Resolution-PC 92-22RESOLUTI(~~l I40. PC92-22 A RES~LZ]TION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COASMISSION TIiAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIF7CATION NO. 91-92-11 BP GRADiTED, UNCONDITTONALLY WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Plan~ing Comm+.ssion did receivo a v6rified petition for ReclassiEicatian for real property eikuatod in the City of Anahoim, County of Orange, State of CaliPnrnia, deecribed as followos PARCEL 1, IN THE CITY OF ANAH~IM, COUNTY. OF ORANGE, STATE OF CA'LTFORNIA~ AS SHOWN ON A PARCEL MAP FlLED IN BOOK 39, PAGE 42 OT' PAP.CE'f, MAPS, IN THR OEFICE OF TH~ COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. NHEREAS, the city Planning Commieeion did hold a public hearin,q at the Civic Center in the City of Anahaim on Februa~:y 24, 1992 at 1:30 p.m., notice of eaid public hearing having been duly givon a~ requi.red by law and in accordance with the pzovisione of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conoider evidence for and against ~aid prapoeed reclaaeification end t~ investigate and make finding3 and recommendations in connoction therowith; and WHEREAS, said Commiasion, aft~r clue inepection, i.nveatigation and etudy made by iteelf and in its behal£, and after due considorati~n of all evidence and reporte offered at eaid heazing, doas f-ind uncl detormine tho following facte: 1. That• the petiti.oner propoeea reclaseification of subjoct propezty from the RS-A-43,000 (keoide~itial/Agx~iculture) Eone to the ML (Induetrial, Limited) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan deaignatea euUjecl; property for Cenoral Industrial lar~d usea. 3. That the requeoted reclasRifica.tion is in conformance with the C.ity'~ Gen~ral Plan. 4. That- Condition No. 16 oE Resaiution No. 91R-17 (approving resvision ta Conditional Uep Pormit No. 1215) requirea the reclaseification to the ML zone. 5. That tha proposed reclaseificstion of aubject property is neceeeary and/or desirable for the orderly and propor clevelopment o£ the community. 6. 'Chat the proposad reclaesif'ca~ion of aubject property doee properly relate ~o the zonas and their permitted uses locally eatablie}ied in cloee proximity to aub~ect property and to the zones and their perrni.tted usee aenerally establiehed throughout the community. CR1432MS -1- PC92-22 7. That no one ir.dicated their prosenr.e at said publia hearitig in opponit.S.on; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to aub~ect patitiun. CALIFORNTA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anahei.m L'ity Plan.i.tng Commission haa reviewed the propoeal to reclassify eubject property from the RS-A-43,000 (Reaidential/Agriculturo) Zor~o !:o the ML (Ind~ietrial, Limited) Zone on a rectan9ularly-shaped parcel of land conairtting o# ap,proxj.mately 5.S acces, having a irontago o~ approximately 470 feet on tho uc~uth aide ~P Carpentor Avenue, }iaving a maximum depth of appr~ximate.ly 450 foet, being J.ocated approximately £i0 feet east of the centerline oE Shepard Street and further clascr.Lbed as 3200 F:set Carpenter Avenue; and does h9reby approve the NQga*_ive Oeclaration upon finding that it hae coneidered the 'legative Dec.Laratio n together with any commente received during tho public review pr~cpge an~l f urther finding ~n the baeib that the initiai etudy and any c.~ommenta •recei_vod t hat there ia ne o~abstantial avidence that the project wi1L liave a si9ni£icant effect on thu er~vironment. NOW, THGREFURE, BE IT RESOLVED that the .4nuheim City Planning Commisaion doea he reUy approve the subject Petitton for Reclassificatlon to authoriza an amendn~enti to tY.o Zoriinq Map of the Anaheim Municipal Code to exclude the above -dec,:ri.bed property from the RS-A-43,000 (Reaidential- Agriculture) Zono anc? ta incorporate eaid de~cribed propErty into the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone~ uncondi.tionally. k;E ZT FURTHER RESOLVED that approval ~f thi.e application co~isti.tutgo approval of the proposed request only tu tkie oxtent that it compli~sn with the Anaheim Muricipal Zoning Code and any ather applicable City, State and Federal regulatians. Approva.l. doee not i.ncludo any action or findinge as to compliance or approvsl of the requaet regarding any other applicable ordinancE, regulatiun or requirement. BE IT rURTHER QESOLVED that this reaolution shall not conetitute a rezoning of, or commitment by the City to re~one the aubject proper.tyj any such roxoning ahal 1 requirQ ari ~rdinanc~ of the City Council which shall be a legialative acL wh ich may be approved or. denied by the City Council at ite sole discration. ~fHE FOREGOING RESOLUTION waA adopCed at the Planring Commioeion medting of I'Ebruary 24, 1992. , ~ ~ // • i/%~~,n .~t~ Z.Z CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIlQ IT PLA G COMMISSInN ATTGST: J C~ ~ ~ '~' ' ~~~j(~' - SECRETARY, ANAFIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION t -2- PC92-22 STATE OF C:ALIEORtiTA ) ~ COUNTY OF ORAtIGE ) Be. CITY UF ANAHEIM ) i, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahefm City Planning Commieeion, do har.eby cortify that the foreqoing resolutLon wae paseed and adopted at a meeting of the Anuheim City Planning Com~nieaion hold on February 24, 1992, by the followinq vote o£ the mert~bers theroof: AYESt COMMISSIONERSs BOUAS, DRI520L, HC?LLYER, HENNJNGER, IdESSE, PERAZA , 2EMEL : NOES: COM2fIS510t7ERSs NONE , AB5ENT: CUMMI5SION£RSt NONE IN WITP~E~S WHEREOF, I have hereunro eot my hand thie ~ 3~'~ Qay cf _1~,~,.,/~ .~t~•l. _, 1992. ,~ _~ ; i[~-(/t.+..•-. SECRE'fARY, CITY PLANtiSNG CO?IHISSION -Z- PC92-22