Resolution-PC 92-58~S0,~,1'[~UN N0, ,~',92-58 A RESULUTIt?N OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMiSSION TNAT PETITION FOt~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. 91•92-15 BE GRAN7ED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon did receive a varNied petition for Reclassificatl~n for real property sftuAted in tho C{ty of Anahefm, County of Orange, State uf California, described as follows: PARCEL 1: POR i IONS OF LOT THREE dF HEIN'S SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF ANAMEIM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDEQ If~ BOOK 10, PAGE 40 OF MISCELWNEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE CqUNTY, CALIFORNIA, QESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE CENTER LINE OF SUNKIST S7REE~ NORTH 0° 19' UO" EAST 472.00 FEFT FROM THE CENTER LINE nF SOUTH STREET; THENCE NORTH 0° 19' 00" EAST ALO~+G SAID CENTER LINE GF SUNKIST STFtEEf 103.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 89° 45' 00" EAST PARALLE~. WiTH THE CENTEFi LINE OF SOU'PH STRE6? 220.U0 FEET T'O A POINT'; THENCE SOUTH 0° 19' 00' WEST 103.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE PJOHTH 89° 45' 00" WES7 220.00 FEET TO A PGIM' OF BEGINNING. PAHCEL 2: THE WESTEC~LY 220.00 FEE7 OF LQT 3 OF HEIN'S SU~OIVISION AS SFiOWN OPl A M/1P RECORD~D IN BOOK 10, PAGE 40 OF MISGELLANEOUS MAP5, RECURDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. FOR THF PUFlPOSE9 OF THIS DESCRIPTION TIiE LOT LINES ARE CONSIDERED AS BEING THE CENTERLiNF OF SUNKIST STREEt AND SOUTH STREcT AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOU7HERLY 575.b0 FEET, MEASURED ALONC3 THE CENTERUNE OF SAIO SUNKIST STREET, TNEREVF. PARCEL 3: THE SOUTHERLY 472.00 FEET OF LOT 3 OF H~IN'S SUBDIVISION A~ SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED Ifv BOOK 10, PAG~ 40 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECQRDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS DESrRIPYION THE LUT LlNES ARE COfVSIOERcD AS BEING THE CENTERUNES OF SUNKIST STR~ET AND SOU?H STiiEET AS SHOWN AN BAID M-1P. EJCCEPTING THE~EFROM 7HE SOUTHERLY 400.Q0 FEET, NEASURED AT HIGHT ANGLES, THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Ptannfng Commissfan dki hdd a publ~ hoartng at the Civic Center In the City of Anaheim on March 9,1992 et 1:30 p.m., notfce ot st+id puWic hearing hevlnfl been du~y glven es requlred by low and In eccordance with thR provlsfons oi th~ Anaheim Munlcipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hoar and conaider evidence lor and a~ainst said proposed rgclasafticetbn and to Irwo~tlsatu erxi mako findings and recomntondations (n Gonnectlon therewith; and that safd puWic Iiearing waa continued to the May 4, 1992 Planninfl Comrrsissfon meeting; end WFiEREAS, seid Commisalon, aRer dus Inspectf~n, irnostipation and study made by ftsolf ~r~d in Ns bohal', nnd after due con.sideradon of eif ovidence arxi rep~rts otfered at said hoaring, doas ihxl and detarmfne the loltowing tacts: CRt 4JOMS.wp -1 • PC92-58 1. That ths petitionor propases racl~ssiffctation of subJact property trom the RS-A- 43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the RS-7200 (Rasidonttal, Sfngla-Famlly) or a less intonso zone. 2, ThAt the Anahelm General Plan designates subject property for Low DAnsigy Residontial land uses permitting up to 6 dwelling units per gross acre (4.7 units per gross ecre proposed). 3. That the proposed reclassifictitfon of subJoct propertyto tho RS•7200 Zono conforms to the exlsHng Ganeral Plan designation. 4. That the proposed reclassiffcation ot subject properiy la necosst~ry and/or desirablo for !he orderly and proper dpvelopmont of the community. 5. That the proposed reciassEficatfon oi subject proporly does properiy relate to tho zonas and thelr pormittod uses local{y establlshed In close proxfmity to subJect property and to tho zones and thefr permitteci uses yenomlly established throughout the community. 6. That two (2) people indfca!ed tho(r presence at sald pubifc hearing in tavor; and thHt no corrospondence was received in opposition to subject potition. CA~,IFORNII~ENVIRONMEN'1'Al. f~UALITY ACT FINDING: That ihe AnAhe(m City PlAnning Commission hae reviewed tlie pro~osal to reclassfly subjeat oroporry from the RS•A-43,000 (Residentlal/Agricultural) to the RS-7200 (Residential, Single-Family) Zane wfth wafvers nf min(mum lot width, locatfon and orientatlon of buildfngs, and required sito screening to conatruct four single-family residences on a rectangularly-shaped parcal o( land con~ist(ng of approximately 1,07 acreJ, having a irontage of approxfmAtaly 268 feet on the east side of Sunkist Avenue, havtng a rstaximum d~pth of approximately 174 feet, being lacated approximately 400 teet nnrth ot the centorline oi South Street and further described as 510 South Sunkist Street; and does hereby approvo the Negative Qocloratlon upon tindinq that the declaratlon reflects the fndependeni Judgement nf the lead agency and that ft has considered the Nagativs Declaration together with any comments received durfng the ~ub:ic ravlew prxeas and iurther iinding un the basfs of the initial study and any comments received tFiat tFiere fs no substantial evldonce that thR project will have a oignificant eNoct ~n the envtronmdnt. NOW, 7HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cammission does hereby approve the subjoct Petitfon iur ReclassN(cation to authorize an emendmant to the Zoning Map of the Anaheim Municipal Code to exclud9 tha above-describeci proparty irom the RS-A-43,000 (Restdentioi/Apricultural) Zono and to incorporate safd described property Into the RS-7200 (Resident(al, Singie-Femily) Zone upon the toilow(ng conditions which ar3 hereby found to lx~ a necessary prerequisRe to the proposed use of subJect property in order to preserve the satety and general wol(are ot the Citizens of the City of bnehofm: That a iee ior atreet lighting purposes shall be pald to the City of Anahaim based on the length of street (rontage along Sunkist Street fn an amount as established by City Council resolutfon. That prfor to placement o( en ordinance rezoning subject property on an agenda for City Councli constderation, Condition No. 1, pbove-montioned, shatl be compl~ted. The City Council may approve or dfsapprovo a zonfng ordfnance et its discretfon. It the ordinance Is dfsepproved, tha procodura set (orth In Anahe(m Munfcipnl Code Sectlon 18.03.095 aht~ll apply. The provisions or r{ghta granted by this resdutlon shal~ becortio null and vofd by action of the Pisnning Cammission unless aaid condltfons ere compllod wlth wkhln nne jt) y~ar trom the date oi this rosdution, or such turther !fine as the Plann~nfl Commtsston may gr~nt. -2- PC92-58 3. That approvsal of thls ~ppllcatlon constitutes approval of tha proposed requast only to tho extent that ft complies with the Anahe(m Municipal Zoning Code and eny other appllcable Ciry, Stato and Federal regulatlons. ApprovAl daea not include ~ny action or (indings ~s to compilance ar approval ot the request regarding any other applicable ardfnance, reguiation or requlrement. B~ IT FURTNER RESOWEU that the Anaheim Cfty Planning Commission does her~by ifnd And determine that adoptlon of this Resolutlon is expressly prodicated upon applicanYs complienco with each end all of the conditlons horetnAbove set forth. 5hould any such conditions, or any part thereot, be declared Invalid or urtantorceable by ttie i(nal Judgment af any court of GompAtent jurisdlctlon, then this Rosoiution, and any approvals here(n contained, shall be deemed -sull and vold. DE IT FURTH[R RESOWED, that thia reaolution shali not constitute a rezoning oi, or a oommitment by tYie City to rezone, the aiibloct property; any such rezanfng shall requlre an ordinance of the City Councll whfch shall be a ieg(slative act which may be ~ roved or denlai by the City Councll at its sole discretion. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was ad ed t th I'I Ing Commissiun meeting of May 4, 1992. ! - ! ' f` CHAIRMAN PNO TEMPURE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM SION ATTEST: / ts.~ o i ~ ~ .CRETARY, AyAi"j~ITY PLANNlNG COMMISSION </ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OHANGE ) ss. CITY OF /1NAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secretary of the Anahoim City Planning Commiss;on, do haroby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and edopted ot a meeting of the Anahclm Ciry Planning Commlasion held on MAy 4, 1992, by the followinp vote of the members theroof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BRISTOL, NENNINGER, MESSE, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CUMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, HELLYER, F'ERAZA IN WI'TNESS WHEREOF, I have horeun!o set my hand this ~~ day of ~d~~ 1 ,~ ~ 1992, G ~J . /' CRETARY,~EI CITY PLANNING COMMISSI~N ~ •3- PC92-°i8