Resolution-PC 92-74;,v.~,~ .~IESOLUTIQN Nl~, PG92-'4 ~ A RESOLUTION OF TI-IE ANiAHEiM CITY Pf.ANNING C011AMIS~~ON FINDING THE PROPOS~D SICN TO BE IN SUE~STANTlAL CONFORMANCE WITW SPECIFIC PIAN N0. 90-01 WHEREAS, an March 27, 1990, following Planning Commission appraval, the City Council, undor Ordinanco No. 5109, approved Specific Plan No. 90•01 (I'he Festival ~t Anaheim Hills) to permit approximately 533,950 square ~eet of retail space, a 4,000-squc~re foot service station, a 33,U00-square foot theator, a 150-roCm hatel with a 7,50C~ •squaro foot freestanding restaurant and a 240,000-squara foot business commeraiai area far faur povelopment Areas on ~ighty-five (85) acres; ar~d WHEREAS, Specific plan No. 90-01 (SP 90-Qi) inciucles certain zoning and development standards which pertain to specitic permitted uses and specific development standards inciuding sfgnac~e; and WHERE~,S, S9ctions and ~fi 5P 90-01 spocify that the finai site plan and any chanr~es thereto shall be submitted to the Planning Dir~ctor for apprnval and that the Planning Uirector's decisfo~s shall be finai unies~ appealed to the Planning Commissian within a period of 10 days from such decis un; WHEREAS, on September 10, 1990 the Anaheim Ciry Plarming Commission ~approved Conditional Use Permit No. 3333 to permit a convor~ience food store and c~ar wash in connoction with the previou~lyapprayod service station; WHEREAS, the petitioner submitted pl~ns to the Planning Director fo~ his determination as to whether the location of a~roposed ground-mountecE monument sign for the approvad service station is in substantial canform~nCe with the originally approved siyn plan for Specific Plan No. 90•01 bocause said original plan did .09~ show a service station sign orisnted to Santa Ana Canyon Road (as is currently proposedy; WHEREAS, the Planning Directar did .n~.~ find the proposal to be in substantial conformance ~ith the ~pproved final site plan for the following reasons: six major tdnant identi~cation signs were approved along Sant~ Ana Canyon Road ur~der tlie originai 5ign program and this wauld be the seventh; that tho intent of the c~riginal sign pro~ram was to advertlse only major tenants (hmving over 15,n00 sq.ft. of floor ~rea each) along Santa ~na Canyon Road; that one of the six approved multi-tenant signs is located on aubJect service station site; and that approval of a seventh sign c;ould set an undesirable precadent for ~imilar reque~ts by other tenants; CR1527MS.wp -1- PC92-74 ~"L~' WHEREAS, the petitioner ~ppe~aled the Planning ~irector'a dec~sion to the Plannin~ Commission; WHERFAS, the City Pianning C~ammission did liold a public hearing at the Civic Center in tho City of Anal~eim on June i5, 199?, at 1:30 ~.rr~., notice of said public hearing having been duly qiven a~ required by law and in accordance with the provfsions of the Anaheim Municip~al Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider ovidence fo; ard against saicl prop~sal and to investigate and mak~ findinps and recommendAtfons in ccmnection therewith; ano WHEREAS, said Commission, aRer due i~~ ,.~ction, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideratian of ail evidence and raports oNered et saici hearing, c!a .. find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a sign having a maximum height of six (8) feet and a disp(ay arva of approximately fifty ane (51) square iset. 'The p~titioner furthe! prapose3 to include the Chevron oiI company IogU, a fist of gasoline prices and r~lerence to the tood mart on seid sign. Z. That onA person indicated his presence at said public hearing in opposiiion; and that no correspondonce was received in opposition to the subject petition. ~ALIFORhIA ENV180~"v.~NTAL QUA' ITY ACT FINDING: EnvironmeMal impact Report Na. 300 was ceRified by the Ciry Counc~t on March 27,1990 in c~nnection witti the spoc'rf'ic plan apprnval. Environmental impacts and mitigation measures wera ad~ressed through tho certification process and no additianal i~mpacts beyond those prev(ously i~n 'tii'ied wiA rasuk from this propo3al. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plann~ng Commis~i~~ doss haret~y determine that the proposed location ot the ground-mour~ted monument signs for the e~pproved serv~ce stetion :o be fn substenti~i cnnfo~manoe wkh Specific Plan No. 90-01. THE FORECOIN(i RESOLUTION ~vas adoptEsd et thd Plau~ning Commission meoting ~f June 15. 1992. ., i ~ j ~ ~~ / ~~~ / CNA AMAN, ANAMEiM C PLANNiN GOM SSION ATTEST; ~. ~l..j.~~~ 'f.J,~l~''7/ILf~t .; ; ;4~,c~Nri-C' SECqET,~pY; ANAHElM CITY FU-NNING CUMMIS.~ION 2. PC92-74 ~II~`I. ~y~, N..JV:~~ STATE OF CALIFORNI~~ ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIiVI ) i, Margarit~ Solorio, :~ecretaiy of the Anahe(m Gity Planning Comm(ssion, dr~ hereby certify that tho fflrogoing resolution was pas~ed and ~dopted a: a meoting ~~f the Anahaim City Plr~nning Commission held on June 15, 1992, by the following vot9 ot the members thereof: AYES: GOMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRI~TOL, HELLYE~i, HENNiNGER, MESSE, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSCNT: COMMISSIONEHS: PERAZA {N WITN~SS WH~REOF, I have h~reurit~ s~t my hand thEs ~' _ day of _~(~~(~ , 1992. ~7'~7~ rr,~~uu~.~ ~~Gon~ SECR~'E1'aRY;.~NAHEIM CIT~ PLANNING COMMISSION -3• PC~i2-74