Resolution-PC 92-23~OL TIO ~O. PC92-23 A RESOLUTION Or THE At~~HEItd CITY PLANNING COMlSISSION R~CON.MECIDING TO TFIE CITY COUt7CII. APPROVAL OF MODIFICATIOt7 TO CONDITIONAL USE PEftMIT NO. 3392 (RGADVERTISED) WHEAEAS, on March 11, 1991, Conditional Uee PermiL• No. 3392 was apgro~ed by the Anahe.im c:ity Planning Commiseion following approval by the City Council on May '1, 1991, to permlt a cellulax telephone facility with a 65-foot high tower in ~n exietinq RV-storage park with waiver of maximum height, minimum oide yard setback, and minfmum renr yard oetbackf and WNEREns, the petitianor now requeats approval of an 83-foot high toorer with waivaro of muximum aLructural hei~ht, minimum sida yard setback ana minimum rear yard aetback. WNEREAS, the City Pl.anning Commission did hold a public hearinq at the Civic CentPr in the City of Anahaim on February 24, 19y2, at 1:30 p.m., notice Lf sr~fd public hearing having been duly glven as req~iced by law And in accordanre with the provfefono of thP Anahetm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consid~r evidencc for Tnd againet eaid ~r~~po3ed mc~diflcntion to Canditf.onal Ue~ Perrnit 170• 3392 and to inveetigate and make findinqe nnd recoc*,mendations in connection therewith; and WFiEREAS, said Commission, after due inepection, inveetiqation and atucly made by itself and in ita behalf, and after due coneideration of ell evidence and raportn offered at eaid hearinq, does find and determina the followir.g fa'*.e: 1. That *.t~e pro~osed uea te properly one for t~hlch a conditional vAe permit is nuthariz~d by Anahpim Nuniclpal Code S~sciion to ~~erm:t a cellular toleplionc+ facility and An 83-foot high tower o~lth the iolloti~fng waivErg: (a) ~SS~A_tl_~L_ 21.062.42U~ - ~~.~i~~5~~~~_.?1~~41L1~• (~f,g~~ F~srmittedi Q.~~9~ Propoeed) ~b) ecti~n 19.21.~'¢~~?0 - Min;.rnum aSdg_,Y~~4~£~• ~}~~f ~ raquirod Erom tn~ south and Weut prurarty linesi nQng pr~Woedy ~c~ ^p ~n ltt.,,,~21,Q.~.~.030 - N~n:mu:n rear var~,,.~~• (~t ~Q.~ requlrod! L~2Q~ pr~poAad- 2, Tha' thera Are 9pacial circumetancea applicrbl~a to thc+ property .~uch AA locati~n ard aureoundlnyu, which c!o not apply to other isl~ntically zoned prop.irtiar in the vlcinity 5ecauna the 9orroundinq proportiem Ar~ x~necf KL ~n~ (a) th~ raxir.•um permiit~td hoiqht lss 300 teat in tta NL($C- Zcna and (b) thera ie no n.intmvm eptbark raquirement from intarior proporty llr~sn ir :he ML(3C) Zon¢t CR1433t~3 "1` PC92-~y 3. Tiiat etrict application of. the Zoning Code dopriveB tho pruoerty of privilogos enjoyEd by other propertioe under identical zoning claeaification in the vic.inity becausoJ 4. That the proposod use is properly ono for which a condltiona: uee permit ie authorized by *_he 2oning Code; 5. That the prapueed use will not adveraely affect the ~djoining land used and the growth and devolopment of the area in which it is propaeed to be located because the eurxounding area is zoned ML(SC), in which zor.e (a) tlie maximum permitted etructural height is 1Q0 feet {83-feet high propoeec!) and (by there is r.o minimum eatback requirement adjacent to interior pruperty linesl 6. The new tranemis+ei.on tower will potentially reduce the need for additional cellalar towQra in the euxrounding industrial areej 7. That the aize nnd ehape of tho eite for the propoeed u~e le adequate to allow the full devolopmont of tha propneed uee in a manner not detrimental to the particu2ar area nor to the peace hoalth, eafety, and general welfare bect+use the proposed 83-foot high towor ~oill n~t croate any cdditional vis~a: impacte on the +~urrounding industrial area; 8. That tF.e traffic generated by the propoaed uae will not. i.mpoee an undue burden upon tho otreEts and hf.ghways deaigne~ and improve t~ carry the traffic ii~ Che areat and 9. That the granting of tt~e conGitional uee pormit undar the c~nditLons impoaed, if any, will not bo detrlmental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of tha citfzens of• the City of Anaheim. 10. Thut no one indicated thetr greaence aL• enid public hearing in oppoeition; and that no correepondenee waa ~ece!ved in upposition to the nubyect petitian. ~gj.tFORNIA F:t~VIf~Oj~}~81~..0UALITY ACT FINDINGs That xhe Anaheim City Plsnning Commiaelon haa rov.Lewed tha propoeal to modify Condition~l Uee Permit t~o. 3392 to ptrrmit an 03-fo~t high towar with waiver0 of mt-ximum atcuctural :.aight, rcinimum sidQ yard eetback and mi.nf.m~m r~ar yard aetback and doo~ herkby Eind that the ttogative Declaration prQVi~uBly appr.,ved in cannection .~ith Conditlonal Uae Permit tio. J392 ie a~aquate to oerve ao the re~{uirec: envlronmental docum~ant~tion in ronnection Nith thfe requaot. tiOW, TNEREFORP., OE ST RE.50LVED that the An~heim City Planning Cocrmia~ton dooQ herehy recummend to the C.tty Council approval ot the m~d:~Lrationo Co Cur;ditiona: Uu~r Permit tio. 3392 based ~n the aforemention~d findinys, and inclucling arcendinq ConAition tJo. 2 t.f Ranolution No. 91R-134 to :ead an followas ^That eub;~scc Qroparty ahail be developed oubatan~f.e22y in accordance :ritli plane and epecificationa aubm:.ekad !o the Clty of Annhotm by thR per.iticner ansl WhArli plano are on ftlo with th~ Planninq Dop~rtment n~rked Ravin:cn tto. 1 ot £xtiibit tro. 1. _~_ PC92-~3 THE FORFGOING RE50LUTION was adopted at the Planninq Commiesion meeting of Februury 24, 1992. ~ i ^ ~ -~. H'1(~MF-N, ANAHEIM T PLANNING IS~ION ATTESTt i , ~J . __~'~ -- SECRETARY, ANAHEZM CITY PLANNING COldMISSIO~i i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CIxY OF A24AHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harrio, Secret•axy of tt~e Anaheim City Planning ~ Commiosion, do hereby cArl•ify tliat tho foregoic:q rosolution wae paseed xnd acfopted at a meating of the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion held on February 24, 1992, by the followiny vote of the mernbere th«~reofs AYES: COtlMISSTOKER3: BOUAS, BRISTOL, HELL'LER, HENNINGER, MESSE, PEItAZA, 2CMEL NU£Ss COMMISSIONEI2S: NONE ABSENTs COMMISSIONERS: NONE TN wTT'tiE5s wtirR~OF, I have hereunto aet my hand thio ?~ dnY of ~~c .~~ ~ , 1992. ; . ~c~' v / _, - . 5[iCRETARY, ANe1HE2Ff CITY QLANNING COMMLSSION ~ -~- PC92-23