Resolution-PC 92-57gF~,$~t~1TION NQ. PC~.2-~.7, A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI7Y PLANNINCi COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CON0171GNAL USE PEFiMIT NO. 3508 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, tt~o Analiolm City Planning Commission did rer,efva a verHie~J Patitfon for Conditional Use Perm(t ior certaln ieal proporty sftuatoc! in the City of Anaheim, Counry ot 0-ange, State o( Cali(o~•nia, described as: LOT 25 OF 1'RACI' N0. 255, IDI TH~ CITY OF AtJAHEIiVI, COUNTY OF ORANC;E, ~TATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN ~OOK 14, PAGE 25 7F MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF 1 HE COUNTY RE^.ORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THEfiEFROM THE EASTERLY 5 FEET OF SAID LAND A~ (3RANTED TA TF1E CITY OF ANAHEIM, B'! DEEI7 FiCCORDEO D~CEMBER 2, 1953, IN BOOK 262F, PAGE :i48, OFFiCIAL RF_CORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE ~OUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center In the City of ~lnahoim on Marct- 23, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald ~ubfic hoaring having been duly glven as raqulred by IAw and in accordance with the pravisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to h~ar and co.isider ovidon~e for and against said proposed conditional use pormit and to investlgate and make tindings and recommendations in cunner,tion therewith; and that sald pubt~ hear(ng was continued t~ the April 6 and May 4, 1~.~2 Plan~ing Commtss!on mootings; and WHEFiEAS, sakJ Commissbn, after due Inspectlon, imestigatton erxi ~ludy made by ltself and fn its betialf, encl after due ..ongV~er2tion of all evWonce and reports oNered at aaki hoaring, does lirxl and d~termine IhR fdiawin~ lacts: 1. That the proposal usg ~~ pror,erty one for which a conditinnal use pe-mit is Author7zed by Anxheim Municipai Code Section to petmk a 5•unR, 2•story corxfominlum complex with weiver of the tMlowing: (a) SEGTIQNS t~~7,Q5fl.~~t5 - I~~nimym hu~dinfl aft~arge,Der dwel~!na un . ~}y 32,~ptp f2,A s~. req~~iretl: ~9~• D~~Ao~) ~ne ~a.~2.~eo (bl ,~ECTIONS is.,_04.U43.~o2 • .M~simLn~..aituriutaLh~iaht• .L@.~2lL~SL4~ (Pormhtat: ~.~ren-_ h~~ ~ine wftfNn t 50 te~t a! ]~}•32Q67~.4.12 sin~ledAmily rosid~ntlal zoning, and 6•(out t-!nh 1f1.32.~.Q?Q black vwtl atoc~g xinpledamey reskf¢~ttauy zoned ~txf tEi 32.08Q property tine; PropoEed: 2•sto~buN_d_inn_ta t01na1 ~-om AS•7.l00 Yrmtng to south. and 1Q1~41 ~gh blxk wall ad~acent to RS•7.200 =oninp to tho west) C(i 1484~MS.wp '~' ppq2r~ 3. 7hat there are special c(rcumstances appiicable to the property such as locatlon and surroundfngs, which do not apply to othor ldgntically zoned properties In the vicinity, because the h~ight waiver pertains to ad~nceni property whl~h has a resolution of intent to multiple-femily zoning, and the holghf varlance wlll no long~r bo applicable when that zoning Is finalized; 4. That strict applicati~n of the Zoning Code deQrlves tho property of privllofles enJoyecl by other properties under idvntic~l r.oning classification (n tho vicfnity because the proposed block wall height adjacent to the west (RS-7200 Zono) propsRy Iino evould be consisterrt wlth sim{Inr previously-approved walls adjacent to said wosterly property Ilne, and that said (ence I~eight will provide additional visual screen(ng be!ween ihe proposed muitfple•family uso and the existtng ad~acent otngle (amfly resklflntial usas; 5. That tlid proposed use (s proporty one fo• whfch a conditional use permit (s authorizeci by the Zoning Code; 8. That the pmQosecl use w(II not adversely aHeM the adJoining lancl uses and the growth and development ot the aruA fn whlch k fs proposed to be Ic~catod; 7. That the s~ze and shape ot the aite far tlie proposeci usa is adequate to allow the tull devolopmant oi the proposed use fn a manner n~t detrimental to the particular area no~ to the peace, heaith, sa(ety, and genoral wol(are; A. That the tratiic generated by the proposed use will not Impose an undue burden ~~pon tho strnets end highwaya designed and fmprovetf to carry the traHfc tn the ar~e; 9. That the grant(ng of lhe conditional use penntt under Ihe conditions (mposed witl not be detrimental to ihP ,h.eace, health, satety and general welfare of the cftizens ot the Cfty of Anahefm; and 10. That two (2) concerned puople inciicated their prusence at sald publfc hearing; and that no correapondonca was roceivod In cpposfiion to the subject potition. CAUFOFiN)A ENVJRONMENTAL ~UALITY ACT FIMQIMG: That the anaheim Ciry Planninq Comm:sslon has ravlewac thR proposal to permit a 5-unit, 2-story cor~dominium comptex with waNars af mSnimum builc!(ng site area per dwolling unit and maximum structural halght on an Inepularly sFwpecJ parcel oi land consisting ol approxtm~tely 0.27 acre, I~aving a ironmge of epproximetely tt1 feet on lhe wost side of Coflman Street, haviny a maximum depth o( appraxirnately 198 tedt, boing located approxfrr~t~ly 430 foRt norlh oi ihe ceMertino of Carner Street nnd further deac-ibed as 203 North CoHman Stroet; arxf does horeby approve tno Negatlve Declaration upon (tnd(n~ that the daclarntlon re0ects the independont ~udqoment o( ihe lead apency and that it has consldorAd lho Nogativu Declarntlon to~ethar wiih any commontn recolvsc! during the public review prqcess and lurther linding on ihe besis of the initfal atudy end any wmments r~coivod that there is no substantlal evfdence that the pro~e~:t witl have a siflniliu~nt offoct on thQ emiranment. ~OW, THEREFORE, H~ IT RE80LVE0 ttu~t th,e Anahoim Clty Ftanning Cortsmisslon does hereby grarn subJect Pntitbn for Corxfftlonai Uae Potmft, upon IMt }dlowfnq condRlona which ere hereby found ro be a nocessary pr9requistte to tf~e proposed uso ot the subJect proRerty In order to preserve the saleq~ end qeneral welfare of the Citizens ot the City c~f A.-tiahefm: That rolbup {~arage doors ~hall bo mhown on ttw (~ana aubmittod fa bulkHnt, ,,armNs. Safd dawu shgll be fnstatlad ~nd maintainad os ahc~wn on saW plans. 7Pu+t a fee far atreat IigMir~a purposes sftiall be paid ro the Ctty d Anaholm besod on tha lerp:h of stroet lrontape along Cc>I(man Street in nn artusunt as eataWiahad by City Councd rosdution. .2. PC92~57 3. That a tee for stroet troo purposes shall be pafd to tl~e City of Anahntm basaci on the Idngth of stroHt trontage aiong CoHman Street in an amount as established by Ctty Council re3olution. 4, That nrior to Issuance oi a bullding perrnft, the legal proporty owner shall dedicate tA the City of Anaheim a FNe (5) loot wide public utility easement al~nfl the wost property Iino. 5. 7hat a Plan Shoet !or solid waste storage and collectlon, and a plan tur recycl(ng shali ba submitted to the L~opnrtment of Maintenance tor reviaw and approv~l. 6. That the purchaser of each dwallfng unit shall be provided with written fntormation cancaming Anahelm Municipal Code Secllon 14.32.500 'Parkinfl Restricted to Facllitata Streot Sweeping.' Such written informatton shall cle~rly specify when on•street parking is prohibite~! and the penalty for vio!at;on. ~. That clothes wASher a!ui dryer hookups shall bo installed tn each condominium dwelltng unit, and shall be specitically shown on the plans submitted tur building permits. 8. That any tree ~lanted on-site shall be replaced in a tlmely manner (n the event that it is removed, damaged, dfseasod ancl/or doad. 9. That an unsubordinatod covenant shatl be recorded with the OHice of the Orange County Rocorcfer agreeing to provide the buyer of each dwolling unit with wr.'• en iniormatton obtainad from tho sclioul district(s) pertatn(n~ to posslbio ovRrcrowdod condit(ons and the busing stetus M the school(s) sorving the dwellfnp unft. A copy o( the covenant shall be submitted to and approved by the Ciry Attorney prlor to rocordation. A co~y ot the recorded covenant sha~l be submtttod to the Zoning Divislon. 10. That this Condft(onpl Use Permft is grar~ted subj~ct to adoption of a 7oning ordinance in connection with RoclassHicatfon No. 80~81 •39, now per~ding. t t. Thai a tract map to record the division of subject property shall bo submitted to and approv~d by the City oi AnahAim and shali then be recorded tn the C~Hice oi the Orango County Recorder. 12. That priur to epproval nf a(ir~al tract map, the lo~al property owner ahall enter into an u~subordinated r~corded egreement wfth the City oi An~helm, pu-suant to CalHomla Gaemmant Code Sectlon 65915 to provlde that one (1) ot the proposed number of rosidentinl unfts ahall Ge ~sdd aa lowor Inr,ome houstn~ as detlned in Cnii(omia (~overnmant Codo Section 659t5 end with appropr~,te resale contrds as epproved by ihe City M Anaheim for a period ~~t not losa than thirty (30) year,s lrom the data ot issuance o( occupancy pormits. A copy ot the re~:orded covenant shall be submffted to the Zoning Divisi~n. 13. That the landscap~ plantings along the west propeny line shall be minimum fiRoen (15) galton alzed plants. 14. Thac the biock wall height a~ong th~ north proparty llnq shal! match tho exRing wall helght. 15. That sub~ect Sxuparty ahall tsa dAVOlopec! substantia~ly in acr.o-dnnce wfch plans and spoc~(ica~fons submittod to the CKy ol Anaheim by thA petitfonur end which plana are on fYe with the Plannin~ Onpartment maikecf fievlsi~n No. 1 ot Exhibit ~lu:. t thraigh 3. 18. That prbr tu Isstuanca o! a buildlnp parmit or whhin a periaf M one (1) yoar Irom the date oi thts rusdutlon, whichover occurs iirst, Conditlon Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, f 3 end 14, abwe•mentbnod, shali be complied with. Extonsfona lor further timo to Complete snW coMNions may be prantatf in ar,cordxnce with Sactfon of the Anahoim Aluntciryel CQde. .3. PC92~57 17. That priar to f(nal building and zoning Inspections, Condition Nos. 1, 12, 13 and 14, above•mentioned, shall be compHed with. 1a. That epprov~ai oi this applfcation constitu:es approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anahaim Municipal Zoning Code end eny other gpplicable Cfry, Stete and Federal ragulatlans. Approval does not includo any action or ilndinas as to compllance or approval of the roquest rogerciing any other applicable ordinance, re~tuletion or roqulrement. BE IT FURTHER RE~OWE~ that the Anaheim City Pia~ninq Commlasion doea horeby ifnd end determine that adopt(on of 4hls Rasolution Is exprossly predlcated upon appllcanYa compllance with each and all ~f tho conclitions herefnabovo set tarth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, bo cleclared Invalid or uneniorceablg by the tfnal judgm~nt of any court of r,orr~tent Jurisdlctlc~n, then thls Resdutlon, and any appr~vala herein contalned, ahAll be deemod null and vo~Cf.' THE FONEGOING RESOL.UTION was do ed the ' nn(nfl Commlaslon meeting of fu18y 4, 1992. ' ~,~v~''~~^ yi~- CHAIRMAN FRO TEMPORE ANAHEIM CITY PUINNING ATTEST: ' ~~ ~~a_~~ / S RETARY, ANAHF! CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ STATE OF CAUFOANI,4 ) COUNTY QF QRAN(3E ) st~. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secretary o( the Ar.aheim CRy Pianninq wmmfssion, do heroby certNy thAt the i 9going resolutlon was passad and adopted at a meodng of the Anahelm Cky Pl~nning C~mmisslo~ ~ held on Mny 4, 1992, by thu following vote of the mernbero thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BRISTOL, HENNINC~ER, MESSE, ZEMEL NO~a: CQMMISSIUNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, HFLLYER, F'HRAZA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Pmve horeunto set my hanci thfs /!~1 / Lday of ~/~ls ~i, d~. yi~~i I v ~~. " .CFiETARY, /1NA IM CITY PLANNINC3 COMMI3Si0N a_ PCez37