Resolution-PC 92-24RkSOLUTION NO. PC9 -~ A RESOLUTION OF TFlE ANAHEIFI CITY PLANNxNG COMMISSION TERMINAT.TNG ALL PROCEEDZNGS IN CONNCCTION WZTH CONDITIONAL USE PEIiMIT NO. 1660 ' WHEREAS, on October 27, 1976, Conditional Uee Yermit No. 1650 wae granted under Res~lution No. PC76-221 by the Anaheim Plaiining Commiasion t:o ~ permit a boarctinq houae fo.r 6 developmentally-dieabled adults on property located on the wQet ~ide of Weet Street approximataly 33 feot waat of t°e interdectian of Weet 5treet c+nd Autumn Drive and further described ae 1001 and 1~11 North Weet Str~~t. WHEREAS, Lewie Mishreki, property ownar, hat aubmitt~ed a lfltter requesting termi.nation of Conditional Use Pr~rmit N~. 1660 to comply wil•h tho cundiL•ionfl of approval of Rerlasslfication No. 89-90-03. ~ ~ NOW, THGREPORE, B~. I'P RESOLVED that the Ansheim City Planning Gommisbion doea heraby termi.nata all procc~edinge in connecti~n with Conditional Uee Parmit No. 166C on the bueia of the foregoing findinge. THE FOREGOING RESOLU7'ION wau adoptod at the Flanning Commiaeion meet.ing of February 24, 1992. ~ = ~ ~. / -:.-r ~'~ ~~~i~ _ IRMAN, ANAHF.TM CI 1 PLANN? G MMISSION ATTES T : l~ __ ~4_.LSd~GK` ~) ~1't'~"' 5FCR6TARY, ANAt1EIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORt7IA ) COUNTY OF RfiHNGE ) s3. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harr.ie, Secretary of thQ Anaheim City Planning C~mmiedion, do hareby cert.ify that the foregoin~ roaolution waR E7AA8@CI and adopted at a moc~i~ig of thR Anahaim City Plann.ing Commiasion held on kebruary 24, 1992, by the following vote of tha membera th~reof: AYES: CObiD1ISSI0NERS: POUAS, BRISTOL, HELLYER, HENNINGER, MESSF. PGRFIZA, ZEMEL tJOF.S: COMMI53TONERS: NON~' ADSEN'f: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN ~aITNESS WHER~OP, I tiavQ heraunto eet my hand t•his .I-~•_.P day or ~`'lt~~f~.~, ~g~s. ~~i . ~ . ~v,~.., -~~ ~ ~ _-- SECFETARY~ Ai+AHEIH CITY pLRNNING COMMISSION CR1434MS -1- p~12'~d