Resolution-PC 92-25~RSO U IO ~Q~ C9. - A RESOI UTION OF' THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC, COMDS?S3ION TL'RMINATZtJG AI,L ?ROCGEDINGS IN COtINECTION WITH kECLASSIFICATION NO. 84-85-04 AND CQNDITIONAL USE PGRMIT N0. 2605 WHEREAS, on Januazy 12, 1985, the Anaheim City Planning Commicc+ion 9rantod Reclaeai.ficntion No. 84-85-04 ~ndor koealution No. Pr85-22 to reclaoeify eubjact property from the RS-A-43,000 (SC) 2one to the CL (SC) Zone and Conditinnal Use Permit No. 2605 under Reeolutlone Na. PC85-23 to pdrmit a multi-ecreen lndaor theatre and a 47 foot high, eemi-encloead reataurant on pzoperty loc~ted north and west of tho northwest corner of La Palma Avonue and Tmperial Flighway, having approxima.te frontageo of f,0 teat on the north aide of La Palma Avenue and 708 faet on the went eide o£ Impecial Highway, and further deacribed ae 1521 North Imporial Highway. WHERGAS, D~niel Lee, property owner, has eubmitted a letter requesting termination of Reolaeeificati.on No. 84-95-04 and Conditional Uea Permit No. 2605 to comply with tho conditionR of approval of R~claeeification No. 89-90-48. NOW, THERGFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the AnahHim G'ity Planning Co~nmiaeian does hereby tezminato s.ll proceedinye in connectian with Reclasaf.ficatlon No. 8~1-85-04 and Condi.tional Uee Permit No. 2605 on the baeis of the fort~yoing findinys. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION wa/a ~do~ted at the Planning Commieeion mec~t•ing of Cabruary ?4, 1992. C~~`-~=t/ ~~i . CHAIRMAN, ANAHEII4 I Y PLAN NG C ISSION ' ATTEST: ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~~~ __ ~ ; S~CRGTARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) I COUNTY OC OA'~NGE ) He. CI'T'L OF ANANEIM ) I, Edith L. Narric~, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commiueion, ~]o heroby certtfy that the Pnro9oing re~olution wae pas3ed and adoptod at a meetin9 of the Anuh~im City Planning Commiesion hel~ on February 24, 1992, by the fo.lloo~ing voCe of the mRmbers thereof: AyES; COMM7SSIONERS: BQUAS, BRISTOL~ HELLY£R, HENNIt~GER, MESSE PERAZA, 'LEM~:L tiOF.Ss COMMISSSONERS: IJONE ABSENT: COGIMISSIONEAS: t:ONE IN WITNF.SS '+ltiEREO.r, Y havc~ ho~unto set my hand his ~~"-~" day of _~G~' ~, 1492. ~. ,.~/ - ~ ~i.~~t~ ' ~ SECRETARY~ ANAHk'IM CZ'TY PLANNING ~:OMMISSION CR1435MS -1- PC92-25