Resolution-PC 92-3RESOLU'PIUI3 NO. I~C92-3 A RESOLUTTON OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANt4ING COFSMISSION TERMINATING ALL PROCGEDINGS IN CONNECTIQN WITH CONDITTONAL USE PERMIT NOS. 1009 RND 7312 WHEREAS, on March 25, 1968, Conditional Uae Permit No. 1009 was grantod under ReeoluCion No. P::68-73 by tho Anaheim Planning Commiseion to eDtablist~ an existing church facility 3s a conEorming uae and pdrmit a day care child nureery in a resident:ial structure to be operated in conjunct•ion with a church factl.ity on ; proporty located on the west aide of wc+storn Avenue approximately 340 feet Qouth of the centerlinE of orange Avenue and furtYier deecribed ae 641 South 4Je3tern `, Avenue (Orarige County Chriatian School); and - WHEREAS, un Jiine 12, 1972, Conditional Uee Permit No. 1312 wae gzanted , undcr Resolution No. PC72-125 by the Anaheim City Planninct Commiseion to establieh a private educati.onal institution in conjunction with a church fucility at 6A1 , South Woatern Avenue; and ` WNEREAS, David E. Lewir~, ExecuL•ive Board t4ember of Orang~ County Christian Scho~l, has aubmittod a lotter requestinq term.ination of Conditional Uae Permit Nos. 1009 and 13I2 to comply with the r.onditions of approval of Conditional Uso Permit No. 3450. NOW, THER~FORG, fiE IT RESOLV~D that the Anaheim City Planning Commieaion doen hereby terminate all praceedinge in connection with Cond.itional Use Permit Nos. 1009 and 1312 on the basis of tha foregoiny findinga. xHE FOREGOING RLSOLUTION wae adopted at the Planning Commiseion mr~eting of January 13, 7.992. ~' ' ~ • ~ ~ i ._.~,;.::.~~ ~'~~ ~~ -~~/1i, CHAIRMAN, ANAHG M CI~ NIN~COMMISSTON I ATTEST: t c . Q.M~~r~~ -- ' ~ ~~RETARY, AN IM C:~l'Y PLANNING COMM7SSION STA'PE OF CALIFnANIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY Uk' ANAHEIM ) i, Janot L. Jenoen, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do i~~r~by certify that the foregoing resolution was paased and adopted at R meoting of the Analieim City Planning Comm.ino.ion helrl on Januazy 13, 1~92, by the fol.lowing vote of the membprs therEOf: AYGS: COMMISSIONGRS: BOUP.~, BRISTOL, HELLYER, HEtJNINGER, MESSE PERAZA, ZEMPL tJOES: CODSMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIUNERS: NONE TN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hava hercunto set my hand thie ~,f'f~Z day o£ _~~~, 1992. _ CRETARY, AN ~IM CITY PLANNIN~ COMMISSIOPT CR1387tdS -1- PC92-3