off~red at said hearing, doe~ find and deterrnine the CA.1431D1S -1- PC92-21 1. That the propoeed uso la proporly one for which a conditional use par.•mi.t ie authorl~od by Anaheim Munici~al Code Section to permit a somi-enclosed reetaurant and children'e play area with walver of ttie following unde.r authority of Code Section 18.06.080: SEC~70NS 18.06.~50.0233 - Minimum n+~mber of narkina epacos. and 18.4 .g o56_~05~ (8? requiredj 48 propoaed) 2. Ttiat the parking variance will not cauo~ an incrense in tra£fic conger3t~on ln tho immediate viciiiity nur adversely affect any adJoinin9 land usen; 3. That the granting af the parking varia~~ce under the con3ition~ imrns~d w~l~ not be detrimental t~ the peace, hoalth, oafsty or general. welf.are of the citizene of tho City of Anaheim; d. Tha•~ the proposed uao is properly one for whiah a condit.~onal use oermit ie authorizod lly the Zoning Code, and that eubject aite ie currently developed with a drive-through fast•-food restaurant and tho ~roposed outdoor fleatinc• and children's play ~reas are an appr.opriate extenaion of eaid exieting uae; - 5. That the proposed uae wi21 not Adversoly affect the adjoir.ing land uaes ind the growth and developmont of the area in which it io pruposed to be located; 6. That the size ancl ehape of the aite Por tha propoaed use is adequate to a11ow the full development 4f the gropoeed uee in a manner not dotrime~ir.al to tho partioul.ar aroa nor to tlie peac~ health, aafety, and ganeral we.'_fare; 7. That the trafflc goneratod by the nro~+oeed uee will not imposs an undue burden upon the stLeote and highwuys desi~ned and improvo to carry the ~raffic in the arHaJ and B. That the granti.nq of the conditi~nal use pRrmit unrl~r the conditiuns impos~d will not be dotrimental to the peace, liealth, sn`~tY and genezal wolfare of the citizene of the City of Anaheim. 9. That no one indieated their proaence at said publ.ic heariny in ~~pposition; and that no ccr.reepondence was roceived in op~osition to ttie subjec~. peti.tio[1. CA ~FO~t_P7IA ENVIRONMENTAI, OUALXT~ ACT ~I._ND.~,NC: That the Anaheim City Planr.ing Commiosi.on has reviewed L•he proposal to permit a semi-enclos~d restaurac~L• and children's play area with waiver of mir.im~~m numbor of parking epac~s on a recr.angularly shapad parcel of land conof.stin9 of approx±mately 0.74 acre, having an approximatQ frontago of 215 feet on thQ narth eido of Hall Road, having a maxinium depth of approximately 150 feet, being located approximately 150 feat west of ths conterline of Gilbert Stre~t and further described aa 2417. West Hall RoSd; and does hereby approve the Neqative -2- PC92-21 Declaration upon findir.g that it has c~neiderFd the Ne~ative Declaration togethez with any commonts received during the public reviaw procees and further. finding on the baeio that the initial study and any conunents received that therA ia no aubstantial evidenae that the pro~ect wlll havo u eignifirant o££ect oci tho environment. NOW, THFREFORE, BE IT R~SOLV£D that the Anaheim City Planning Commieeion does her~by grant Aubject Potiti~n for C~nditional Ue~ Perrnit, upon the following conditiona which are hereby found t~ be a~.eceseary prHrequioite to the propoaod use of tho eubject prupertiy in order to preaerve tho esfety znd ganersl welfare of ihe Citizens of the City of Anaheims 1. That a Plan SYieet for so.lid w<lste storaye and colloction and a plan for recyr.ling ohall be submitted to the Uepartment of Maintenanco for r~view and approval. 2. ~ That the propooal eha11 comply with all eigning requin•ementa of the CL Commercia.l, Limited" Zone unleas a varianao allowing ~ign waivers is aggroved by the City Council, Planning Commieaion or Zoning Adminietratcr, and exr,opt ae otherwise limited by ConZition N~. 3, below. ~ 3. That aiiy propoeed f.reegt~nding sign on subject p~operty ohall bo a munument-type not exceedinq eight (0) foet in hoight and aha].1 bo eubject to the review and approval of. the C.ity Traffic and Transport~atinn Manager t~ determine adequate linRS-of-sight. 4, * ThaL• tho o.i-site landscaping and ir.rigation syptem shull be mainCained in compliance with City standarda. 5. That su~ject property shall b~ developed aubetantially in accordance with plana and epecificatione eubmittdd to the City of .'.•Snaheim b~ the petitioner and ~~ihich plans are on file with the Planning Capartment markQd Sxhibtt Noa. 1 through 4. 6. That prior Co iesuar.ce of a buildiug permit ~r within a period ~f one (~) year from the date ef this resolution, whiche•rer occur.~ first, Condition No. 1, abovo-mentioned, ahall be complied with. Extenaions for further time ~u complete said conditi~ns may bo yranted in accordance wxth Section 18.03.n9J of the Anahaim Municipal Code. 7, That prtor Co final buil3ing and zoni.ng inRpect~ons, Condition No. 5, above-mentionec, ~hall re complied with. 8. " That approval of tllie application constitutea approval of tho pronoged request only to tho extent that lt complle~ wLt.h the Anaheim Municipal 2oning Code And any other applicable City, stat~ .-nd Federal regulatiane. Approval doea not include any action or fin~inga as to compliance or approval Af the request regarding any oth~a:: applicablo ordinance, requlatian ar requirement. Condition~ marked with an asteri.uY. (*) are required by Qatablished la~a~, co~es, regulatione and agreaments and are, thorefore, not ~ubject to ne9otiation. ..3_ PC92-21 B~ IT FURTHER RGSOLVED that the Anah4im Cit,y P].anning Commiosion doee Yiereby find and determine that• adoption of this Resolution ie expreaely prodicated ugon applic~nt'e complinnce with oach and all af the conditione hareinabov~ aet forth. Shou~d any ~uch condition, or any part thereaf, be declared invalid or. unenforcQable by the f.inal judgment o£ any court oP competent jurisd.iction, then thia ResoZution, and any approvals herain contained, stiall be doomed null and void. THE FOAEGOING RESOLUTION wae adopted at the Planning Commise~on mdeting oY Febzuary 24, 1992. ~"? , %f 0 .T~ .-z l~~ .E: E~ 2, CHAIRMAN~ ANAHEIM C TY P NNIN C:OMMI55ION ATTEST: /J • rJY , ~ r~ ' ' r!~(/1/!<~ SF.CRETARY, RNAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMidISSION STATE OF CALIFOF:NIA ) COUNTY OF OFtANGE ) as. CITY OF AIJAHEIM ) I, Gdith L. Harris, Secretary of ttie Anr,heim City P~nnning Commi.sai.on, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wae paaeed and adopted at a mesting of the Anaheim City Planning Commiaeion held on February 24, 1992, by the following vote o£ the membere thereof: AYES: COMMISSInNERS: DOUAS, BRISTOL, HELLYER, HENNINC,ER, DSGSSC~ PERAZA, ZCMEL NOES: COMMYSSIONERSt NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NOIvE IN WITNESS WFiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thia ~~ day of . ~~1`(~. , 1992 . _ Gv Gl~itL '~-+ SECF2ETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSYON -~i- PC92-21