Resolution-PC 92-85RESOLUTL N N .Q PC5?ti$~ A RES~LUTIQN OF TNE ANAHEiM CITY PLANNING COMMIS510N THAT PETITIC~N FOR CONDITIONAL U5E PERMIT NO. 3523 BE GRAN7ED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City ~'lanning Commissi~n did receive a verified Petition for Conditional U~e Pormit for certalii reaf property situated in the Ciiy of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, describ~d as: THAT PORTION OF LO7 31 OF ANAM~IM EXTENSION A5 SHOWN ON A MAP OF COUNTY ECORDER OIF LOS ANGELtS COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT POR1'ION OF LOT 31 OF ANAHEIM FXTENSION, AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF SURVEY BY WILLIAM HAMEL, A COPY OF WNICH IS SHOWN IN BOOK 3, CAUNTY P,ECO DER O~SOR NGE~COUNl'Y, CAL FpORN A~ DESCRI ED AS FOLLOWS: ~EGINNING A7 THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTE~i LINE OF WALNUT STREEf, (Ei0 FEET WIDE), AND THE WFSTERLY pROLQNGAYION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE AF TRACT Nl~. 1394 AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECnRDED IN BOOK 54, PAGES 47-49 OF NIISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF URANGE COUNT!, CALIFORNIA, THEPICE ALONG SAID SOUTHERI.Y LINE NORTH 74° 18' 15" EAST 26f3.17 FEET; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES THERETO, ~OUTN 15° 43' 45" EAST 116..ri0 FEET THENCE AT RIGMl' ANGLES Th1ERET0, SOUTH 74° 16' 16" 1NEST 300.28 FEET'f0 A POINT IN SAID QENTER LINE OF WALNUT STREE'f; THENCE ALONG SAID CENTER LINE NORTH 0° 1~J' 18" NlEST 120.H4 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. WHEREAS, tha City Planning Comrnission did hold a public hearing ~t the Civic Center in ti~e City of Anaheim on , 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public t~earing having been duly givon as required by law and in accordance with ti~g provis~ons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, tA hear anc! consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use pormit and ta investigate and make tindings and recommendations in cor~noction ther9with; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aiter due inspection, investi~ation ~nd study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evid~n~e end reports offered at said hoaring, does ~nci and determine tho following facts: 1. That the pr~posed use is properly one for which a conditionai use permit is authorized b~~ Anaheim Municipal Code Sections ' and to permit a women's transition~i residential center for up to twonty (?_0} guests and two (2} on•site managors. .1. PG92-85 CR1543MS.wp 2. 1'hat the proposed use is uroperly one for which a conditional use permit is autharized by the 7_oning ~ocle. 3. That the proposed use is similar in nature to the existing bod and breakfast inn and would not craate any obvi~us change to the appearance and charactoristics of the surrounding neighk~orhood. 4. That the use of carpooling for the #amporary r~sic~ents will r~duce the number of vehicles and trips in comparison to re~idents using separate vehiclas. 5. That ths proposed use will not adversely affect the adJoinin~ land usos and the grawrh and deuelopment of the ~rea in which it is propos~d to ~ie located. 6. That th~ size and shape of the ~ite for the propoaed use is adequata to allov~ the full development of ihe proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nar tU the peace, health, safeiy, and generel welfaro. 7. 7hat the traf8c gonerated by the propased uso will nat impose ~n undue burden upon the streets antl highv~ays designed and improved ta carry the traffic in the area. 8. 7hat tho granling of the conditional use permit under the conditions imposed will not be datrimental to the peace, health, safet~ and genors! wetfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. g. That fifteen (15) people in opposition and twelve (12) people in i~vor indicated their presence at said public hoaring; and that no correspondencP was raceived in oppositfon tn the subject petitlon. ~A~I ~,1R IA ~NVIRONMENTAI_ DUALqy ACT FINDING: The Planning Director or his authorized represontative has cleterrnined that tiie pmposed project fall~ within the definition of ~at9gorlcol F~cemptions, Class 3, as ~efined in the Stato EIR Guidelines and is~ therefore, categorically ~xempt from the requirement to prepara an FIR. NOW, TMEREM=CIRE, B~ IT R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subJeGt Potition for Conditlona~ Use Permit, upon the foll~wing conditinns which are herAby found to be ~ necessary prerequi5ite to the proposed use of the subject properry in order to preseroe the safety and general welfare af the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: That the occupar~cy of sub~oct f~tcility shall be limited to a maximum of twdnty (20) ~female ~ esidents and twa (?.) staff members. 2. That plans si~all be s~bml-lad to the City Traffic a~d Transportation Manager for his review ~and approval showinc~ conformance with the letest revislon of Engineering 5tandard Plan Mos. 436, f,02 and 610 portaining to parking standards and driveway locations, Subject pruperty shall thereupon be doveloped and maintained in conformance v~ith said plans. .Z. PC~2-85 3. 7h~t the owner of subJect pr~perty shall submit a letter rAquesting tormination of Conditional Use Permit NoJ. 2~s83 (permitting a bed and breakfast inn with waiver of minimum side yard setback) and 2666 (permitting wedding services and receptions, and meeting/seminar functions in conjunctinn with the bod ~nd break~ast inn) to the Zoning Division. 4. 'That a Plan Sheet far ~~lid wasta storage and collectinn, and a alan for recycling shall ~e submitted to the Department of Maintenanc~ for reviow and approval. 5. That subject proadrty shalt be devetoped substantially in accordance with planc and specifications submitted to the City of Mahaim ~y the petitioner and which pians are on file with the Ptanning Departmont marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3. 6. 7hat prior to comm~ncement of the activity authorized by this resolution or within a period of one (1) year from the date of thi~ rosolution, whichover occurs hrst, Condition Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5, abnve-merrtioned, shall be complied with. Exterrsiona 1or furthor time to complete said conditions may be grented in ~ccordancs with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 7. Thet subject use qermit shall expire riflhteen (18) morrths hom the date of this resotuti~n; provided, however, that time extensions may be requested in cnnnection with a public hearing and, ff approved, the use may co~inue tar the edditional time specfied. 8. Tha4 approvaf of this epplication constitutes approval of tho proposed request ~nly to the extertt thet it compties with the Ar~aheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicabte City, Siato ~nd Feder~l regutations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any otlnr appliceble ordinence, regulation or requiremoM. gE 11' FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissior does heroby find and determine that adoption ai this Resolution is expreasy predicated upw~ ~pplicant's campliance with each and e~ of the conditions hereindbove set forth. Shoutr; any such condition, ar erry part thereof, be declered invalid or unenforceable by the fi+~al judgment ~i gny aourt of competent ~uriadictiort, then this Resolution, end any a~prov~ls heroin conteined, shaA be de9med nuil and void. -3- PC92-85 THE FUREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at tF~e Planning Commission meeting nf June 23, 199?.. , / / ~ '~~ z~-- ~ ~./ 1~:~ ~ ~MaIR AN, ANAHEIM CITY i~LA ING OM i SION ATTEST: ----c~~~/u .I~ ~~c~d /~CC? SEf;RETARY, ANA~l~IM C~TY f'LANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGC ) ss. CITY OF ANl-HEIA~ ) I, ~-largaritn Solorio, Secretary of iho Anahaim City Planning ~~mmigs(on, do hereby certHy that the foregoing rc~solution was passed and adopt~d at a meeting of the Ansheim Ciry Planning Commi~sion heid on June 29, 1992, by the fo~lowing vate of the members ther~of: aYES: COMMI3SIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL, H~LLYER, HENNINGER, MES3E~ ZEMEL NOES: COMMiSSIONERS: NONE ABSEN'~: COMMIS510N~RS: PCHA7J~ IN WITNESS WHEREQF, I h8ve harc~unto set trty hand this ~~~ d8iy Of ~. r .(i,~ , 199?.. • ~ ~ 1 ) t ~~~ ~ ~ ~,,./~il ~L.~•, SECRETA'RY, _, ANEIM ~ITY PU1NN{NG COMMISSION -4- PCA2•65