Resolution-PC 92-30RESOLUTIO tJO. PC9,~Q A RESOI~UTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMAtISSYON THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 4175 BE DENIED WHERGAS, the Anaheim City Planning CommieQi~n did receive a verified Petition for Variance Eor certain real property situated in the City of Anahoim, County of Orange, State of California described as: PARCEL 1: PORTIONS O~ LOT THAEE OF HEIN'S SUHDZVISION, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS SHOWN 0t7 A MAP RGCORDED IN BOOIC 10~ YAGE 40 OF MTSCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECOPDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA~ vESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE CENTER LINE OF $UNKIST STREET NORTH 0° 19' 00" EAST 47~.00 F~ET FROM THE CENTER LINF. OF SOUTH STREET) THENCE NORTH f1° 19' 00" EAST RLONG SAID CENTER LINE ~)F SUNKTST STREET 103.00 P'EL~T TO A POINTt THENCE SOUTH 89° 45' 00" EAST F'AR}1LLEL WITH THC CENTER LIl~E OF SOUTH STItEET 220.00 P'F.ET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTIi 0° 19' 00" WFRT 103.00 FEET TO A POINT; TFIENCE MOCtTH 89° 45' 00" WEST 220.00 rEET TO A dO.LNT AF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: THE WE~STERL'C 220.00 FEET OF LOT 3 OF HEIN'S SUBDLVISION AS SFiCWN ON A MAP RECORDED TN BOOK 10~ PAGE 40 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF OFiANGE COUNTY. FOR THE F'URPOSES OF THIS DESCRIPTI~UN THF LOT LINES ARE CONSIDERED AS HEING THE CENTERLINE OF uUNKIST STRGET AND SOUTH STREET AS SHOWN ON 3AID MAP. EXCGPTING THSREFROM THE SOUTHERLY 575.OQ F':FTr MEASURED ALONG THE CGNTERLINE UF SAID SUNTCI5T ST:~ET, TY.EREOF. PARCEL 3: THE SOUTHERLY 472.00 FEET OF LOT 3 QF HEIN'S SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN ON A MAP IiECOFtDED TN BOOK 10, PAGE 40 OF MISCELLAI~EOUS MAPS~ RLCORDS OF ORANGU GOUNTY. FOR THE PURPOSES QF TH.LS DESCRIPTION THE LOT LINES ARE CONSIDCRED AS BEIl7G Tk1E CENTE1tLINL~S OF SUhKIST STRE~T AND SOUTH STREE; AS SHOWN ON SAIU MA°. EXCEPTlNG THER~FROM THL~ SQUTHERLY 404.00 FEET~ MEASUkED AT KJGHT ANGLES, THF.REOF. WNEREAS, the City Planning Commieaion did hold a public h9aring at the Civia Center ih the city of Anaheim on March 9, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notica of snid public hearing having been duly givon as required by law ar.d in uccordance with the provi.sione of the Anah~im Munf.cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to haar and a~nsSdQr evidence for and against sa.id proposad variance and to i:-vestigato and make findings and recommendatione in connoction thezewithj and CR1446MS -1- PC92-30 WHEREAS, said Cortun~esion, after duo ina~ecL•ion, inveetigati.on and study mado by itself arid in ite behnlf, and after due consideLation oi all evidence and reports offer~d at said hearing, doea ~ind and determine the following facta: 1. That ~he petitionqr proposog waivore oP tho lollowing to conetruct a 10-unit condominium camolexs (1) SE~TIONS~B.OQ.043.101(al - Maximum fer~ce heiaht. ~~10 18.31.064 (3 ee permit~ed~ §~eo,t proposed) (2) SECTTUN 18.31.062•0~2 - i~aximum str~etura~,hoiah . (1 ot~ permitted within ~Q feet of eingle-£amily reeidential zoningt ~. B orlea, propoaed ~Q foet from RS-7200 and RS-A-43,U00 zoning) (3) SECTION - Reguired eetback a@incent ~o einale-fami~v residentiq~ zoninq. (Mitiimum 0 feet £ully landacapod setback requiredJ ].0 to 2Q eet pzopoeed to RS-A-43,000 a~ning) 2. That there aro no apecial circumstances applicable to the praperty such ae size, shape, topography, loeation or surroundingg, which do not apply to ot}~er identically zoned properties in tha vicini.tyi 3. That etrict application of the Zoning Coda will not depri•~e the property of privilagee en;oyed by other proportiee in iclentical zoning claseification in the vicinityj 4. That approval of tho waivero adjacent to exioting eingle-family reotdential uses would adveraely affect eaid ueeej 5. That although the propoeed duplox daaign of the project m+~y be compatible with adjoining eingle £arnily residences, the proponed reeidentiAl doneiGy is nct compatible with the eurrounding G~nersl Plun Low-Denisty Residential lnnd use deeignatiun, and that approviug the propoeal would res~~lt in an iAOlated pocket of higher deneity uses ("spot zoning")1 anc! 6. That nineteen (t9) peoplo indicated their preeence at aaid public hearing in opposit'_onj and that correopondence wae receivod in opponition to subject petition. CALII'4RNTA ENVIAONMENTAL OUALITY ACT FINDING: Thst the Annhoim City Planning Commioeion rias reviewed the propoenl faX waivero of maximum fence h~ighL•, maximum etructural height and required eetback adjacent to eingle-£amily residential zoning to conetruct a 10-unit condaminium complex on a r.ectanyularly-ehaped parcel of land r.onei~ting of approximately 1.A7 acres, having a fr~ntage of approximstely 268 feet on the eae~ aide of 5unkiet Street, _2_ PC92-3U having a maximum depth of approximately 175 £eet, boing located approximately A00 £eet north o£ the centerline of South Street and Eurthor describod ae 610 South Sunlsiat Streetj and doe~ hergby approve the Negative Declaration upon £inding that the declaration re£locta the indepondent judgoment of the lead agency, that it hae conaider9d the Nogativo Doclaration together with any commento received during th~ publi. review proceee and Eurther findinq on thg ~; baeis that tho initial etudy and any ~ommente received bhat there ie no ~ aubatantial evidence that the project wi11 havo u eignlEicant eEfoct on the ; environmont. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE XT RESOI+VED that the An~heim City Planning Commiseion doee hereby deny subject Potition for Variancs on the baeie of the ~forementi.oned Eindinge. THE FOKEGOING RESOLUTION waa adopted at the Planning Commiesioct sneoting oE March 9, 1992• ~ ' ~ .' _~/' . i:~' •'~ _ RMAN, ANAHEIM TY PLANN~ G CO ISSION ATTEST: C~ L " ~~ ~(~-1 /Zc.~GI~ ~?J~U~U' SECRETAR ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUt7TY OF ORANGE ) eg• CITY OF ANAHETM ) T, Mar.9arita Solorio, ~ecretary of the Anaheim City Planninq Commiaeion, do hereby certify that the £oregoing reeulution wae paesed and adopted at a maetinq oi the Anaheim City Planninc~ Commiseion hald on March 9, 1992, by the ~a].lowing vote of the membere therooE: AYES: COMldISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL~ HELLYER~ HLNN.l'NCiER~ ME3SL~~ PERA'/.A, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE A9SENTs COMMI.^iSIONliRS: NONE I,N,l,~WITNE5S WHEP.EOF, I have horaunto eat my hand thlA X~~' d85' of ~~~/~~ 1993. (1~"l ~~1:t~ ~~ ~,~ . SECRETAFY~~ NAHrIM CITY PL}1NN=NG COMIdISSION -3- PC92-30