Resolution-PC 92-26RESOIUTION N0.~92-2§ A RESOLUTIAN OF TH~ ANNHEIM CI1~ PLANNTNR CQMMISSION THAT PETITION POR AECLA55IFSCATION iJO. 91-92-12 9~ GR}1NTEU WY.EREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commieeion did r~coive a vexified petition for ReclsASification for real property eituatAd in the City Uf Anaheim, County af oranqA, State of California, daecr.ibed ag fo:4lcwes THE NORTFl HALF OF THE WEST N.AI.F OF THE NOATHEAST QUARTER OI' THE N~RTHWL~ST QUAHTER OF SEC'~ION 28, TOWNSHIY 4, SQUTH, RANGE 10 WEST~ IN THE RANCHO LA3 HOLSAS, IN TH~ C2TY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORAt~GE~ STATE OF ~.'AI.IFORNIA, A3 P~R MAP RE~CORDL~^ IN AOOK 51~ pAr,E 10 ()cT MISCELLANF•OUS MAP3, RECORAS OF ORANOE CdUNTY CALI~ORPiTA. EXCEPT TIjEFtEFF20M THAT PORTION INCLUDEQ WITHIN TRACT NO. 3240, AS PER MAP RECORD~q IN E'001C 113~ PAGE 1, 2 AND 3 OF' MISCFLLANEOUS MAP3~ RECOADS OF SAID ORANGE CQUNTY. ALSO EXCF.?T THF.RFF'ROM THAT PORTION IN~LUAEQ WITHIN Tk1E LAND pE~C12x8ED IN DEED TO TFE ORANGE COUNTY xLOOD CONTRQL D7STRICT, RECOROED IN BOOK 4069, PAG~ 188 OI~ OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID OFtANGE COUNTY. ALSO EXCEF'T THEREFROM T:iAT PORTIOIJ LYSNG NQRTHGRLY AND WESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRYBED LINE: BB~;TNNINCi AT :HE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 37 OF 'PHTu ABOVE MFNTIONED TRACT NO. 324Q~ THENCE AY.ONC THE EASTI:RLY PROLONGATxON OF TfiE NORTH LYNE OF BAIQ LOT 37, NORTH 89" 13' 3Q" EAST 10.18 FEETf THENCE IJORTN 00° 55' 30" WEST 186.00 FL~ET TO THE NORTH LINL 4F SATD SECTTUN 28. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commieaion ~lid hold a public l~earing at tho Civic Conter in the City oi An~hei.m on Pebruary S0, a992 at 1s30 p.m., noei.ce o£ esid public hearing havinq boen duly given ae rec~uired by lnw and in accordanr,e with the provieions of th~ Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hoar and coneide.r evidence ~or and a~afnat eaid propoaed reclnesification and to invectigat~ and make findinge and recommendatio~ie in c~nnection therewiths a~d that eaid public hearinq wae Contin~s4d to the March 9, 1992 Planning CornmiaBion meeL•ing; and WHEREAS, esid Commiesion, afrer dua inepectinn, L~rveoti.yat.ion and et~dy made by itoalt and in ite behalE, and after due conoiderat~ion of a11 evidonca snd reportg offered at eaid hearing, doeo find and det~rmine the following facts: CR1442MS -1- PC92-26 1. That the petltioner proposee realueeification of subject pr~perty from the RS-A-43,000 (Reeidential/Agriciiltural) Zono to the CL (Commer.ctal, Limited) or a laoa intenee zone. 2. That •che Anaheim Goneral Plan doeignatee aubject prap~rty , fo.r Genaral Commercial lanc4 use~. 3. That the proposod reclaseificntion aP eubjer.t property is ~ neceeaary ~nd/ar desirable for the or.dbrly and proper developmont of the f r.omrrunity. h. That the propoead recla~oifl.cntion of eubject praperty dooe properl} relate to tho zonea ~nd thoir p~rmittod ueee locr.::y eetabliehed in ; close proximity to aubject property and to the zones and th~tr permitt9d ueea generally eotablished throughout the aommunity. ' 5. That tho proposed reclaeeification of aubject property roquires the dedication and improvement of abutting etreete in accordance with ; the Circulatinn Element of the Gene~al Plan, duo to the anticipated increaee iri traffic Which will be generated Uy tho inteneifiaation of land uee. 6. That two (2) intereeted pereond indicated thelx pzeeenca at the public hearingT ~r.3 that no one indicatad thoir preeence at aaid public haaring in oppoeition; and that no correepanflonce was received in oppoeition to aubject pe*.ition. r~A1.IFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUAL~,Y~,C~T FINDINC3: That the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Gommiseion hae reviewed tho propoeal to reclsealPy aubject propQrty from rhe lts-A-43,000 (Reaidential/Agricultural) Zone to tha CL ' (Commercial, I.imited) or a leee intense zone to permit a commercial retail ! center conai.eting of 8,Q93 squara £eet of office uee, 481 aquare Peot of ~. retail uso and 424 eq~are feet of reetaurant uea nr~d with waivor mauimum fence ' hoight on an irregularly ehaped parcel of land coneiotinq of approximately 0.83 acres, having an approxi~nate frontage of 132 feat on the eouth siQe of Katc-1].a Avenue and a maximum depth of 263 feet, being lucq~ad approximatalX 650 feet weat of the centerlin~ of Ninth SCreot and further described an 1556 Weet Katella Avenue; and does hereby approve the Neqative Daclaration upon finding that the draclaration ref7.eats the indepondent j~dyament of tho lead agency, that it haa considore~i th~ Negative Declaration together wi.th any commento received during the public reviow procese and further findinq on the basis that the initial otudy and any commentB reaeivod that there is no ~ubotantial evidence tl~at the projc+ct will h3ve a eignificant offeot on the eiivironment . NOW, THBREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED that tho Anahaim City Planntny Commioeion doea her<:F~y approve the eubject Petition fur RAClneeific.ation to nuthorize an amendmc~it to the Zoning Map of the Anahoim Municipal Code to oxclude the above-d~:ecribad propert}~ from tha RS-A-43,000 (Residential- Agricultural) 2one ~~:~~i to incorporate said deecribed property into the CL (ComrQrcial, Limited) '~.~.~ne upon tho following conditione which ar.e hereby -2~ PC92••2?i found to bo n necessary pr~erequisite to the proposod u~a o£ subjdct property in order to proeerve the eafety and general welfarg of th~ Citizene oE tho City of Anaheim: 1. * That ~ fee for etreet lighting purpoaeg eha11 be paid to thA Oity of Anaheim baeed on the .length of otreeti £rantnge along Katelle Aven~a in an amount ae eatabliehod by City Council resalukion. 2, * That a Pae Eor etreet tree purpoeee ehall be paid to tl~e Ci.ty o£ Anaheim based on the longth oE etreet frontago alanq Katella Avenue in an amount ~s establiehad b,y City Council reaolution. 3. That the legal property owner ehall irrevocably afger to dodicate to th~ City of Anaheim an easement eixty (SQ) foet in width £rom tho centorlina of the etreet along Katella Avenue Eor str9et widening purposes. 4. That prior to plaaem9nt of an ordinanoe rozoning eubject praperty o:i an ayenda for City Council coneideratiun, Condition Nos. 1, 2 an~ 3, above-mentioned, shall be comploted. The City Counc~l may apprcve or dieapprove a zoning ordinar.co at its diecretion. I£ the ordinance ie dieapprovad, the procedure set forth in Anaheim MunScipal Code Section 18.Q3.085 ahall apply. The provisions or righto granted by this reeolution shall bocom~ null and void by ection ~£ the Planninq Commisaion unlese eaid conditions are complied witt within one (1) year from the date of thie resalution, or euch furthQr time a0 the Plnnning Commiesion may grant. 5. * That approval of this application constitutes approval o£ the propoeed requeet only to the extent that it compliee with tha Anaheim Municipal 2oning Code and any other applicable City, St~te and Federal regulationa. Ap~roval doee not inolude any action ar £indingo aa to cAmpliance or. approval of the roqueet regarding any other appllcable ordinanae, regulation or reqt:ire~nent. Conditions markod with an aster3ak ~~) are roquired by eet~bliehod lawe, codee, regulations and agr~emonta and are, therefore, not eubject to negc+i~tion. BE IT FURTHER PESOT.VED that thie reeulut.ion ohall not conatituta a cezoning o£, or commitment by the City to reaune the subject prqpertyT any such cezoi~ing ehall require an ordinance o£ the C±ty Counci.l which ehall be 1 legialative act which may be approved or denieS by the City Council at ita solo discr,~tion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVGD khat the Anaheim City Planning Cor.uniseion doee hereby find and determine thak adopti~on of thie Resolution ie expressly predicaked upon applicant's cornpliance with each and all of the conditione horeinabove se*. forth. Should any auch condition~, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court uf competent jurisdiction, then thia As~olution, and any approvale herein contained, ehall bR deemed null and void. -3- pC92-26 THE FOREGOING RESQLUTIODI wae a~opted at the Plunning Commieoion meeting of March 5, 1952. 1C-'" , -~ ~~~~~~ - CHAIRMAN~ ANAHEIM,C~~ITY P NIN COMMISSION ~r ATTESTt ; r. - - '~' ~.~?L2.:r.--=" ,SEC rARY, ANAHE2~Y PLANNiNG CoMMi3STON (.._ STATC OF CALIFU[?r7iA ) ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) aD. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) i I, J'anet L. Jen~an, Secretary o£ the Anaheim City Planning ; Commioaion, do aereby cortify that the foregoinq rosolution wao pacaed and ~ adopted at a meatirig of the Anaheim City Planninq Cammiseiun held on March 9, ; 1992, by the following vato oE the membora thereof: AYCS: COMMISSIONGRS: BOUAS~ BRISTOL~ HELLYER~ HrNNINCiER~ MESSE~ PERAZA~ ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONER5: NONE ABS~NT: CCMMISSIONERS: NONE 1,,^1' `WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunko set my ha.nd this 7 !~~ day of ~/~~ 1992. ~I I S It~TARY, ANAFi~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~~~ II (~ ' / -4-