Resolution-PC 92-4R~~JLUTION NO. PC92-4 A NUNC PRO TUNC RESGLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY 'P1~ANNING COMMISSTON AMENDING RESOLGTION NO. PC91-84 GRANT~D IN CONJUNCTION WITH CONDITIONAL USE P~RMIT NO. 3423 WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commieaion 9ranted, in part, 4 Conditional Uee Permit N~. 3423 under RA~olution N~. Pr.91-84 on June 17, 1991, to ! permit A cornmercial retail center with building heighte in exceae of 35 £aet, a sorvice station; a freostanding drive-through rest•aurant, and waiver of minimum - structural eetback requlring a minimum 60-Poot atructuzal setback along Weir ~ Canyan Roa~ on property located at the northweat corner of Wair Canyon Road And i La Palma Avenue, havinq approximate frontages of 815 feet an the wost a~de of ; tJeir Canyon Road and 1,000 foet on the narth side of La Palma Avenue; and ` wF1EREAS, certain l~nguage modifications made to specific conditions by thQ Planning Commission at the June 17th maeting wr;e not incorporated into the Condition~ of Approval and, thereforo, the £ollowing aanditions ahall b~ correcte~ in their entirety tu read: 15. That prior to iseuance uf a building per.mit, atreet impr~vement plans shall. Ue submittea to the Subdivision Section and bonda shall be poated in an amount approved by the City E.19ineer in a form approvod by the Cl.ty's Attorney to guarantee the c.onetruction and compl~tion of said improveme~~:s. 27. That prior to iseuance oz a grading plan for conatruction activities within the La Palma Avenue right-of-way, inclading but not ]..imited to road improvements and relocation of infLastructure, the applicant shall obtain approval from the City Engineer for a plan to r.eroute traffic around L•he conatructLon ar~a in auch a manner that dieri~ption of traf£ic Elow ia kept to a mini.m~~m and publi.c health ancl safety ie maintair ed. 68. That pricr to issuance of ~ gradir~ ~'_an, the property owner./developer shall provida evidence tc the City Engineor ahowing that Chey havQ entered into an agreement wi:h th~a Orange County Sanitation Dist.rtct (OCSD) to rQlocate the :ifty-one inch (51") aewer line and to provide an adequate sewer utility eaeement as determined to be appropriate hy oCSD. Reloc4:ion of the linR and easement ohall be completed in a mann~r mec~:ing the approval oF oCSD and thc~ City Engineer prior to isauance of ~ building p~:rmit. 70. That prior to isauance o£ a grading pl.in, Che property owner/developer shall aubr~it a grading plan, pr~pared by 1 r.egistered civil en,ineer and geotechnical engir.eer, for rev~.sw and approval by tno City Engineer. The grading plan aha~l include an eroaion, siJ.tation and duat control plan for review and approval b; the CiCy .:ngineer. The plan shall al.so incl.ude provisiona for mitigation meaoures such ae temporary i^rigation and .immedtate plantir.~ an all oxposed pads ~nd elopes, temporary aedimentation basins and sand bagging, and shal.l include a watering and compaction program. CRI3ABMS -1- PC?2-~3 78. That prior to iaeuance of a grading plan, the property uwner/developer shall obtain the appropriate National Pollutant Uischargo Effluent System (NPD~S) permits. 79. That pzi.or to tite iseuanr.c~ of a grading plan and ~rior t.o the issuance of buildi.ny permits, whichever occure firet, Che property own~r/developar ehall demonetrate to the Director of. Public Warke compliance with th~ s~uth Coast Air Quality Management Dietrict Rule 403, whicn roquirae regular waterin9 to ccntr~l fugitivs duat during construction~ NOW, THER~FOAE, BE IT RLSOLVLD that the Anaheim City Planning Cammiasion doQS hereby ,smend Reaolution No. PC91-84 on the basie of thP foreyaing findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION wa3 ado~~ed at the Plannirtg Commiosion meeting of January 13, 1992. ~•~~ ~ , ~~-r.vr~ G'L~ /~~ < ~~ Lt N A.NAHEI2 CxTY PLATiN NG C__-!JMMISSION CHAIRMA , ATTES ~ : ~ ~ ~~~ ,' S RETARY, ANHFI CITY PLAIINING COMMISSION ~' 5'TATE OF CALiFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 63. CITY OF ~CIAHEJ:'I ) ?, Janet L. Jansen, S~.cxal;ary of the Anahelm Clty Plannir,q Commisei.on, do hereby certify that tho forc-go.ing re~olutior~ wao paasc~d and adopted ~t a moeting o£ the Anaheim City Planninq Commissi~n tield on Jan~ary 13, 1992, by thc fol~owing vot~ af the membera thcreof s AXGS: C:OMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, flRISTOL, H~LLYEF., HENNINGk:R, MESSE PERAZA, ZEMEL NUCS: COMDfISSIONERS: ~ON~ ABSENT: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto r~eL• my hand this ~~~ day of ~Z~, 1992. -d' ~~ J i S ETAkY, ANAHET.f~1~ ITX PLANNING COMIdISSION -2.. PC92-4