Resolution-PC 92-34HESO~~TION N0. PG92^34 A RESOLUxION ~F THE AD?AHEIM CITY PLANNINa COHMI38ION THAT PETITION FOR REC:~ASSIFICA'TION NO. 91-92-14 BE GRANT$D, UNCONDITTONRLLY WHGREAS, tlie Ansheim City Planning Comm.f.seion did rece~ve 3 verified peY.ition tor Realaesification for rea'. praporty eituated in the City of Anuheirn, County uf Orange, Stata of California, dedcribed ae foll.owos THF NORTH 5 ACRES OF THE WrST 1Q ACRES OF THE NORTHWEST QU~1R2'ER Ob' TFlE NURT(iWEST QUARTER OF 8ECTION 13 ~ TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTFI, RANGE 11 WEST, IN THE RANCHO LOS COYOTES, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ COUNTY OF ORANGE~ STATE OF CAT,IFORNTA, AS PRR FSAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51~ PAGE 11 MISCCLLANLC)US MAP5, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDGR OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THE WEST 55.00 FEET THERFOF INCLUDED WY:HIN THE LAND DE~CRTBE:D IN DEED TO THE STA'1'L~ OF CALtFdRNIA, RECORD£D MAY 16, 1941, IN AOOK 1094~ PAGE 289 OI~ OFFICIAL RECORDS. AL~O EXCEPT THAT POItTION TfIGREOF INCLUqF;D WIT:~IIN THE LANA DESCRTAED IN DEEU TO THE STATE OF Ci4T.IFORNIA, R£C:12DED AUGUST 10, 1951, 7N BWK 2315, PAGE 106 OF OF:'ICIAL RECORDS. WH~REAS, the City ptanning Commiseion did hold n public hearinq at the Clvic CGnter in the City of Anaheim on March 9, 1992 et 1s30 p.m., notice of oaid public hearlny having beon duly givon au required by law and in accurdance with the provisions af t.he Anahoim Muniaipnl Code, Chnpter 18.03, to hear and coneidur evldenco for and ac~ainet aaicl propo~sd roclaooificatiou and to invegtigata and make f~ndinge and r_acoRmendatione in ccnnect3on ther~with; and :JktEREAS, baid C~mmiselon, aftar due inepection, invsetigation and study mado b;• itself and in ite behalf, and aftAr dua consideration of all evidenee and reporCe offerc+d at eai.d heering, doae tind af~d determin• the iollewin~ factas 1. Tt~ut the Plannf.ng Cnmminnion propoua~ reclaueification of eubject ~roperty from the CH (COmmercinl, Henvy) xone to the CL (Commorcial, Limitad) Zone. 2. That the An~t~ei.m Cenerel Plan de~iqnetes eubjoct psoperty f~r Genaral Commercial land ~iceB. ], T!~at the propoaed reclaosf.fication nt oub~uct prop~rty .ta nocoeeary and/or donirnbxe for rhe orderly and propQr devolopmont of the rommUnity. CR145.MS ~1- PC92-34 4. That tho proposed reclaesifi~ation oi aubject property doe~ properly relmte to th~ zoned and their permitted uobe loaally eotabltehed in cloeo proximit}• to eubjact property and to thQ zonee and kheir p~rmitted uees gon~ral.ly ostabl.iehed throughout the communiL•y. 5. That ona (1) intereeted person indicatod hie preeence at said public hearingt and that no correepondonco wae received in oppoaition to eubject petiti~n. C~IIFORNIA ENV~ONMENTA]3_,QUAL~T FINDINGs That tho Anaheim City Planning Commiseion hae reviewed the propoeal to reclaeeiPy eubject pLOperty £rom the CH (COmmercial, Heuvy) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zor.o ori a rectangularly-ehaped parcol conc+ioti.ng nf appzoximat~ly 5.11 ncrea, locotod at tho aoutheast corner of Lincoln AvenuQ and Beach Boulevard, haviny approximat~ frontagt~s of 260 faet on the oouth eido of Lincoln Avenue ar.d 590 feet on tho eaat oide of Beach Boulevard, end turther describe~ ae 2970 WooY. 'Lincoln A~•enu~j and doea hereby approv~ the Negakive Declaration upon Einding that the declaration raflects the i.ndependent judgement of the lead agency, tnat it haa coneidor~d the Negative Doclaration togeti~er with any commente reaeived during the puUlic review procaee and further finding on th.3 basie tha~ the initial etudy and any com~ne~ts roceived that thera ie no eubs•.antial evidence that tho project will have a significant effect on the anvironm~~nt. NOlV,, THFREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the A~tahoim City Planning C~mmiesion ~3oee hereby approve tha eub~ect petition for Reclaeoification to authorize an a~n~andment to the 7.oning Map of t`~e Anaheim Munici^ . Codo to exclude the above-deacribed property from the CH (Commercial, Heavy) 2one ~tnd to inc~rporate said deacribed properL•y into tho CL (Commercial, Llmlted) Zone, uncunditionally. BE IT FURTHER R~:SOLVED that thio renolution ohall not conetituto a rezoning oP, or conunitment by the City to rezon~ ti~e eubject grop9LtyT any aucll rezoning ehall require an ordinance of the City Council which Bhall bo a le~ielative act which cr.a.y be appro~•ed or denied by tho City Council at its oole diacretion. ThC FOR~GOIhG RESOt.UTION was ad~pted at the Planning Commiesi~n :nooting of Mareh 9, 19~2. ~.~ L.~ ~ ~~ ,. - CHAIRMAN, ANAH M CST PL ING COMM;53ION A1'TEST: ~ ~'~ ~'"7 ~ ~}'~C/11.: i . ;~: iC~lZ.Cp" SECR TA~Sf AlIAHF.IM CZTY PLANPIING COMNT5SI7N _2_ PC92-34 STA'TE nF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CI~'Y nF A14AHGIM ) I, Margari.ta Solorio, Secretary oE the Anaheim City Planning Con•~~iseion, do hereby cert.ify that the Poregoi.ng raeolution wae paseed and adopcc~d at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commioeion held on March 9, 1992, by the followirig vota of the mQmbero thereoPs AYESt COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL, HELLYER~ HENNINGER~ MESSL~~ PEFtAZA, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NOP7E ABSENTs COMMISSIONERSt NONG IN WITNES3 WHEREOF, I havo hereunto set my }~and thie ~~ rG~ day c+£ cr~~' C' ~l _, 1y92. ~ ~~ c, ,~ ~~OCO/'GC4' SECRET RY, JAHE2M CiTY PY.ANNING COMMIS.-iUN l ! i ,i ~ -3- PC92-34