Resolution-PC 92-80R ESOL.UZI.Q_y,..~.Q~~,Q?-~}Q A RE~OLUTION OF TWE ANAHEIM CiTY PLANfviNG r01AMISSION Ti-IAT PETlTION FOR CONDITION4L USE PERMIT NO. 3500 BE GRANTED WHER~AS, the anaF~eim City Planning Commission did receivo a verified Petition for Conditional Use Pormit for certain re~i proporty situAted in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, descr(bed as: PARCEL 1 IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF OAA~lQE, STATE AF CALIFORNIA, AS SF~OWN ON A PARCEI MAP FILED IN BOOK 131, PAGE 28 OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUIYTY RECOADER OF SAID COUMY. lNFIEP,EAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public heari~g at the Civfc Centor in the City of An~heim on June 15, 19J2, at 1:30 p.m., notice of s~id public hoaring having been duly given as required by I~w and in eccordance with the provisions nf ttie Anahoim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidencd tor and against said proposad conditional use permit and ta investigate and make ~ndings and recammendations in connection therewith; and that said public hearing was continu~d to the June 29, 1992 Rlanning Commission meetin~; and WHEREAS, said Commissi~n, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself an~ in iis behalf, and aftor due consideration of ~II evidenca and repArts offersd ~t said hearing, does find and determine the tollowing facts: 1. That tt~e proposed use is properly ona fnr which a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipa! Code 5ection t4 retain ~n industriallyrelated o~ice huilding including training seminars and ~~ith waiver of: .~CYION~ - Minimum nu~• er af oarkinQ snaces. 18.06.0. .~Q 02~1 (336 so~ces required; 46 s aces ~~lstina) 18.~.050.031 ,~.06.080 ,~ 18.~1.066,050 2. That the parking variance will nat ca~s~ an increas~ in tra~c congestion in the immediato vicin'~ty nor advsrsely aNect any adjoining land uses becau~e it is specific~lly approved for the following use of subjoct property: 10,879 sq. ft. of offico use and 2,921 sq. R. of traininp a: ea; 3. That the granting o4 the parking variance under the Gonditions imposed wi!I not be detrimeMal to the peac9, heakh, safety or genergl welfare of the ciUzens of the City oi Anaheim; 4. Th~t th0 Red~velopmer~t Commission found the proposed usA consistent with the goals oi ProJect Area Alpha; CR1536M5.wp -1- PC92~0 5. That based upnn the peal< hours nf operation far the seminar use as compared to the typical hours of operation for the surrounding land ~~ses, the seminar use will not aclversely affect any adjoining land uses; 6. That the proposed u:ce is pro~erly one for which a condition~i use permit is authorized by the Zoning Code; 7. That the pruposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and devalopment of the area in wh~ch it ts praposed to ba located; 8. That the proposed use is simitar in t~pe to those in the La Palma Business Park which adjourns the subiect prap~r#y to the narth ar~d e~st; 9. That the size and sh~pe of the site for the proposed use is adequate to allow the full develr~pmAnt of th~ proposed use in a inanner not detrimental ta the particular area nor to the peace, haalth, s~fety, ~nd g9neral welfare; 10. That the tra~c g~nerated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the aroa; 11. That the granting of the conditional uso pormit under the conditions imposed will not be detrimental ta the peace, health, safaiy and g6neral welfare of the citizens ot the Cit~ of Anahelm; 12. That subJect requeat is approved for a period of one (1) year; and 13. That two (2) peaple indicated thefr presenGe at said public hearing in opposition and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subJect petition. CALIFOF3N:~EL`I~~~R~~TALQUALITYA~IFl~~.LNSz~ mattheAnaheim Ciry Plannin~ Commission has reviewed the propasal to retain an industrlally-rela4ed o~co building including training seminars with waivar of minimum number of parking spaces on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of a~proximately 0.95 acre located at th~ northeast corner ofi La Paima Avenuo and Van Buren Street, having approximate frontagos ai 32 feet on the north side of La Palm~ arid 278 iset on th9 ~ast side of Van Buren Street, and further describsd as 40~1 East La Palma avenue; and does her~by approve the tdegative Deciaration upon finding that the declaration refiocts the independent jud~~ment of the lead agency and thai it has considered the Negative Dec!aration together with any comments received during the public review process and further finding on the basis uf the initial study and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the project wiil have a significant efFect on the enviranment. NOW, YHEREFOFiE, BE IT RESOWGD that the Anai~eim City Pianning Commission does hdreby grant subJect Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following ~onditions which are h~reby found to be a necessary prerequisita to the .2_ PC92-80 proposed uso of the ci~~ie~ properiy ir~ orc~er to preservo the sa!c:ry and g~neral eveifarp of the Citizens of thA City of Anaheim: 1. That ~ Plan Sheet for solid waste st~rage and colloction, r~nd a plan for «cy~l4ng shsll he submitted to the DepartmeM of Maintenance for review r~nr~ approval. 2. That sfdewalks shall be Installed along Van Buren Street in accordance with standard plans and specifica4ions on file in the OffiGe t+f the Ciiy E~gineer. 3. Th~t a 4raffic signr~l assessment iee equaling tha differance b~tween th~ ir~c'ustri~! and office assessment fees shal{ be paid to the ~ity of Anahoim ir~ an am~~unt ~~ estabiished by City Councif Ftesotiution Np. 91 R-193. 4. That plans shall be submitted to the Gity Traffic and Tr~nspartation M~ryac~~er far his review and approval sho~-ing contorrnancs with the I~tas~c ~-avision of En~ineering Standard Plan Nos. ~136 and 502 pertaining to parkin~ st,~ndards ~nd drivew~y location. Subject R~aPertY shall thereupon be develeped ~rid m~int3ined in conformanae with said plans. 5. That pri~r to conducting any semi~ars, the ~petitionar sh~ll obtain a~:b~ic ~ss~mbly permit from the Fire ~epartrnent. 6. Th~t the propase~ office uses shall be limited to the f~llowing list~d ~ases and that an unsubordinated covenant, r~viewod ~nd aNpravod by th~e Ciry Atbrney's ~ific~ so-limiiing said usas, shall be recorded i~ the QtfiCB Of thp rJ1"Bf~~A Cou-~ty Recorder, a copy of which shall be submitted to the Zoning Division: 1. Accounting - Bookkoe~ing, CPA Firms or t~mpor~ry ~Pi4 Fifms 2. Advertising 3, qppraisers 4. B~nks 5. Brokers - Real Estate, Business Opportunities, ~tc. 6. Business System Companies 7. CommunicaGnn Consultants S. Computer Artialysis Firms 9. Gredit Roporting Agencies 10. DASigners • Industrial, Interior, Grapnic 11. Deve~opment Com~anles 12. FaCility Maintenance and Planninp 13. Insurence Companies/Agens:iss 14. Inventory Senrices 15. Leasing Compa~ies ~ 6, M~nagement Consultants/Companies 17. AAarketi~g Re~earch 18. Persnnna! Agoncies 19. tluatity Control Analysis -3- PC92-80 20. Sales 4ifiGes (which serve the industrial are~) 21. Seminar Facility (industrially-related) 22. Secretarial and Business 5ervicAs 23. Any uss permitted under Zoning Code Sectinn 18.61.020 "Permitted Primary Uses and Structures," and subject to all conditions of saici S~ction. Each individual use shall roquire the written approval of the Zoning Division pr(or ta occu~anc~~ which approval shall anly be given when it is demonstrated that such use is either an oxF~ essiy permilted use in such zone or msets the criteri~ of ~oGtion 18.61.U50.145 "Coriditional Uses and Structures" of the Anaheim ~Aunicipai Cade. 7. That subJect proporty shall be developed substantially in accordance with pians and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by tha petitioner and which plans are on fiile with the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos.1 throu~h a. 8. That any semiriars of similar meetings takin~ place during the day prior to 6:30 p.m. shall be limited to a maximum of one hundred (100) attenders. 9. 'T'hat ~ minimum of o7e h~ndred (100) oTf-site parkinfl spaces shall be Abtained by ths petitionor. 10. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, ~, 4, 6 and 9, above-mentioned, shai{ be completed within a period oi ninety (.90) days from the dato of this resolution. 11. That subject use permit shall expire one (1) year from the dnto of this res~luti~n; p~ovided, hawever, that time extensions may t~e raquested in connection with a public hearing and, if approved, the use ma; continue for the additional spec~9d time. 12, Th~t approval of this aFalication constitute~s approval of the proposed request only to the extent tfiat it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code ar~d any atFier applicable City, State anr.' ~edoral regulations. Approval does not include any actian or ~ndings as to compliance or approvai of the request ragarding ~nY oth~r applicable ordinance, rogulation or r~quiremont. BE IT FUR i FI~R RES01-VED that the Anaheim City Planning Cor~m;ssion does hereby find and detgrmine ths~t adoption of this Resolution is expressly preclicated upon applicant's ce-*aliance with each and all of the conditians hereinabove set forth. Shauld any such condition, or any p~-rt thereof, be de-clarec! invaiid or unenfor~eable by the finai judgment of any c~urt of comPetent Jurisdictian, then this Resol4r~ion, and any anprovals ~srein contained, shall be doEmed nuli and void. .4. PC92•80 THE FOREGOI~iG RE50LUTION was adopt~d at the Planning Commission meeting of June 29, '1992. ~Jr r-~_ ~~~ ! ~ ~-!`.- fTY'~PI:AN~~ trIVC C~SION CHAtRMAN, ANAHEIM C ATTEST: 7 .1 ________ yf,~ -,~L~ ~~, .~____ SEGRETAI~Y, AH M CITY PL4NNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAH~IM ) I, Margarita Salorio, Secretary af the An~heim City Planninq Ccmmi~sion, do hereby certify that the foregoinq rosolution was ~aessed and ado~ted at a meeting of tho Anaheim City Planning Commission held on June 29, 19~2, by ihe foilowinq vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMI~SION~RS: BOUAS, BRIS70L, HEL.LYER, NENNINC3ER, MESSE, ZEM~L NOES: COMMISS{OfVERS: NQNE AgSENT: COfu1MISSIONEFiS: PERAZA 1 IN WITN~:~S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this /~`~ day af . , 199Z. tf '/~ ~--- SECRETA , AI~ HEIM CITY PLANNIN a COMMISSION _5. PC92-3a