Resolution-PC 92-41^ r,nun. ~~QLUTION NO. PC92~ A RLSOLUTIUIJ OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN3 COMFfI3SION APPROVING, IN PF-FtT, MODIFICATTON UF CONDITION}1L USC PFFtMIT NO. 156A WHERL~AS, Conditional Uoe Perm±t N~. 1564 to permlt an outdoor recreational center with waiver of per:mittod outdoor use~+ and required ~ncloeure of outdoor ueeo wae appxoved by the Cf.ty Council on October. 14, 19^5, followinq a denial by the Planninq Commiooion. Plane Aubmitted witlt the originsl approval includod tha following ueess 16 bsteeball batting cag~e; 4~ trampalinael a 4 lane mini-drageter race car trackJ a 6,500 9quaro-£oot amueement bui.ldinq (includinq ati~ amueement room, ice cream and anack bar, officee, and etoraqe room)t a Kart-A-Rama trackj a bumpEr car track; and an outdoor rollar ekstinq rink; nnd WHEItEAS, an Ju»e 8, 1976, the Anaheim City Gounoil ~pproved a handball/racquolball facility and a permanent metal buiJ.ding in subject recreational facilityj and WHEREA3, on March 10, 1982, revio~d plnne were approved by the Anaheim City C~uncil permitting a roller slide ae a part of the recrentiona.l facilityJ and WHEAEAS, on Juno 7, 1983, the Anaheim City Council approved ait outdoor. eoccer field ae a part of the r4creational fecility for a time period expirinq on May 1, 1984j and WHEAEAS, on Janusry 16, 1990, the Anaheim City Cauncil approved rovieed plane P~r the rocroational facility to conetruct the followings a tankj a boat tagf a maze, and 1,20C a aquare-foot addition to the exiatinq game room bui.lding; and viHER~AS, thA potitionor currontly requ~ete approvnl of revised plane (Revision No. 5) to permit a 75-foot high bungoe jumping towor and a kid'o carnivai in conjus~ation with the pr9viously approved rocreational facility. WSEALAS, tho Ci.ty Planninry Commiselon did hold a public hae~Xl.ng at the Civic Center !n the City o£ AnahAlm on MAr.ch 9, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notica ot eaid public hearing having been duly given ao zequired by law and in nccordanca with the pravieione of tt:e Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter i8.03, tio hear nnd conoider evidonce tor and aqainot ^ai.d psoposed modifiaation to Conditio7al U~o Permit No. 1564 and to invoetiq+ste and make tindinga and re~ortuncndetions in connection tt~erewithJ and that eaid public hearing was continued to the April 6, 1992 Planninq Comrtsieeion meetinqJ and wHEREI.S, eaid Commienion, after due inopoction, invertiqation and study made by ir.oelf and in ite behalf, and efter dua car,aideration of all evidence and reportn offered at eaid hearinq, doas find and detazmir.e the following facts: 1. That tha propoeed uoen sre properly one for rrhich a conditional uso permit ie auth~rized by the 2oniny Coda~ CRi464KS.DOX -1- PC92-41 i~". 2. That the requeet ie hereby approved in part, permitting a kid's csrnivul in conjunction wlth the existing recreational Eacility and denying the bungeo jumping towor which tho petitioner withdrewj 3. That tho proposed uee, ae approved, wtll not adveresly aPfect the adjoining land ueee and the growth and developmont of the area in which it ie propoe~d to be l.ocnted hecauae the pr~posed kid'e uarnival aCtraction (intended £or children aged 2 to 10 years) will nut cantribute to exioting nrea prubiams co~-sisting of cruieers and loiteringt 4. Tha~ tl~e oize and ehape o~ the eite ~or the pr~poeed iiee, sa approved, is adequate ~o all.ow the full development oP tha~ propoaed uee in a mannar not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, hoalth, saEety, and genoral welfarei 5. That the trnffic c~enPrated by the propoead uee, ao spproved, wi~l not impoee an unduo burden upon the otreetR ax~d highways designed and improved ta carr.y the traffic in the arenj 6. :hat the granting oc the conditional uae permit under the c:ondiL•ionra imposed will not be datrimental •to the peace, health, eafety and general welfare of the citizona of the City Qf Aneheimt and 'l. That ono (1) pereon indicated hia preeence at et~id publl.c hearing in oppos.itioni and that no corre~ponclence in opposi.tion wae roceived co the oubject prapoeal. g rA~IFpgNIA EN~RON FM.~TAL' OUAIe~,~Y__~~T FINAIN(ir ~hat the Anaheim City Planning Coromiseion hae reviowed the requeet for approval oi roviaed plane (Reviaion No. S) to p9rmit a 75-foot high bungea jumping towar and a kid'e carnival in conjunction with u previouely appr4ved recr~ational gacility on an irraqularly-ehxped parcel oE land coneieting of approximately 7.0 acrso, located at the eouthwest corner of Shepard Stroet and Carpenter AvAnue, having approximate frontageo of 120 feet an the weat eide of She~ctrd Street and 8C te~et on the south side of Carpentier Avenue, ~nd further describeel aa 1041 North Shepard StreetJ and does hereby approve the Nogative Declarntion upon tindinq thaL• the declarntion reflecte the indspendent judge~nenY ox th~ lead agency and that it hae coneidered tl~e Negativo Declaration togother wixh any commente rsceired during tho public review proceae and Eurttier :inding ~n tho baol.e thest the initial atudy and any commQnts rsceived that there f.e no eubotanEial evidence that the project wi11 have d eignificant ogfect on tho environmont. N04+, TNBR~FORE, 8E IT RRSOLVE~ that the Anahoim City Planr-ing Commiasiun d~eu hereby grant subject Petit•ion for madificAtion of Conditional Uee Per.mit No. 1564, in part, upon the following conditione wh~ch nro ha~seby fcund to be a neceaaary pserequic+f.te to ~he proposed uee of the eubject property in order to preaerve the safety and qenerai w~dlEsre of tho ~itizena of the City of Anat~eim: 1. That th~ petitioner nhal.l suU,r~it a revined pnrking plan to the Ciky Traffia and Traneportation Mansqpr. 3~~~wing a t•~tal ~f at leaet two hundrecl thirty seven (2a7y parking epace~. _f_ PC92-41 ,w. Z, That ~ubjoct property ehall bP dovelop0d eubetantially in acaordanco with plans and epeciEicatione oubmi'tted to the Cit,y oE Analteim bX tho petitioner and which plana are on Eila wlth the Planni.ng DeparY.ment marked Revieion t1o. 5 0~ Exhibit Noe. 1 and 2i pr~vidod, however, that thero ehall be t~ minimum of two hundred thirtY sevon (237) parking opacss and that the bunc,ae jumping tower ahal.l not be conetructod. 3. Th~t the petltionc~r ehall obtain an agroement for additional off-eite parking apaces £or employees, iri a manner and form satiafactory t~ t}te Ci.ty Traffic and Transportation Manager and the 41ty Attorney. 4. That the potiCioner shall eubm~heprplanninga~Commleelon1aaeiagReportamanQ for review and approva]. by Recommendation item. ,, ThRY. prior to the isauance of a building permit, oz prior to commancement ot the activity herein approved, or within a~oriod oE one (1) year Ercm the date oP this reaolut•ion, whichever oacure firet, Candition NoA. 1, 2 and 3, abavc~-mer-tioned, shall be comp~iantedtin accardanco~with Sectian time to complete sai.d condition may be g- 16.03.090 of tho Anahoim Munic_paJ. Code. g, ~ph:c prior to final building and zoning inepectiona, Condition N~. 2 abave-mentioned, ahall be complied with. 7. That approval oE thie appllcution conotitutee approval n£ the propoeed request only to the extent that it c:ompliee with the Anaheim Municipal 'Loning Code and any other. applicable City, State and Federal regulutione. Approval does not include uny acti~n8rior o~he~~'nappli.cable~mordiaanaer approval of •the requeet regsrding Y regulation or requirement. gE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion doee hereby tind and dotermine that adoption of this Reeolution is expreas].y prodtcated upon applicant'e compliance with each and all o~ the conditiona hereinabove eet forth. Shouid any ouch condition, or any par* thereof, be declarod invalid or unenYor.ceable by the F,inal~ j=~9a~~~heieinycontained,cehalL be juriediction, then this Raaolutian, and any pP deomed null and void. THE FOAEG02NG RESOLUTTON ~// 8dopted ut the P~ nning Commiseion meeti.ng of Apri.l 6, 1992. . !,~v~.~ ~~/ ~ '~ ~~'~_____ C I~pN, ANAHEIM C TY PLA ING CO ISSION ATTESTs LL_~'~iJ.G•^° - SECRE RX NAfiExM CITY PLRNNING COMMISSION pC92-41 -3- .^, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~ COUKTY OF OR1~1t~GE ) 0s. 1 CITY OF AN?1HEIM ) ~ I, Murgarita Soloria, Secretary of the Ane~hein City Planning ' Commiesion, do hereby corkify that ~he forogoing rosolution wao ~aeee~l and ~ adogted at a meeting o£ tho Anaheim City Planning Commisaion hald on April 6, j 1992, by tho Eo.llowing vote of the membare thereo£: I ~ AYESs CODIMIS5IONERS: BOUAS~ HRISTOT.~ HP;LLYER~ HENNINGER~ MEtiSE~ ~ PERAZA, ZEMEL j NOES: COMMISSIONERSs NONL~ ~ A'SENT: COMM233IONERS: NONE _L ~ - I IN WITNESS WHEriEOF, I have horeunto net my hnnd thle day j Qf , 1952. L~,U~ ,(.~.L...~-~/t~~ SECRE ARY AHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMI3SION _4_ PC92-41